Getting Comfortable with What I Am

By T J

Published on Feb 25, 2013


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons or places is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal to read this in your region, please leave now. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. This is my first attempt at writing erotica. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to

When I was 18, I was barely out of the closet. I was 6?1?, 180 pounds, blonde hair, green eyes, and glasses. I knew I was average, nothing spectacular about me, but I wouldn?t call myself ugly either. I had gotten my tongue pierced on my 18th birthday because I thought it would be cool and easy to hide. I wasn?t much of a talker, so people wouldn?t notice if I were quiet for a few weeks. I had always known I was interested in men, but had never acted on my desires. I remember sneaking into the locker room after school when the football practice let out to sneak a peek at the other boys taking showers. There was something about the masculinity of these boys. They were bigger than the basketball boys, had more hair than the swimmers, and were a lot more physical with each other than the baseball players.

One time I even stole one of the jock straps laying in the pile by the door waiting for the towel boy to do laundry. I had never seen a jock strap in with the towels before, but before I could think about it too much I had grabbed it and put it in my backpack. When I got home, I ran to my room and locked the door. I pulled out the jockstrap to inspect it. I remember it was size XXL, definitely a size bigger than me. As I wondered whose it could be, I found the initials of Coach Harris. I had stolen Coach Harris?s jock strap! I put the pouch to my nose and inhaled deeply, feeling like I was taking in the masculinity of the overbearing older man. Coach Harris was not who I normally looked at. He was so old, and I had only ever looked at boys my own age, but that smell changed something in me. I had never seen Coach Harris in the showers, but the stretched pouch led me to believe he was way bigger in the dick department than the other boys my age. I inhaled again and couldn?t stop from wrapping the leg straps around my head to hold the pouch against my nose and mouth. I pulled my pants down without unbuttoning them and grabbed my dick. As I shot my load, I instinctively licked my lips and brushed my tongue against the jock strap in the process. The taste drove me over the edge even more, several of the spurts actually landing on the jock strap, mixing with Coach Harris.

The guilt quickly set in and I threw the jock strap away in the dumpster outside, afraid I would get caught and in trouble. I graduated a few weeks later, never having the chance to get another jock strap. A week after graduation, I turned 18. I learned about adult bookstores and the gloryholes there and tried to go a few times. I would drive to the outskirt of town where the store was and park in the parking lot hidden behind the building. After a few times of leaving then, I got the nerve to walk inside. They checked my ID and I thought the man behind the counter could see right through me on why I was there. I walked straight to the DVD section and walked around the straight porn the first time, using my peripheral vision to scope out the layout of the rest of the store. I left without buying anything. The next time I went, a week later, I snuck into the gay DVD section, and even glanced at the fetish titles. One older man touched my butt as he walked by me, but I was so nervous I left right then. The next time I actually went back to the booths. There were five booths, all with holes on either side and a screen in the front. Each booth, you could stay in as long as you put in money to watch a title of your choice. I put in a dollar, which would give me 4 minutes and found a movie with a younger boy giving a blowjob to an older man. I started to jerk off then caught movement out of the corner of my eye. A finger slipped through the hole then I saw an eye looking at me. I pulled up my pants and rushed out the door, swearing I had recognized the eye staring at me.

I never went back because I had to start getting ready to move for college. I had decided on a school a few hours away for a fresh start and in a bigger city. My parents followed as I drove down and moved me in. As a surprise, they had gotten me my first computer. We were not a family of extravagant means, so this was a big deal. Campus had its own Wifi, so I took a few hours setting up my computer and getting it customized to what I wanted. I had used computers many times at school or the library, but never had I had my own that I could put a password on. All the obvious possibilities immediately filled my head. I started searching for porn sites and was jacking off at every naked man I could find a picture of. I didn?t know how to find the fetish sites I would later exclusively use, but anything was a turn on for a horny, newly freed 18 year old closet case. The first day I was alone in my dorm room, I was surfing the Wifi and found a site called craigslist. I found an ad that caught my attention: Coming to town for business. Will have own hotel room. Me: 47 year old, married, discreet, 6.5 in, mod hairy Wanted: Blowjob or more from a young boy. Prefer inexperienced. Prefer college aged. DDFUB2

