Getting My Boss

By Greg Stevens

Published on Apr 30, 2020


Getting My Boss Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious

Getting My Boss -- Chapter 7

I looked down at Charley as the effects of the orgasm on my body subsided. He did not move as the thick creamy pools of cum oozed down his body. He did not try to talk or try to clean himself up. He sat quietly watching me.

"Get up" I ordered, and Charley rose to his feet without a word. Charley stood in front of me in the black leather bomber jacket that I made him purchase, the harness and the t-shirt that I had ripped wide open. Cum clung to his body and the harness. I moved in closer to Charley and inspected the blob of cum on the leather coat then licked it up with my tongue.

I grabbed Charley by the back of his head and roughly pulled him to me and shoved my cum coated tongue into his mouth. There was no resistance, no hesitation. I pulled Charley to me and I wrapped my arms around him, running my hands down the smooth leather and down to Charley's firm ass.

I could feel him moan slightly into my mouth as my hands caressed the firm globes. I pulled him even closer to me and he instinctively wrapped his arms around me. As our bodies meshed together, I could feel Charley's cock start to swell again between us. A part of me wanted to drop to my knees and suck his hard dick, but I stopped myself. I wanted to maintain the controlling role.

As much as I did not want to, I pushed Charley away. A look of confusion on his face. "Did I tell you that it was ok to get an erection?" I asked in a harsh tone. "Sir, no sir" Charley responded bowing his head. "Put your pants back on and get out of here. I am done with you for now." I barked. Charley looked disappointed but did as he was told. He slipped his slacks on over his naked lower body and adjusted his hard cock in the soft wool trouser material.

The dick was clearly outlined and did not seem to be going soft any time soon. I walked over to him and I ran my hand up the back of the leather jacket and under the fur collar. I pushed it up against the back of his head and held it there. With my free hand I grabbed his cock through the pants. Charley stood perfectly still.

"You did ok today" I said softly as I massaged the back of his neck. "Thank you, Sir" Charley responded. "I think you can do better. I think you want more." I said stroking his dick. "Yes sir" he responded, and I could see he liked the feeling of me stroking his hard cock. "You are still mine to control. Do you understand that boy? I still own you and can and will use you anytime I want. Is that clear" I asked softly into his ear. "Yes Sir!" he said almost shouting.

My hand continued stroking Charley's hard cock and his breathing became more ragged as I did. "Do you want to cum boy?" I asked. "Sir, yes sir, please sir" he said closing his eyes. "Ok boy I will allow you to cum" I offered and with that Charley reached for his zipper to release his dick. "Whack" my hand smacked his hand away. "No boy you are going to cum in your fancy trousers" I said harshly. A confused and possibly angry look came over Charley for a moment.

I moved my mouth close to Charley's ear and ran my tongue gently around the edge. The smell from the leather jacket was incredible. Then I buried my face in the fur collar of the jacket and started to kiss is neck while maintaining my movement on Charley's dick.

Charley started to pant and moan, I could feel his dick swelling and his body tensing up indicating he was getting close. "Are you getting close boy?" I asked in a taunting way. "Yes! Sir!" he grunted his response losing the uptight British attitude.

I continued kissing his neck inhaling the smell of the leather as I stroked his hard cock. I slowed down at times and sped up keeping him from shooting as long as I could. Again, Charley's body started to go rigid and his dick swelled. Then he let out a low hiss and his eyes shut tight and his back arched.

Warm cum started to flow inside his dark wool trousers and immediately soak through the material. I continued stroking and looked in front of him to see the wet spot spread. There was enough cum to make it look like he had pissed himself. When his body stopped convulsing, I let go of his dick and brought my fingers to his mouth. "Suck them" I said, and he started to lick them clean.

I pulled my fingers from Charley's mouth and stepped back and sat in the chair. Everything about Charley looked hot. His tousled hair, the exhausted fulfilled expression on his face, the black leather jacket open exposing his harnessed torso and down to his trousers with the big wet spot where the cum had flooded his pants.

