Getting Coached


Published on Jan 3, 2023


For the next couple of days things went back to something like normal. I was working hard on a few cases and the rest of my time was spent at the gym and hanging out with my husband and some friends.

The only thing that didn't feel normal was my ass. After the pounding that Coach had given me I was sore. I could still feel how he had destroyed my hole three days later. I was at the gym doing squats. Each time I went low and felt my hole stretch I remembered how it felt when the head of Coach's cock had first pushed my hole open and forced my ring to accommodate his fat dick. I needed more.

Coach and I had been keeping in touch by text. He was sending me pics of his huge cock in different settings. Some shots in the locker room with his cock flopping out of his jock. One of him at his desk with his cock sitting soft across his laptop keyboard. Even one back at the same bathroom where we first messed around with his cock hanging under the divider between the stalls. Every time I got a picture from him my cock started to swell and my hole twitched. I was hungry and he was only making me hungrier.

Then he started telling me what kind of pictures he wanted me to send him. First he told me to take out my cock at my desk and send him a picture. Then he told me to get hard and take another picture in the same spot. Then he asked about my office. I told him as a partner I had my own office. He asked if the door had a window. I told him part of the door was frosted glass but there was some privacy, including a shade that people put down when they needed to concentrate and didn't want to be interrupted. He told me to get on my knees, take out my hard cock and take a picture for him with my mouth open and tongue out. I did it. He sent me back a picture taken from below showing his huge balls and big dick. I was getting more and more horned. Next he told me to go to the bathroom and get rock hard at the urinal and take a video jerking my hard cock. He said he wanted to see my dick leaking pre-cum but that I wasn't allowed to finish.

I started to make my way from my office to the bathroom on the other side of my firm's floor. I'd grabbed a notebook to hold in front of my crotch to try and hide the tent I was pitching in my slacks, it felt like being back in junior high.

I was almost to the bathroom and just crossing the hallway near the elevator banks when I almost bumped into a guy who stepped into the hallway in front of me. He was in a UPS uniform and was a bit shorter than me. I noticed his muscular shoulders and could see his strong forearms and big calves since his uniform was shorts and short sleeves. We had both stopped short to avoid running into each other and the UPS guy had dropped a clipboard he'd been carrying.

As he turned to the side to pick up the clipboard I got a view of his muscular ass in those tight brown shorts. I noticed he had dark hair covering his calves and as he bent over, I could see the hair on the back of his thighs as his shorts rode up. The shorts were tight and he had his legs spread in a way that let me see a bulge between his legs from behind when he bent over and squatted down lower. I started imaging what he would like naked in that same position. Hairy legs and ass pushing backward toward me. Huge hairy nuts hanging down between his legs and below a hairy crack and hole. My already hard cock pulsed and I felt a wet spot start to form in my boxers where I was leaking pre-cum.

My attention snapped back to the moment. "Sorry about that man" he said as he gave me a warm smile.

"Uh no problem." I stammered.

"Have a good day" he said and put his hand on my arm as he started to move past me into the hall. He left his hand on my arm for just a beat too long and then I saw his eyes drop from mine to the outline of my hard cock sideways in my pants. His eyebrows went up a bit and he looked back at me and smirked..."Looks like it's already a good day, heh.".

I blushed and quickly raised the folder to try and cover the front of my slacks again. He just laughed a little and kept walking. I turned and hurried toward the bathroom. A few steps in I looked back over my shoulder. He was part way down the hallway watching me walk away. He looked the other way, then turned his body back toward me and groped himself. Even from 20 feet away I could see he had a cock to match those big nuts and could tell he was at least starting to get hard. My cock throbbed again and I could feel my face getting hot. I took a deep breath and turned away. Right then I felt my phone buzz. I took it out of my pocket. There was a text from Coach. "I'm waiting". Fuck...I had to get him that video. UPS guy would have to wait.

I finally made it to the bathroom. It seemed empty and I took a quick look for feet in the stalls. Coast was clear. I went to the urinal. My cock was straining in my pants and it popped up and out when I got my belt, button and zipper open. I pulled my boxers down around my rock hard cock and under my full balls. Then I got out my phone and started recording for Coach. First I took a long shot of me stroking and sent it. Then I started another one where I drooled on to my dick to get it slick and really worked it hard back and forth, pulling it down and letting it snap back upward. Next I did a close up of the head of my cock and squeezed out some pre-cum. I wiped up the pre-cum with my finger and flipped the camera around to film my mouth while I tasted the pre-cum from my fingers. After I sent the last video I got a text back from coach. "Tell me what you need."

