Getting Fucked by Mary

By Suzy Suburbanite

Published on Oct 7, 2002


(F/F, FFFFF, Adult Friends)

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It`s a story of lesbian sex, so if that offends you, or is illegal where you live, or if you're underage where you live, then you must not read it. It is a work of FICTION.

Thanks to all who wrote regarding Part I - XI of Getting Fucked by Mary.

Please be sure to e-mail feedback to

enjoy, Suzy

Part XII: My New Life

Chapter XLVII

My head was throbbing as I crawled from between my lovers that morning. I blinked the sleep from my eyes and observed the aftermath of one heck of a party: empty champagne and liquor bottles, wrinkled sheets, discarded heaps of clothing and towels, and used toys. The room still reeked of sex.

I noticed that Mary was sleeping alone now, Tammary was in the bathroom. Then I almost peed myself in the comedy of seeing that Leah had fallen asleep with her mouth pasted to Shelby's furry hole. She was snoring loudly, causing Shell's pubic hair and vulva to quake every time Leah exhaled.

I stifled a laugh and ran into the bathroom to pee. Tammary was sitting on the toilet, eyes closed, holding somebody's panties to her nose as she quietly masturbated.

"Tam I need to go," I pled in a whisper to this still horny woman.

`God, how can she even touch herself,' I thought as the soreness and aches of my own body twinged at the thought.

Tammary let me sit and pee, but she stayed there watching me, still sniffing the sodden panties of unknown origin. Her pale skin started to flush with color as she stared at me and rubbed her pussy. With a soft, "Mmmmm," Tammary sighed her climax while watching me wipe and flush.

"How can you still be horny?" I giggled in a hushed voice, not wanting to wake our friends in the other room.

"Last night was so wild," she blushed slightly, "I've fantasized of being in an orgy since I first learned about sex...and it was much better than I could imagine. I felt so free."

I nodded my agreement, "That's the best, isn't it. Being the slut you've always wanted to be and not being judged because of it."

"Oh good Lord yes."

"Can I borrow a toothbrush Katie," she asked.

Oh gross,' I thought, but then visions of last night ran though my head and reality set it, I spent close to an hour with my tongue inside her asshole.'

"Sure, not a problem. Mine is the white and green one."

I called for room service from the bathroom phone and ordered coffee, "Yes five large pitchers and ten cups. Un hu, that's right two bottles of just the mixer...Yes, right, one bowl of cereal and milk...Oh, and one more thing, if the woman who delivered brunch to us yesterday is available, please have her deliver...No, no I'm sorry I didn't get her name...Oh, and another thing, knock very, very quietly."

While Tammary cleaned up, I padded into the other room to find a couple robes. Mary was still dead to the world, as were all the rest of our lusty playmates. As I bent to cover Mary with a blanket, I noticed a piece of cloth sticking out of her cunt. I smiled as I now realized where Tammary had retrieved the fragrant panties from.

I discover that we already had "Mary" mix, and there was a stack of cheap-o hotel toothbrushes on the service cart. Jackie was rising from the floor where she had fallen asleep with Maddi and Chrissy, so I brought an extra robe as I headed towards the bathroom. The horrid ache of a hangover still pounded through my head as I walked gingerly into the bathroom to find Jackie and Tammary in the tub and tall, slender Jackie was squatting over Tammary's mouth, peeing.

"Do you two ever stop?" I giggled as Mary entered the room right on my heels.

"Is there any lube left," she grumbled in a sleepy voice.

I helped Mary extract three pairs of panties and one pair of boxers from her red, sore hole. Tammary and Jackie let us alone as first Mary and then me attended to each other's bodies, and babied our sore parts with soap and lotions. The rest of our troupe was slowly starting to wake and Mary and I joined the others for Bloody Maries and coffee.

The drapes were opened to reveal a gray, drizzly, rainy day. The melancholy, subdued mood in the room matched the weather outside. Jackie, Sam, and Tammary packed-up and excused themselves after an hour or so, and Shelby, Chrissy, and darling Madeline soon followed. That left the "Ls", Lena and Leah, alone with Mary and me.

"So that was your girlfriend," Mary inquired to Leah about the other, short-haired room service girl who delivered our breakfast...if you can call caffeine and alcohol breakfast.

"Yeah. Her name is Sarah, and she's probably a little ticked at me for not coming home last night," Leah seemed a bit exasperated as she explained her "normal" love life, "she doesn't like group scenes at all," she finished with a little frown.

Leah looked at the clock and fired-off a typical Leah expletive, "Shit, I have to be on duty again in five hours. Mind if I use your phone?"

