Getting Fucked by Mary

By Suzy Suburbanite

Published on Aug 3, 2002


(F/F, Adult Friends)

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It`s a story of lesbian sex, so if that offends you, or is illegal where you live, or if you're underage where you live, then you must not read it. It is a work of FICTION.

Thanks to all who wrote regarding Part I - VIII of Getting Fucked by Mary.

enjoy, Suzy

PART IX: Fucking a Virgin

Chapter XXXIII

We walked hand-in-hand into the warm confines of the bathroom, me leading my lover. As we stood and removed each other's robes, I realized that my right hand and arm were thickly coated by my dear lover's essence.

So, in a bold, crude gesture I held up my arm and licked from my elbow to the tip of my pinky, "So delicious. I'll eat your hot cunt all day long MOMMY," I said, as I harshly emphasized "Mommy" to my darling love slut.

As I fucked Mary, something changed, we were now partners; both of us playing the role of dominant and submissive, interchangeably, as if on cue.

"OOooohhhh Kate," Mary breathed, as she joined me in licking her musk from the phallus that just raped her willing hole.

"It's so much easier to see the size of a dyke's prick over a man's...isn't it darling," I said in a silly voice, wiggling my fingers and waving the offending arm about.

Mary joined me in our revelry as way became playful once again, both of us licking and kissing my arm.

"And you have a really big one for such a little girl," Mary teased.

"Just be happy I don't want to fuck you in your ass dear," I jousted with my lover.

"mmmm," Mary rolled her eyes as she thought of that lovely defilement, "Pleeeaaassssee do."

I cupped Mary's cunt with my left hand and teased, "You have a big one too darling," as I dragged her into the shower by her loose, tender cunt lips, "maybe next time I'll put it in to my shoulder," I threatened as she swooned her playful, submissive desire.

We had a long glorious shower as we giggled and laughed. Soaping each other and gently teasing one another's bodies. We were happy as two bugs in a rug. I loved this woman completely. I hoped she felt the same, "What happens tomorrow Mary?" I asked seriously as we stepped from the wet steamy mist.

She understood exactly how serious I was, "Let's wait until tomorrow darling."

She raised a single finger to my lips to quiet my response, as she searched for her own words, "I never want this to end Kate...I truly love you Kate," she said, telling me that--much to my delight--she was thinking as I was. This was not to be a weekend affair, but the start of something much more real...much more special...and much more lasting.

As she had done with me earlier, now it was my turn to gently sooth my lover's tortured nipples and still gapping vagina. I was amazed at its size, looking as if my darling had just given birth, but thankfully without any blood or physical damage.

"Does it hurt Mary?" I asked as I applied lotion around her swollen, red labia.

"Yes, but in a good way darling," Mary reassured me that I hadn't truly hurt her, "I love the way you fuck," she smiled.

"At least you didn't pee allover yourself like I did last night," I remarked, somewhat disgusted with myself for peeing all over the bed with Mary and Leah.

Mary started to giggle, "You didn't pee silly, you ejaculated. You absolutely soaked me. You were marvelous."

I looked at Mary like a confused puppy dog, "I what?"

"You squirted when you climaxed. It's different than a regular orgasm because you squirt a fluid from your urethra, but it's not's girl cum," she continued to educate me on something I thought of as an urban myth.

"You see, sometimes when your g-spot is rubbed just the right way--`Ha, g-spot...Another urban myth,' I thought--the rubbing causes your body to produce this lovely fluid, and when you finally climax your contractions cause it to squirt out of you in a a luscious treat for your lover. Or, in last night's case, a wet, drenching treat for both of your lovers. Leah and I absolutely wallowed in your juice before we ate each other to a lovely climax while you were passed out."

"Then why didn't you ejaculate when I had my hand in you?" I was stunned... `I squirted my "girl cum" all over my lover's body,' I thought as a warm tingle went up my spine.

"I can't do it that way." Mary explained, "I've only managed to squirt a few times, and it's always with three fingers rubbing my spot. Maybe Christina can show you, as I'm positive--if she's had Carolyn for a lover--then she knows the technique."

I smiled at my Goddess, "Are we going to play today?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

Mary smiled and winked at me, "You bet, but I think that hole is worthless for the next week," she said, pointing to her loose, open cunt that I continued to absentmindedly rub.

I let out a sharp, "oh," as I quickly pulled my fingers away from Mary's pretty, open pussy as if my fingers were touching hot coals, "Sorry," I said with a sheepish little smile.

We merrily wrapped ourselves into our hotel uniforms of robes and towels and returned to the plush sofa.

