Getting Comfortable with What I Am

By T J

Published on Jun 14, 2013


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons or places is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal to read this in your area please leave now. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. I do not have the future planned, so if you have feedback, comments, ideas, suggestions, please email me at

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"Master?" I asked, confused. As another vibration attacked my pussy, Master and Master Jacob opened the door and left. The vibrations stopped as the door clicked shut. My dick was still dripping, but with only three seconds of stimulation, I knew I would never get over the edge. I had to wait until Master returned.

Part 3

As I lay tied to the table, I could see the clock on the nightstand if I strained my neck. After an hour, I stopped trying to look and just let my body go limp, enjoying the three seconds of stimulation every minute from the vibrator Master left in my pussy. I had not cum in over ten days and I wished the vibrations would last longer so I could get some relief, but my dick had gone soft despite the dripping precum. I just hoped Master wouldn't be upset if I left a puddle on the floor. The sunlight was long gone and all that lit up the room was the glow of the city coming alive. I knew there would be plenty of people downtown drinking and stumbling around, but I was so far up, I wouldn't be able to hear them. I relaxed my neck and let my head hang; my chin almost hit the table I was on. I could feel myself drifting to sleep despite my position and the occasional vibration in my pussy, but guessed I should get some rest in case Master and Master Jacob expect more energy from me when they return.

I do not know how much time passed when I was awoken by the sound of the room door closing. I opened my eyes but as I turned my head something was put over the top of my face, blocking my vision. "Thank you, Master" I called out, hoping for more attention, but received a very hard smack to my ass cheek for my trouble. Seeming on cue, the plug vibrated inside me, tingling my G-Spot. My cry of pain halted mid-moan and turned into a gasp of pleasure. The smack had made me tighten my pussy lips, pushing the plug at an angle.

"Not bad," the man said. My heart panicked as I realized this was not a voice I recognized. "Hey puppy, your owner said I would find you here. He said you had a mouth I just had to try out. You don't mind do you?" I did not know how to respond. Did Master send him? If he did, I should please him to please Master. But what if Master doesn't know about this? But then how would he have gotten a key to the room? Master must know, this must be another test, like with Master Jacob. I hadn't marked "Strangers" on the list, so Master could rent me out as he wished, but would he without him being here? Then I realized Master may be in the room and just not talking, watching my reaction.

"If Master sent you-" I started, but was cut short with another smack to my ass. This time on my other cheek. Again, the plug buzzed in me, as if responding to the whipping.

"He said you still needed training. No talking, boy. Every word gets a smack. Now be a good puppy and open your mouth." I complied and felt the tip of his penis on my tongue in seconds. This man wasted no time and immediately went for a full thrust into my throat. His cock was very thin and the head barely popped into my throat even when he was all in. He was not nearly as much of a man as Master, but I found the smaller cock easier to pleasure. I could create a better suction and roll my tongue around half of the shaft. Besides the size, something else about this man seemed different, it was as he started to rabbit thrust into my throat that I realized he did not have any pubic hair. My nose could not even feel any stubble. This man did not smell as manly as Master or Master Jacob either. This realization made my dick go soft, losing any sexual gratification from serving a hairless, small dicked man; however, Master sent him, so it was still my duty to serve him and get him to cum. I felt another vibration as the stranger thrust in and held his cock in my throat. I could feel his cock spasm but could not taste his load as he pulled my face against his body and held it there. "Good boy, good boy." He repeated the sentiment several times as his body relaxed from the orgasm. I then heard him sit down on the couch in front of me, he must have been crouching the whole time, I noted. He rolled the table towards him and pushed my face in between his legs. I could feel the marble-sized balls against my cheek, "Clean me up." I slowly lapped at his balls and around the base of his shaft, feeling his body relax even more under my administration.

After a few minutes- two turns of the vibration- he pushed me away and stood up. I heard him walk over and open the closet door. He rummaged around then shut the door and walked back over, this time behind me. "Okay, boy, I'm gonna need you to relax. Your Owner told me to give you your new toy if you are good." He then pulled out my plug and laid it on my lower back. He forgot to turn it off because it started vibrating a few seconds after he laid it down. I giggled a little as the buzzing tickled, but then felt a pressure at my pussy. I knew it was not his cock because it felt wider than the shaft that had just been down my throat. The object quickly got wider and started stretching me uncomfortably. I stifled a cry of pain, hoping it would pass quickly. It got wider yet, and I felt the stranger quickly turn it, which popped it into place, locking another, bigger plug inside my pussy. He took the smaller one off my lower back and walked away. I heard a thud in the bathroom then more rustling of clothes. The stranger came back over and twisted the plug again, this time it started vibrating. He turned it a few more times and left it on a setting that had three quick vibrations, a pause, then a longer two second vibration, then a much longer pause. Again, I would never achieve an orgasm like this. He smacked my ass one more time then walked towards the door. He left the room and I heard it lock behind him with the blindfold still covering my face. Now I could not even see the lights from the street, let alone get a glimpse of the alarm clock.

