Getting My Boss

By Greg Stevens

Published on May 21, 2019


Getting My Boss

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious

Getting My Boss -- Chapter 6

My day passed slowly. I kept thinking about what Charley would look like geared up in his leather jacket and the harness I gave him to wear. At about 2pm I received an email from Charley that read: "Sir, I went to the store as you directed me to. The jacket you told me to buy is not available in brown as I told you earlier. They do have the same jacket in black if that will be ok with you? Please let me know your preference, sir." Charley provided a picture of the jacket he snapped with his phone while in the store and included it in the email. I liked that Charley was doing as instructed. I enjoyed the fact that he was asking permission. I did not respond immediately. I wanted him to sweat it out. In actuality, I liked the black version of the jacket better anyway as it matched the black harness he would be wearing. About 45 minutes later, I finally responded and told Charley that it would be ok to purchase the black version of the jacket. I also reminded him of the rules. Have the harness on and the jacket over it. Wear a shirt that you do not care about losing as it may get destroyed. Zip the jacket up. Wear any pants you want, but no underwear.

At about 5:30 I ended my day and went home. I had to admit I was horny as hell. What started out as a way to get even with my asshole boss turned into one of the hottest sexual fantasies of my life. I really go off on playing the dominant role.

I had told Charley that I would have instructions for him when he arrived. I had to think what I wanted Charley to do upon arriving. I was really getting into using him sexually. Under all the uptight attitude there was a really good-looking hot man, and he was mine for the using.

I created the note for Charley; "Remove your shoes and socks when you arrive. Keep the jacket zipped to your neck. Come into the bedroom without making a sound, then stand in front of me and await further instructions." I left the note on the table and went to get ready.

I went to the bedroom and found a small dildo that worked great for opening a tight ass and some lube in my nightstand drawer. I then went to the closet to find something to wear. I rummaged through my stuff and decided to take out my leather motorcycle jacket. It was a traditional black jacket and well-broken in, still with the strong sexy smell of leather that always excited me. I also pulled out my black leather gloves. They were thick and worked great when slapping a tight ass. Something I planned on doing to Charley.

Once everything was in place, I took a quick shower then pulled on my dirty jock strap, jeans and leather jacket. At about 7:55pm I went to the bedroom and sat in the chair next to the bed and waited. At almost exactly 8pm I heard the door open. Two minutes later in walked Charley with bare feet, his black slacks and the leather jacket zipped to the neck as instructed.

Charley took his position as I instructed. I tried to read the expression on his face. It seemed to show some intimidation but at the same time there seemed to be a look of excitement or pleasure. I could even see what looked like the outline of his semi hard cock in his slacks.

I looked at him slowly moving my eyes, performing a slow visual interrogation. Charley looked hot and my dick started to immediately react. If I had seen Charley in a bar, I would have been all over him. As I continued to examine him Charley tried to stand still as ordered.

The jacket he picked out was great, and Charley looked hot in it. Just like in the picture is was a black bomber style jacket with a black fur collar. The new leather wasn't broken in yet and every movement made that great leather crackle sound. The jacket fit him perfectly and showed off his broad shoulder and his strong arms. The leather smell filled the room as soon as Charley entered. A smell that always seemed to arouse me. In the office Charley had a very British dress style. A buttoned-up proper look. He was definitely handsome but dressed down and in the leather jacket he was a different guy all together.

"Turn around" I ordered trying to sound uninterested. Charley did as I instructed. With his back to me I could see how the jacket sat just above the firm ass inside the tight trousers.

I took a deep breath as all the sights, sounds and smells started to excite me. Charley stayed where he was not moving, not talking. Turn back I said after letting him stand there silently for a few more minutes. When he turned back, I could definitely see that his dick was growing.

"Drop your pants" I ordered sharply. Charley looked at me for a second and I thought he would say something then he silently unbuckled the trousers and loosened the pants then let them fall to his ankles. His semi hard cock stood out in front of him. "Kick the pants to the side" I told him and again he complied. Charley blushed and his hands went to cover his genitals. I shot him a look and he dropped his hands to his side.

"Slowly unzip your jacket, boy!" I instructed. Charley took the zipper that was below his neck and started to slide it down his body till it reached the bottom. I noticed that as he did his dick continued to get hard. As I had told him to do, Charley was wearing a white t-shirt. The contrast between the jacket and the t-shirt was a sexy look on rigid professional Charley.

Again, I just sat there and looked at Charley. I did not move; I did not make a sound. "Come to me and kneel" I said but Charley did not move at first. "Sir, may I ask a question?" Charley asked softly. "Kneel boy" I said sharply, and I will decide if I want to allow you to talk. Charley did as he was told and knelt down in front of me then looked me in the eyes waiting for approval to ask his question.