We spent the next hour cuddling and snuggling in our dyke paradise. My lover gave me the most wonderful and affectionate shoulder rub as we talked about our children and all the follies and foibles of motherhood. My robe was off my shoulders and my darling Mary took great care in letting me feel her soft hands and delicate fingers bring me to another state of woman-induced ecstasy.

I did my best to return her tenderness as we reversed positions and chatted about her craft fairs and her work-a-day life that she seemed to get great satisfaction from. Her warm soft skin under my hands was pure heaven, total delight as I rubbed her to slow mewling groans.

"I want to spend all of my days with you Mary," I whispered across the soft delicate hairs on her neck and into my lover's ear.

"Mmmmm...tomorrow darling," she whispered back with a moaning sigh, "Tomorrow."

We cuddled for an hour or so, my darling even let me nurse her long nipples for a bit as she cradled me in her arms, Oh how I wish she was lactating,' I thought, so I could drink my darling's motherly milk.'

"We need to get ready for brunch darling," Mary said, rousing me from my lazy nursing.

"Mmmmmm," I all but whined, "Ten more minutes Mommy," and I returned to suckling my lover's long, thick nipple.

Chapter XXXIV

Mary finished her call to change the room service for our brunch.

"What are we having...I'm absolutely ravenous," I playfully growled, as Mary looked at me with a naughty glint in her eye, "For fooood, you horny woman...for food."

"Mimosas, poached eggs, huckleberry pancakes, veal sausage, marinated flank steak, smoked blue crab claws with Churasco dipping sauce, ten lettuce salad with olive chutney, and for dessert, more wet pussy than you can shake a stick at," Mary made my mouth water with her description of dessert...and the crab claws didn't sound half bad either.

"You're such a slut," I laughed at my dangerous lover.

"Takes one to know one," she teased back.

The ideals of fun fucking vs. emotional love making with Mary were becoming much clearer to me. My husband and I never fucked for fun; it was his version of making love. He was always too serious, too self important to have genuinely uninhibited fun. With Mary and me alone, sex had that same seriousness, but so much more intense and validating. And, there was always a happy element of playfulness and unrepentant joy with our desire for one another.

When we were together in these little groups, well, we all became mere objects of unrestrained lust, desire, silliness, happiness, adventurousness, and plain old fun. `Not to mention a bunch of mighty sore and satisfied pussies,' I giggled to myself.

Mary led me back to the bathroom and dried and styled my hair into pigtails and applied make-up that was sufficiently sluttish, "Wait right there baby," she returned carrying my outfit for the day. When she finished dressing me I looked so sizzling hot and such a slut that my little treasure was already starting to lubricate.

"Mommy, I'll need panties or I may have very wet thighs in a few seconds," I pleaded as I looked at the slut of the day (me) in the mirror: a baby pink organdy and lace skirt that was very sheer and very short, with and elastic waist band for quick and easy removal; a white stretch tube top with two little holes that caused my nipples the be pressed through and completely expose my intimate jewelry along with my excited nubbins, while providing an onlooker with an unobstructed, transparent view of the natural curve of my breasts; white, ruffled ankle socks with small pink hearts embroidered around the cuff; a delicate gold ankle chain with two small heart charms attached, one charm with the initial "K" and the other with the initial "M"; white patent pumps with 4 inch heels; my hair tied into pigtails with pretty, pink satin ribbons; and too much blue eye shadow, hot pink lipstick , and bright pink blush.

`You harlot, Katie. You wonderful, horny, little dyke harlot.' I thought as I stared at the scandalous vision my mommy made me into. I was dressed for girl sex today, nobody could ever doubt that.

"Whoops, forgot something," Mary bounced out and back in to the room, "Close your eyes baby girl."

I heard something being sprayed. Then smelled the aroma of the perfume Mary sprayed over my head, `That smell is so familiar, but so distant,' I wondered.

"What is that Mary," I asked.

"What every naughty little girl should wear darling, Love's Baby Soft," She giggled.

I held my eyes closed and drifted back to 1975 when I was 15 years old and Love's was the one and only scent suburban teenaged girls wore. `How I wish I had this wicked, sexual, lesbian mind of mine back then,' I shuddered at the thought of me as a ravenous teenage lesbian seducing my girlfriends and the occasional mature woman on the street.

What was their motto,' I searched my brain...remember...remember, 1975, Oh yeah, I remember, "Because innocence is sexier than you think," how appropriate,' I laughed to myself at what a truly remarkable, sexually creative mind Mary possesses.

"Keep your eyes closed baby," Mary said as she started to apply something else to my lips that felt thick and slippery and I smelled watermelon, "Now don't go licking your lips Katie."