Not knowing how this went, I responded, saying I was curious. I was very horny and therefore had lower inhibitions than I normally would have. Over the next few days, we emailed back and forth a couple times, him telling me what to expect and calming my nerves. The first thing he said was to not masturbate until we met as I would be less likely to chicken out. I don?t know why, but I felt compelled to follow his direction. That Friday night, he emailed me when he was in his hotel room. I took a shower and trimmed my pubes to look more presentable. I drove the few miles there and parked my car, wearing basketball shorts and my college hoodie as he asked. No underwear, as he said it would be more exciting. He was right. As I walked through the parking lot, I felt like everyone could see the outline of my hardening cock. I put my hands in my hoodie pocket and tried to pull the front over my crotch as casually as possible. As I took the elevator up to the eighth floor, I could feel my body start to shake. I thought about backing out like I always had before, but didn?t want to let this guy down. He seemed really nice and I did not want to disappoint him. As I walked down the hall and knocked on the door, I wondered what he looked like. All he had sent me was a picture of his dick and balls from a lower angle. So as I repeatedly looked at it, I felt like I was looking up at it, imagining it hanging above me. I could see a small gut in the picture, too, which really turned me on because it reminded me of Coach Harris. I didn?t send him a picture of me because I didn?t have a digital camera yet. He had told me if he wasn?t pleased with how I looked, he would just shut the door in my face. All of a sudden I was more worried he would turn me away. How would I feel if he just shut the door? How could I walk back through the lobby and parking lot to my car? The front desk guy had just seen me walk in, what would he think? I quickly brushed my fingers through my hair and rolled my sleeves up, hoping that more skin would make him more likely to let me in the door. I knocked on the door and waited. I could hear movement inside and looked at the peep hole, seeing shadows move across the light. I held my breath as I could sense him on the other side of the door, inspecting me. I let out a small breath as I heard him unlock the door, but didn?t relax because he could still turn me away. My breathing sped up as he opened the door. Standing before me was not what I expected. I think I had built up in my mind that this would be Coach Harris, masculine, rough, and domineering, instead a businessman stood in front of me. He had on black slacks, a light blue dress shirt, and a tie. He even still had his dress shoes on. Even though he didn?t seem as masculine as what I expected, I still felt unimportant standing opposite him. He seemed so worldly and professional and I was just a na‹ve college kid. He looked me up and down then just turned around and walked into the room. I was left standing in the hallway with the door open.

?Either get in here and shut the door or leave,? he ordered out of the deafening silence.

I rushed into the dimly lit room and shut the door behind me. He went to the desk and poured himself a drink while I took in the room. It was a very nice hotel, the kind with an extra couch and separate rooms for the shower and toilet instead of a minibar. The bed looked king sized, easily the biggest I had ever seen in real life. The only light came from a lamp on the wall behind the couch in the far corner, so I was standing in the shadows watching him in the light. I just stood at the entrance as he took his drink to the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table and turned on the tv.

?So, you?ve never done this before,? he more stated than asked.

?No!? I answered probably louder than I needed to, my nerves and breathing still a little out of control.

?No, what, boy??

?No, Sir,? I quickly added, remembering what he had said in his email. He was a man used to respect. Even his employees called him Sir.

?So you would feel more comfortable if I told you what I wanted you to do,? again, more of a statement than a question. I nodded my head in response. ?Good, then kick off your flip flops and come over here.? I took off my footwear as he ordered and lined them up by the door, then slowly stepped over to him. As I got close enough, he reached out and grabbed my shirt and pulled me to stand next to him. His head was at my crotch level and he laughed as he poked my hard cock that was sticking out against my shorts. ?Looks like someone is excited,? he laughed again. ?Okay, take your clothes off, fold them, and set them on the bed.? I grabbed the neck of my hoodie and pulled it over my head, slipping my arms through the sleeves. As it cleared my body, I folded it in quarters and laid it on the edge of the bed as he said. Then, while I was still facing away and with a deep exhale, I looped my thumbs under the waistband of the shorts and loosened them enough so they fell to my feet. I could feel his eyes follow the shorts as they cleared my round cheeks. I looped my toes through the shorts and lifted them to my hand, then folded them in half and laid them on top of the hoodie. I slowly turned around, covering my hard dick and low hanging balls. He just chuckled.