I tried to go back to sleep, but the vibrations kept going at a pace that kept me up. My dick hardened, but then went to a constant state of semi-rigidness. More precum than before leaked; I knew I was making a mess on Master's floor. I do not know how much time passed when I heard the door open and the light turned on. The brighter light lit up the bottom of the blindfold, but the blindfold was removed only moments later. I blinked my eyes to adjust them quicker to the light and smiled as I saw Master Jacob sitting in front of me. I turned my head to see Master walking to the bathroom. As I watched, Master Jacob put on a show and stripped in front of me. He let me watch as he totally stripped down to just a chest harness, even removing his jock. Master Jacob pulled me to him and started scratching behind my ears. I turned my face into the palm of his hand and nuzzled into his palm. The toilet flushed and the shower kicked on. Master Jacob pulled my face to his chest and placed my mouth around his left nipple, pierced with a silver ring. I licked and sucked as Master Jacob continued to run his fingers through my hair. I could feel his hard cock bouncing against my chin, but when I tried to turn my head down to it, Master Jacob pulled the back of my hair and raised his voice, "You move when I move you, bitch."

Master Jacob had quickened to anger, scaring me. I tried to go back to his nipple, but he leaned back and put his feet up. He bent his legs and put the soles of his calloused feet behind my arms. Master Jacob used this leverage to pull me closer to him, and closer to his ass hole as he shifted his body lower on the couch. He pulled until my head was against his inner thigh and then reached down to grab the hair on the top of my head. "Tongue out," Master Jacob ordered. When I obeyed, he used the grip on my hair as a handle to direct my tongue. I inhaled the muskiness of him and licked where he directed me until my tongue hit his ass hole. Then, like a switch, Master Jacob began moaning louder. "Work that ass like you wish I would do to your pussy, bitch," Master Jacob still sounded angry. I twisted my tongue and probed Master Jacob's ass. Not knowing exactly what to do, I also kissed and licked the lips of and side of his hole. I could feel his toes wiggle against my body and could see his cock harden above his balls from my vantage point. Master Jacob squeezed tighter as I heard the shower shut off. Master Jacob put his legs down on the floor suddenly and pulled my tongue to his smooth ball sack.

Master walked out, just a towel around his waist. "Hey boy," Master addressed me, his voice a little slurred and his eyes glazed over, but he still seemed to have his balance, which told me he was still conscious of what was happening, the shower must have sobered up the bulk of any drunkenness. My cock hardened seeing his hairy chest and pulsed as the plug vibrated its familiar rhythm, which I realized I had not noticed while tonguing Master Jacob's hole. "Did you like the present I sent you? What did you learn?" Master put some emphasis on the last word. Quickly remembering the stranger's lesson of not using words, I whined like a dog would if he were excited. I also wiggled my butt spontaneously with the long vibration. "What a good boy," Master said and rubbed my ass cheek and moved to my lower back. Master Jacob ruffled my hair and moved his body so my head rested in the crook of his shoulder against his neck. I breathed deep Master Jacob's scent, relishing in the masculinity that was missing from the stranger. "And do you like your new toy?" Master asked and turned the plug again. With this turn, the vibration increased to a constant high, which Master left it at while I whimpered in pleasure and humped against the table. Master Jacob took advantage of my slack jaw and pushed his cock deep into my throat. I gagged at the invasion, but then relaxed into the comfort of being filled properly. Master Jacob was so much better than the stranger had been.

Master seemed to read my mind as he turned my attention to my pussy, where he was pulling the plug against the inside of my lips. The constant vibration quickly relaxed the opening, but took the pressure off my prostate. I raised my ass up in an attempt to put the vibration against my g-spot, but was met with a slap on the ass, hard. "Stay still, boy. This is for my pleasure, remember?" I relaxed my hips down right as Master pulled the plug out. I moaned around Master Jacob's cock, still planted in my throat, getting pleasure from the jerks on my body from the slap and the sudden stretch. "Jacob, take it out for a minute, I want to hear him the first time." Master Jacob kept his hands on my head, but pushed the table back with his muscular legs. He gripped my head tighter and tilted my neck back, looking me in the eyes. He smirked as I felt something at the opening of my pussy- Master's cock.

