Getting My Boss

By Greg Stevens

Published on Nov 27, 2017


Getting My Boss

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious

Getting My Boss -- Chapter 5

Once Charley was out the door I went to the bedroom and took off my jeans, boots, leather jacket and laid on the bed. I picked up the phone and flipped through the pictures I had taken of him. Fuck he looked hot in the harness and jock. My dick stirred as I looked at him.

The last few weeks were crazy; first Withersby comes into the office in his expensive suit and tie changing and enforcing all the rules, making my life miserable, then in a flash he is taking orders from me.

I laid in bed looking at the pictures, thinking about the events that led me to where I was, and the thoughts made my dick hard. I could never imagine a man of Withersby's stature, of his looks and amazing body would be in my control. To be a sub to my every sexual thought and whim.

I continued looking at the pictures and played with my hardening cock. I loved the look of innocence on Charley's face. The subservient desire he showed in the pictures. I liked how hard his cock got from taking orders from me and how he took whatever I threw at him without question and now he was a sub, my sub! I was never much into the whole sub/master scene. Sure, I got into some role play from time to time. A bit of dad/son, or jock/coach type things but just a bit of fun. This was a different level all together and I had to admit I enjoyed it, but what was next? Ideas flashed in my mind on how to humiliate him, how to use him and how to break him even more.

I closed my eyes and started to drift off, my hard cock was in my hand, I imagined I was sitting on Charley's desk in his office. Charley was sitting in the chair in front of me. He was in his suit, but the tie was loosened and the shirt open revealing the leather harness. His pants were open, and his cock was hanging out of the fly. It was hard and red. He sat watching as I stroked my cock. I ordered him not to touch me and not to touch his own cock. He watched my hand moving up and down my hard cock. Occasionally his eyes would lift to mine with a look of horny frustration.

I continued to stroke my cock playing out this scene in my mind. I wanted to tease him badly. I wanted to bring him to the highest level of sexual frustration so that he was begging me for release. In my dream I started to cum, as the first blast splashed Charley's body, he tried to reach for my dick. I slapped him across the face and he sat back down. More cum shot from dick and splashed his body, his cock and all over his fine tailored suit. I woke to a pool of cum all over my stomach and hand and the dream started to subside. I got out of bed, grabbed a towel and cleaned myself up and went back to sleep.

The weekend passed slowly. I was eager to get back to the office. I wanted Charley badly. I wanted him to service me and I wanted to pull him more into the world of servicing me.

After my Monday morning meetings, I sent an email to Emily asking her if she could find time on Mr. Withersby's calendar to discuss system upgrades. I received an automated response that Emily was on sick leave. I decided I would just barge into Charley's office. The question on my mind was whether he listened to my order to wear the harness under his suit.

I went up to the executive suite and I could hear Charley on a call. I knocked, no answer. I knocked again, and the door opened abruptly. Charley's face went from annoyed to a softer look quickly. He was wearing a headset and was obviously engaged in a call. Charley pressed a button on the headset to mute the call. "I'm sorry Jake, can we meet later?" he asked softly. I pushed past him and went into the office. I heard the door close behind him. "Please Jake I am on the phone with my wife." He said looking desperate. I sat down in the chair.

Charley just stared for a moment then pressed the button on the headset and continued his conversation occasionally looking up at me. I walked up to him and stood in front of him. He backed up a bit, but a stern look stopped him in his tracks. I reached up into his suit jacket to see if he wore the harness as ordered. Sure, enough I could feel the leather bands under the shirt. My hand trailed down his body to see if the strap was in place under his cock. I could not find the strap.

My hand trailed down to his crotch and my fingers caressed the wool material of his trousers. His dick responded quickly and started to get hard. While he continued to talk to his wife, I moved my lips to his neck and started to kiss him. I knew this would make it difficult for him to focus. Again, he muted the call. "Please Jake" he said in a husky voice. The words were more of a please continue vs. a please stop. In any case I did not care. My other hand wrapped around Withersby and I roughly grabbed the perfectly round ass cheek and pulled him into me.

As he got closer, I got a good whiff of his smell. He had a natural rugged scent that I really liked, and it made my cock hard. As I worked his neck with my mouth and his cock and ass with my hands his body went a bit slack. He continued to carry on a conversation with his wife, but It was getting harder and harder for him to focus on it. After working his neck and body for a while longer I sat down on the chair. In front of the desk. I pointed to Charley to stand in front of me. "Undress" I said as he stood in front of me.

