Getting My Boss

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jan 11, 2021


Getting My Boss

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious

Getting My Boss -- Chapter 8

We continued silently hugging until I finally let Charley go. As I did a sigh escaped his lips as he stepped back. "Thank you, sir," He said softly with his upper-class British accent, then looked at me one last time and left the apartment. I did not see or hear from Charley the rest of the week. Part of me wanted to check on him, but I was swamped with work orders.

On Monday I received a memo informing me that the bean counters would be in for the yearly audit. I rolled my eyes trying to think about all the work that goes into an audit. This would be my first one as department manager. The memo said that all department heads were to meet the next day in the boardroom at 8am sharp, to talk to the executive committee.

"Shit, that meant I had to wear a suit" I thought to myself as I placed the letter on the desk and started my day. The next day I put on my dark blue suit with my blue shirt and my corporate looking tie and headed into the office. I did not bother going to my desk, instead I headed up to the executive suite and the board room.

Emily was busy setting out coffee, water, and little biscuits and some pastries. Oh and of course tea for our British board members. I grabbed a bottled water and took a seat at the table. Moments later some of the other department heads started showing up. We waved and nodded to each other as everyone quietly took their places.

Charley walked into the room and he gave me a quick glance, then diverted his eyes. He was wearing a dark grey pinstripe suit with a starched white shirt and a print tie. He looked like a model for some British men's catalogue. I couldn't help but think about how different he looked dressed in a suit vs during our sessions dressed in some leather. It was like looking at 2 completely different people.

The board members took their seats and kicked off the meeting to discuss the upcoming audit. "Who is responsible for the IT group" one of the board members asked. "That would be Jake" Charley said, turning to look at me briefly. "Since this is his first audit, I will work with him directly" he added in a sharp demeaning tone. The board member sniffed then went back through the other departments one at a time. I sat feeling embarrassed and angry at his comment. I had been working for this company, in this department for much longer than he had.

"Jake, please see me in my office so we can get started on the audit" Charley said once the meeting concluded, and I followed him through the board room to his office still feeling the sting of his remarks. Charley turned to me but lowered his head. "We will need to review all the IT department records over the past 12 months. We will need all the manual records as well at digital records." Charley explained. I could tell this interchange was awkward for him.

"Did you enjoy talking to me like that boy? Did it make you feel important?" I asked grabbing him by the tie and pulling him hard towards me. "Sir, no sir" Charley said softly a look anticipation on his face. "You may be the boss, but I am in charge and don't forget it boy" I said releasing the tie. "Sorry sir" Charley said softly, and I could see his dick growing in his grey suit pants.

Charley handed me the list of records he needed, but instead of heading to the door I moved towards Charley and placed my hand on his crotch. His dick was still hard. "Don't" he said in a passive hushed tone but did nothing to move away. I didn't remove my hand, I just tightened it on the hard mound and Charley let out a sigh.

I began stroking his cock through the soft wool trousers. Charley softly moaned as I did. "Do you like that boy?" I asked. Charley nodded with his eyes shut tight. "Do you want me to stop?" I asked, Charley shook his head yes, then immediately no. I grinned knowing he liked what I was doing. I continued stroking him and feeling his cock swell to fully engorged hardness. Charley's breathing became labored and raspy and he began to moan softly.

I pulled my hand away and gave him a little slap on the face which caused his eyes to open. "I will get you the audit info." I said then turned to leave. I looked back before walking through the door and I could see an anguished pleading look on Charley's face as he adjusted the boner in his trousers. "You are not allowed to relieve yourself" I added before leaving the room.

I met with my team and we began pulling all the documentation that the bean counters requested. The work was not hard but took lots of effort to find all the corresponding data. By 8pm we were all tired but most of the info was organized and ready to go. I sent my team home and figured I would finish it up before leaving.

By 10pm I was done, and I packed up my stuff and got ready to leave. As I was exiting the building heading to my car, I heard a voice. I turned to see Charley walking up to me. "Sir can I..." he stopped short and looked at the ground. He was still in his expensive suit however the tie had been loosened at the neck and he looked a bit more relaxed than he did earlier in the day.

"Can you what, boy?" I asked probably louder than I should have. "Can I service you sir?" he asked softly. "Yeah, maybe sometime" I said moving towards my car. "Tonight sir?" he asked, and I could hear a bit of begging in his voice. I was frustrated and horny and the idea of roughly breeding Charley's ass would be hot, but I wanted him to suffer. "Soon" I said and as I drove out of the lot, I looked back to see Charley standing in the road staring after the car.