?Look at the floor and stand still.? I looked directly at my toes and willed myself to not move a muscle. He stood up and walked around me. He rubbed my right shoulder then snaked his hand down my back and over my left cheek. I clenched as I felt his finger rub near my hole, afraid he may try to force it in. Thankfully, he pulled it away and came back to in front of me. He took my right nipple in between his thumb and finger of his left hand and pinched a little, eliciting a gasp from me. I was still looking down and got intimidated as I realized I was completely nude only inches from a man that was still fully dressed in business clothes. He walked behind me again and I heard him take a few steps away from me. ?So you are afraid you are going to chicken out, is that what you said in your emails??

?Yes, Sir,? I quickly responded.

?Why do you chicken out? Do you want to be here, boy??

?I want to be here, Sir. I chicken out because I am afraid. I don?t want to do it wrong and I don?t know what I will enjoy.?

?Well we will take care of all that tonight, boy,? he said, as I heard a click. ?I have just locked up your shirt and shorts in the safe. You will get them back only when I say so. You may leave at any time, but you will only have your flip flops, so it is your choice.? At this point I began to panic, worried that he would not give them back even after I did what he said. ?I promise, boy. Now, I am willing to let you go now if you wish.? I heard another click. ?Make your decision now. Do I lock up your clothes, or are you going to leave now and never come back?? I took a minute and though about the decision. I wanted this. I wanted him. We had talked for several days and I felt like I could trust him. And if I was honest with myself, I felt more comfortable naked, in this hotel room, in front of him, then I did anywhere else.

?I will stay, Sir. Please tell me what to do.?

I heard the safe click again and he walked back over to me. I felt him stand behind me and then wrap his arms around me, both hands puling on my chest and nipples. The moment his lips touched the back of my neck, my knees went weak and he caught me. I lowered me to my knees, then directed me to lean forward so I was on all fours. He stood in front of me and looked down as he undid his belt and slipped it off. ?Kiss my feet.? As I leaned forward, he looped the belt around my neck through the buckle and tightened it. ?Now I have a leash for the little boy,? he said in a voice like he was talking to a puppy. He led me to the couch and sat down before pulling me between his legs. He used his toes to kick his shoes off and laid them next to the couch, then looked down at me. I didn?t know what to do, so I just looked down, incidentally towards his crotch. ?Take off my tie, boy.? I reached up around his neck and felt for the knot, hoping it was the one I was used to using myself. I pulled it loose and untied it, then removed it. ?Now use it and blindfold yourself.? Of course I followed his orders, as I tied a knot behind my head.

?Unbutton my shirt, use your other senses and enjoy yourself.? I felt my way to the top of his shirt and started undoing the buttons. As I worked my way down, I could feel his chest hair start coming out. He grabbed one of my wrists and guided my hand across his chest, feeling his pierced nipples buried in the fur that encompassed my fingers. I could feel him sigh as I rolled the barbells through my na‹ve fingers. As I got one nipple in each hand I felt his weight shift so that he was sitting lower on the couch, his legs wrapping more tightly around me and his crotch closer to my chest. I rubbed my hands down and continued to release his body until his shirt was completely undone. He then grabbed the leash and pulled my head up into his chest hair and I immediately started breathing him in. He guided my face as I traced my tongue across his body, not even caring that I was getting hair in my mouth. He forced my face against each nipple in turn, telling me how to nibble and suckle on each one to elicit the proper response. As they each got hard, I wanted to further attack them but he moved me to the other one, depriving me. Once he decided each one had gotten enough attention, he moved my face lower until I could feel his cock against my chin through his dress pants.

?You feel that, boy? He wants to meet you. Do you think you would like to meet him?? I responded by trying to lick him through his pants, but got a slap to my face. ?Boy, I didn?t tell you to touch him yet. You got to earn him.? I remained frozen from the slap, unable to pull away as he held the belt, which would tighten if I put any pressure against it. Unable to see his response, I had to wait for a verbal order, but instead he pushed me back and stood up. I sat back on my heels and felt as his crotch grazed my face when he stepped over me. I didn?t move and heard him walk over to the closet and open the door. When he came back, he crouched behind me and started kissing my neck again. I leaned back against him and felt his arms embrace me. I could feel the hair on my back as he rubbed his chest on me, then I felt him pinch my nipples in each hand, but the pressure didn?t stop when his hands continued to roam. ?Nipple clamps,? he whispered in my ear. ?They are connected by a chain, so I wouldn?t move around too much if you aren?t used to them.? He licked my ear as he finished his statement then stood up and moved back to the couch.