Charley looked at me and I thought he would put up a fight, but he calmly obliged my command. He loosened his tie and then unbuttoned his shirt revealing the leather harness. There was a kind of pride in his face as if he were being a good boy. I looked up at him but did not reward him just yet. As he unbuttoned the shirt and pulled it open it was obvious that the strap that should be leading down his body to under his cock was missing. He paused, and I pointed to his pants. He unbuckled the pants and unzipped revealing his white briefs. His cock was hard and formed a tent in his briefs.

I was not pleased. I wanted the strap to be in place and he decided to take it off. I reached up and yanked the briefs down over his body hard. Charley's body sent a thrill through me. He was a great looking guy and his body was amazing. His cock was thick and hard, and anyone would love to use it. I wanted to reach out and start to suck it, but I played it cool and sat back in the chair. A look of disapproval came over me. Charley looked at me and saw that I was not happy. I just sat there with an angry look on my face as he continued his conversation with his wife.

Finally, I reached up with my hand and grabbed his cock roughly. His body tensed but he managed to keep the conversation going with his wife. I started to stroke his cock and his eyes closed as the sensations filled his body. I continued the rough abuse of his cock. Soon he was ending the call with his wife telling her he had to go into a meeting. He said goodbye and hung the phone up. He looked down as I stroked his cock. His body moved with my hand and without warning I dropped his cock and sat back in the chair.

He looked at me with some pride for carrying out my wishes. "Wipe the fucking smile off your face" I said harshly. His pride faded. "Where is the fucking strap to your cock boy? I asked. "Sir, I tried to put it on, but it was making my cock hard in my trousers" he said in his perfect British accent. "And?" I asked waiting for a valid reason to care. Charley looked up at me and there was a confused look on his face. "Listen Jake" Charley started. "This has been really hot but" I cut him off. "Sir you mean boy" I said snapping at him. Charley continued "Jake, I can't do this any longer" my wife is coming to the states for a visit and.." again I cut him off. I pulled the phone from my pocket and flipped to the pictures. "And what boy" Charley flushed bright red. "Jake please" I slapped his face. "Sir please" Charley pleaded. The whole time his cock was rock hard and started dripping precum.

I stepped close to Charley, his hard cock pressed against me as I moved closer. "I told you that you belong to me now. There is no getting out of this and I don't think you really want to anyway. My hand reached down to his cock and his body softened again. "Yes sir, I do" he said with a sigh. My other hand reached behind his head and I pulled him to me. My lips met his as I had done before. There was something different though. There was no resistance. In fact, it was as if he was kissing me back. As if he wanted this as much as I did.

As we kissed I pulled him closer to me. My tongue eagerly probed his mouth and for a moment he reached his hands around me and held me then thought about it and let me go. I pulled my mouth away from his and rested my forehead on his. I looked into his eyes and he looked back into mine. "Suck my dick boy" I said softly and sat in the chair. A very slight grin came over his face and he sank to the floor between my legs. His hands started to go to my pants and stopped. "Sir may I open your pants" he asked tentatively. I nodded my approval and He opened my slacks and pulled my hard cock out. Taking it in his hand he pulled it to his mouth and started to suck gently. Lowering his head and lifting back up.

The feeling was great, but I wanted more. I was horny now and I wanted more than a blowjob. I wanted to use his mouth. I pushed him back off my cock. He looked disappointed and confused. I stood up facing him and pushed my cock roughly into his mouth. "Suck my dick boy" I said sharply as I started to slide my cock in and out of his mouth. He placed his hands on my hips to steady himself as I started to fuck his mouth with greater force. I slapped him across the face and he took it like a man. "Next time I tell you to wear the full harness you will do as you are told. Understood boy" He did not answer but he shook his head as I continued my assault on his mouth. Soon I was fucking his mouth deeper and deeper. "You want this cock boy" I asked, and Charley shook his head. I started fucking his mouth again. "You want this cock in your man pussy?" I asked looking down at him. Again, he shook his head. "Do you think you are worthy to take my cock boy? Do you think I am going to waste my time breeding your worthless ass?" I pulled my cock out and pulled him up roughly to his feet. "Answer me boy" "Sir I want your cock in my worthless ass Sir. I want to feel your seed in me. I want to please you Sir." "And you aren't going to tell me that this is over again are you boy?" "Sir no Sir. I am sorry sir I was just worried about my wife finding out Sir." There was pleading in his voice again.

