Getting Comfortable with What I Am

By T J

Published on Mar 26, 2013


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons or places is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal to read this in your area please leave now. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. I do not have the future planned, so if you have feedback, comments, ideas, suggestions, please email me at

Chapter 2

One week later, I sat by my computer, refreshing my email every minute. I hadn't heard from Master since I left last week. I still had my chastity cage on, and I had to wear two pairs of underwear because I was leaking so much, but now I was sitting in my dorm room naked. My roommate had gone to his girlfriend's for the weekend, so I was sitting at my desk in the hard plastic chair with nothing on. Because I couldn't touch my cock, I instead pinched my nipples, remembering how Master had tied them to His. I spread my legs and let my balls hang down, rubbing my ass on the seat of the chair while pinching and pulling my nipples. As I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, my email notification dinged, and I jumped to check.

Hello, boy. Here is the list of possible lessons you could learn in the future with me. Write down the three you do not want to learn and bring it with you to room 735 at 6:05 PM. Remember, everything else is fair game, so make sure you are prepared. When you arrive, the door will be unlocked and I will be in the shower. I expect to walk out of the shower to you blindfolded and naked on the bed. If you are not there, I will lock the door and you won't get another chance. Make sure you are showered and shaved. See you soon, boy.

6:05? That was half an hour away. And it was a ten minute drive. I had fifteen minutes to take a shower and get dressed, luckily I had shaved and maintained it for the week. I printed out the list Master had sent and took it to the bathroom to read through while I brushed my teeth. I hadn't even heard of most of these things, so I had no idea what I would be willing to do. Plus Master said He didn't like some of them anyway. I jumped in the shower and continued thinking while I cleaned my body, feeling the smooth skin where a week ago I had hair. Under my arms, at the base of my dick, even me legs were smooth. I felt like a little boy, and I hoped Master would be pleased. I got out and toweled off, then wore the towel around my waist into my bedroom. Master didn't give specific directions on what to wear, so I wore the same thing as last week.

When I looked at my alarm clock above my bed, I saw I had two minutes until I needed to leave. I grabbed Master's list, wrote down three things on the back that I did not want training in, and started jogging to my car. I was grateful for the chastity cage as I walked into the hotel because it kept my dick from getting hard like last week. I noticed the same boy was working the welcome desk. There was a smirk on his face that told me he remembered me as well. He was very handsome, and I was glad my Master had chosen me, as this boy looked much more attractive than I felt myself. He was five foot ten, brown hair, and sharp cheekbones. His uniform barely hid a tiny waist and small chest. The only thing I had better was my bubble butt, which I caught him looking at. I put my head back down and watched the floor as I rode the elevator up and the found the door cracked at the end of the hallway.

I pushed the door open and heard the water running in the shower. I quickly stripped and laid my clothes in the open safe along the wall. I found Master's tie hanging on the bathroom door. I looked past the crack and could see the mirror reflecting the shower, hoping to catch my first glimpse of His body, but as I tried to peer through the steam, the shower shut off. I jumped on the bed and tied a knot around my head, blocking out my vision. What would Master do if he knew I was disobeying? Master had not told me what position to wait in, so I decided to be comfortable and lay flat on my back, with my head closest the bathroom so I could be closer to Master.

"Look at my boy. Isn't that the most beautiful sight you've ever seen?" I heard my Master say from the bathroom. He walked over to me and I felt his hand caress my cheek then work its way down my body. His fingers traced over everywhere I had hair last week, inspecting me for stubble, I guess. "Very good at shaving, boy. I think I will help you next time. I know ways to keep it away longer than a few days. How is your dick doing?"

"My dick is good, Sir."

"How long has it been since you orgasmed, boy?" I felt Master unlock the cage and remove it.

"Since Last Tuesday, Sir. As you ordered." My dick began to harden, free for the first time since this time last week. I gripped the bed sheets in my fists, willing myself to not touch my dick as Master ordered last week. He sensed my frustration and gave me one stroke, enough to take me to full hardness. Master removed my blindfold then. When I looked down, I had never seen my dick look so big, my balls already tightening against my body in anticipation of the relief they would normally be getting if I were home alone. But then I looked to Master, disappointed that he had once again covered his body with a white robe. This time, he did not have his dress socks on, though. I could see his large feet, the muscle running from his big toe to his ankle, his toes covered in a light layer of hair. There were several inches of his hairy legs showing before being blocked by the hem of the robe. My palms itched remembering the hair on his thighs that had held them to the bed last week when he trained my throat.