Charley was very close now and the smell of the leather was more intense. "What is your question boy?" I asked allowing him to speak. "Sir, what time will I be done tonight? I have some work that needs to be attended too." Charley said in his proper English accent. "When I am done with you" I said sneering at him, Charley's look darkened for a moment, but he did not say another word.

I bent forward towards Charley and I pulled the fur trimmed collar up to his neck. He looked like a model for some military supply store. I reached the top of the white t-shirt and with a tug I ripped it open at the neck then continued down his body exposing the harness and his firm naked skin.

As I got to the bottom of the shirt, I noticed that Charley was rock hard, his dick pressing against the chair. I put my hand behind Charley's head and grabbed a bunch of hair. I roughly pulled him towards me. "I am going to use you as long as I want to, as much as I want to. Is that clear boy?" I asked. Charley attempted to nod a yes response.

I moved my face closer to his, my lips were so close to his lips that I could feel the warm coming off of them. As I held myself in place Charley moved his lips to touch mine. "What the fuck?" I shot at him. "Sorry sir, please sir" he said, and I could hear the desire in him. "Please what, Boy" I asked. "Please sir I want to please you." He said sounding humble and desperate.

The idea that he wanted this was driving me crazy. I leaned in and without hesitation I placed my lips on his roughly. I pulled his body into mine meshing his leather against mine. Charley accepted my tongue into his mouth. As I kissed Charley, I held a clump of hair in one hand pulling him deeply to me while running my free hand over the smooth leather.

My dick was starting to hurt in my pants the more aroused I got. I pulled Charley's head back removing his lips from mine. For a second his eyes were closed with a deep passionate expression on his face. "Move back boy!" I ordered and Charley crawled back about a foot from me. I stood up and opened the buttons on my 501 jeans and pushed them down my legs to the floor. Then I sat back down in just my old jock and leather jacket. "Take my pants off" I ordered, and Charley moved his hands to remove the jeans then tossed them aside.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I bellowed grabbing him by the lapels of the leather jacket. My movement was so fast that a shocked look crossed his face. "Get those pants boy and fold them properly" I ordered. "Sorry sir!" he said and reached for the jeans and started to fold them. Showing them to me as if they were some rare material. When I nodded approval he placed them neatly on the bed.

I watched his movements until he was done and was back at my feet. "Move closer" I said, and Charley crawled towards me. His eyes darted to the full mound in my dirty jock strap, the head of my cock popping up over the top of the wide elastic band. "Do you see something you like?" I asked. "Yes Sir, I mean no sir" he responded trying to find the right answer.

"Do you want to feel it?" I asked and Charley shook his head yes. "Do you want to feel it?" I asked again watching Charley as he stared at the jock. "Yes Sir!" he responded sharply, the looked into my eyes waiting for approval. He looked like a dog waiting for his master to allow him to take a treat.

"Go ahead boy and touch it" I said and watched as Charley reached his hand for my cock. His fingers closed on the head. He slowly pulled gently at the hard dick and I watched him as he explored. His handsome rugged features taking on a new look. A look of innocent compliance as he ran his fingers over my cock.

"Sniff my balls" I ordered and pulled his head forward and pushed him under my ball sack into the dirty jock. Charley buried his face and started to breath in. As he did his hand reached for his hard-throbbing cock. "What are you doing, boy?" I asked sharply and Charley snapped to attention a look of confusion on his face not knowing what I was asking. "Did I say you could touch your dick?" I asked. Charley's expression sunk. "No Sir"

"Stand up. It is time for a lesson" I said rising to my feet. Charley stood and hooked my fingers in one of the bands on the harness and lead him to the bed. "Hand me those gloves" I said to Charley pointing to the bed. Charley took the gloves and presented them to me, and I slipped them on. "Now bend over" I ordered.

"Please sir I am sorry, I won't let it happen again." He pleaded. "I said bend over and place your hand on the fucking bed boy" I said sharply. Charley looked at me then did as I told him. "When you do something without my permission, there will be a punishment. If you do something different then what I order there will be a punishment." As I grunted my orders to him, I could not help but get excited looking at his bare, hairy ass and the leather jacket riding above it.

"Spread your legs" I ordered, and Charley did as he was told. I took a position to Charley's side. "When you don't follow instructions, you pay." I said in calm voice. I took my leather gloved hand and ran it over the firm mounds of his ass. The hairs bristled and I watched as goosebumps formed. Then I drew my hand back and "Crack" I smacked his right ass cheek. A low grunt escaped Charley's lips but nothing more.

Once again, I drew my hand back and this time, I slapped his ass harder than the first time. Again, a soft sound came from his lips. I could see his ass starting to get red. A third time I drew back and slapped the ass. Charley did not stop me. He did not moan this time either.

