Getting in Shape

By Bryan Thompson

Published on Feb 3, 2003


Chapter 9

I emerged from the shower - still not having gotten used to just dripping dry, no towels permitted, my skin had had no contact with cloth for three weeks. I noticed as I got out of the shower that I no longer had a gut hanging out and my legs and arms seemed noticeably more muscular. When I came out of the shower, Chris had gotten my surprise ready. He had set up a small table with a candle, and two glasses of sparkling mineral water and two protein bars! My first solid food in three weeks! I rushed over to sit down.

"You're doing great my man" exclaimed Chris - "And this is only the first half of your treat. We sat quietly together, it felt like my first civilized moment in whole program. I couldn't help but wolf down my bar, it was the first solid food I'd had. Chris laughed and then said "OK, into your cage." Disappointed, I headed over and stepped inside, what had happened to the rest of the reward, I wondered. But I didn't hear the cage door slam behind me. I looked back to see Chris stepping inside and onto the mat. Once again, he had a look on his face that I've never forgotten. What in the world was he going to do to me now? He reached up and began to unbutton his shirt. Next he slipped out of his shorts, and a second later he was standing in front of me, completely naked, looking like a Greek god. "Tonight, you get inducted into the Golden Circle Hall of Fame" he said and for the first time, I noticed him holding a tube of lubricant...

"Bryan, (it was the first time I remembered him calling me by name) you are building yourself the body of a man, and doing a hell of a job, but tonight is when you officially become a man. I know you are into the straight guy/kidnap scene, so if you want, I can tie you down, or else you can lie there and take it like a man. But either way, I'm going to plow you tonight. You've earned it, and I've been going nuts waiting for it."

Does "plow" mean what I think it means? I wondered to myself. Do I scream and fight him off or make a run for it? A straight guy would never take it up the ass from a faggot except at the point of death. Plus what if he has one of those gay diseases? As usual, Chris read by mind:

"You've got to know that I'm clean of all diseases and I had you checked out too. No one gets into this program otherwise. "

How the hell had he done that? I wondered, but by now I knew how thoroughly this guy covered his bases. I was so blitzed those first few days, he'd probably drawn a blood sample without me even knowing it. The weird part about this latest twist was that he seemed to be leaving the decision to me, rather than tying me down and raping me. Could I continue to call myself of straight guy if I let him? Was he really even giving me the option of saying no or was it a trick? My mind churned with confusion, repulsion, and yes, desire. What was happening to me? I wondered as I had every day for three weeks. Chris moved in closer.

"So how's it going to be kiddo? I've seen and explored every inch of the outside of you, now I'm going in for an internal exam. It's your reward, you've earned it and I guarantee it'll be an experience you'll never forget.

I don't know how many guys have done you before, but none of them were as good as me."

What did he expect me to do? Lie down there and take it willingly? He'd forbidden me to talk and punished me when I had. How was I suppose to answer him-especially when I didn't even know the answer myself. Should I defend what little was left of my manhood and fight him off?

As we both stood there, looking into one another's eyes, strange thing happened, as ordered, my mouth didn't answer him, but my dick did. I felt a strange sensation and we both looked down and saw my cock spring to life. Suddenly I knew in some strange way that I DID want him. "Lie down." Chris ordered. I didn't know what to expect, but as if in a trance, I lay down on my stomach. I looked over my shoulder and saw that look on Chris's face again. He smiled as he lubed up his huge dick. "Get your ass up in the air for me," he ordered. He straddled my legs and knelt down behind me. "Do you have anything you need to say before we start?" he asked? "You may speak."

I found my voice for the first time in three weeks. "This is my first time." I whispered.

"You're putting me on, are you saying you want this to be a first-timer fantasy?"

"No, I mean it, I've never been with a man."

As if to check, Chris slipped one of his fingers into my asshole. "Man, you are tight! Are you for real? You've never taken a man before?" Chris paused a minute, and sat back. For a minute I was almost afraid he'd changed his mind. "Is this OK then Bryan?" he asked, using what I'd come to know as his real, gentle voice, rather than the drill sergeant act to which I'd become so accustomed.

"Yes." I whispered. Would that one word change my life?