I heard him settled down before pulling my leash to him. ?My pants are undone, take them off me, but don?t touch anything.? I reached up and grabbed his slacks on the side seam and slightly tugged, inviting him to raise his hips so they would slide underneath them and down to his ankles. Still blindfolded, I gently guided each of his feet through the leg holes, then folded the pants and laid them next to wear his shoes were. ?Very good boy, you are very tidy. I like that.? I smiled at his praise, could feel my body flush at his warmth. ?Would you like to learn something new again, boy?? I eagerly nodded my head, biting my lip in excitement. He left each leg and rested them on my shoulders, then used his feet to pull me into him. He ran his fingers through my hair and tightened his grip, then guided my face until I could feel his strong manly scent. ?Now boy, this is your Master?s body. Everything on it is sacred for you, do you understand??

?Yes, Sir!? I almost yelled, eager for his penis in my mouth. Eager to taste what I had only seen a picture of. ?Please, Sir, please let me worship you. Tell me how to make you feel good, Sir.? My mouth was salivating at the thought of licking his giant balls, of stroking his shaft with my tongue.

?Good boy, now open your mouth and stick out your tongue.? I quickly did, like a doctor checking my tonsils, but when he pulled my face closer, instead of something going in my mouth, I felt my tongue slip into a crevice. Confused, I started licking, hoping this is what he wanted. I did not know what I was touching, so I just lapped like a dog. ?That?s your Master?s ass, boy. That is my most private corner. Taste it. Clean it. Beg my ass for permission to touch my cock.? The mention of his dick gave me a new energy and I started slurping. As I explored farther from the hole, I felt cloth against my forehead and realized he was wearing a jock strap. As I hardened my tongue to start probing deeper, I inhaled through my nose and breathed in the scent of his jock strap. It wasn?t as pungent as Coach Harris?s had been, but it was better, because it was his.

It was my Master?s.

I took a chance and ran my hands up His body and started rubbing His nipples while He pushed back against my tongue. As I dove in, I felt Him grab the chain and pull me into Him, it felt like my nipples were on fire, but I just wanted to please Him. I wanted Him. I suddenly realized that I was in love with His body and I had never seen it. I haven?t seen the chest hair my fingers were running through. I haven?t seen the nipple rings I was squeezing. I haven?t seen the legs resting on my shoulders that I could feel hair on, tickling my neck and cheek. I haven?t seen the ass I was now eating and licking and slurping. I didn?t care. I was in love with this body. And there was still one part I haven?t had.

?Please, Sir,? I pulled back. ?Please, Sir. Please may I taste your cock, Sir? I will do anything, Sir. Just tell me what to do, Sir. Please, I need your cock, Sir.? I sounded like a slut. I knew I was overdoing it, but I was honest. I didn?t just want it, I needed it. I needed His cock to be a part of me.

?Anything, boy??

?Anything, Sir.? I knew it was a lot, but at the time it was true.

?Do you want to learn slowly or quickly how to serve my cock with your mouth??

?I want to learn right away, Sir. The faster that pleases you the better.?

?Very well, boy.? I felt Him take His legs off my shoulders and stand up, pulling me by the leash to the bed. ?Up, up, boy!? I heard Him pat the sheet. I climbed onto the bed on all fours. ?Now roll over, on your back now.? I rolled over and then scooted towards Him as He pulled me by the nipples clamps. When He stopped, my head was hanging off the bed. I felt Him pull the belt until it was tight, ?I?m going to tie up my good boy, gotta make sure you can?t get away.? As He knotted the belt against the foot of the bed, I realized I was tied up like a dog. My Master had essentially collared me.