I opened my eyes and looked at Mary who was staring at me adoringly, "One more thing little Katie," she said as she attached a gold chain that hung loosely across my bust and connected to each of my baby nipple stretchers, "There. You are a perfect naughty little girl Katie."

I stared at myself approvingly in the mirror, "I want to be my Mommy's perfect little girl," I sighed to Mary.

Yes,' I thought as my last vestige of will and self-control left my emotional being, Yes I want to always be Mary's perfect little girl. Anything thing my darling wants or needs I will gladly, happily provide it to her. Any whim or desire; my lust had no boundaries or limits on this, or any day with this woman, my lover, my mommy, my Mary.'

My heels clicked sharply on the marble floor of the bathroom as Mary led me back towards the sofa. She was still in her robe and towel as my dear lover instructed me to answer the door dressed exactly as I was if it was Shelby and "her girls", as Mary put it, and if it was room service it would be my decision to cover-up or not.

"I'm going to get dressed now darling, so be good and don't you dare clean that lovely sauce from your thighs," Mary said with a wicked, wicked grin, "Oh, and Katie, address me properly when our company arrives. "Mary" is much too familiar a phase for a little girl to call her mommy."

"Yes Ma'am," I responded meekly as I averted my eyes towards my feet and played my role by alternately kicking the toe of my shoes into the carpet, "I promise I'll be a good little girl mommy."

"I doubt that, just because you're so naughty all the time," Mary said as we established our play roles for the day, "I doubt it very much, because you're such a naughty, naughty girl Katie," she scolded me as she handed me a tube of some thing.

"There's a little condom pocket in your skirt that you won't be using dear, put that in there," Mary said.

I looked in my hand and there was a tube of Bonne Bell, Watermelon Lip Smacker, `goodness, it just may be 1975,' I thought.

Mary grabbed the three shopping bags from our Friday evening adventure as well as her "big dick" and the enema toys and headed into the bathroom and shut the door. A moment later she popped her head out, "And Katie, be polite and respectful to Shelby when she arrives...ok?"

"Yes Ma'am." I answered obediently.

"Now sit and relax a bit dearest," Mary ordered.

"I can't Mommy or I'll stain my skirt," I whined.

"You're right. Then just wait by the door for Miss Shelby and her little girls," My mommy instructed me in a somewhat annoyed tone, "And slut, don't you dare touch yourself while you wait," she commanded.

"Yes Ma'am," I said as she was reading my mind.

God, how deeply I loved Mary,' I thought, what an amazing partner she will be for me...for us.'

Chapter XXXV

About five minutes later there was a knock at the door. I quickly looked at myself in the mirror and wondered if I could actually open the door dressed as I was, They've already seen me nude,' I rationalized, what the heck.'

I looked through the peep hole and there was Shelby and Chrissy and Maddi.

I opened the door, standing in front of these lovely sexually charged women in my scandalous "little girl" attire, "Hello Shelby, so nice to see you. Won't you and your girls please come in," I said in my most respectful and humble voice.

I was about to die from the humiliation of addressing my friends Shelby and Christina as if I were a young child. Shell was dressed magnificently. Her hair was piled high atop her head, and she wore a stunning black gown that showed plenty of leg, the broad expanse of her back and shoulders, and plenty of cleavage. A classic string of pearls adorned her delicate neck, and glamorous diamond-cluster earrings made her face sparkle with light. Her statuesque presence was made even more imposing by the very, very high black pumps on her feet.

"Aren't you just adorable darling," Shell said as she lightly kissed my lips, "and you taste like candy, how sweet."

Chrissy and Maddi followed close behind, "Hi Katie," Chrissy said in a happy, flirtatious voice, "This is my baby sister Maddi. Maddi, Katie. Katie, Maddi," Christina introduced us as we also kissed lightly, "Mmm...yummy, is it Watermelon?" Chrissy asked as she kissed me with just a bit of tongue.

"Yeah, is yours Bubblegum?" I asked as we simultaneously pulled out similar tubes of the Jr. High girls' favorite lip gloss. We both looked at Maddi who was shaking as she showed us her flavor...Cherry...of course.

Maddi looked positively juvenile which made me wonder if this girl was old enough to be part of our games. Both she and Chrissy wore pink vinyl raincoats over their costumes for our lusty play.

"Chrissy. Maddi. May I take your coats," I asked politely.

Chrissy and Maddi were dressed in almost identical outfits. Chrissy wore black heels; white, thigh-high stockings that ended a couple inches short of her plaid schoolgirl skirt; a sheer white, cotton tank halter with "I Suck Cunt On the First Date" emblazoned across the front in appliquéd rhinestones, her erect nipples and beautify shaped breasts were clearly visible; and her face heavily made up, much like mine; and her dark hair in pigtails, much like mine.