"Do it, John," Master Jacob said, and I felt the head of Master's cock push into me. I sucked in a breath then bit my bottom lip, willing myself to not scream out. Master's cock stretched me more than the plug had, it must not have been as big as I thought when the stranger twisted it into me. I squeezed my eyes shut as Master slowly pushed his cock into me, but Master Jacob pushed my eyebrows up with his thumbs and kept looking in my eyes. "That's a good puppy. Take my brother's cock." I furrowed my eyebrows as best I could, confused even as Master's cock reached where the plug hadn't. "That's right, boy," Master Jacob continued in his deep, gravelly whisper. "That's my brother's cock you got inside you. Stretching and pushing your pussy for the first time. Your first cock. Feel it. Remember it. You'll never lose your virginity again. You'll never be this tight again. Well, at least not on his cock," Master Jacob chuckled with knowledge they hadn't shared with me.

As Master Jacob talked, his voice lulled me, enabling me to do as he said. I focused on my pussy, and more specifically Master's cock in my pussy. I could feel his shaft getting a little thicker and I knew he was almost all the way inside me. I had become intimately familiar with his cock in my mouth and knew it widened only at the last inch. I pushed back and took the last bit of Master's cock. My heart quickened with my breath as I felt full. I squeezed my muscles and tried to milk Master's cock. I felt it respond with a jerk. "Oh, that's a good puppy," Master said. "I love a fresh puppy pussy, they are always so velvety and soft. They don't stay that way long, though. Especially with me." Master leaned over and I felt his hair on my back. Master licked behind my ear and used his teeth to pull on my lobe, then whispered, "But yours is the best yet. You are willing and a natural, both things I am not used to. Training you will be a lot of fun for all of us."

Master Jacob had leaned back when Master leaned over me. He reached over and stuck his thumb in my mouth, eliciting an automatic sucking response. "Still not a word, John. I am almost jealous of your find. But you know I prefer when they fight back a little."

"We can use him to find you another one, though. This pussy will be in high demand at The Cell Block. Won't take long to get some lost puppy to follow him home thinking he will get to Alpha. But we will be waiting, and you can break him like you did the last one." Master pulled his cock back and I whimpered, afraid he would remove it, but he thrust it back in. His thrust pushed the table forward and Master Jacob pulled his thumb out of my mouth. As though this were the plan, Master Jacob scooted over and aimed his cock at my mouth. The next time Master pulled out and thrust back in, the table pushed forward more and the tip of Master Jacob's cock was right in front of my lips. I stretched my neck and reached my tongue and was able to lick His piss slit. As Master continued his slow thrusts, Master Jacob's cock went deeper and deeper, eventually lodging itself back in my throat. I was filled at both ends.

Master Jacob leaned back, scooting down so his cock would angle into my mouth differently, at a more difficult angle. Master Jacob started tweaking his nipples while watching me get rammed onto his cock at this new angle. With arms and legs still tied to the table, I had to adjust to this new angle and could not focus on my pussy. Master noticed and brought his hand down to my ass, I tried to refocus on Master's cock, but I started gagging again and had to focus on relaxing my throat some more. Master continued to smack my ass while his thrusts quickened. I decided to get Master Jacob to cum so I could enjoy Master's cock more, so I started working His cock at a quicker pace. "Ease up, John. I'm getting close." Though he wasn't talking to me, I took this as a sign of a good job and kept up my pace, not wanting to upset Him by making him cum faster than he wants, but I realized I needed his cum to focus on Master's cock.

Rather than listen to his brother, Master instead pushed himself off my back and got behind me. The new angle hit my g-spot more, but also allowed him to spank me with both hands alternating. This pushed me onto Master Jacob's cock more and Master Jacob started trying to push me away. I could not resist and instead was held steady by Master who reached up and grabbed my shoulders, locking me in place. Master Jacob succumbed to Master's desire and shot his load in my mouth. I could feel his cock spasm with his orgasm, but could not taste most of it because he was already down my throat. As Master Jacob's cock softened, I finally tasted some cum that lingered behind the flare of his head. I knew he was probably getting sensitive, but could not take my mouth off until Master let me. Master Jacob started to wrap his hands around the side of my head again, but stopped when Master grabbed the back of my hair and pulled me and the table away from Master Jacob. "Mine."