I just kept my eyes locked on his. He tried to avoid looking me directly in the eyes however his eyes kept darting back to mine as if wanting to ask a question. "I am done with you." I said with a sneer. "You can leave" I said pointing to the door. "Sir thank you sir" he responded but did not immediately leave.

I just looked at him waiting. Finally, Charley turned towards the bedroom door and left the room. I watched as he walked down the hallway and towards the living room then I heard the front door open and close indicating he was gone.

I sat back in my chair naked except for my leather jacket. Images of Charley ran through my mind. Things I wanted to do to him filled my imagination. "I owned him" I thought to myself. I took of the jacket then cleaned up before getting into bed. I still had the smell of the leather from my jacket on my skin. A smell I could easily get off on.

In the morning I went for a quick workout then showered before heading into the office. I had a busy schedule for the day, but thoughts of Charley played through my imagination. I wanted to find a reason to go to his office, but work kept me busy. It was pretty much the same busy schedule over the next few days. Finally, by mid-day on Thursday, Charley showed up in my office.

"Good afternoon Mr. Withersby" I said in my best professional voice. "How are things in the department going?" he asked, and I noticed something in his voice and his look. "Very good sir." I said with a grin directed at him so no one else could see. "Good" he said simply then just paused. "When you have some time would it be possible for you to stop by my office to talk about some things?" he asked in his proper British accent. "Yes Sir" I responded. A half smile crossed his face and he left the room.

I purposely avoided his office and finished the day then went home. I started the day as usual on Friday with lots of meetings and issues that required my attention. At 1pm I received an email from Emily Peterson, Charley's personal assistant setting up a meeting for me at 4pm in his office. At 3:50 I started up toward the executive suite.

I did not see Emily when I entered the suite. Her computer was off, and the desktop was neatly arranged. "Come in" I heard when I knocked on Charley's door. I entered and closed the door behind me. Charley was sitting at his desk in his expensive suit and tie with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked sitting in a chair across from his desk. Normally I would have waited for him to tell me to sit. "Sir, I was wondering if" he started then stopped abruptly his face started to turn red as I watched. "Finish boy, you were wondering what?" I asked in a stern voice. "Did I serve you well the last time? Did I do everything you told me to?" he asked in a softer tone.

I looked up and stared directly into his eyes mostly to intimidate him. "yeah it was ok" I said trying to sound only mildly interested. His expression faded a bit. "Is that all?" I said rising from the chair and moving to the door. "Please sir. I need more" he said softly before I could make it to the door. I could not hold back a smile hearing him say this. I did not answer; I simply turned the knob and left the room.

I still had paperwork to get done so I headed back to my office. The rest of my team were getting ready to start their weekends and I let them go a few minutes early and I started on all my close out reports. By 6:30 I was done for the week. I locked up my office and headed into the parking garage to get my car. As I approached it, I saw Charley standing there waiting for me.

"What do you want?" I asked with a sneer. "Sir I can do better." he said in a begging tone. I liked hearing him beg for it. "My place 9pm" was all I said before getting in my car and driving away. I did not give him an opportunity to ask any questions.

On my way home I headed to the gym to get in a good sweaty work out. By the time I got home it was about 8:45 and there wasn't much time for a shower. I stripped off my sweaty shirt and gym shorts and laid on the bed in just my sweat soaked jock and socks waiting for Charley. At exactly 9pm I heard the door open, then I heard shoes being removed and then Charley showed up in my bedroom doorway.

He took his spot next to me wearing the leather jacket zipped up and another pair of expensive looking dark wool slacks. I did not provide any instructions initially, I just glared at him. Finally, I pointed to my sweaty sock. "rub your face on them" I said with a snarl. Charley looked at them and there was a brief hesitation then he moved to the end of the bed and bent down and started to rub his face on socks.

"Take remove them and lick my feet!" I said harshly and moved my foot closer to his mouth. Charley carefully removed the socks then bent forward started to lick. Once he had licked most of one foot, I provided the other one to lick. When I felt he had finished I pulled it away from his mouth.