Maddi wore a similar outfit but the phrase on her halter read, "I Like IT in My Bum" and although her nipples made hard little raisins appear on the garment, but there was no breast to speak of...the little darling was almost completely flat chested. Her long flaxen hair was pulled into an off-center pony tail, ala 1983, and secured in-place by an elastic band with three transparent red plastic balls, making it look like a little bunch of cherries on top of her head, `How lovely,' I grinned at the recently deflowered young woman.

Darling young Maddi appeared to be completely humiliated and submissive; constantly avoiding any eye contact with me. However, when addressed by Shelby or Chrissy she positively glowed with adoration for the women that gave to her, her womanhood and possibly more physical and emotional pleasure than she has ever known.

"Sit on the couch girls and play kissy face," Shell ordered, and Chrissy and Maddi immediately took well postured positions next to each other on our sofa and started kissing each other around the ears and neck. Shelby dropped the bag she was carrying near the bed and grinned as she noticed the wet state of the bed.

I approached Shell, "Shelby, I need to break out of our game for a moment," I said with a concerned and serious voice, "How old is Maddi?"

We held hands and looked each other in the eye, "Don't worry Kate, she's 18. I had Chris call a police officer friend of hers last night to verify the information on her driver's license. She's beautiful though, don't you think? Frankly, I couldn't believe it when she showed up at our door last night, and her total submission...I'm still pinching myself over this lovely find."

"You'll have to tell me about last night sometime. She is very pretty darling, I'm happy for you and Chrissy," I told my friend.

"Don't worry dear, you will get to hear all about it, and you may even get to fuck her today," Shell was presenting new, exciting possibilities to me, "Now, where is your Mommy darling."

I quickly got back into my role, "She's in there Ma'am," I said while pointing towards the closed bathroom door.

Shelby knocked at the bathroom door, "Mary darling, its Shell. May I come in?" Shelby joined my Mary in the bathroom.

Chrissy motioned for me to join her and Maddi and scooted over to make room for me between them. As I approached, I noticed that both women wore white satin panties under their plaid schoolgirl skirts. Chrissy was in the same aroused state I was in, as her thighs showed the shinny slick wetness on her thighs that the panties couldn't contain.

Maddi was also wet with desire, but the crotch of her panties was lightly spotted with evidence of her recent "Cherry popping". I joined the girls and they immediately started to give me soft little kisses all around the nape of my neck and my ears. I just leaned back and let these horny vixens have there way with me.

Shelby came out of the bathroom and looked at the scene before her. She smiled approvingly but cautioned, "Nothing but kissy face girls," as she picked up the phone and made a call, "Yes, immediately, and dear have them bring at least thirty towels please. Yes. Thank you."

Shell repositioned one of the large chairs so she could watch the show the three of us "girls" were putting on. Although Shelby had said, "nothing but kissing," both Chrissy and Maddi had a hand on my inner thighs and were playing their fingertips lightly through my slick juice that coated them. These women were driving me insane with lust as my exposed pussy lubricated more and more.

"Maddi, come to Mommy dear," Shelby commanded the skinny young woman.

Maddi immediately broke away from our little tryst and went to sit on Shell's broad lap. Chrissy pulled me up to look at the vision of little Maddi being cradled in Shelby's strong, goddess arms and was presented with one of Shell's large breasts, unencumbered by any jewelry.

"C'mon baby, come have some of Mommy's milk," Shell said to her newest little girl.

Chrissy and I watched with rapt fascination as Maddi nuzzled the large nipple with her nose--eliciting a few drops of white mothers milk from Shelby's tit--and then capture the rubbery teat in her innocent lips and begin to suckled like a baby. The little darling rested her body into her lover's warm embrace as she closed her eyes and nursed the warm milk from her new Mommy's breast.

"Oh god," I whispered to Christina, "is Shelby lactating?"

"For about a year now, it just started one day while I was doing that," She referred to Maddi's suckling, "Aren't they just so beautiful together."

The answer was obvious as I watched Shelby rock her little darling in her arms and softly hum lullabies and gently stroke the face of her young submissive lover, "Oh...Oh," I panted as my pussy gushed forth even more of my sticky essence.

"Wanna make out?" Chrissy asked.

We fell into wet lusty kisses; our mouths ripe with a desire for a tastier treat.

There was a knock at the door, "Housekeeping."

Shelby stood Maddi from her lap and placed her big boob back into her dress. Her milk flow staining the front, but it was so sexy to watch her answer the knock without the slightest hesitation or embarrassment.