The next sensation I felt was burning pain as Chris's big rod pressed against the tender, virgin flesh of my asshole. Was this supposed to feel good? It didn't, it hurt like hell. He calls this a reward? I wondered in those agonizing seconds as he tried to make entry.

"Shit you're tight, I didn't know I was breaking new ground here." He exclaimed. "Relax kid!" And then almost with an audible "pop" he was in. I felt his thick, long piece of man meat inside of me and in that moment, I was changed.

"Now try to grip it with your sphincter muscle! Go!" Chris said, reverting to drill sergeant. "It'll hurt less that way"

He then began, slow at first, a steady, driving pounding movement of his cock pressing up against my insides. As he went along it hurt less and less and felt more and more exhilarating. He reached around and gripped my waist with one hand, as if in a wrestling position. I felt his big balls slapping against my body as he repeatedly entered and withdrew. With his other hand, he reached around and grabbed hold of my now rock hard cock. The sensation was more intense than I'd ever known and before I knew it I was on the brink of climax. As usual, Chris seemed to know and began pumping even harder. There was no turning back now, I was having sex with a man--and I was enjoying it. A moment later Chris and I both exploded at once. I had not had a release in over three weeks and my cum exploded in pools all over my mat. I felt the warm sensation of his bursting forth inside of me and then spilling out around his dick as he gently withdrew and we collapsed together in a pool of sweat and, as he called it, "man juice." Chris looked over at me and smiled. "You're in kid - you've been inducted into the Golden Circle."

I felt strangely sleepy after that and the last thing I remember is falling asleep as Chris lay at my side, gently stroking my torso and my cock and balls.

Chapter 10

If I'd had time to think, I might have imagined that enjoying the most intimate encounter possible between two men might have would change our relationship by day. But I'd have been wrong. Early the next morning, I awoke to find Chris standing over me, back in his standard uniform of tank top and football shorts.

"On your feet, sissy! We've got ONE WEEK LEFT to get your sorry ass in shape! Just because you banged the coach doesn't get you out of practice! Let's go, let's go!" But he playfully swatted me on the butt as I hustled out of the cage.

Chris had been right; I had come to look forward to our morning "protein supplement" ritual. And this morning was no exception, after my weigh-in (down 32 pounds!) he pushed me down on my knees and unlaced his shorts. I guess he figured after last night, he didn't need to tie me down anymore. Other than that, and perhaps a few more lingering caresses after particularly brutal work-outs, I didn't notice much other change that last week. Nor did Chris treat me to a return visit to my cage. As that last week wound down, I started experiencing conflicting emotions. I was actually almost through. What was going to happen? Would Chris really let me go, or was he some kind of a nutcase that would keep me around as his sex slave? I was so inexperienced with the gay world that I had no frame of reference for what was going on here. As I tried to picture being back in my old life and my old job without Chris, I wasn't entirely sure anymore if I wanted to be released.

The last morning began as all the rest. I caught Chris several times eyeballing me front and back, as if assessing my results. I had weighed in at 182 and so he hadn't fed me any protein shakes that day, I was working out on only his cum and a few drinks of water. That afternoon he sent me into the sauna room alone for a long session. The afternoon brought a particularly intense work-out session. For the first time since the first day Chris subjected me to his peculiar brand or resistance dips, with a free weight on my dick. (All the other days, he'd managed to find his ankle weights.) I was able to quickly give him 100 dips and he seemed to be relishing watching me and my weighted, engorged dick. For our last exercise, he took me back where we'd started, to the chin up bar. He attached my wrist cuffs to the bar and let me hang there. "Give me one last set of 100 chin-ups twinkie, and then we'll go and find out who owes who $5000!" Only after I'd finished the set, he didn't unfasten me. Instead he stood facing me with my cock face level with him. He looked up at me. "I'm going to do something I've never done for any of my other clients..." and he took my cock into his mouth. Of all the new experiences I'd had over the past month, I still had never had my dick in a man's mouth. I'd had some blowjobs from girls, but I'd never felt anything to compare with this. After a few minutes, he reached up and pulled the lever on the bar to lower me to the ground so that I no longer had to support myself with my arm muscles.

