Getting My Boss

By Greg Stevens

Published on Nov 21, 2017


Getting My Boss

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious

Getting My Boss -- Chapter 4

The weekend came and went. I spent time thinking about new ways to get Charley. I decided I would push the limits. Tuesday Emily sent an email asking me to come to Withersby's office for a meeting. I told her I could not make it. Wednesday there was another request but still I avoided it. Late Wednesday Withersby sent an email directly to me. "Jake, I have been trying to set up a meeting with you in my office this past week. Can you please provide times when you are available?"

Interesting, it sounds like Charley needed a bit more than just a meeting. I decided not to respond. Friday morning while sitting at my desk, Charley walked into the office. I stood and faced him putting on the proper business face. "Good Morning Mr. Withersby" I said brightly. "Good morning Jake" he replied. His voice trying to sound formal but there was something less formal about it. I decided to make it hard on him.

"How can I help you, sir?" I said with a dirty grin. Withersby paused for a moment. There was almost a look of desperation in his face. "I really need to speak with you in private in my office" he said. "I am not sure I can make it this week, sir" I replied knowing I was in charge. "Please" he said lowering his voice and sounding frustrated. An evil grin swept over my face and Charley lowered his head a bit.

I took a pad from the desk and wrote my address on the paper and handed it to Charley. "Be here tonight at 8pm sharp. Not a minute early or late. Understood?" I said softening my voice, so no one could hear. Charley took the paper and said almost inaudibly "Thank you, sir!"

After work, I went home and had a quick supper. I wanted to get ready for my plans to use Charley. I really enjoyed putting him through his paces and humiliating him, but I did have to admit that I thought there was something very hot about him.

My plan was to really use him good. I liked taking my sexual frustrations out on him, but I also needed him to feel like he was in my full control. I went to the back of my closet and pulled out some gear that I stashed. In a box I had a leather jockstrap that had a hole for your cock and a leather cod piece that snapped off for easy access. I also had a leather harness, and some leather gloves. Also in my closet was a broken in black leather motorcycle jacket. Charley always came off as perfectly dressed and perfectly groomed. This was my opportunity to trash up his look.

It was quickly approaching 8pm and I knew Charley would be perfectly on time. I pulled on an old sweaty jock strap, a pair of well-worn jeans, and black motorcycle boots. I slipped the motorcycle jacket on over my naked body and examined myself in the mirror. I was ready to have my way with Charley.

I sat in a chair in the living room and at exactly 8pm there was a soft knock on the door. I did not answer immediately, I took my time knowing that he was standing there worried about being seen. A second knock. I looked through the peep hole and sure enough Charley was there looking nervous.

I opened the door and Charley stepped in. He was dressed in some khakis, a button-down shirt and a sweater. He looked like he was ready for a night out with his wife, not for what was about to come.

Charley lowered his head as he entered. "Thank you, sir," he said softly. I closed the door behind him and without any warning I pushed him against the wall. My body came close to his. He looked up at me a bit startled. I pressed the full weight of my body into him, and my lips came close to his. My lips softly touched his and Charley turned away a bit more of a reflex. I looked at him sharply. "Sir, I am sorry, I do not like kissing that much" my hand came up to his face and forced him to look directly at me. "I do not give a fuck what you like boy. I will take from you whatever I want, and you will give me whatever I need. Understood?" My voice was stern. "Yes sir" Charley said softly. My lips came back to Charley's mouth. My tongue started to probe his mouth with my tongue. At first there was still some resistance but then Charley relaxed a bit and took my tongue into his mouth.

My lips trailed down Charley's neck and I kissed and licked my way down. I could feel Charley's cock growing in his Khakis as I held him against the wall with my body. I wanted Charley badly, but I had to maintain my control. I straightened up and released his body. I took my hand behind his head and pulled him close. With one hand I pulled back the leather jacket and pulled Charley's face inside the jacket. "Suck my nipple boy" I said, and Charley moved his face into the jacket and started to lick my left nipple.

My hand struck his face. Not too hard but hard enough to get the point across. "Suck it boy" I want to feel your mouth on my nipple. Charley put his mouth on my nipple again and this time started to suck it properly. His hungry mouth worked my nipple and my body was on fire with excitement. I lifted my left arm and looked down at Charley. "Lick my pit, Boy" I barked at Charley. I had not showered after work so my pits were a bit rich. Charley's mouth trailed from my nipple to my armpit and he buried his nose in and started to lick at the hairy pit. The feeling was intense, and Charley was becoming a good obedient servant. Charley worked my pit really good and though I liked the way it felt I wanted more. Without warning I pushed him away. Charley fell backwards and looked up at me a bit confused. His perfect hair was tousled from being inside the leather jacket. This gave him a more boyish look.