"Yes dear. Right in here," Shelby instructed the twenty-something Latina girl, in her grey housekeeper's uniform, "Just the bed and the towels dear, and you may leave the towels on the dresser. Ok?"

"Jes Ma'am," was the pretty young woman's wide eyed response as she soaked in the sights and smells of our den of lesbian depravity.

Chris and I broke our embrace to observe the maid gather the wet sheets and all the wet bedclothes from the bed. And to our surprise, raise them to her face to inhale the wetness when she thought no one was looking. We looked at each other and giggled as we witnessed the girl shudder slightly as she carried the soiled bed linens out the door.

"Ma'am, I be right back ho'k," She asked Shelby's permission while staring at the bold message written in sparkling rhinestones across Maddi's bust.

"Fine dear, but be quick," Shelby was such a nasty-minded woman. She could easily see how shocked the poor thing was from her encountering a Sunday afternoon dyke-a-thon.

The pretty maid bolted out the door.

"Must still be a Catholic," I giggled, and Shell and Christina joined in my revelry with the reaction to the maid's embarrassment.

Shelby chuckled as she returned to her chair and drew Maddi back to her lap and to her tit, "I'm still in recovery."

"Hey, us Jewish girls have all the fun, none of the guilt...but all of the eternal damnation," Chrissy giggled.

Maddi was oblivious to the cynical ramblings of her more mature companions as she eagerly returned to Shelby's long, leaking nipple. She seemed completely at peace with the world as she nursed from her dominant Mommy's breast.

Another knock at our door, "Housekeeping."

"Come in dear," Shelby called out.

The pretty maid entered the room and her eyes almost popped from her head as she witnesses Maddi nursing from Shelby's huge tit. The poor darling did her best to place the new bed linens on the bed, but she kept glancing at our pairings with a look of lust and terror.

"You're such a pretty girl dear," Chrissy sounded predatory as she addressed the nervous woman, "What's your name honey?"

"Lena Ma'am," was the shy reply from the girl with the coffee-and-cream colored skin.

"Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl," Christina said while looking at me with an evil little grin, "tell me dear, have you ever made love to a woman," Chrissy and I both started to giggle as we watched the nervous young woman squirm and squeeze her thighs together.

"Girls, that will be enough," Shelby scolded us.

"Lena dear, please excuse my rude little girls. They haven't eaten any cunt in well over an hour and they start to get a bit rude without the wonderful musky flavor of a woman on their tongues."

"Jes Ma'am," the poor girl stuttered, "I jus feenish now," she said as she ran to get our towels.

"Room service," came a call from the open door.

"Katie, be a dear and have them set-up over here. Chrissy, you help as there should be a leaf for the table," Shelby ordered.

With all modesty flung far aside, I stood and directed the woman (Who could have been Leah's older sister with her sturdy build and short-short brown hair) where to lay our feast. Chrissy and I brought the extra table leaf in from the hallway and helped the room service girl position it into the table. Lena returned carrying a large stack of towels...and then my Mary made her entrance.

"Shelby," Mary exclaimed with her best Auntie Mame flair, "I so happy you and your girls could join us for brunch."

All eyes were on my lover. She was sex personified...a goddess of passion and lust, ready to provoke her sexual will on any woman within reach. My darling wore: a sheer black lace gown with spaghetti shoulder straps, with sheer lace cups that exposed her excited nipples, a single clasp between her breasts held the garment in-place and allowed the lower portions of the gown to fall away in an inverted "V" to lay bare her midriff, hips and long legs; satiny, black French-cut panties that accentuated her womanly hips and so tight as to make the cleft of her cunt visible to all; sheer and sexy, silk thigh-high stockings to present the flawless female lines of her legs; patent leather pumps with heels so high that I wondered how she could walk; and silky, long black gloves that rose to the middle of her biceps.

She accessorized her look with a black choker, studded with rhinestones; simple diamond stud earrings; and a delicate gold waist chain that mirrored my anklet with two small heart charms dangling towards her pubis.

There were a couple gasps (from the hotel employees) and expressions of glee and envy from the remainder of our lusty little group on seeing my Mommy in all her Goddess splendor.

Mary waved for me to be by her side, and I eagerly responded. My darling lover wrapped her arm around my waist as Shell raised Maddi from her lap and hefted her big boob back into her dress. I smelled Mary's perfume of cunt and Joy; it was a wonderful blend of sexy aromas that made me swoon with desire. Shelby had Chrissy join her and Maddi while the room service girl stood rigid and the innocent Lena stared embarrassedly at my lovely Mommy.