I turned him around roughly. "Place your hands one the desk" I ordered. I stood behind Charley and looked down his back. He still wore his suit jacket and I pulled it up to reveal his ass. Again the 2 beautiful mounds of his ass were visible to me. I grabbed my cock in my right hand I spit a wad onto my cock and positioned it at his hole. My left hand on his shoulder to steady myself and I started to push my dick in. Charley let out a grunt of pain. "Breath Boy" I said, and Charley took in a deep breath. "Yes Sir" he said through gritted teeth. I held my cock in place for a moment to allow him to relax.

After he had relaxed enough I pushed my hard cock deep inside him. Again, I held it in place. My hand wrapped around and grabbed the leather harness. I started to fuck him. I could not believe I was in the executive suite fucking the CEO over his desk. My dick was rock hard as I pumped in and out of him. Charley did not say a word, he just took the fucking like a man. I could hear my balls slapping against Charley's ass as I fucked him. I reached back and slapped his ass. Each time I slapped it Charley grunted "Thank you sir" Soon my dick was ready to unload but I was not ready. I held my dick in place and reached around to grab Charley's nipples. My fingers pulled on the firm little nipples and Charley moaned loudly.

The more I pulled the more he moaned. Charley started to pant and then without notice his cock started to unload all over his desk. His body trembled, and his ass tightened hard on my cock. After a few seconds his body started to relax again. I slapped him hard on the ass. "Did I tell you it was ok to cum boy?" "Sir, sorry sir, the feeling of your cock in my man pussy and you working my nipples was too much. I lost control sir" he said. I did not say anything but smiled. I was taking control of this man and I knew how to work him.

I grabbed him roughly and started my fucking motion. Sweat was dripping down my back as I drove my cock deeper and deeper, harder and harder into Charley. I could feel my cum filling my balls. I pulled out and told him to get on his knees in front of me. Holding my cock in my hands I positioned it in front of his mouth. He tried to take it in his mouth, but I held him back. "Open your mouth cocksucker" I demanded, and Charley did as he was told. I stroked my cock aiming it right at his open mouth. Faster and faster my hand stroked my cock as my orgasm rose in me. Soon my cock was pulling back and ready to shoot its creamy white load. "Take it boy" I grunted as my cum shot out of my cock directly into his open mouth. Again, Charley tried to move forward to take it in his mouth. I did not let him. I just shot my load across his lips into his mouth.

The first shot entered his mouth hard. The next few blasts hit his lips, chin and then chest. Charley was coated in my seed. I pulled the last drops from my cock and stuffed my dick back in my pants. I looked down at Charley covered in cum, a look of achievement covering his face.

I pointed to the cum on his desk. "Lick it up" Charley turned and started to eat his cum off the edge of his desk like a hungry dog. I looked down at this man in his suit with the shirt opened wide and the leather harness covering his body. His dick was still rock hard as he licked up the cum.

Once all the cum was licked up, I bent down and placed my lips on his. I could taste my cum and his on his mouth. I kissed him deeply for a few moments then let him go roughly. I started for the door. "I want you at my place at 8pm tonight. You will be wearing the full leather harness and I want you in a leather jacket. Understood boy?" it was more of a command than a question. "Sir, yes sir" then he paused. "Sir, I do not have a leather jacket to wear sir" I turned to face him. "You have all day to figure that out boy. There is a store a few blocks away from your apartment. Go to their website and find a few that you think I will like. Email me the pictures, I will approve one and you will buy it on your way to my place. Be there at 8pm. My door will be unlocked and there will be further instructions."

I left the executive suite and returned to my office. At about 2pm there was an email from Charley. "Sir I did as you said and found the following jackets. I hope one will please you?" I looked at the pictures. The first one was a long car coat. Something you would wear to a business meeting not a sexual meeting. The next one was a collarless short motorcycle style jacket. It was brown and could work. The third was a traditional motorcycle jacket and the last was a brown leather bomber jacket. It was the type that the military wore with the shearling collar. It looked like a soft brown leather and would look hot on Charley. I emailed him back and told him to get the 4th one. I noticed it was also the most expensive, but I did not care.

Charley responded quickly stating that they had his size and he would pick it up on his way home. "Good boy" "When you come over at 8, I want you to be in the harness and leather jacket. No shirt. You can wear whatever pants you want." Yes Sir" Charley responded.

Now I just had to get through the rest of the day.

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Next: Chapter 6

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