Getting My Boss

By Greg Stevens

Published on Oct 31, 2017


Getting My Boss -- Chapter 2

I left the office, got on my bike and rode home. The cool night air felt good on my body. Images of Charley on his knees kept playing over and over in my head. Thinking of him naked jerking off to my orders sent a thrill through my body. I never really got into the whole dominance thing, but this was different. This was exciting. This was true control.

On Saturday evening I decided to go to The Quest to see if Charley showed up looking for some muscle. He never showed. I also checked the craigslist adds and nothing there either. Did I scare him? Was he searching different sites and bars?

Monday finally came, and I got to the office at my normal time. I had my staff meeting and got to work on a busy day. I never heard from Charley all day. Never saw him in the hallways, never received emails from Emily. It was if he had gone silent. At about 6pm I sent a text to Emily to ask if Withersby was in his office. Emily texted back and told me that he was but warned he was in a bad mood.

"Bad Mood" huh? I decided to show him what a bad mood was like. I changed into my riding cloths as I did every day after work. I made my way up to the executive suite. I knocked on the door and heard the familiar British voice telling me to come in. I entered the office quietly, Charley was looking down at his computer and did not notice me immediately. I closed and locked the door behind me and stood there quietly. Soon Charley looked up and his face flushed as his look turned from boss to something else.

I grinned at him and an expression of distaste crossed his face. "Jake, I do not have time for games today" he stated with some aggravation. "I do not care" I said in a quiet but very firm voice. "Jake, No I can't do this" his voice was pleading. "Stand up!" I snapped not letting him finish. Charley immediately stood up. "Get over here" I commanded, and Charley complied like some form of robot. When Charley was standing in front of me I grabbed him by the tie and pulled him roughly to me. Shock crossed his face as I brought him close to me. Charley was a very handsome man. Any woman or guy would be into him.

"I told you I would be back Charley. I told you that you would service me, Charley." I said emphasizing his name. Charley sagged a bit coming to the realization that this was going to happen. Still holding his tie in my hand, I pulled Charley close to me. His face was inches from mine. I leaned in and placed my mouth on his. Charley pulled away and I slapped his face. Not hard but hard enough to let him know he was not to do that again. Charley had a look of excitement and frustration on his face. I pulled him back to me and kissed him. This time he did not pull away but there was still some resistance at first. As my mouth and tongue probed his mouth Charley started to let go. I rapped Charley's mouth with my tongue. I took what I wanted from that kiss and did not care if he was enjoying it or not.

After several minutes I reached down and grabbed Charley's crotch through is trousers. Sure, enough it was rock hard. As much as he protested, Charley liked this. I pushed Charley away and he looked confused. "On your knees cock sucker" I said with authority. Charley sunk to his knees and did not look up at me. "Look at me" I said looking down at him. "We are going continue your training boy." Charley said nothing. I repeated the words "we are going to continue your training boy!" I said with more emphasis. "Yes Sir!" Charley shot back this time. "Strip" I said, and Charley slowly started to take off his jacket and remove his tie. "Faster boy I do not have all day" I commanded. Charley picked up the pace and took off the remainder of his cloths. Seeing Charley obey me and seeing this hot guy doing exactly what I wanted sent a sensations through my body. Being in control was turning me on. Controlling this hot asshole was a huge bonus. My own dick was rock hard in my leather riding pants. I could feel the precum dripping down and I wanted relief. I unzipped my leather pants and my cock poured out. It was thick and hard. The head was red from the pressure and the heat of my pants.

"Get over here boy and get on your knees" Charley sunk to his knees and leaned in to start to blow me. "Smack" went my hand across his face again. "Did I tell you to suck me cocksucker?" I asked as he looked up at me embarrassed. "Sir, no sir" "Then what the fuck are you doing asshole?" "I'm sorry sir, I was trying to anticipate your needs" he said, his soft English accent adding some intensity to the statement. "Did I ask you to suck me asshole?" My dick was inches from his face. I was close enough that he could smell my dick. The smell of my natural male sent mixing with the leather material. "No Sir" "Boy when you do things that I do not ask or do them incorrectly, there has to be a punishment. Do you understand that boy?" Sir, yes Sir!" Charley shot back.

"Get up boy and come over to the desk." Charley responded immediately, his dick was rock hard. "Get on the desk on all four's boy. Charley climbed up on to the desk and got up on all fours. I stood behind him, his asshole clearly visible. The firm ass muscles close to my face. I walked to the other side of the desk where I had dropped my gear. I picked up my leather gloves and put them on. I walked back to Charley and stood behind him. I could see his body tense a bit. I struck his ass with my leather gloved hand. "Whack" the sound echoed in the office. A soft sound left Charley's mouth. Was it a sound of pain or pleasure or both? "Whack" I hit him a second time a bit harder. Again, another soft sound. My other hand hit his ass. A red mark started to form. Every slap I gave his ass he took with no more than a soft moan. Was he enjoying this? Was my attack on his ass causing him pleasure?

