Getting Chris' Cock

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Jul 6, 2004



Maybe I should have used the word "FINALLY" in the title, too. I really had to work at it to get Chris' cock and I wasn't used to having to do that.

Anyway, I lived next door to a small apartment complex consisting of two, single story 4-plexes. I had lived here two years in a house that I had inherited from a gay uncle along with a nice sum of money. I also had a good income from my job. I'm 27 years old, 6'0" tall, skinny with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. I don't know how long Chris and his dad, Dave, had lived next door, but the whole thing started when I was working weekends in the yard and I'd see Dave drive out of the apartment driveway. He'd always wave as he went by.

Then, one Wednesday, feeling in need of sex I went to a local hangout. (Every Saturday night I always had a good romp with some guy I'd pick up at a downtown bar and that usually kept my cock behaving itself during the week - but not tonight.). So, I went to a neighborhood hangout. Dave was sitting at the bar and saw me immediately as I walked in the door, waved for me to sit down beside him. For the first time I learned his name was Dave and I introduced myself as Joe. As things turned out, he was a professional house painter and lived up to the trades' reputation for heavy drinking. He got pretty high and talkative as we started playing pool - possibly because I was paying for the games as well as the drinks. It soon became clear that he had 3 main topics he liked to talk about -- pool, sex and his son Chris (not necessarily in that order).

Concerning Chris, I learned he was 17 and needed a shrink but wouldn't go. His mom (divorced from his dad) had just died with cancer. Chris sounded like he'd be a walk on the wild side. I wanted him no matter what sized cock he had. After all, he was a 17 year old. Chris was taking it out on Dave because he'd divorced his mom. He had up and down moods, jabbed his fist through hollow- core doors, that sort of crap. He'd also started drinking. I became interested and encouraged Chris as the topic of Dave's slurred speech -- so slurred that I was even beating him at pool, which I'd never done before with anyone. I wouldn't have known Chris even if I'd met him, but Dave told me he was a skinhead.

Dave had walked the 9 blocks to the bar, so I took him home in my car. Well, I might as well get it over with now, so you'll better understand the rest of the story; I have three big time cock raisers - boys, drunks and big cocks (again, not necessarily in that order). I'd expected he'd he pass out and he did, so I turned into my driveway, turned off the headlights, went around to the passenger side of the car, opened the door, left the dome light on and unzipped his pants. I know you can't get a drunk to shoot, but I was just hoping to at least get it hard and see how big it was, thinking it might be a clue as to how big Chris was. Well it was a smooth, hefty, seven-inch, cut dick with a nice head. It was nice, very nice. In fact it was so nice I decided to have a taste. I went down on it, masturbated while sucking on it and shot a wad. That was all the sex I'd have until Saturday.

I realized I didn't know his apartment number so I drove slowly down the center driveway, looking to both sides and I saw his Honda parked in the driveway of Unit 4.

I knocked at the door and told Chris, his dad had gotten drunk at the bar, told him I lived next door and I'd brought him home.

He must have answered the door in a hurry and he must have hurriedly stuffed his cock back into his jockeys -- it was hard and wouldn't quite fit as his cockhead was showing above the waistband. It had to be a 7, maybe 8. I couldn't tell if it was cut or not. It might be his foreskin was retracted. Cut or uncut didn't matter shit. It was big and that was what I wanted. It was, obviously, no surprise to Chris that I'd knocked on the door at this late hour. He thanked me and remarked that it happened at least once a week. We helped each other get his dad out of the car and into bed. On the way out I noticed that Chris had a few blonde hairs on his chest and blonde eyebrows. And, I also noticed he had a fuck film on the TV.

The minute I got home, I jacked off. Chris was beautiful. I now knew what my target was like. I didn't know if he was straight or gay, but that didn't matter. Both could be had if you had patience and didn't fuck up by getting in a hurry.

Monday, Chris knocked on my door and asked if I could give him a ride into town. He had a job interview. Dave had told me that Chris was unemployed. Wednesday evening he knocked at the door and asked if he could borrow 20 bucks. I knew he wanted to buy some booze but this was no time to let a false set of morals get in the way of my plan.