Charley was nowhere to be seen most of the week as the audit continued. My department's work was done, and I could continue with normal operations. Finally, Thursday afternoon Charley poked his head into my office. "Good afternoon Mr. Withersby" I said loud enough for the rest of my team to hear. "What can I help you with?" I asked. Charley closed the door and opened a folder on my desk, so it looked like we were discussing business. "Please sir I need to see you. I will do anything you want, please" his voice was desperate. I could see the intent on his face, the pleading in his voice. "I think I have plans tonight" I said and a wave of emotions; anger, frustration and jealousy crossed Charley's face, but he said nothing. I stared at him for a few minutes longer waiting to see what he would do. "Please, I will do whatever you want" he said softly.

"Be at my place at 8pm. Wear your leather jacket with no shirt underneath and no underwear under your trousers. Do not shower and do not use any cologne. My door will be unlocked, and I will be in the bedroom. Enter the room dressed and I will instruct you from there." I said sternly and a calm came over Charley. "Yes, sir thank you sir" Charley muttered before quickly leaving my office.

After work I went to the gym and got a good sweaty workout in but left without showering. Then went home to wait for Charley. At just before 8pm, I grabbed a couple beers and went to my bedroom to get ready. I removed my shirt and pants leaving just my sweaty jock on, then I pulled my leather jacket on over my naked torso. I slipped my hands into my leather gloves and looked at myself in the mirror. I liked the way the leather jacket form fit to my body. I ran my leather gloves over my sweaty jock and played with my bulge, then moved to the bed to wait for Charley's arrival.

At exactly 8pm I heard the door open and moments later Charley entered the room. He had a boyish excitement on his face that he tried to conceal. As I instructed, he wore his leather jacket zipped almost to the neck and a pair of dark slacks. "Sir" he said sharply and stood waiting. I did not respond, I just looked at him from head to toe. He looked fuckin hot, but I didn't pay him the compliment.

"Unzip the jacket" I said and watched as he pulled down the zipper exposing his naked torso. "Remove your pants" was my next instruction and Charley did as he was told. As the slacks opened Charley's hard cock quickly came into view. "Did you pleasure yourself?" I asked looking at his hard dick. "No sir" Charley said looking directly at me with sincere intent.

I could feel my dick getting hard as I looked at Charley in his leather looking subservient and ready for my use. He really was hot looking especially dressed in the black leather. "Sit down" I said pointing to the side of the bed next to me. Charley tentatively took a seat and waited. "I need some beer boy" I said and looked at the beer sitting on the nightstand. Charley picked up the beer and handed it to me, but I did not take it, I just looked at Charley. "Feed it to me boy" I said in a nasty tone. Charley moved the bottle to my lips but again I refused it. "Feed it to me from your mouth" I replied and waited for him to figure it out.

Slowly Charley picked up the bottle and drank some of the beer, then looking directly into my eyes he moved closer to me and placed his lips on mine. I opened my mouth and allowed the beer to flow from his mouth into mine. "More" I said simply, and Charley repeated it by placing his lips on mine and allowing the beer to flow into my mouth then moving to repeat the process. On the next pass however, I placed my leather gloved hand behind his head and held his mouth on mine. Charley did not move as I drove my tongue deep into his mouth. As I did, a calm seemed to come over him.

As I kissed Charley, I pulled his body closer to mine. The smell of the beer mixed with the smell of the leather jackets and seemed to intensify as it got warmer. I ran my gloved hand down Charley's body and to his firm as and began to play with it roughly. Charley softly moaned.

Finally, I pushed Charley away and there was a look of longing on his face. "Unzip my jacket" I instructed as I lay on the bed. Charley reached over and pulled the zipper down till it unhooked at the bottom. I pulled back one of the sides of the leather exposing my chest. "Suck it" I said and waited for Charley to lower his head inside the jacket. Charley moved quickly to my left nipple and began to gently suck it as I instructed. I watched as Charley sucked on my nipple, it felt great and I was sure he would do it as long as I let him, but I wanted more. "Clean my pit" I said gruffly and lifted my arm to expose my sweaty pit. I waited to see if he would try to reject the request, but without hesitation he buried his nose and began to lick my hairy armpit.

"Fuck boy that's good" I said holding his head inside the leather jacket and into my pit. "Clean this one" I said and lifted my right arm for him to get access. Charley had to lean across my body now to be able to start licking. As his body moved, I could feel his hard dick pressing against my leg.

As Charley's body was draped across mine so that he could lick my armpit, I moved my mouth into the collar of his jacket and began to kiss his neck. Charley let out a loud moan as my lips began to kiss his skin. "Please don't sir, you'll leave a mark" Charley said softly as I began to suck on his neck. I moved my leather gloved hand and slapped him across the face. "Don't fuckin ever tell me what to do" a look of shock may have been on Charley's face, but his dick jerked hard against my leg.