"Follow me" I said and led Charley to my bedroom. I had the jockstrap and harness laid out on the bed. I went and laid down on the bed and propped myself up on the pillows. "Strip" I said. Charley looked at me a bit unsure. "I said take your fucking clothes off boy" Charley pulled the sweater off first. He started to fold it and lay it on the bed. "What the fuck boy? This isn't a fucking sleepover, throw your crap cloths on the floor and get undressed." Charley obeyed and soon stood naked at the foot of the bed.

Charley had a great body. His shoulders, arms and pecs were well muscled and strong. My eyes started at his head and worked down his body. His torso was compact, and his waist tapered nicely. There was a blond wisp of hair between his pecs but beyond that his upper torso was mostly smooth. Charley's cock was thick and hard. He had a nice set of balls and it was all framed by dark blond pubic hair. Charley also has some great legs, strong with just some soft blond hair that seemed a bit lighter than his pubes. "Turn around so I can see your ass" I said, and Charley obeyed. His ass was made up of 2 large perfect mounds, smooth and white. He had a tan line from what looked like a small, tight bathing suit. Charley's body sent a thrill through me.

I stood up and came up behind Charley, my left hand on his shoulder and my right hand caressed his ass. Goosebumps formed on his butt as my hand came in contact with it. My hand pulled back and I slapped his ass. Not terribly hard, but hard enough to make a crack sound. I returned my hand to rub the spot that I slapped and then pulled back and slapped it again this time a bit harder. A soft moan left Charley's lips.

"I am going to get you ready boy" I said softly. I took the harness from the bed and helped Charley into it. It took a few minutes to get all the straps in place and sized for his body. Once it was on I handed him the leather jock. He just looked at it. Some concern came over his face. "Put it on boy" I commanded without hesitation. Charley stepped into the jock and pulled it up over his strong legs and ass. I reached down and yanked his cock through the front of the jock.

Charley was now in the leather harness and leather jockstrap. His dick was rock hard, and I was too looking at him. This was not the Mr. Withersby I first met a few weeks ago. This was a model for some gay porn.

"Turn around boy" I demanded, and Charley obeyed. His dick was rock hard and dripping with precum. I grabbed my phone from the table and started shooting pics of him. "Please sir don't" I kept shooting them. After I took about 20 I put the phone down. "Don't ever tell me what to do boy" I said with anger. "The sooner you realize I am in charge the better off you will be" I sat on the edge of the bed. "Lay across my lap" and Charley obeyed. I slipped on the leather gloves and slapped Charley across the ass. "Crack" my hand came down hard. Charley's body jerked. "Crack" a second slap hit him hard. I was not holding back. A red mark formed on his white ass. "Crack" again came my hand on his ass. Charley did not put up a fight he took the assault on his ass like a good sub.

With Charley still laying across my legs I slipped a glove off my hand. My fingers caressed the red spot on his hard ass. My fingers started to work up and down the crack of his ass. Soon I found his tight hole and I bent over and spit a wad hitting the mark. My index finger smeared the spit around and started to rub it over his puckered hole. Charley winced a bit as my finger slipped roughly in. "I hope you are clean boy because If I pull out a dirty finger, you are going to eat it." I continued to work my finger in deeper and deeper. Sure, enough Charley's ass was as clean as the rest of him.

I continued working his ass with my finger. I was going to fuck him, and I wanted to loosen him up. "Stand up and show me your butt." I ordered. "Now bend over and grab your ass cheeks and pull them apart for me." Charley bent over with his ass to me. "Spread your legs" and Charley obeyed. I put my hands on his hips to hold him in place and I drove my tongue into his hole. Charley let out a loud moan as my tongue sunk into his ass"

I started to lick harder and driving my tongue in deeper and deeper. Charley held fast as soft moans continued to escape his mouth. Soon it was time for Charley to slick up my cock. I slapped his ass and told him to stand up. "Turn and face me boy." Charley did as he was told. I looked up from the bed and there stood this amazing hot guy. My own personal sex toy. I pulled open my jeans and told Charley to get on his knees. "Now bury your face in my crotch. The dirty jockstrap was exposed through my open jeans. Charley Buried his face in the jock and started to lick and suck my cock through the material. He was like a hungry animal devouring a meal. This man who was so proper in the office had turned into a real cock pig.