I out and out asked him. "Are you going to buy some liquor?" He was both shocked and embarrassed but he said, "Yea". I took him to the store.

He told me he drank Vodka, I handed him the bottle when I got back into the car plus the change for a $20.00 bill.

"Thanks man."

"Don't mention it."

I felt as though I'd already been paid back. I was now a friend of Chris's; I knew he had a big one between his legs but, most importantly, I had thought of a plan as to how to get it. Get it in my mouth or in my ass; it didn't really matter. Just getting it was the important thing.

So, next Saturday when I saw Dave's Honda pull out of his driveway I waved him to stop.

He remembered the bar scene and that I'd taken him home. Luckily he had no recall of having been sucked on.

"Dave, I've met Chris. I gave him a ride to town one day. Would you two come over for dinner tonight? I'll cook some steaks"

"Sure, that sounds great. The only thing Chris and I can fix is frozen dinners and hamburger. What time?"

"Is six OK? We can have some drinks first."

"Can we bring anything?" I said "Just yourselves." I'd like to have added "Make sure Chris has brings his cock with him" but I didn't.

As soon as I finished mowing the lawn, I went to the supermarket and got what I needed and to a bakery for dinner rolls and brownies. When they arrived I told them I'd set out liquor on the island counter on the kitchen, a bucket of ice, mixes and glasses so everyone could help themselves. (I knew Dave drank bourbon, Chris drank Vodka and I drank Scotch.) Despite a large variety of snacks before dinner, I knew they'd reached the feeling no pain level by the time the steaks were done. I had really made a production of it, as best I could anyway -- salad, steaks, vegetables, desert and coffee and brandy afterwards.

After dinner we settled down in the study in front of the TV. Dave had remained behind and poured himself another one, a stiff one. I told Chris to select a video if he wanted to. I'd put all the porno stuff in the front of everything else and he entered into the trap and loaded a film of a big dicked gangbang with a lot of teen-age girls.

Dave wasn't too interested and got up, went to the kitchen and poured his self what looked like a big glass of bourbon with no mix or water. He didn't even finish it before he passed out.

After the video had played out, I said, "Chris, I think we getter get your dad home. I don't want to have him on my couch all night."

"That's a good idea. Can I come back? I really enjoyed the dinner and would like to watch some more videos if that's OK?"

"You'd be more than welcome. I'd like to have you come back."

Even though it was just next-door, we loaded Dave into the car, drove over and dumped him on the couch.

"Excuse me Joe, I've got to go to the bathroom."

I thought he needed to take a piss but later I realized that must have been when he'd slipped a bottle of popper's into his pocket.

When we returned, I asked Chris if he wanted another and he said "Please". I poured us both another highball and made his stiff. He was drinking his Vodka on the rocks anyway. After I gave him his drink, I reached in the case below the TV and pulled out a selection of brand new gay porno CD's, handed them to him and said, "Chris, I don't know if you would like these, or not? I get a kick out of them once in a while. Kind of a change of pace."

He looked them over, I held my breath and finally he handed me one to put in the video-CD player.

Well, nothing happened for a while but when a really torrid scene started playing, he reached over to the coffee table, picked up his drink, had a few swallows and started rubbing his crotch.

His rubbing gave me an instant erection. Without excusing myself, I just got up and went to the bathroom. I had to cool down. I didn't want to rush and fuck things up. Shit man, I wasn't sure, yet, what he was - gay, bisexual or just curious maybe. After about 5 minutes he called my name through the door and then opened it.

"I was wondering where you were. Are you OK"

"Fine." Hope he didn't notice I was sitting on the john with my pants pulled up. That could have seemed a little weird. He'd forgotten to zip his pants up before he came looking for me.

"You've still got some Scotch in your glass. Mind if I pour myself another one on the way back?"

"Hey, you're a guest here. Make yourself at home."

Another 5-minutes must have passed when I turned my head slightly toward him as he slipped his right hand into his still unzipped pants and slowly fondled himself. Things were looking up but I still didn't want to scare him. What he was doing was not an unheard of thing for a teen watching a gay porno movie and his dad, who was older than me, 48 at the least, was still no match for me if he started punching me out because I'd tried to seduce his son.