"Come over here and lick my pits" I said raising my arms above my head exposing my sweaty, hairy armpits. Charley came to the side of the bed and bent down and put his nose into the sweaty pit and started to lick. As he did his hand settled on my chest for support.

"Yeah boy clean that pit" I moaned as he buried his face in it. I liked the feeling of the bristles on his face and the warmth of his tongue on my armpit. "Stop" I said abruptly. Charley was so into what he was doing that it took a moment for it to register.

He pulled his face up to look at me. His hair was tousled, and his face was wet from saliva and sweat. There was something very innocent and sexy about the way he looked at that moment. The professional smug, buttoned up look was gone. I put my hand behind his head and I gently pulled him towards me. Charley stared into my eyes as he moved closer. His head tilted slightly in anticipation of the kiss and just before our lips met his eyes closed.

I placed my lips on his softly and gave him a small kiss. His lips were soft and warm. Charley stayed in place and I slowly opened my mouth and using my tongue I parted his lips. Charley took my tongue into his mouth and allowed me complete access. As the kiss became more intense, I dropped my arm behind him and roughly grabbed his ass.

As I caressed his ass in the soft wool material Charley moaned into my mouth. "Open your pants" I ordered and without standing up Charley reached down and unbuckled his pants and opened the fly. Once the pants were opened up, I was able to push them down and hand him remove them to have free access of Charley's firm ass. I ran my hand roughly over his ass, pinching and squeezing as I went. Occasionally, I would pull my hand back and slap his ass causing a look of pained satisfaction to form on his face.

"Stand up I barked" and Charley did as i instructed without hesitation. I pulled my self up from the bed and moved quickly behind him. "Assume the position" I said, and Charley just looked at me. "Bend over boy and grab the bed" Charley did as I said presenting his ass to me.

"Do you need to be punished?" I asked running my hand over his ass. "Yes sir" he responded, and I immediately gave him a crack with my hand. I wasn't wearing the leather glove, so the sting was bit stronger and his ass turned red immediately. "Is this what you need boy?" I asked and again he responded with a "Yes Sir" Again I pulled back and slapped his ass causing the red mark to get larger.

I pulled my hand back and slapped his ass a few more times. Charley took it in stride not making much more than the slightest moan. I bent down and spit a wad on to Charley's ass then ran my finger over it and over his hole. Charley spread his legs to give me more access. His puckered hole was tight and warm.

"Make sure you control yourself boy. Or this may be the last time I will use you. Do you understand?" I asked as I started to drive my finger into his puckered hole. "Yes Sir" Charley grunted as my finger went deeper. Charley's asshole relaxed and soon my finger could probe deeper more easily.

I wanted to fuck Charley so badly. "I'm going to fuck your pretty ass Boy!" I said waiting to see if he would try to stop me. "Yes Sir" he said simply. I reached into the drawer and pulled out some lube. I poured some on my dick then ran my fingers over his ass crack and hole to apply some. Then I slid my lubed finger back into his hole. Charley did not make a sound as I rolled my finger around opening him up.

Finally, I pulled my fingers back and grasped my cock by the base. I was rock hard and dripping with precum in anticipation of fucking his tight hole. I slid the head into the puckered opening just past the first set of rings and just held it in place. Charley did not make a sound. "Just breath and relax" I said sliding slowly forward. "Yes Sir" Charley said with a deep grunt as my dick continued to slide forward.

Before long I was deep inside him. I started to slide my dick out then push it just as slowly back in holding firm to Charley's hips. I looked down at Charley bent over the bed in just his new leather jacket. The feeling of his ass on my dick, the look of him bent over and the smell of the leather was really driving me crazy. I loved the feeling, but I wanted more.

I pulled my dick from Charley's hole and smacked his ass hard. "Standup" I barked, and he did as he was told. I moved past him and laid on the bed. Charley stood silently his rock-hard cock pocking straight out. Get up here and straddle me I said. Charley looked confused for a second then climbed up on the bed placing a leg on each side of me.

"Move up towards me and lower yourself on my cock." I ordered and Charley arranged himself and positioned his ass directly onto the head of my hard dick. Slowly he impaled himself lowering down till he was on top of me.