I flipped the camera back around so I could film my cock again. This time I started talking. My voice was low and gravely. "I want your cock coach. I want to taste your dick again. I can't stop thinking about feeling your cock down my throat. I can still feel how you wrecked my hole and I need more. I want to service your cock with my mouth and ass Coach. I want you to fuck a load down my throat." I sent the video. I was so horned I could barely think straight. All I wanted was cock, Coach cock.

A few seconds later my phone buzzed, it was Coach. "Good job." Then another. "Now I have a surprise for you." I figured he was going to send me a really good picture of his dick or maybe a video and then let me shoot my load looking at it. Instead his next text came through, "Go into the stall on the end. Get on your knees with your cock still out. Wait."

What the fuck? How did Coach know there was a bigger more private stall at the end of this bathroom? Had he been in my office? Was he here now? My head was exploding but all I wanted was to make Coach happy so I did what he said. I went into the stall and toward the back where someone coming in wouldn't be able to easily see me. Then I got down on my knees. My cock was still out, rock hard and leaking pre-cum. I had no idea what was going on but I definitely liked it.

I was on my knees in the floor of the bathroom in my office. In a back stall with a bit of privacy. My cock was out and dripping. I had no idea what was going to happen but I needed cock.

I heard the door open. Someone walked back toward the stall I was in. I'd left the door closed but unlocked.

The door pushed open and I looked up at my colleague Andrew. He broke into a big smile. "Coach told me I'd find a surprise here. I had no idea what he was talking about but this is just what I needed."

He took a step in, closed and locked the door and turned back toward me. Without any other words he started undoing his pants. My phone buzzed and another message came through from Coach. "Service his cock. Swallow his cum. Don't shoot." Fuck.

I looked up from my phone just as Andrew pulled his cock over the top of the waistband of his briefs. He was huge. I'd actually heard rumors around the office that he was packing, some guys who had gone to college with him made a few jokes about it one happy hour after they got a little tipsy.

Andrew's cock was probably 8 and a half inches. It stuck straight out from his body and he had a nice full set of pubes. Below his dick was a set up smooth balls that looked big even next to his fat cock. His head was flared out to the side and I could see a thick vein on the underside of his shaft starting to pulse.

Andrew stepped forward and shoved his cock into my face. "Suck it". I could tell he was getting off on having someone more senior in the firm on their knees in front of him. He was ready to take control of my mouth. I could smell his balls as I opened my mouth and tried to start licking the beautiful head of his dick. I could already taste some salty pre-cum in the slit of his cock. I didn't get much of a chance to enjoy it because Andrew pushed his dick forward into my mouth and down my throat. He didn't want to get his cock worshiped, he wanted to fuck my face. He pulled back out of my mouth, grabbed the base of his cock and slapped his wet dick across my face.

"You like that big cock? I can tell you need it. Open up, I'm going to pound your throat." All I could do was try to relax my jaw as he drove himself deeper into my skull. I felt the huge head of his dick hit the back of my throat and I gagged. He didn't care. He grabbed the back of my head and held my face down on his cock while I made heaving noises. I could smell the sweat starting to form on his balls and my noise was buried in his musky pubes. It was heaven. It was what I needed.

He pulled his dick out of my throat. It was covered in thick spit from my gagging. He took out his phone, slapped his cock back across my face. "Smile for Coach, cocksucker."

Then his dick was back down my throat. He started building up a rhythm, going deep and holding my head down with his cock deep and his balls hitting my chin, then pulling almost all the way out and pounding back down into my face. I reached back and pulled on his muscular ass trying to get even more of his cock into my hole. My eyes were watering. My cock was pulsing and leaking. All I wanted was for him to use me as a hole. I wanted him to use me and fuck me hard. I needed his load.

I could tell Andrew was getting close. He was making low moaning noises and there was a thin film of sweat forming on his lower abs where he had lifted up his shirt. Plus his long dicking was getting faster and more urgent. Just when I thought he might go over the edge the door to the bathroom opened.