"Are you clean boy?" I asked. "Yes sir" Charley said with some eagerness. I positioned Charley so that he was sitting on top of me, a leg positioned on both sides of my body. I reached for the nightstand and handed him a bottle of clear liquid. "You know what to do" I said looking into his eyes. Charley took some of the liquid in his hand and reached back for my dick and smeared it quickly all over the head and shaft, then reached behind him and smeared some on his ass.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked watching him take his time. Charley took hold of my cock then began to slowly position himself at the head. I could feel his ass slowly give way and my dick began to penetrate his warm hole. "Yeah, that's it boy. I want to be deep inside you" I said watching the expressions on his face of pure pain and pure pleasure.

Finally, my dick was deep inside Charley's ass and Charley had a look of complete satisfaction on his face. As I watched him, I placed my leather gloved hands on his legs and moved them up his inner thigh to his hard cock. "Do you like feeling me in you boy?" I asked softly "Yes sir. Very much sir" Charley responded eagerly, and I couldn't help to noticing the expression on his face.

Charley sat still for a few moments with my cock in his ass then he bent forward and brought his face towards mine, the whole time staring into my eyes. There was a calm about him that felt different. I moved my hands from his legs and brought them behind his neck and pulled him to me. His lips met mine and this time it wasn't rough, it wasn't the intenseness I had normally had with Charley, it was warmer and more honest.

Charley began to probe my mouth with his tongue and stroked my head with tender hands. As he did, a chill shot through my body and I could feel my dick swell with response to his touch. I pulled Charley closer to me as he continued to kiss me. Something was definitely different and it was echoing through every part of my body.

Was Charley starting to have feelings, more so than just sexual pleasures? Roughly, I pushed Charley away. A look of shock and surprise flashed across his face. "Get off of me" I said and pushed him off me as my dick pulled free of his ass and flapped, hard onto my belly. I stood up and moved to the side of the bed. "Get over here on all fours boy" I said regaining control. "Yes sir" Charley said and took the position. I thought I heard some disappointment in his voice, but he still complied. I took Charley by the hips and slid my hard dick into his ass and began to pound him hard. The slapping sound of my dick and balls fucking his ass mixed with the crackle sounds from our leather jackets. Occasionally, Charley would let out a low soft moan.

"Do you like this boy?" I asked slapping his ass with my leather glove. "Yes Sir" Charley said through grunts as I continued slamming my dick into his tight hole. In this position I could fuck Charley hard and really use his ass. "I am close boy. I'm going to fill your ass with my seed" I groaned. "Yes sir, please sir" Charley responded through pants and grunts.

I was so close that I had to force myself to stop fucking to keep from coming. I wanted to see Charley, I wanted to watch him while I fucked him. I wanted to see him cum. "Roll over boy" I said pulling my dick out of his ass and stepping back. Charley immediately rolled onto his back at the edge of the bed. Roughly I lifted his legs up onto my shoulders and shoved my dick back into his ass. Charley's eyes rolled back as he attempted to grab hold of his hard cock. "Whack" went my gloved hand smacking his away. "Did I say you could touch yourself boy" I asked. "No sir" Charley shot back a look of frustration on his face.

I reached for his hard cock with my gloved and started to slowly stroke it. "Oh yes sir that feels good sir" Charley moaned and buried his face into the leather jacket as his body tensed. His ass clamped down on my cock and I knew Charley was close as I stroked him and watched his every reaction. Charley began to pant, and I knew he was ready. "Come on boy, show me that load" I said and stroked a bit harder. Charley's legs pressed into my shoulders and his dick swelled and with a great squirt cum shot from his cock and landed perfectly on his chest.

A guttural sound came from deep within Charley from the intense orgasm. Other shots of cum quickly followed some of the white cream oozing onto the black leather gloves. Charley lay still, a great silence filled the room. I looked down at the cum on his chest and on my glove. "Lick it off" I said taking my index and middle fingers and placing them at his lips. Charley took hold of the gloved hand in his and directed the fingers to his mouth and began licking.

As I watched Charley licking my gloved hand, I began to fuck his ass. It did not take long, and I was ready to shoot my load inside him. With one last push, I grabbed hold of Charley's legs and let my cum flow deep into his ass. The orgasm was intense. When it was over, I felt drained in more than one way. My spent dick slide from Charley's ass and I flopped down on the bed next to him. The room was quiet for some time. Finally, Charley began to move, and I expected he was going to get up and get dressed even though I didn't give him permission. Instead, Charley moved closer to me and placed his head on my chest. "Thank you, sir," he said softly. I brought my gloved hand up behind him and rubbed his head.

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