"Mary," Shell broke our trance, "This is my new little girl Madeline, Maddi as Chrissy and I call her," Shell presented her young waif to my Mommy.

Mary stepped forward and held the girl's upper arms, "It's lovely to meet you dear, I've heard so many lovely things about you," and Mary bent to kiss the trembling girl lightly on the lips.

Shelby prodded her young charge to respond with a nudge of her elbow, "Y-yes, Miss Mary, it's very nice to meet you to," the girl stuttered, trying to disguise her lusty desires of what was surely to come.

Mary thanked the hotel staff for their discrete service and shushed them out the door. But, before Lena was out the door, Mary whispered something to the lovely Latina that made the poor girl falter in her gait. My lover patted the maid's bottom and closed the door behind her.

"Shall we dine ladies," Mary directed us towards our feast.

I was torn between so much unabashed lust for pussy and my need for food, but my hunger for food ruled the day.

Chapter XXXVI

We had a lovely meal on that bright, sunny Sunday. The crab claws seemed to be the biggest hit with our original foursome, but dear Maddi was having problems keeping up with our foolish gossip and our, sometimes harsh, vocabulary. You could see that she was completely infatuated with Shelby and Christina, but unsure of how, or what, to do with either Mary or me.

`The poor darling,' I thought of my daughters--only several years younger than Madeline--what if they were to encounter a much more experienced lover as their first? What would they need to cope, learn and enjoy when their time came? I moved closer to Maddi, and without saying a word, took hold of her pale, delicate hand in mine, and just held it firmly, but tenderly. She weakly smiled at me as our troupe of deviants bantered about sex and other dykes and work and husbands. I sat silently with this frail darling girl and held her hand. I noticed that Chrissy was gently rubbing Maddi's back as well, as a means of reassurance.

"Maddi dear, what compelled you to visit Miss Shelby and Chrissy last night," Mary demanded of the young waif.

"It's alright honey, tell Miss Mary and Katie all about why you want to be my little girl," Shelby instructed her young charge to answer.

After a few hesitant and embarrassed stops and starts tiny Maddi told her tale of being raised in an ultra-religious, Pentecostal family. Of her fourth grade teacher who would hold the young girl to her large, matronly frame and comfort her and make her feel protected and warm and safe from the perils of childhood, "She was the mother I never had. My mother was always talking about hell and damnation and if we weren't good Christians that we would all go to hell. Mrs. Crutchfield always listed to what I said and she would hold me and sing to me during recess. I loved her so much and wanted her to be my mother."

Maddi told of her experience in high school; of how her mother caught her the first and only time she ever tried masturbating and subsequently spent the next three months undergoing church counseling about how evil sex and sexual gratification is and that sex for any reason other than procreation would lead to eternal damnation. She told us of secretly sneaking to her one and only friend's home to watch TV where they spent hours watching reruns of Buffy and Xena, where little Maddi rekindled her feelings to be cared for by a mature, strong willed, yet kindhearted woman.

She told us of the two dates she went on with boys in school and how stupid and unexciting they were. And of how she spent most of her time buried in her school work to get her straight A's and acceptance to whatever college that would get her away from home. The dear told of how she almost melted when she saw Shelby yesterday afternoon, and when Shelby made her crude proposition she almost fainted...she had found her Mrs. Crutchfield, her Buffy, her Xena.

"I was so excited and so nervous when I went home after work that I didn't know what to do. I called my best friend Sarah and she agreed to say I was sleeping over at her house. I asked my mom and she gave me a lecture about how evil the world is and that there better not be any boys and that I was not to watch television or go on the internet...but she finally allowed me to go only after she called and spoke with Sarah's mother. I said ok and called Sarah and asked if she thought her mom might go along."

She laughed at me, "My Mom, heck yeah," she giggled.

"My mother spoke with Sarah's mother and I was all set. The only thing was I was so nervous that I didn't know if I could really do it. I did. And when Shelby answered the door wearing only a white bra and sexy white panties I melted again."

"Yes, you should have seen her face," Shelby took over the narrative after telling Chrissy to get her purse, "She is such an angelic little darling, but I knew this was too good to be true. I asked her how old she was and she said she turned 18 two days prior...I had my doubts and asked to see her driver's license and made a call to verify it. Chrissy was tied facedown on the bed with her butt in the air and a large, inflatable, vibrating butt plug in her ass. Dear Madeline stared at Chrissy's predicament as I made the phone call to a police officer friend, and Maddi became more and more excited watching Chrissy squirm and moan through her panties which I had stuffed in her mouth to muffle her screams."