We both froze. His dick was about halfway in my mouth. Even though I was freaking out about getting caught, I couldn't stop sucking softly on his dick. I wanted his load so badly.

We both heard whoever had entered walk over to the stall next to us. From my position on my knees I could see his shoes as he entered the stall. It was a pair of grey Nike running shoes, and I could tell the guy was wearing shorts. Holy shit, it was the UPS guy. As he dropped his shorts I realized I was right, there were the tan shorts from his uniform, now pooled around his ankles.

I had no idea what to do. I could tell Andrew was torn as well. He kept his cock in my mouth and was responding to my sucking by starting to rock his hips forward and back again a bit. We were both looking over at the next stall to see what would happen next.

Slowly we both watched as the grey Nike shoe started moving up and down, tapping the toe over and over. Andrew and I looked at each other, eyes wide. Andrew slowly took his cock out of my mouth and walked over to the partition. He reached under and made a "come here" motion with his fingers.

The UPS guy didn't waste any time. He pulled up his shorts and we heard the door to his stall open. Meanwhile Andrew had come back in front of me. When the door to our stall opened Andrew's cock was already back down my throat. UPS guy took one look at the scene, smiled and unbuttoned his shorts.

He pulled them down to reveal a black jockstrap. I moaned into Andrew's cock when I saw the jockstrap and the outline of a huge cock already starting to strain the fabric. He pulled his cock out of the side of the pouch and I got my first look at it. He wasn't long but he was thick. Beer can thick. And uncut. He was almost fully hard but there was still a lot of foreskin covering the head of his cock. And his balls were hairy with a thick bush merging into the hair on his stomach and legs. He looked like a beast and I wanted him bad.

UPS walked up next to Andrew who still had his cock deep in my throat. UPS put his balls right in my face, his cock landing across my forehead. My face was full of cock and balls. Andrew was all the way inside me, his nuts on my chin. UPS was smothering me with his crotch, with his sack and taint on top of my face. All I could taste, smell, see or hear was these two guys who were going to use me to get off. I was in heaven.

They started taking turns with my mouth. Andrew pulled back and UPS immediately shoved his cock in to take Andrew's place. His uncut dick tasted good, I tried to get my tongue into his foreskin the tease his head but just like Andrew he only wanted to fuck my face. He started thrusting in and out. His cock was so thick I could barely get my mouth around it. It was stretching my jaw and felt like it was bruising the back of my throat. I wanted more.

I was stroking Andrew on one side of my face while the monster UPS cock rammed my face. After a few minutes Andrew started pushing close to my mouth, he wanted in. UPS pulled out and Andrew went back at it. They kept going back and forth like that for a few minutes. Then while they were switching UPS grabbed my mouth and held it open. He spit into my mouth. Andrew followed his lead and spit into my mouth too. It was so hot, they were filling me up in all ways. I wanted more. Both cocks were hanging in front of me. I could barely fit UPS in my mouth on his own, but I wanted them both. I stretched my lips and opened up my jaw. They got the message and both shoved their cocks into my mouth at the same time. It was intense. My mouth was full of two huge cocks. I couldn't breath and they just kept pushing in deeper. They both started pulling in and out, their cocks fighting for space in my mouth.

Andrew started groaning. "I'm gonna shoot."

UPS pulled out and let Andrew drive his cock down my throat. He let out a long low moan and I felt warm cum shoot out of his cock straight into my stomach. He was gripping the back of my head and his cock was deeper than it had ever gotten. He shot 5 huge spurts down my throat then pulled back and slumped backwards toward the wall.

UPS stepped up and was ready to go too. He grabbed my head, shoved his cock in and unloaded. The first three spurts went down my throat. Then he pulled out and two more massive ropes of cum jetted out of his cock across my face. He used his thick cock to wipe up to load and said "lick it off man". I sucked it down and tasted his sweet load.

They both zipped up and walked out. I was left on my knees, cock out, smelling like dick and balls with two loads in my stomach. My phone buzzed. It was Coach.

"Good job"

Let me know if you got off, or if you have any dirty ideas/suggestions. And if you have any comments or feedback, please feel free to send an email to

Next: Chapter 6

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