"Where is your list, boy?"

"In my shorts pocket, Sir. I wrote my three on the opposite side of the list you sent." He walked over to the safe and easily found the folded paper in the pocket. When he took it out and unfolded it, he smiled as he read my three limits.

"Very good limits, boy. You chose the three things on the list I would not have trained you in anyway. I guess that makes this even better for me." My heart sunk, as there were lessons that I had not chosen, hoping he would not teach me, but with the praise he ran his hand over my chest and took my left nipple between his middle finger and thumb. As he twisted and pinched, a drop of precum feel from the tip of my dick onto my stomach. Master kindly wiped it with his middle finger, then inserted it in my mouth. I had never tasted my own cum before, always simply wiping it away or running it down the shower drain. It tasted sweet, but underneath my cum I could taste Master's finger, the cleanliness from his recent shower. He rubbed the finger further back on my tongue until I could feel his nail at the entrance to my throat. I focused on relaxing my muscles as he had taught me last week. I hope I pleased him as he stroked my mouth with his finger while I held my jaw slack. He had not told me to suck, so I did not. He then withdrew his finger and stood over the edge of the bed.

"Very good, boy. I had almost forgotten your natural skills. Go lay on the coffee table, face down." I rolled off the bed and crawled to the coffee table. I didn't want to ask questions and risk upsetting Master because I don't know what he wants, so I crawled over the coffee table and rested my chest on the low surface facing the couch. I made sure to hang my head off the edge, knowing he would want my mouth easily available. As I adjusted, feeling my nipples press into the wood, I felt the table move. When I looked down at the legs, I realized it was on wheels. Even I could think of how that would be an advantage to Master.

Master walked over to me, teasing me as his robe partially opened with each step. He kneeled down in front of me and tied my hands to the feet of the table. As he knelt, the robe parted and I could see Master's bull balls hanging down, almost touching the floor. I licked my lips, but Master noticed and stood up. "Sorry, boy. You weren't supposed to see that." He leaned over and smacked my butt cheeks, making me jump into the soft fabric of his robe that had draped over my face. I gasped and Master laughed. "You didn't put spankings on your list, boy. And I love a red bitch. So consider that your first of many."

"Yes, Sir." I could feel my dick trying to get hard between my stomach and the table. Master must have noticed my squirming because he reached under and pulled my dick through my legs. The way I was laying, my hard dick was under the table, I could feel it knocking with each pulse. Then Master tied my thighs to the table legs. My toes could still touch the ground, but my legs were tied apart. I could feel my balls sway as Master took the cart and rolled it back and forth.

"Very good, boy. Helpless and open." Master raced a finger from my shoulder blades down the middle of my back. I shivered as he stroked across my virgin hole and down my hanging balls. A knock at the door made me jump. "I have another surprise for you. I was banking on you not picking this as one of your three." Master walked to the door as if to open it. I could hear the steps, but could not see despite straining my neck. The way Master had tied my arms, I could not see anything but the couch and bed. The door opened and shut without a word. Two sets of footsteps came towards me. I knew my Master was barefoot while the other set sounded like heavy boots.

My suspicions were confirmed when a pair of tall black leather boots stepped under my head. I tried to raise my head to take more of this new man in, but a hand stopped my head's rising. All I could see were the black boots below a white robe. The boots had silver buckles and four small spikes. The robe looked the same as Master had on, so this man must have been staying in the hotel as well. As I had that thought, the robe fell to the floor. Now I could see a pair of muscled calves under thick thighs, a dark coating of hair was from the middle of the thigh to the top of the boot. When I strained my eyes upward, I could see a black leather jock strap framing the top of the thick thighs and began to drool. "You weren't lying, John. This new bitch is quite a sight." The new man must have been another Master. How else could he call my Master by name? He pushed my head down so it hung over the table again, then ruffled my hair like a little boy. "What have you all done to him so far?" They were talking about me like I wasn't even here, like I was a piece of furniture.