This seemed to be the time to remind myself that I shouldn't hurry so I just looked. If I got him I got him. If I didn't, I had taken a big step toward my goal and, after he left I'd have the best jack off of my life.

He was now my friend and seemed comfortable watching porno with me. And that was a semi-sexual situation we both enjoyed and could do again.

Suddenly he got up without excusing himself and went to the bathroom, just as I had done. Damn, I hoped he was jacking himself. But he returned too quickly to have done that and I knew the game was still on. Was he playing a seduction game with me, too? I really didn't know.

"Joe, everyone tells me I have a big dick and everyone wants to suck it."

"Oh, how big is it?"

"Eight inches."

Jesus, you are hung. I'm only seven."

"That's still big in my book."

"Are you cut?

"Yea, are you?"

"Yea, but I wish I hadn't been."

"Know what ya mean. Can I have another Vodka?"

I picked up both of our glasses, went to the kitchen and poured another round, again making his a stiff one.

When I returned to the TV room, Chris had taken his pants off. There was his teen, eight-inch cock sticking straight up with a big, shining cockhead and a beautiful pair of low hangers. His body was pale skinned, smooth, slender and very boyish. It was a sexy example of a young male's body that was not overly athletic.

"Getting comfortable?"

"Yea, hope it doesn't bother you?"

"Well, honestly, I don't see how in the fuck it could not bother me. Jesus I'd like to take care of that for you."

With silent acceptance, we put our drinks on the coffee table; Chris bent over, unzipped my pants and pulled down my jockeys as I kicked my shoes off.

"We're even, yours bothers me, too."

"Grab your drink." I led him to the master bedroom and my unmade bed. Without turning on the light, I kissed him, sucked his nipples, licked out his navel and sucked his low hangers.

He had evidently had his poppers in his hand and offered them to me, which I declined but waited while he sniffed them.

Oh God, he had a nice big cock. It felt so good as it slipped into my mouth. As I already knew there was nothing that could compare to a smooth skinned, male sex organ, totally erect and all gorged with blood, cockhead swollen, all slippery with a cockucker's saliva as a cocksucker gives it a working over with his mouth.

(If you're a cocksucker you know what I mean. If you aren't I recommend that you find one to suck as soon as possible because you're missing one of life's hottest experiences.)

Chris wanted to pause, took another hit from his poppers bottle and coaxed me to try them. I'm glad he did. It enhanced the experience a thousand fold. Finally, his low hangers must have snuggled up to the bottom of his shaft and he unloaded his sweet, teenage love juice into my mouth in torrents.

We literally collapsed, rolled over and began sucking face.

"Jesus, Joe, I've been sucked before by a couple of kids but I now know I've never been really sucked off until just now. You're a real cocksucker. You're unbelievable.

"I guess you enjoyed it?"

Give me time to recover and I'll show you. I reached into the nightstand, pulled out a couple of cigarettes and my lighter. I went to the bathroom and brought back a glass with water in it to use as an ashtray. We sipped on the drinks we had brought back to the bedroom and enjoyed the total relaxed feeling we were experiencing.

I put out my cigarette first and the minute he put his out, he took another hit from his bottle, rolled over atop me and mouth fucked me like crazy. It was my first time for that. The kid was now teaching me. It was wild. He was using my mouth to satisfy the wild, homosexual needs of his big, teen-age cock. He was fucking my mouth the same as a man would fuck a whore's cunt. I loved it, he climaxed and, at the same time, I did, too, without ever touching myself. For the second time within a few minutes his teen juice poured from his cock into my mouth. I could tell that it had been a very strong climax for him, as the second in a row could sometimes be.

"Can I stay with you tonight, Joe?"

I didn't answer, I just reached down and pulled the covers over us and threw my arm over his chest, he wrapped his hand around my cock and we went to sleep.

Just before I fell asleep, I thought to myself that I'd just lived a dream. I'd just had Chris' meat. He was a boy, he was drunk and he had a big cock -- not that I neither expected nor even wanted him to get drunk every time we had sex. It was enough for me that I was just confident that there would be a next time.

I fixed him breakfast and he went home. I wondered how long it would be before I saw him again. I needn't have wondered. Within a few hours he opened the door without knocking and ran into the bedroom where I was getting dressed. His eye and his lip were swollen and his lip was bleeding.