"Sure, go right ahead."

Soon, Sarah was at the door with a clean shirt and clean panties for Leah.

The two went about gathering up all the leftovers and empty bottles in a professional manner. As if a wild dyke orgy hadn't happened.

"Are you guys gonna take the unopened booze? The hotel won't refund you once it's been delivered to your room," Leah asked.

Mary thought and then shocked everybody in the room, "I think I'll take it. We'll need refreshments for Lena and Maddi's housewarming party at their new apartment."

Chapter XLVIII

Leah and Sarah cleared the room and were off on whatever new adventures they sought. And then there were three.

"Can you do that Kate?" Mary was asking if I would hire Lena as an intern and possibly as an economist after the summer.

"Yeah, I can, but Mary..." she knew the question without me even asking.

"I love you Kate...only you. But if we can have another playmate..." She was letting me decide if Lena would be included in our games.

There was part of me that was very reluctant to allow any person to intrude between us as a couple. Everything was so new to me. I thought of the past few days and how free I felt. I gave and took sex and pleasure with an ease I'd never known. I didn't want to begin a pattern of jealousy and neediness for my new lover.

"Yes Mary."

We both told Lena of our plans, and the darling girl cried tears of joy that her chains of domestic labor were to be unleashed...just as her chains of closeted sexuality had been unleashed. Mary and I both cried with our lover in tears of happiness. An agreement was struck that cool, gray day...but in my heart, I was as a nervous young lover, feeling doubt and uncertainty of this devious pact.

Is it really possible to have true love with more than one person at one time?' I pondered, I guess I'll find out.'

Chapter XLIX

Mary and I were alone for the first time in almost twenty-four hours. We pushed a couple chairs together, held hands and watched the gray, dreary world go by. There was a slow-moving boat headed up river, and both my dear lover and I focused on the grace of the surging vessel, but our minds were elsewhere.

We spoke at the same time, "I love you..."

There seemed to be an unspoken "but" at the end of our proclamation.

I blurted-out what I wanted, "I want to live with you Mary," Christina's warning of going slow completely ignored.

"Oh Kate, I want to live with you too, but what about our kids and our families."

In my mind, I was ready to chuck it all away (except my daughters), Screw my family,' I challenged myself, thinking of the misery my Mom and Dad put each other through every day for forty plus years, what the hell do they know about being happy.'

"Let's go at a nice even pace," my cool-headed "Mommy" laid out her plans for our love affair.

Over the next hour, Mary and I agreed how we would proceed. Our plan was set. We would keep Lena and Maddi in an apartment close to their school (Shell selected GTU as the school of choice) and have "play time" every so often, but she and I would become best friends in front of family and friends.

"Can we? Just one more time before we must leave?" I asked my beautiful, blonde lover.

For the next hour and a half we tenderly...ever so tenderly, licked and kissed one another's sore, red pussies to small satisfying climaxes.

We made arrangements to get together on Saturday with our kids, as I had promised my daughters to join them at the season opening of our swim club.

Mary's girls were almost the same age, so I figured we couldn't get into too much trouble. I also invited them for dinner that evening.

"I'll just tell my husband that we met through work, and found some common interests," I said to my lover.

"Just as long as he doesn't ask about my interests in your pussy," she laughed.

We spent the rest of our time together quietly showering and preparing to part. I would steal long, yearning glances at my dear Mary, thinking of the next time we could hold each other tight. Mary packed all the toys and play clothes and told me she had a place to hide the stuff until we could stash it at Lena's. More than anything, I wanted to wear the charm anklet home that day, but Mary convinced me that right now prudence is the best course of action.

I gasped out loud as I casually looked at the hotel bill for the weekend, Four thousand bucks...,' I gasped, and to paraphrase Leah, thought, HOLY CRAP!'

"Mary, have you looked at the bill yet?" I shouted to my girlfriend in the other room.

"Yes's about what I expected," she replies calmly.

"What's this two hundred dollar labor charge?"

"Oh, that's for Leah's services as our bartender last night," she explained.

"I don't know how I am going to explain this Mary," I sounded worried now.

"Silly girl, you aren't paying for anything," my Mommy corrected me; "little girls never pay for anything dear. I have everything worked out."

`Whew, what a relief,' I thought.



"I love you."

"I know darling, I love you to."

Chapter XLX

A million emotions swirled in my head as I drove towards home. This truly felt like a "Blue Monday" as I was leaving the most marvelous fantasy world, and heading back into the daily grind. Would I act differently...would the difference be noticeable to my daughters and husband? I was a nervous wreck as I pulled into the driveway of our three bedroom, split-level, on our quiet tree-lined street.