"Do you have anything to say?" I asked Charley. "No" he replied simply and, in a flash,, I drew my hand back and slapped the left check hard. A red handprint formed almost instantly. "What was that?" I asked. "No" he replied again, and I slapped his ass again. "No what?" I asked moving closer to his hear. "Do you have anything to say?" I asked a third time and waited. "No" he answered a third time and again I pulled back and slapped his ass. Then it occurred to me that Charley liked getting spanked. He was purposely not responding correctly.

I had to smile thinking that Charley was really getting into this as much as I was. This time though instead of slapping Charley again I decided to change tactics. I placed my hand between his legs then slowly ran my leather gloved hand the length of his ass crack. An uncontrolled shudder ran through his body as I did.

I ran my finger up his ass crack a second time, but this time I stopped at the puckered hole and dug the tip of my finger in. Charley did not say a word. I spit on his asshole to get it wet then I grabbed the thin dildo and ran it over Charley's ass, then inserted the tip into his tight hole. "I am going to enjoy using your pussy, boy" I said slowly pushing the dildo forward. "Thank you, sir," Charley shot back through gritted teeth.

Once the dildo was in as far as it could go, I started to move it around loosening up his ass. Charley held tight to the bed but did not say anything while I fucked him with the dildo. I started to pull the dildo out, then shoved it back in. As I did this his ass seemed to loosen up. I wanted to get him to the point where I could replace the dildo with my hard dick, but I knew I would need to loosen him first.

I pulled the dildo out and pulled off the leather glove from my right hand. "Sniff this glove" I said handing it to Charley and he immediately brought it to his face and started to inhale it. I slipped a finger into his warm hole. The dildo had loosened it a bit, but it was still tight around my finger. A bit of probing and I could feel it start to loosen.

As I moved my finger around in Charley's ass, I could hear him moaning into the glove I handed him. I continued probing him with my finger and as I did the moaning became louder and more intense. Obviously, Charley liked what I was doing.

Then something happened that I did not expect; Charley's body started to shudder, and spasm and he pushed back onto my finger and then he let out a long moan that seemed to last a full minute. "I'm sorry sir" he said, his body seemed to relax. I had no idea what he was apologizing for then I looked under him and sure enough Charley had shot his load all over the bed.

The idea of me bringing him off like that was sort of exciting and, empowering. I pulled my finger from his ass. "Stand up boy. Did I tell you that it was ok to orgasm?" I grunted into his ear. "Sir, I am sorry Sir, I could not help it. I just couldn't" he said, and I felt like he wanted to say more but he stopped.

"Get on your knees boy" I ordered and put my hand on his leather clad shoulder and pushed him to his knees. "Lick it up" I ordered pushing his face into the cum" Charley moved forward and started to lick up his cum off the blanket. He lapped at it like a hungry dog as I watched. At this point my dick was so hard it was starting to hurt.

"Turn around boy" I ordered, and it seemed to take a bit of time for Charley to pull his tongue away from the pool of cum. He turned to me and I looked down at him. Charley's face was smeared with cum from the bed and some had dripped down the front of his body and there was even a small blob on the leather.

"Suck my dick boy" I said looking down at him. I pulled the jock down and my dick flopped out and pointed at his mouth. Charley moved closer to me and placed his lips on my cock slowly. I did not want to wait. I placed my hand behind his head and slid it as deep as I could in one push. Charley started to gag and cough and pulled off my cock. I bent down so that we were at face level.

For a moment I felt bad for him as he tried to catch his breath. "Are you ok boy" I asked, and Charley looked at me and shook his head. I put my hand behind his head and pulled him to me and started to kiss him again. Charley placed his hand on my leg to steady himself as he kissed me back.

I pulled my lips from his even though I really liked making out with him. "Are you ready to suck my cock boy?" I asked. "Yes sir" Charley shot back. I stood again, but this time I did not try shove it in. "Suck it boy. Show me what you can do" I said more gently. Charley started to suck slowly. His technique wasn't great, but his mouth was tight and warm.

Soon he was able to build up a rhythm. I looked down as he worked my dick and ran my fingers through his hair. The look of this hot man in his leather jacket on his knees sucking my dick was hotter than I could have imagined. Soon I could feel my orgasm getting close.

I wanted to mark Charley with my cum. I wanted to shoot it all over him. I was very close now and knew I could not hold off for too long. I quickly pulled my dick out of his mouth and grasped it in my leather gloved hand. Charley looked up at me a sweaty sexy look on his face. "You want this boy?" I asked stroking my cock. "Yes sir, please" he begged. One, two, three strokes of my cock and cum shot out at Charley landing on his chest. Another shot hit him splashing onto the leather and the last of the cum oozed out down his abs towards his cock.

A shudder ran through my body as the orgasm finally passed. Charley looked up at me with a look of satisfaction on his face.

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Next: Chapter 7

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