?Now open your mouth, boy.? I gleefully did, waiting for His cock. The most amazing cock that could ever be. Master let his cock hit my forehead as I hung upside-down, then brushed it up my cheek and onto my chin, but this put his balls against my lips. Not wanting another slap across the cheek, I anxiously waited for permission, but he didn?t say a word. He pulled away again and walked to the closet, this time I could hear a chain jingle as he walked back. He stood in the same position with his large balls resting on my lips as I felt the chain on my nipple clamps tighten, then slacken, and tighten again. ?Now, boy, our nipples are chained together, so with each thrust, we will both feel it.? True to His word, as he pulled back and put the tip of his glorious cock against my lips, I felt the chain attached to my nipples pull towards my chin, but I fought the urge and went against the resistance to get better angled for His cock.

Master reached down and caressed my cheek as he eased the tip of his cock past my lips. For the first time, I could taste His cock and it was the most delicious thing I ever had in my mouth. Never again would I crave pizza, liquor, or candy, but forever the cock of my Master. ?Do not move your lips or your tongue, boy. Be a good boy a do what your Master tells you.? I froze my mouth open, letting Him stroke in and out, sometimes rubbing against my cheek, sometimes my tongue, and other times barely touching anything. He never went past the head, but I could taste the precum as it rubbed off the few times He used my tongue to stroke His shaft. When he would pull out, I would feel the tug on my nipples, attached to His, and it would ease as He stroked back in, lessening the tension. My hands were at my sides this whole time, but my body started to get anxious. I wanted to touch Him with my hands; I wanted to feel the hair on His body. I started to wring my hands into fists, which He must have noticed because he leaned forward and grabbed my lower arms and bent them at the elbow. He laid them on the bed so that my palms were against His thighs, I could feel as He rocked into me. The hair on His legs brushed my palms as He started to stroke deeper into my mouth. He continued this for long enough that my mouth went dry, my tongue only wettened by the flow of precum oozing out of the tip of His cock. He pulled out completely from my mouth, almost taking my nipples with His, but stopped at the breaking point, and then spit into my mouth. I was afraid to move, but instinct told me to use it to get rid of the dryness as much as possible. Then He leaned forward against my palms again, and put the tip inside my lips again. ?You may suck now, boy, but focus on relaxing your throat.?

As soon as I felt His cock against my tongue, I started swirling, wanting to cover every inch with the saliva He had just given me. Then His thighs against my palms got heavier as He leaned forward, pressing His cock further into my mouth. Master was taking my oral virginity. He was the first cock to enter my mouth, and I knew He was the only one worthy of it. When Master?s cock hit the back of my tongue, I felt His hands on my thighs, pressing them into the mattress. Master was holding me still so He could go further into my throat without me fighting. ?Hold your breath, boy. Breathe in when I pull out. Make me proud, boy.? My heart raced at his praise, I could feel my dick, still hard, bob in response to His cock entering my throat. He wrapped His hands around my thighs and I could feel His fingers brush my balls as he pulled into me more. I focused on Him. I relaxed my throat muscles and felt so proud of myself when His bull balls rested on my forehead. I was pinned under my Master, His cock impaled down my throat, and I never felt more relaxed.

?What a good boy! You are so good at this, boy. You know this is what you were meant to do. I have never had a boy learn so fast. Now would you like your reward, boy?? My dick jumped when He asked. Master must have seen it, because He laughed and lightly slapped my balls. I tried to squeeze my legs together, but He held them open. ?We will work on that, boy. But for now, I think you have earned a treat.? He pulled out and my throat felt empty. I was grateful to be able to breathe, but I wanted him back inside me. Luckily for me, He plunged back in, much quicker this time. He started stroking in and out, letting me take a small breath with each out stroke. My nipples were tugged each way, pulled towards my chin when Master pulled out, and towards my belly button when Master impaled me again. My hands were still pinned under His thighs, and my thighs under His hands, but I could feel Master speed up. Soon He pulled all the way out and I could feel His spray on my face. He shot the first load on my forehead, then the second on my nose, then finally put the tip of His cock just inside my lips. ?Take a drink, boy, taste what you have worked for.? I eagerly swallowed, sucking like a baby on a bottle, wanting to taste the prize he had given me. I had done well and Master was rewarding me, it would be disrespectful to not be thankful. As the last drops dribbled onto my tongue, I moaned out as Master removed my nipple clamps. The blood rushing back in was an intense sensation with Master?s cum on my tongue.