I knew what had happened, even without knowing the details. The first thing I did was to take some pictures of his face, then I made him lie on the bed and I wrapped ice cubes in two wet washcloths -- one for his lip and one for his eye and gave him 2 aspirin with a glass of water.

"That bastard did that to you, didn't he?"

"Bastard is right."

"I'm going to lock the door and he can force it open before I'll respond to his knocking. You just lie still and don't talk." I threw my arm over his chest and kissed him on his cheek.

He relaxed and actually went to sleep for over an hour.

He was calmer when he awoke until we began discussing what had happened and then he began to cry. I kissed him again, and kept my arm across his chest and said, "That's OK, don't talk, just lie there until you're ready. When he did start talking about it he told me it had nothing to do with his staying overnight here. His dad was just in one of his rages. He asked if he could move in with me.

I told him he was more than welcome and that I'd call in and take a week of the vacation time or overtime that I had coming.

I now discounted everything Dave had told me about Chris and knew that he was the one with freaky, unsolved problems. As for Chris, he was a sensitive, young boy, far from being violent. But this morning's experience had really upset him,.

"Chris, could I fix you a cup of fresh, hot coffee?"

"No thanks, Joe, but I know what I would like and would find relaxing."

"Just name it and I'll get it for you."

"It's a do rather than a get."

I smiled. I knew what he wanted; he'd already taken his shoes off when I first made him lie down. Now, I had him raise his butt and I unbuckled, and pulled down his jeans and then his jockeys, I raised his T-shirt a little so it was above his navel. His teen cock was relaxed, hanging between his spread legs. It was almost as large in its flaccid stage as it was erect. I never took my eyes off of it as I undressed and got into bed atop him with my face in his crotch. It was a bit raunchy from last night's sex and I'm sure he'd had several erections in his sleep, too. But a little raunch was exciting in and of itself. The minute I sucked his cockhead behind my lips I knew I was not going to last long, but I prayed that Chris would. I looked up at his face; his eyes were closed.

The anticipation of sucking a big cock always got me sexed up fast. But Chris's 8 inches classified as more than big and it was on Chris, a good looking, young boy and I was more than just sexed up. I was hot, man. I was really high temperature hot. But, I wanted to make it last for both of us. I decided to pull off and lick and suck on his balls for a while. It wasn't that sucking his balls wasn't hot but I considered balls to be a snack whereas a cock was the main course.

The minute I started on his balls he pushed me off, turned over, got on his knees and showed me a rear view of his whole package -- cock, balls and asshole -- all in a row. His cock hung down and his egg shaped balls separated in his sack -- one hanging on each side of his shaft. I was mesmerized by the fact that his shaft seemed to continue up and beyond where his balls were, up another 3 inches to his love hole. Shit, it looked as if his boy cock was 12 inches long. God, there were no options except to plug my cock into the entrance to his girl part.

Oh Daddy, shove it in, all at once. Fuck me. Fuck me with all you've got. I need a big cock up my ass. I need fucked so badly. Fuck me Daddy.

Again, he left me with no options, so I just kept on fucking him and fucking him until we both climaxed.

"Chris, you've got to explain something to me, right now. Why did you keep calling me Daddy? Has Dave been fucking you?"

"Yes. I've been fucked every day since I was 14 years old. And, you're my Daddy now, aren't you?"

Since I'd already arranged a week off, after we got Chris' stuff from Unit 4 and loaded what we'd need for a week's vacation we took off for the coast and ended up at one of my very favorite places, Stinson Beach, a little north of San Francisco -- a small, off the beaten path kind of place. I knew that it was too early in the summer to be crowed or to expect good weather.

We booked in a little motel and spent all of our time at the beach. Only one day in the whole week was warm and sunny and worth going swimming. The others were cold and foggy. We'd go to the beach anyway and wrap ourselves in blankets, read books and just plain relax. Every once in a while Chris would put his head on my stomach and take a nap or I'd do the same. I was glad we'd come here and so was Chris. Every day we'd have a couple of drinks in the room and go to a different restaurant and every day Chris became more relaxed, more mellow, more easy in my company.