My dick was rock hard from Charley's attention. I wanted to fuck him badly and the more he worked my cock the more I wanted to fuck him.

"Standup" I ordered, and it took Charley a few seconds to stop what he was doing. He looked up at me with pure lust on his face. Get on the bed on all fours like the dog that you are. Charley climbed up on the bed and assumed the position. His ass was facing me. Again, I slapped it and he moaned. I reached in and pulled my cock out of the front of my jeans. I positioned my dick at his hole and slipped the head in. Once the head was inside I applied steady pressure until I was in up to the hilt. Charley winced but took it like a man. I was pretty sure it was painful, but I did not care.

I held my dick in place for a moment allowing Charley to relax. After a while I started to slide my dick out and back in. Soon I was fucking him full on. I was not holding back. I had never fucked anyone this hard and it felt intense. Charley's ass was tight on my cock and I loved that. I grabbed him by the hips and started to trust deep into him. I pulled my hand back and slapped his ass, then the other hand pulled back and slapped the opposite cheek. Each time my hand slapped him, his hole tightened on my cock. I felt like I was being milked by his ass.

Soon my cock was ready to cum. I held back for a moment giving myself some time then started to fuck Charley again. This time there was no holding back. I was going to dump my seed inside his uptight ass. I was going to breed him like I am sure he did to his wife. My balls slapped his ass as I fucked him with greater intensity. Soon my load was shooting out of me and inside Charley. I could feel it filling him up and I am sure he could feel it up inside him. With one last push I finished my orgasm. I slipped my cock out of Charley's ass and looked down at the man I just used. His dick was rock hard and a puddle of precum formed under him on the bed. Again, I slapped his ass. "Lick that up boy" I ordered, and Charley bent down and lapped up the precum.

Watching him lick up the precum from the bed made my cock stir again. One last thing to do before I let Charley go for the night. Get up and take that leather harness and jock off boy. Charley quickly undressed this time. Now go to the bathroom and get in the shower. "Squat down" I ordered. Charley got down and looked up at me. I also squatted down outside the shower facing Charley. I reached under him. "I want my cum out of your ass I said" Charley looked up at me confused. "Push my load of cum out of your ass boy" Soon cum was dripping out of Charley's ass into my hand. It was still warm from being inside him. I pulled my hand up and pushed it into Charley's face. "Lick it pig" I said, and Charley did as instructed. I repeated this a few times more. Then I took the last of it in my hand and wrapped my hand around Charley's cock. It was rock hard and bright red from all the pressure. I started to stroke it slowly. Charley's body tensed, and his eyes closed. I continued stroking him taking in his body as I manipulated his cock. Charley was a really great looking guy and controlling him really excited me. Soon Charley was moaning. "I'm going to cum sir" Charley said trying to hold back. I did not release his cock. I did not say anything I just kept stroking him. Charley grunted loudly and soon his dick sent a ribbon of cum high into the air. It seemed to pause for a moment then splashed down on his pubes. Another spurt and finally a third one.

Charley's pubes were matted with his cum. His dick glistened from cum drops. I released his cock and put my hand to his mouth. "Clean it off boy. Charley took my hand in his and pulled my fingers to his mouth. He licked and sucked every drop off my hand.

I stood up and looked down at Charley still squatting in my shower covered in cum. I took my semi hard cock in my hand and pointed it at Charley. "You are filthy boy I said looking down at him" I pointed my cock at his pubes and I started to piss. Pale yellow liquid hit Charley hard and started to wash away the cum on his pubes. I aimed a bit higher to Charley's chest allowing the piss to flood down over him. Soon my stream stopped. Charley was coated in cum and my piss and I felt full relief. A strange look of satisfaction was on Charley's face. "Shower off boy" I told Charley and he turned on the water and started to rinse off while I watched. I handed him a towel and told him to dry off.

I led Charley back to the bed room. Once again, I laid on the bed. I was still wearing the leather motorcycle jacket and jeans, the front of which was open, and my dick was still hanging out. I pulled Charley into bed with me, he laid naked and silent on the bed. I rolled over and started to kiss him. MY hands running up and down his body. Charley wrapped his arms around me and this time he kissed back. There was a quiet comfort in being in bed with him. I enjoyed kissing him and feeling his naked body under me. We laid like that for a while not saying a word just making out and rolling around.

At about Midnight I told Charley he had to get out. I handed him the harness and told him to put it on. He slipped into it with more ease then he had the first time. I handed him his cloths and he got dressed. I led him to the door.

"You will wear this harness under your suit boy, understood?" Charley acknowledged my command. One last kiss at the door and Charley left.

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