?Okay, boy. You did very well. So well, in fact, that I will give you an option. I want to see you again, I think you could be the perfect pet for me. There is much I could still train you, but that is your decision.? At this point He pulled His cock fully from my lips and I felt the bed shift as Master must have sat down next to my waist. Master then touched me, began rubbing my chest and stomach, roaming His hands down my thighs and back up the other side. Master was notably avoiding my dick and balls and my nipples. I hadn?t moved my hands, even when He had moved, so Master also ran his hands over my armpits, tickling me. ?Here are your options, boy. Your useless dick is hard, and I am sure you are wanting release, but as you now know, you get nothing for free. So, I will stroke you to climax if that is what you want, boy. Let you feel what you made me feel. But if you cum here, I will not see you again.? Master let that thought sink in. I could not imagine not experiencing this again. ?Or, you can come see me when I am in town next week. If you choose that, I will teach you more, but you cannot cum before then. My pets do not get to control their dicks. Your dick and cum now belong to me if you choose to come back next week.?

?I want to come back, Sir!? I blurted out without thinking a second. ?Please, Sir. I don?t want to leave tonight, Sir. Please let me continue to serve you. Teach me what I can do to please you.? I was panic-stricken. My breathing was rapid and sweat was pouring from my forehead to the ground as I remained tied to the foot of the bed.

?That?s what I thought, boy, but I have to make sure.? I felt Master get off the bed and heard Him at his closet once more. I wish I could see what else He had in there. When He came back, Master touched my dick for the first time, but it was with ice in his hand. ?No noise, boy!? I struggled to not move or whimper as I felt the coldness shrink my boy parts. Once I had shrunk enough, I felt something tight around my shaft. Then heard a click as, what sounded like, a padlock was locked. Master got back off the bed. I heard some rustling then felt the leash slacken. Master cradled my head in his palm as He guided my body to lay long ways on the bed. Then Master untied my blindfold. When I opened my eyes, squinting despite the lowlight in the room, I could see Master had put a robe on. He was standing next to the table where the drinks were in His long black dress socks, a white robe tied at the waist, and some chest hair poking out the top, but I had missed any opportunity to see His body. I looked down at my own body and noticed the plastic cage around my dick. ?That is a chastity cage, it will make sure you do not touch yourself until I say so. I will be back one week from today. If you cannot handle it, you can email me and ask for the key. I will mail it to you no questions asked, but then I will not tell you my room number next week and will not invite you back. It is under your control for now. If you make it to next week, you will not be given another opportunity. Do you understand, boy??

?I think so, Sir. Can I ask what you will teach me next week??

?That is up to me, boy. But you will learn something new every time. I will email you a list of possibilities. You can pick three things on the list to not be trained in. I do respect limits. However, you may only pick three. I will include services that I do not do anyway, so be honest and smart. Do not assume what I will or will not want to train you in, so choose wisely what is off the table. ?

?Yes, Sir.?

?Now, I laid your clothes on the chair by the door. Get dressed and go home. I am done with you for the night. I will text you next week with the room number and time. I expect to see you here not a minute late.?

?Yes, Sir.? I scooted to the edge of the bed then walked over to the chair. It was furthest from the light, so it was difficult to see which way I should put the shorts on, but I managed and then slipped my hoodie over my arms and head. I slipped my flip flops on and turned the handle.

?One more thing, boy. When you come back next week, I want you to shave everything below your neck. I like my pussies hairless.?

?Yes, Sir,? I answered as I pulled open the door and for the first time walked away from my new Master. I could feel the cage around my dick restrain me from getting hard at the thought of next week?s encounter. I quickly drove home, hoping the email with the list of services was already waiting for me, and already wondering what could be on that list that I wouldn?t do for Master.

End of Part 1

I am hoping to continue this story, but I want to hear feedback first. If I do not hear anything, I will likely not submit anything else. I am always looking to hear of real Master/pet relationships. If any Masters, slaves, or pets have suggestions for actions, training, tests, or punishments for the story or me personally, please let me know. I also have some pictures of myself that I will gladly trade for pictures of Masters or other slaves and pets. My email is for anything you would like to say to me. Thank you, Sirs for your consideration.

Next: Chapter 2

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