For some reason, every guy I've ever had sex with catches on to the fact that I react to being teased. One of the cold and foggy days, after we'd been on the beach for 3 hours, Chris says he's going to use the toilet. He gets up, wraps his beach towel around his self and walks to the toilets. When he comes back he sits down in front of me with our knees almost touching, wraps his blanket around his self and starts talking about when did I want to go get something to eat at one of the hamburger joints. Suddenly he unfolds the blanket and then the beach towel. He spreads his legs to show me his 8'inches of hard boy meat. Why had he caught on to this weakness of mine so soon. He was unmerciful. He slowly jerked it, licked his lips. I couldn't stand it. I reached over to touch it but he closed his legs and the towel.

"It's too public here. He worked his swimsuit back on and said, "Let's go back to the room, put on some pants and go get a hamburger."

"Chris, you started it. You've got two choices. We go to the room and then get a hamburger or we go to the McDonald's drive in and eat the hamburgers in the room. It was the best McDonald's quarter pounder with cheese I'd ever had. Maybe because it was preceded by Chris' hot dog.

He also became easier with me because every morning I sucked his 8-inch boy cock to climax and every evening I plowed his girl hole. Sometimes he'd suck me in return. Sometimes he didn't. It was no big deal. When he did I enjoyed it. When he didn't I always came while fucking his girl part and usually when sucking him. If I realized when sucking him I wasn't going to cum, a couple of strokes with my hand solved the problem. After all, I was his Daddy and I had inherited a responsibility to take care of him. My climaxing was not part of my parental duties. By the end of the week he was a completely different boy.

Likewise, I was a completely different young man.

I was getting more sex without going to bars and looking for it than I ever had before. With Chris, things came so naturally. Sex started with a touch, a look, a laugh, an off color remark. We both required a lot of sex, we were both hot and we hot for each other.

With coming natural, it also seemed right. Even the poppers seemed right. They were just a tool -- nothing more than a condom or a birth control pill to a married couple that didn't want children -- a sex aid.

For both of us, little actions became pleasures. For example I loved nothing more that to squeeze his cock at the base and watch his cockhead enlarge with a rush of blood.

One morning, early I called the office from the motel before leaving for the beach and got the boss. He arranged to get Chris a job in the mailroom until school started in autumn. It was a good deal for Chris. He could ride to and from work with me.

We decided to stop a few hours in San Francisco, on the way home. In a bookstore arcade we bought a big supply of poppers and went back into the arcade. It was really a walk on the wild side.

After getting used to the darkness in the porno theater we went deeper into the back room. We fond porno films playing on TV's that were hung from ceilings, small encounter rooms and two small, crowded toilets. Each room was painted black and poorly lit. Each room was filled with men having sex. Each room was filled with the aura that can only come when you have a bunch of men, cocks exposed, and all aware that the vice squad could enter at any moment and everyone would be hauled into court. Chris and I only observed, until we returned to the almost vacant theater and sat in a corner in the back row.

Christ opened the plastic wrap on one of the bottle of poppers, took his 8-inch, teen cock, already hard, out of his jeans and I immediately went down on it.

The poppers were fresh; we got a good high from them but I really wanted this to last -- to be special for Chris. Luckily the girl at the door hadn't questioned his age. He was in his first porno theater. Maybe I should just be content with that. But I proceeded. I got in front of him, kneeling on the smelly, smell, sticky floor, covered with stale cum from God knows how many men of all ages, races and creeds. Only a perpetually hungry cocksucker would even consider doing it.

It was demeaning but neither the beautiful cock in front of my face nor the act of sucking it was demeaning.

With another hit from the brown bottle, Chris scooted forward in his seat, undid his fly and slipped his jockeys down to give me full access to his now rock hard, young fuck tool. I took it, remembering the first time I'd fucked his girl part while he was on his knees.

I used my oral girl part to bring him to climax, to make his big cock shoot it's sweet load of cock juice -- an experience which I knew and, fully appreciated, that no girl would ever enjoy. I prayed it was special to Chris. It was to me. I'd brought a lot of cocks to climax, including those of numerous married men. But in my mind, for some strange, or not so strange, reason it was special for me to receive a gift of cum from a teenage boy that he'd never give to a girl.


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