My husband's car wasn't in the driveway or in the garage. I was more than two hours early from my stated return time of 6PM, so I didn't really expect anybody at home.

"Hello? Moms home!" I hollered as I entered through the kitchen door.

The house was dark and quiet. No notes on the counter telling me where everybody was.

I took my bag downstairs to my bedroom. (My husband and I hadn't shared a bedroom for over a year.) I removed my charm anklet from the bag and locked it away in my "hope" chest along with a tissue that held Mary's essence. I thought of my dear lover and all the fun we had over the past few days. My heart beat a bit faster and I became aware of my tender pussy, bottom, and boobs. All three of my "zones" were sore, red, warm, and tender. I unpacked and threw my clothes in the washer as I thought of all the pussies I'd tasted this weekend, of how wonderful all the raunchy sex was. My mind kept wandering back to Mary.

My girlfriend,' I thought warmly, my Mommy.'

I stripped out of the clothes I was wearing and threw those in with the wash and was headed towards the shower when I heard small moans piping down the laundry chute. The moans didn't exactly sound like somebody was sick or in pain, but more sexual; the needy "I'm going to cum soon" kind of moans that only a woman can make.

I stood and listened, "'s happening," I heard my fourteen year-old daughter moan.

`Was she really having girl sex with Nadia?' I wondered.

Nadia is a lovely Indian girl who often baby-sits for my kids. She is very pretty and very dark and sultry. Her skin is smooth, her eyes mysterious and as dark as the rest of her.

Like mother, like daughter,' I giggled to myself is I headed to the shower, giving my daughter and her lover (or fantasies...whatever the case may be) some privacy. My eldest is becoming a woman,' I was happy that she was exploring in the direction she was.

The warm shower felt good, but it washed away the last whiff of Mary's perfume. I spent a long time tending to my sore body, applying various creams and lotions to all the red, sore parts. There was a different woman staring back at me in the mirror. This woman was happy, sexual, randy, and naughty. And, she was in love for the first time in years.

`Oh Mary I want to suck your cunt,' I figured telepathy might be worth a try.

"Oh Mommy I want to eat your hot, tight asshole and suck your long nipples," I said aloud as a stared at the new, brazen me in the mirror.

Just then I heard someone banging around in the kitchen. I tossed on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and bucked-up my courage to see how I was going to face my first test before my family. Megan was fixing something to eat. Her back turned towards me, wrapped in a towel.

"Hi honey," I greeted my dear daughter.

"MOM!" she about flew out of her skin. A look of total panic on her pretty face, "Mom, what are you doing here? I mean...I..."

Her eyes were shooting around the kitchen and adjoining greatroom as she stammered and stuttered.

"Gee, now that's a nice way to greet your old mother," I half laughed at my daughter.

Just then another voice wafted down the stairs, "Hurry my lover, I want to taste you again."

Poor Megan blushed the brightest shade of red I've ever seen on any person. She looked as if waiting for me to yell and rant, meting-out all forms of punishment. My dear daughter looked as if she was about to cry.

`She is growing so, so fast,' I thought, as I gazed at this young woman who was now almost as tall as her "old" mom.

"It's alright honey, go to Nadia...she's waiting...go, go," I tried to let my child know that what she was doing was ok by me.


"It's ok," I reassured her, "I learned just how fun those games are this weekend."

"Wow. Mom I..."

"Go Megan," I said in mock anger, pointing towards the stairs, "Meg? Is she nice to you? I want her to be nice to you."

"Ya Mom, she's really, really nice," my daughter said with glowing inflection for the sixteen year-old who was introducing her to sex.

"I'm happy for you Megan," I smiled, "we'll talk later, now go, your lover is waiting."

I stood at the kitchen counter, pouring myself a tall, cool glass of iced tea, thinking that today's world was a much better place than my world last Friday. I heard Nadia squeal with delight and both of the girls giggling with joy. Just then, then sun pierced the clouds, casting rays of warm, bright sunlight across my garden. It was as if God knew to assure me that my new path was right, that happiness, in whatever form you can find it is a good thing, a righteous thing.

Thank you Lord,' I prayed quietly to myself, Thank you for bringing peace and happiness to me and my family.' But, the family I thought of only included me and Mary, Lena and our children.

-----End Part XII of Getting Fucked by Mary.

And who says suburbia is a cultural wasteland. Copyright 2002 Anonymous, Arlington VA USA

Next: Chapter 13

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