As the clock moved towards 6:00pm and the end of my program, I was enjoying a sensation like I'd never known before. Chris's mouth took me to the brink of orgasm repeatedly and then slowed down. He drew my dick deep into his throat while caressing the base with his tongue. Finally when I knew I couldn't hold back any longer I cut loose with a huge load of jism down his throat. We both stood there in a haze of pleasure and I looked at this handsome devil that had bewitched me and changed my life over the past month. My own man juices now dribbled down out the corners of his mouth and down his chin.

"Yes, you've done it, I can taste it in your cum." He said, cryptically. I knew he believed man juice to have mystical medicinal powers. But otherwise I had no idea what he meant.

Chris reached up and unhooked my wrists from the bar and then removed the cuffs. He handed me a clean jock strap "Here's your graduation present," he said. I slipped it on, covering my dick for the first time in a month. He grinned and reached out to squeeze my pouch, which immediately expanded. "Let's head up front."


We weighed me in - 179 pounds, my fighting weight I'd been in college. "Now I have a surprise for you" Chris declared. I hoped like anything it would be like the last, but instead he pulled at the curtain on the wall, revealing a huge, wall-sized mirror. If I live to be 100, I'll never forget what I saw. I thought I was seeing double, for there in the mirror, I saw two Chris's. I saw him in his familiar clothes, but standing beside him was a second Greek statue. There is no possible way that it could be me I reasoned, I'd noticed how prominent my muscles had become, but it couldn't be this big of a change in one month! I looked from the mirror to see if anyone else were with us. I looked back and saw the hunk in the mirror was wearing the same jockstrap Chris had just given me.

Chris laughed that hearty, captivating laugh I'd so grown to love, and said "Yes, it's you! What do you think? Did I keep my end of the bargain?" I was too surprised to speak.

"You know you can talk again now, right?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess."

Christopher handed me that pair of waist 31 shorts and I slipped into them easily! He gave me a t-shirt and we left the gym. Was this really it? Was it over? As we drove back up to the house, he said, "So, what happens next is up to you. Go back to your old living and eating habits and that body will be gone in 6 months. If you want to keep it, I've got handouts for you on diet and exercise. You'll need to join a health club and work out daily.

If necessary, maybe you can get your girlfriend to hook up your nuts to the work out machinery!" he added, with his beautiful eyes twinkling.

I was in such a daze by then that I just nodded numbly. We parked at his house, just as the sun was setting.

"Do you want to call your girlfriend to come out?"

"Uh, no, I guess I'll just drive home."

Could it be that this incredible experience was ending like this? Was I just suppose to leave and go rejoin my heterosexual life, already in progress? I told Chris I'd get him the $5000 the next day and he nodded, "I trust you for it."

I stammered, "Well, I guess this is good bye then, thanks for everything."

"Did the program meet your expectations?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess, I mean, yes, it went way beyond them." I said. Did he really think I'd understood and agreed to the whole kidnap/torture scene? He always seemed to know everything I was thinking. Did he really think he was acting out a fantasy for me, or did he know I was straight the whole time? Or did he know something I didn't know; that deep down maybe I wasn't as straight as I thought? There was so much more I wanted to know, to say. I'd known him for a month but had never conversed with him. And now did we just say goodbye? I was so dazed over leaving Chris that I could hardly even think about the incredible new body I was leaving with.

"OK, well have a safe drive. Let me know if you have any future work-out needs, and I'm always glad for referrals to friends. Especially ones that look like you! Take care, Bryan."

I turned to walk to my car, I made it to the door then turned to look back at him. What could I say? Nothing. I guess I really was just a client to him, the sex thing must have been a part of his program plan, nothing more. I opened the car door, and looked back again.

As I did I noticed Chris squeezing his crotch. My eyes followed up to his face where I found that favorite devilish, beguiling smile.

"Were you really going to just drive off without letting me give you your graduation fuck?" he asked, throwing back his head and laughing. Dropping my clothes, brochures and car keys and duffel bag in the driveway I raced him back into the house.

"Strip!" he ordered...

The End (for now)

----------------------- (Readers: Thanks for all of your enthusiastic response to this story. I enjoyed hearing from you so much that I'm now thinking about writing a sequel (or a prequel -- how did CHRIS get in such great shape?) I'm also thinking of writing up the true story of my own introduction to gay bondage...happy reading - Bryan)

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