"Just used his mouth, Jacob. But I also got him to shave himself and wear a chastity cage for a week. Little bitch hasn't cum in a week and a half. Best boy to train, yet. Would you believe he was a virgin? Took my cock the first time to the root, though. Haven't had anyone do that since that Asian bitch back in San Francisco. Tonight I am breaking in his pussy. I thought you could help keep him quiet." I froze when I realized what was happening. Master had invited a stranger over for me to suck. What was I going to do? What if I didn't do a good job? Would Master be upset? Would he kick me out and not let me come back? I had to do my best. If Master wanted his friend to feel good, then that was what I was going to do.

Master Jacob sat on the couch in front of me and pulled me to him. The table rolled smoothly in his grip until I could feel the top of my head between his thighs. "Only glad to help." Master Jacob wrapped his hand around my chin and jerked it up. Now I could see his hairy stomach above the jock. It was a flat stomach, but not a six pack. I would have preferred it to extend a little, but was happy to see the hair of a real man. Master Jacob then unsnapped one side of his jock strap at his waist and pulled it to the side. Out sprung a cock I had only ever seen in porn. It must have been eight inches and bigger around than his own fingers could meet. The head was even thicker than his shaft and underneath were a pair of shaved balls hanging from a close trimmed bush. It was much bigger than Master's and I worried my throat wouldn't take it like it could take Master's. I didn't have time to think, though, "Open up, bitch." I opened and concentrated on relaxing my throat once again. The way Master had me tied, I knew I wouldn't be able to help, so I was meant to take what Master Jacob gave me.

I opened my mouth and watched as Master Jacob pulled me onto his cock. I felt the head enter my mouth and breathed a small sigh of relief as I realized it could fit. Master Jacob held my head as he moved it over his head, using my tongue to massage the underside of his cock. I took some initiative and started swirling my tongue, milking his cock for precum. "Well the bitch knows how to work its tongue, that's for sure." Master Jacob held my head in place as I continued my tongue's assault.

"Wait for its throat, it's even silkier than your bitch's." As he said that, Master ran a finger down my crack, pausing long enough to circle my hole. That slight touch made me moan around Master Jacob's cock. Right at that moment, Master quickly pushed the table into the couch, forcing Master Jacob's cock all the way down my throat, and pulled me quickly back. I coughed but kept my mouth open. "Don't stop using your tongue, boy. A good pet keeps going until told to stop." To prove his point, Master reached up and grabbed my hair at the same time he forced a lubed finger into my virgin hole. I jumped as much as I could, but Master had me tied down well enough that all I did was tense my around his finger. I also quickly started swirling my tongue again, remembering to please Master Jacob. "Don't worry, boy. I'll go slow, but your pussy is going to get stretched. After everything I have planned, you won't be tight around my finger."

Master removed his finger just as quickly as he inserted it, only to replace it by something that was very cold and hard. "Here is another toy I am giving to you. Be gracious and take the gift." He shoved it in, it felt like it got bigger than smaller. I wondered if this is one of those butt plugs I'd seen so many times in porn. It was stretching me, but it didn't hurt too much. "The plug is step 2, boy. Step 3 is me." My heart raced with excitement to know Master was going to give me a part of him, even if it was only for a while. I increased my suction on Master Jacob's cock, stroking under the head with as much pressure my tongue could manage.

"Not yet, slut." Master Jacob did not want to cum yet, so he pulled the table forward, impaling my throat on his cock again. I relaxed and swallowed, giving his cock as much pleasure as I could. "Break him in now." I swallowed faster, anticipating Master's cock, instead I felt his belt land on my cheeks. Master Jacob wrapped his fingers around my head, he could feel my throat constrict with each whip as Master continued attacking my ass. After ten swings, Master took a break and I felt a cream or lotion rubbed on the raising welts.