His face was a mixture of pain and pleasure as he moved. "Now ride my cock, boy" I said looking into his eyes. Charley slowly lifted up, then moved back down and repeated this motion. Soon he was moving faster, and I was lifting my hips up, pushing into him. Charley placed his hands on my chest to stabilize himself.

Charley's eyes shut tight as the we worked in unison fucking his tight ass. I was getting close, but I wasn't ready to cum. "Stop" I said sharply and Charley obediently froze in place. I looked up at him and pulled down the zipper of the leather jacket. Charley was wearing the harness underneath. I reached up and felt his chest then found his nipples. I placed a thumb and forefinger on each then started to slowly tighten my grip on them.

Charley's cock was laying on my stomach and each twist of his nipples seemed to make his dick jump. "Come here" I said softly and grabbing hold of the leather harness pulling Charley towards me. I placed a hand behind his head and pressed my lips to his. Charley placed his hands on either side of me on the bed.

Once again, I started to raise my hips and push my dick into his tight hole. Charley moaned deeply into my mouth as my dick filled his ass. My fucking became more intense and I started to hold Charley's head in place while I passionately kissed him. The combination of my dick in his ass, my tongue in his mouth and the smell of the leather was incredible.

I made one last push and I could feel my dick swell and cum began filling his ass. Moments later something warm splashed my stomach, then another burst. Charley shuttered but didn't say a word. With my dick still in his ass, I pushed Charley upright and sure enough his dick had shot all over my stomach. A scared but satisfied look on his face.

I scooped up the cum that he had shot onto my body and smeared it over his abs slathering him with cum, then I ran my hands up his legs and just looked up at him. He looked fulfilled, tired and fully satisfied. For a few moments neither of us moved we just simply stayed where we were coming down from the intense orgasm. Charley did not make a move or a sound he just waited for me to instruct him.

"You can get up now" I ordered, and Charley flashed a look of disappointment rather than relief. Charley climbed off the bed his dick still semi hard and stood to wait for the next command. "Remove your leather coat and harness" I said staring at him. Charley obeyed and had the jacket and harness off in a flash and stood naked in front of me.

"You're a mess. Follow me." I said looking at him. Charley followed me into the bathroom. Once inside I turned on the shower and pulled Charley in with me. Charley obeyed like a well-trained dog and waited for my command. "On your knees, boy" I instructed. Charley got down without hesitation and leaned in trying to suck my dick. "Crack" I slapped him across the face, and he backed away like a scared animal. "Did I tell you to suck my dick, boy?" I asked. "No sir, I just..." He stopped and just waited.

"Your dirty body is covered with cum and we have to clean you off." I said, taking my dick in hand. I pointed it at his chest and started to let my warm piss flow over his torso and down over his dick and pubes. "Use my piss to wash the cum off" I said as my stream coated him. Charley took his hands and rubbed the piss over his body loosening the cum until I stopped.

I reached down and pulled Charley up to me under the warm water. "You were a good boy today" I said then rewarded him with a kiss. Charley moaned and I could feel his hard dick pressing against mine. "Soap me up" I said handing him the soap and waited as he ran his fingers over my body soaping every inch. I liked watching him move his hands all over me. I rinsed off and turned off the water

Charley's dick was rock hard as he got out of the shower. "Here dry off, get dressed and get out" I said handing him a towel. I didn't bother putting any cloths on. Disappointment covered his face for a brief moment it looked as if he were going to ask a question, but instead he did as he was told. He put his slacks on, stuffed the harness in his coat pocket, zipped up his leather jacket.

Before leaving, Charley turned to look at me. I could not read the expression on his face. There was a deep look of something mixed with a bit of sadness. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but instead I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him drawing him into a hug. For a moment Charley went slack and then he slowly wrapped his arms gently around me and hugged me back. The only sound between us was the rustling of the leather as we held each other. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please support Nifty Erotic Stories. Your donations provide great stories. You can donate at:

Next: Chapter 8

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