Getting in Shape

By Bryan Thompson

Published on Jan 30, 2003


Here is Chapter Six: I've enjoyed hearing from guys who are enjoying this story. Keep writing to me! Thanks! -- Bryan

Chapter 6

I must have worked on Christopher's torturous universal machine for a half hour. My nipples hurt like hell and were red and swollen, It was so bad, I barely noticed the pain in my biceps. When Christopher walked back in this time, I was almost too tired to fight him. He approached and chuckled, "Tired out big boy? Do you want me to unhook you?" I nodded vigorously. "Just remember, you asked," he laughed. When he unhooked the tit clamps the pain almost sent me into orbit. I almost passed out. He noticed what bad shape I was in, and then once again with that surprising tenderness he'd exhibited before he reached down and asked, "Are you all right?" And then he began to massage my sore chest and nipples. "Does that feel better? I have to get you back in shape for your next exercise!" As Christopher massaged my shoulders and chest, a strange thing happened, I began to get an erection.

I hoped he wouldn't notice my expanding dick, but when you're tied to a weight bench naked, there isn't much you can do to hide a hard-on. "Let's see, what is next on your exercise schedule?" Christopher asked as he surveyed my chart. He looked up and noticed my cock. "Well, well, well! So how's Straight Boy doing?! This changes my plans for your next exercise station. He untied me from the weight bench and took me over to a set of parallel bars. "Dips! There's nothing like them to build up big arms and shoulders, wait until your girlfriend sees them." he said, sounding very sarcastic when he said "girlfriend." By this time I was too exhausted, hungry and dehydrated to fight him. Whenever he lets me go to bed I'll figure a way out of this, so in the meantime, I just went along with the exercises. He strapped my wrist cuffs to the parallel bars. "I'll let you off after you give me 100 dips." 100?! I screamed to myself, I doubt I can do 10! I struggled to do five dips.

"Oh, I almost forgot the most important part." Christopher crowed, "Resistance weights! Damn, I've misplaced my ankle weights, what can I use instead?" I was unbelievably embarrassed as Christopher stood with his face only inches from my erect male organ. How could I have a hard-on in front of another guy?! Christopher picked up a five-pound weight circle for a free weight bar and held it up.

"Now how should I do this?" he jokingly pondered to himself then his eyes lit up as he looked at the hole in the center of the weight and then at my dick. "Ah ha! - perfect!" he exclaimed. "You won't believe how much more of a burn you'll get from your workout with resistance weights!" And then he took that weight and shoved it down over my penis. I screamed into the jockstrap with pain and discomfort and embarrassment. Christopher stared at me with that diabolical grin of his. "What's wrong? Don't like my improvisation? Do you want it off?" he asked in a very accommodating voice? I nodded again. "Well, sorry buddy, I'm busy right now, but you can remove it yourself by just getting rid of that big hard on! - It'll slip right off onto the floor. That shouldn't be hard for a straight boy like you! Go on, let's see you go limp!"

The pervert then stepped back to watch and admire his handiwork. "Do you mind if I take off these sweats? It's getting hot in here. Just say so if you mind...well, I don't hear anything, so why don't you just get back to your dips and go ahead and let that weight slip off if it bothers you." He said as he shot his million dollar grin at me.

Damn, why wouldn't my dick go limp I wondered? I watched as Christopher pulled his sweatshirt over his head, revealing a form fitting tank top--which prominently displayed his muscular chest muscles. Then he reached down and pulled the drawstring on his sweat pants. He then pulled them down, revealing a pair of tight, mini lace-up shorts, like football players might wear for practice. The laces seemed to be holding back a monster of a dick. What am I doing even looking? I wondered to myself. Worse still, as I surveyed Chris's incredible and now half-naked body I sensed that it was feeding my erection rather than draining it. I had a weird feeling that he knew it too. He reached down and began to rearrange and then kind of massage the large bulge behind his lace-up shorts. Then he undid the knot at the top so that they hung open ever so slightly, revealing the top of his pubic hair. Next he reached up and pulled off his tank top. He definitely had the best looking male chest I'd noticed. His pectoral muscles were so big and rounded that he would even give some of the chicks I'd been with a run for their money. Again, he seemed to be following my eyes as I struggled to continue my dips. He reached up and massaged his chest and squeezed his nipple. What the hell is he doing? I wondered, does he somehow think he is going to attract me? The faggot! Yet, if he wasn't attracting me then why do I still have this damn hard-on?

After what felt like hours and with lots of rest breaks, I finished the 100 dips. My arms were burning. Chris had continued to do stretching exercises in front of me, parading his incredibly muscular and well-developed body. I had such mixed emotions: disgust, admiration, and desire -- to have a body LIKE his. No way did I want to have HIS body though, the sick bastard. On the other hand, why was this damn weight still impaled on my dick? What was happening to me?

Next: Chapter 4: Getting in Shape 7 8

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