I ordered Charley to get off the desk. When he did I noticed a pool of precum on his desk. Obviously being punished brought him pleasure. I was going to enjoy this. "Lick up the precum you pig" I ordered. Charley got down and lapped up the precum like a hungry man. Once the desk was licked clean Charley stood to face me waiting on my next order. My dick was still hard and needed some attention.

"On your knees boy" this time Charley got on his knees but stopped. He looked up waiting for the command. "Suck my dick boy" Charley took my dick into his mouth like a hungry dog getting a bone. He started to suck like a pro. I could feel my dick being massaged by his tongue and lips. Charley seemed motivated by my punishment and his desire to be subservient to me.

I grabbed Charley by his head, my leather gloved hands holding it like a basketball as I pulled him onto my dick. He chocked a bit and I backed off, then pulled him back onto my cock. "Shut the fuck up cocksucker" I pulled him back and forth onto my cock as I face fucked him. The more I gave him the more he took. My rhythm built up and I could feel my balls boiling up with a hot orgasm. I slowed the pace of my attack on Charley's mouth as I got closer. I was using him to edge myself. It felt so good. Soon I stopped my motion and looked down at him. "Do you want my load in your mouth boy?" I asked hoping he would say yes. He tilted his eyes up at me and the look on his face made my dick jump in his mouth. He shook his head indicating he wanted it badly. "You want my jizz in your mouth badly boy?" I asked again. Again, Charley shook his head with excitement. I decided I would not give it to him yet. I pulled my dick from his mouth. "Stroke it boy" I ordered. Charley took my dick in his hand and started to stroke my saliva and precum slicked cock. He held his mouth close assuming I was going to let him swallow it like he wanted. As I got close I pulled away from Charley. He tried to follow me, his mouth opened and hungry. I placed my left leather gloved hand on his forehead holding him at bay. My right leather gloved hand continued to stroke my cock. Soon my dick was ready to unload. I took both hands and caught my load on my leather gloves. Once my orgasm ended I looked at Charley. He remained on his knees, his dick rock hard, a puddle of precum under him. He stared at my gloves coated in cum with a hungry look on his face.

I took my right hand and brought it to his face. He tried to lean in, but I stopped him with a look. His face was so close all he had to do was stick his tongue out and taste it, but he held fast. His eyes went from the glove to my face and back as if asking for permission. I took my hand to his face and smeared my cum all over his handsome face. Some of it got on his hair. I could feel his tongue dart out and lick the cum. Soon I was allowing him to lick my glove clean. My other glove still coated in cum.

Get on the desk on all 4's I commanded again. Charley obeyed and assumed the position. With my right hand I reached under him, the leather glove now slick with a mixture of my cum and Charley's saliva and I grabbed his hard cock. Charley moaned softly. With my left hand gloved hand , still covered in cum, I inserted my index finger into Charley's hole. Charley tensed up but did not try to pull away. I slide it all the way in while my right hand slowly jerked his cock. Soon my finger was deep into Charley's ass. Charley was moaning more as he pushed back against my finger. I started to fuck Charley with my finger as I milked his cock. It did not take long till Charley's ass started to tighten down on my finger indicating he was getting ready to cum. My hand continued my assault on his cock as my finger continued to probe him deep. Charley's body trembled and started to shake. His dick started to spasm in my hand and he moaned softly as his cock unloaded.

I looked under Charley and there was a huge pool of cum on his desk, his body heaving from the power of his orgasm. I pulled my finger from his ass with a plop and left him on all fours on his desk. I was looking down at him and thinking how hot this man was and how much hotter that he was under my full control.

Charley stayed in place waiting for my next order. I liked watching him, his strong muscular body, in its prone position under my full control was exciting for me. I pulled up my leather riding pants and grabbed my gear. Charley did not move from his position. "Stand-up" I ordered, and Charley got off the desk and stood at attention. Dry cum clung to Charley's semi-hard cock. I wanted to grab him and pull him to me. "You look like the disgusting pig that you are" I said with a sneer. Charley looked at me with a sense of pride at my harsh words. "Clean yourself up pig" I said as I made my way to the door. "Thank you, Sir," Charley said as I crossed the room. "Sir may I ask a question?" Charley asked, I did not turn to face him. "Will you be punishing me on a regular basis sir?" I smiled as I realized I had Charley. I owned his ass and I would be able to use him any way I wanted. I did not respond, I just opened the door and walked out without closing it behind me. I heard Charley run for the door and close it.

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