Maddi told of how gentle Shell was in feeding her mother milk from her heavy breasts on the sofa and how she was introduced to Chrissy as "Your new little sister" as Shelby pushed her face into Chrissy's wet pussy and she learned to lick a girl to climax. And how terrified she was with her new Mommy towering above her, Mommy's "big dick" ready to tear through her maidenhead and make her a woman.

"She cried so beautifully as she became a woman," Shelby interjected as she lovingly reached out to stroke Maddi's arm. Shell produced two neatly folded handkerchiefs from her purse: one with light water staining, and the other with dried reddish-brown streaks, "My darling's virgin tears and her sweet virgin blood," she explained that she was going to have them preserved.

"Just amazing darling," Mary exclaimed her arousal to Shelby, "What was the best part darling?" Mary addressed Maddi.

"Learning about sex and becoming a woman were beautiful. And I had my very first cum, and lots more after the first. But the best is when my Mommy holds me and feeds me her milk, and when she and Chrissy both held me close while we slept. That is the very best," young Maddi expressed her deep need for affection and warmth as she was introduced to the ways women love one another.

Shelby reached her hands across the table and gently held Maddi's delicate pale hands in hers, "Maddi will start work in my office on Tuesday afternoon as my new summer intern; won't you darling?"

I was a bit stunned and chocked a bit on my third Mimosa, "Shell!!"

Chrissy, Shelby, Mary and even Madeline starting to giggle a bit at my response to Shelby's brazen misuse of our corporate internship program.

"She's a 4.o student and eager to learn," Shelby said with a wicked glint in her eye and a sly little smile, "and she follows orders oh so well. Besides, Christina can't always drain these babies every day and Maddi will be there to help," she said while cupping her large breasts. "That and I just want to make my little baby happy and confident. I want to help her to grow into a woman of emotional maturity...just not too fast," Shelby winked at me.

Mary shifted the conversation to the fact that Shelby is lactating, "Were you pregnant?"

"No, but believe me that's what I feared when it first happened," Shell explained, "But I thought how could I be because my husband hadn't made love to me for months."

Shelby explained while Chrissy blushed, "Chrissy had this need to nurse on me every day for an hour or so a bit over a year ago, we would lock my office door at lunch and she would sit in my lap and just suck and suck and was very nonsexual. After the third day I started wearing one of my old nursing bras to make things easier."

"'How long is this going to last dear?' I asked her and she said she really wanted this right then and couldn't explain it, she just wanted my warmth."

"At the start of the second week I noticed that my areolas and nipples were starting to thicken and my nipples were more elongated and immediately responsive to Christina's mouth. At the end of the third week, on Friday, Chrissy started to moan loudly as she nursed from my breast, "You're lactating Mommy," and she went on to drain both my tits of my milk that day and almost every day since."

"It was a bit frightening until I went to my gynecologist and she explained the hormonal mechanics, the physical acts, and emotional state I would have to be in to have this happen without pregnancy."

"If you want it to stop, then just have whoever is nursing from you stop for a few weeks. Your hormones should return to normal and you will stop lactating," my doctor didn't full appreciate my circumstances."

"'What if I want it to never stop Julie?' I asked my dear doctor friend."

"'Then make sure you drain them every day--sometimes two to five times per day, use a breast pump if need be--and keep feeling motherly towards the party nursing from you,' She said with a grin."

"And every day Chrissy, and now little Maddi, have drained my milk from my breasts and I do love it so. I feel so much closer as a Mommy to my girls that I can feed them my warm affection in this uniquely motherly way."

Mary and I stared at each other; the same thought of Mary lactating to feed me, her little girl, with her warm mothers' milk coursing through our heads. I tingled at the vision of nursing gently from my darling lover every night before we went to sleep together.

Chapter XXXVII

Maddi leaned towards Chrissy and whispered something in her ear. Chrissy listened and nodded her head a few times.

"Ask her baby sister," Chrissy said in a voice loud enough to stop all conversation at our sated table.

"Mommy," tender Maddi addressed Shelby, "may Katie and I practice kissing?"

I was a bit shocked. This little darling was horny for me. Me, dressed as my pink teenage persona, as slut Katie, rather than mother of two, 42 year old Kate, she wanted to play sexy games with me.

"Please Mommy," Maddi begged.

"Alright dear, but only if Katie's Mommy says it's ok," Shell looked at Mary, and Mary smiled a broad satisfied smile.

"Katie, do you want to play with Maddi while us Mommies talk?" she questioned in a condescending, lusty tone.

I looked at young Maddi who was squirming in her seat, "Yes Ma'am. I'd like that very much," I said, stunning myself by my response.