"This will help the skin to not scar. I want to keep your cheeks pure even though I plan on wrecking your hole." He rubbed the cream into my skin vigorously. I moaned around Master Jacob's cock, still planted down my throat. I realized I had been holding my breath during the whipping and struggled for more air than could fit around the cock. Master Jacob laughed and pushed me off, then leaned down so I saw his face for the first time. He had a shaved head and his facial hair framed his mouth, just a mustache and goatee. I could see him smile as I stared into his deep brown eyes. Then he leaned in and kissed me, raping my mouth with his tongue, possibly tasting the precum that had just lubed my throat. As I returned his kiss, Master leaned over me and laid on my back. I could feel his hairy chest scratch my back and his cock spit precum on my inner thigh when he starting kissing my neck. His kissing soon became nibbling and biting. I could feel the suction from Master's mouth as Master Jacob bit my upper lip and pulled away.

Master wrapped his hand around my throat, his fingers closing on the front, holding my head in place as Master Jacob leaned back and aimed his cock at my mouth. I opened wide and felt Master lean his weight and rammed the table forward. Master groaned as his hand felt Master Jacob's cock through my neck muscles. His groan became guttural as he whispered in my ear, "You are the best bitch I've had yet. Keep this up, and both our fantasies will become reality. Now make Jacob cum. Make me proud boy." Master put his hands on my lower back and pushed himself off me.

Then I felt a buzzing in my hole, my pussy. The butt plug must have been a vibrator. It only buzzed for about 3 seconds then stopped for ten seconds, but then it repeated. "I'm getting close," Master Jacob announced as he stroked into my throat faster. As he said that, Master started whipping me again. Master focused his blows on my ass cheeks while Master Jacob got off the couch, keeping his cock in my mouth. He leaned over the table and placed his hands on my ass cheeks. He pulled my ass cheeks apart as he started rabbit thrusting into my mouth, smashing my nose with his pelvic bone. Since he was spreading my cheeks, Master's blows started landing on the plug instead of my cheeks. Between the vibrations and the blows to the plug from the belt, I could feel an orgasm building in my own hole. I started humping the inch my restraints allowed me, rubbing my cock against the bottom of the table.

Master Jacob screamed as he started cumming, pulling out of my throat to flood my mouth His cum was bitter and muskier than Master's, but I knew I was supposed to swallow it anyway. As he shuddered the last drop into my mouth, I could almost feel my body absorbing his masculinity, making me the receptacle for his overflow. Master continued to beat me, he beltings matching my minimal humping. The more I humped, the faster he slammed the belt into me. I felt my balls tighten as my orgasm got close, my boy balls begging to release what they haven't been allowed to for eleven days. I could feel the cum boiling down my dick as Master Jacob pulled his soft cock out of my mouth. I increased my suction, wanting to keep my mouth filled for as long as possible, but he just laughed and stood up, taking his cock from me while also removing his hands from my ass. As he removed his hands, Master stopped the beating, also halting my orgasm.

"No. Please keep going, Master. Please keep beating my hole. I am so close to cumming."

"Without permission? I don't think so. But very good at pleasing Jacob. You made me very proud, boy." I turned my head to get my first glance at Master totally nude, but he was wearing a pair of jeans and a polo shirt. Master Jacob had his back to me, but I could see his hairy ass and legs as he pulled on a pair of jeans over his jock strap. I relaxed, expecting to be freed, but then was reminded of the plug in my hole... pussy. As it buzzed for another three seconds, I started humping against the table again, but stopped when the buzzing stopped. "That should keep you for awhile. We are going to get a drink, be back later, boy." With that Master Jacob laughed and pulled on a blue dress shirt. As he buttoned it up, Master kissed him on the cheek and pulled on a pair of slip on shoes.

"Master?" I asked, confused. As another vibration attacked my pussy, Master and Master Jacob opened the door and left. The vibrations stopped as the door clicked shut. My dick was still dripping, but with only three seconds of stimulation, I knew I would never get over the edge. I had to wait until Master returned.

End of Part 2

I am hoping to continue this story, but I am motivated by feedback. The more I hear, the more often I work on the next chapter. I am always looking to hear about real Master/slave(pet) relationships. If anybody has suggestions for actions, training, tests, punishments, locations, tools for the story or me personally, please let me know. I also am open to trading pictures if you send some first. If there is anything you would like to say to me for any reason, my email is Thank you Sirs for your time and consideration and good luck to fellow pets and slaves.

Next: Chapter 3

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