Master Jacob looked angry. He pushed himself off the couch and stomped into the bathroom, slamming the door. I heard him pee and the toilet flushed, while Master kept his thrusts slow and consistent. As Master Jacob came out of the bathroom, he put his pants on, grabbed his shirt, and left the room. "Okay, boy, new lesson: whenever I spank you, you tighten your pussy around my cock for two seconds then release it. Understand?" Assuming I was still to maintain the previous rule, I let out a small arf. "Good boy."

SPANK! This one was much harder than any other slap, but I squeezed around His cock like He said. He repeated this process many times, each time I did as ordered. Without realizing it, after a string of three hard slaps on my left ass cheek, I felt my dick start to spurt. Master felt my orgasm through my pussy and started spanking me harder, each slap another shot of cum from my dick. Once my orgasm subsided, I felt Master's begin. My pussy was sore and raw from the fucking following my orgasm, but Master's cum helped ease the pain. I could not feel how big Master's load was, but I could feel that it was at least six shots. Master kept his cock inside my pussy, soaking in his own cum, until He was fully soft. I felt myself become empty as Master shrunk. When Master removed His cock completely, I surprised myself with a whimper.

"Good boy. Good boy. You know you are not supposed to cum without permission, but I think we should amend that rule. You cannot cum unless you have a cock in your mouth or pussy. Either way, you cannot touch your cock without permission except to clean it in the shower. How does that sound, boy?"

"Arf arf" I responded, and wagged my tail. Happy that I wasn't going to get punished for my indiscretion. When Master came into my view, he again had a robe on, still withholding his full body from me. He went into the bathroom; I heard the faucet run for a few seconds then shut off and Master came back into the room. He leaned down behind me and I felt the wet rag against my pussy lips. It was very cold and I yelped in surprise, having expected a warm rag instead.

"It's okay, boy. Just cleaning you up a bit. Nobody likes a dirty puppy." As He said that, Master rubbed the cold rag down my crack and then over my balls and dick. I yelped again but Master reassured me with a hand on my ass cheek. I relaxed under his touch and became accustomed to the cold rag. Once I relaxed, I felt Master putting the chastity cage back on. I hung my head and whimpered, but Master still clicked the lock in place. Master rubbed the lotion from earlier on my cheeks and even into my pussy. I moaned as his finger probed my pussy again, but Master ignored that and withdrew his finger as he stood up and walked over to his safe. He opened it and took out my clothes and threw them on the bed, then untied me from the table. "Get dressed, boy." I quickly pulled on the clothes I had worn to the hotel. It felt odd to be dressed even though I had only been naked for eight hours according to the clock. I stood next to the bed, not knowing how Master would prefer me.

"I will not be back for three or four weeks, boy. But that doesn't mean your training stops. You are still to find at least one cock to suck every week. I will reward you for every cock you get a week after the first one. I will punish you severely if you don't get one. To make it interesting, it only counts if the cock has hair. If it is shaved, you subtract one for the week." Master went to his wallet and took out a business card. "This is a friend I made tonight. He is going to help you follow another requirement. Go see him at 8 p.m. on Tuesday night." I looked at the card and saw it was for a piercer in town. Master noticed a worried look on my face. "What is it, boy? You can talk like a boy when you are dressed."

"Master, I don't have money to pay for a piercing."

"Oh, don't worry. You can work it off. He already knows our arrangement. But it won't be just one piercing, so you better wear loose clothing to see him." He chuckled at that. "Any questions, boy?"

"Master, how will I prove how many cocks I suck?"

"Oh yes! I almost forgot. Program my number into your cell phone. Each man is to take a picture of you with his cock in your mouth and send it to me. Understand, boy?"

I realized this would block my idea of going to a gloryhole where nobody would see my face. At least the piercer would get me my first one.

As I was about to leave, Master pulled me back to the bed and bent me over. When he pulled my shorts down, I was hoping he would fuck me again. Instead I felt a plug going into my pussy. "No other cocks in there until I come back, pet. You can take it out twice a day to clean out, but it goes back in after. Now-" Smack! "Get out of my sight." With that I practically ran out the door, not realizing until I got to the elevator that my shorts were still pulled below my cheeks.

I am hoping to continue this story, but I am motivated by feedback. The more I hear, the more often I work on the next chapter. I am always looking to hear about real Master/slave(pet) relationships. If anybody has suggestions for actions, training, tests, punishments, locations, tools for the story or me personally, please let me know. If there is anything you would like to say to me for any reason, my email is Thank you Sirs for your time and consideration and good luck to fellow pets and slaves.

Next: Chapter 4

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