Fun fucking,' I reasoned, but could I really do this? She is so small and frail she can't be more than 4'10" tall and might way 90Lbs. soaking wet. Oh what the fuck'

"Chrissy, why don't you join your little sister and Katie," Shelby told Christina.

The three of us "little girls" went to the sofa and began our afternoon of lovely sex games.

You can't imagine the honor I felt as Shelby and Mary allowed me to eat Maddi's lovely pussy. Maddi leaned back into Chrissy's arms as I knelt on the thick carpet before the young woman. Her skin was like the finest translucent white jade. Not a blemish to be found anywhere I looked. Small blue veins were visible on her soft, delicate thighs and it seemed a she flushed red with desire from head-to-toe as I gently touched her ankle the first time.

Maddi gave small whimpering moans, "" as I slowly opened her legs and began gently rubbing and kissing from her calves to her upper thighs. I gave the girl soft, light kisses with my glossy, pink lips.

I could smell her heavenly aroma wafting through the humid room as my mouth came closer and closer to her center. I brushed my lips over her pantied pussy, but didn't put any pressure on my true desire. After loving her legs and feet with my mouth, I reached to the waistband of her panties and slowly--inch-by-inch--peeled the sodden garment from her narrow hips.

Sitting back on my haunches, I inspected the girl's slick panties, and noticed the lovely streaks of her lost virginity. With a sudden wicked thought, I reached up and placed the pussy-laced garment into my mouth, tasting the dear young woman, and eliciting a groan from Chrissy, Shelby and Mary as they witnessed my unabashed lust for the girl.

I looked on Maddi's furry treasure, no scissors or razor had ever been near her pretty little pussy. Her pubic hair was lush, thick, innocent, untamed and wild. Her bush was translucent like her skin, the pelt soft as mink and wet with her yearning for my touch. The dear girl's vulva was red and swollen from her deflowering. Her pussy flowed excitement along with a few streaky stains of blood from her unhealed hole as I explored the delicate treasure of her recently discovered womanhood.

I pushed Maddi's soft, tender legs back towards her flat chest; inspecting her beautiful hole. My eyes were drawn to her once innocent bottom. I gasped slightly when I saw her bruised, swollen, battered asshole. The poor dear must have screamed loudly as Shelby took that opening for her pleasure.

"Oh you poor little baby," I softly whispered to Maddi as I bent to kiss and lick her distended, swollen, blue, little pucker.

"ah...ah," she whimpered as my tongue soothed her young bottom, "oh Katie...oh Katie."

My ministrations shifted from Maddi's narrow young bottom to her luscious pussy. Now it was my turn to moan and whimper as I tasted her virgin blood and delicate, sweet pussy cream. Whatever aversion I had to engaging this young woman in sex were now gone. I relished her cunt. I wanted her to feel all the wonderful things I've felt over the past few days.

`I wish this was my first time,' I thought. How lovely was this sometimes gentle, sometimes brutal deflowering of tender, innocent, young Maddi? Maddi surprised me when she climaxed. Her pussy opened and throbbed and pulsed thick, fragrant cream into my mouth. The girl's pussy flavor was much different than that of the other women I tasted over the past days. Darling little Maddi had the flavor of raw animal; salty, musky, wild and heady. Her cream was exactly that, cream, thick and sticky and viscous. She coated my tongue and my lips with her lovely orgasm.

This is it,' I realized, This is the very essence of life and love.' Whether from my Mary or from Jean, or young Madeline; this juice, this cream, this saucy lust that only a woman can make is my new life force, my sustaining nectar.

Shelby was so very right, this dear girl cried beautifully. This wasn't the shameful, guilt-releasing cry that my mommy gave when I fisted her; this was a gentle, happy, sob of delight and awakening.

I captured Maddi's thick essence and virginal blood on my fingers. Chrissy and Maddi watched as I made a show of slowly licking my fingers clean. Maddi shuddered again as she soaked in my lusty actions.

"Ohhhhhhhhh...Katieeeeeeeeee," She moaned to me as she grasped Chrissy's hand tightly.

The darling young woman seemed to roll from one wave of climax to another as I repeatedly put my fingers inside her tight pussy and made a crude, but loving display of licking my soiled digits. I heard Mary and Shelby moaning their delight with our lust filled games. Chrissy was ablaze with desire as she placed dark hickeys all over Maddi's neck.

"Oh Katie...please...please...fuck me," little Maddi cried her desire.

I did just that. I fucked this darling young woman. I fucked a virgin.

-----End Part IX of Getting Fucked by Mary.

And who says suburbia is a cultural wasteland. Copyright 2002 Anonymous, Arlington VA USA

Next: Chapter 10

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