Getting Anthony

By Max Potter

Published on Sep 23, 2017


This story started with a post on tumblr you can see here: which has the image we're using for Anthony. That blog poster and I (Bluday100) added sections, and here is the complete story so far. Hopefully, you'll enjoy this collaboration of you step into a man who gets his sexiest co-worker to fulfill his every fantasy.

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Getting Anthony Chapter 1

You stayed late at the office with Anthony, a hot and muscular former marine. "OK, I think I got it all", you said, "Fuck, it's so late, so much for the Friday night fun."

"Yeaaaah...", Anthony agreed in a weird voice the moment he heard the three last words. He then stood before you and ripped his shirt open. You stared awestruck looking as your ripped coworker began to dance before you as if he were a Chippendale. He took off his trousers and pulled down the back of his briefs, exposing his muscular ass.

"Fuck, Anthony, what are you doing?"

"Ain't you horny, babe? How about a lap dance?", your normally tough and masculine coworker spoke in a slutty voice and behaved as a slut, touching over his body. Before you managed to protest, Anthony was giving you a lap dance and rubbed his awesome ass on your crotch. Only then you remembered that hypnosis seance you were to last Tuesday. Anthony got hypnotized and there was a lot of laugh. And apparently some of that hypnotic programming stuck.

You were torn. On one side you were extremely horny, having the manly co-worker you lusted after rub his muscular body all over you. But it felt just weird.

"Anthony, please stop, I'm a bottom...", you said truthfully. Your hypnotized coworker swiftly changed his game. He stood before you, get his rock hard cock out and began to stroke it. His cock was huge, it felt like a dream come true.

"You want some of that?", Anthony slapped his huge cock on his hand. He then moved you from the chair onto the floor, pulled your trousers down and started to expertly tongue your hole, while also lubing his cock with his spit.

And when he pushed his cock in, he was surprisingly gentle, watching your reaction, trying to make it as smooth as possible. You never had a top so good with that. Then Anthony began to fuck you. He kept asking how you like it. With a mechanical precision, he reacted to your wishes, slowing down or getting faster, being more delicate or going rough. Your muscular and tough co-worker came at the same time as you. Anthony collapsed at you, laying his head on your torso and licking off the drops of your cum. And then there was a change in him.

"Fuck, what the hell? Where I am?", Anthony woke up from the trance, "Wow, sorry, dude. Fucking hell, what did I do? I'm sorry, I always had hots for you, did I do something bad? I didn't want to harm you... I just... really like you..." Anthony was visibly scared and confused. And so were you - Anthony always had hots for you?

"I'm sorry, Anthony, you were like in a kind of trance. But it's all okay, you were amazing. The best fuck of my life."

"Fuck, so we just had sex and I don't remember any of that? Fuck... could we... could we go for round two?", your sexy coworker looked at you with hope in his eyes. You felt as if you won the jackpot.

"Hell yeah, we can!"

At your answer Anthony kissed you passionately, and you felt both your cocks stirring. "Want to go to my place? I live closer than you." You were a bit surprised Anthony knew that.

"Yeah." You answer, and he kisses you again.

The next morning you wake up, your head on his chest. His place. You almost think it's a dream, but then you remember what happened after you agreed to come here.

"Come on, let's go." He helped you up and began to throw his clothes on, not to hide, but in obvious excitement for round two. He'd ripped the buttons off his shirt, so all he could do was tuck it in his waist band, which displayed his abs and chest and the hair that covered them. Saying he was too pumped up to drive, you took your car. Just out of the parking lot, he took your hand and held it his, bringing it up for a kiss that echoed through your body. At his apartment, he fumbled a bit with the keys, and as you entered he kicked the door closed and wrapped you in a strong embrace kissing you again. "Fuck, I've wanted you for so long..." he moaned. He pulled off your shirt then took you in his arms and literally carried you into the bedroom. His muscles felt great as you kissed him during the trip, causing him to ver into the wall a few times. One he had you on the bed, he stripped quickly, than again wrapped you in his strong arms and you both enjoyed a deep, long kiss.

Breaking it, he began to kiss down your chest, finally reaching your cock. Where not as endowed as him, it was respectable, and he kissed up the shaft to the head. At the top he began to push it into his mouth, one slow engulfment as he dove for the root. His tongue moving inside his mouth as you gasped and arched your back. You could not believe Anthony sucked dick so well. He deepthroated it and moved up and down whilst you writhed on his bed. He sucked you for some time, and when he slowed you could see his athletic body and hard cock. All those months of him starring in your fantasies were coming true. Anthony looked up into your eyes, as he flicked his tongue on the crown of your cock, he smiled at you - this was a fantasy for him as well. He came up for another kiss.

You hadn't gotten to suck him yet, and you really wanted his huge cock in your mouth, so you returned the favour he had just given you. His cock jerked under your ministrations, and he groaned. You couldn't deepthoat him like he had you, there was just too much, but you did your best and from the sound of it he was enjoying it. Always having a thing for balls, you lapped at them, rolling them round on your tongue, only able to get one entirely in your mouth at at time. "Argghh," he said "I have to fuck you." He half lifted you, positioning you at the head of the bed and lifted your legs, repeating his earlier act of licking your ass while he lubed his dick.

You wondered for a moment if his earlier gentleness was all due to the trance, but no, he eased in, still looking that you and keeping your pleasure forefront of his mind. It was easier the second time, and the feeling of his big cock in you was indescribably great. Once he as all the way in, he looked down and smiled, reaching down for a kiss that you happily returned. He began slowly, moving his hips forward and back in long, sensual strokes, filling you up and leaving you empty and wanting more. And more came, his cock pushing back deep into your ass before withdrawing again. He was enjoying this as much as you were, it seems, and he took his time, only after a while did he begin to speed up, causing the waves of pleasure he was sending through your body to accelerate. "Yes, yes, faster, faster..." you could almost not speak you felt so good. And faster he went, finally bringing you both to another simultaneous climax. He collapsed next to you on the bed, breathing deep.

Catching his breath, he drew you close for another kiss, snuggling close. You soon ended up in a spooning position, his cock half hard against your butt. "I wish I could remember the first time, but that was fantastic." He nibbled your ear a bit.

"You are the best fuck of my life." you replied.

"Good, I want to fuck you a lot." You felt his cock hardening at the thought, yours did as well. Anthony held you close, and you could feel his warm breath, and the hair on his magnificent chest. After some time, you could really feel his cock harden, and it made its way back into your ass, and he fucked you on your side. Still gentle, still filling. After that, you both fell asleep.

Awakening the second time that morning, you found yourself alone in the bed, but still in his apartment. You lay listening for a moment, and could hear sounds in the other room. Slipping on your pants, you followed them to find Anthony in the kitchen, wearing only a pair of boxers. He heard you and turned. "Damn, I was going to make you breakfast in bed, but you've gotten out of it." He said mischievously.

"I can go back." You reply.

"Yeah, I'm almost done. Be there in a second." He kissed you on the cheek.

Your pants came off again as you slipped under the sheets. A minute later Anthony arrived with breakfast, scrambled eggs, bacon and fruit. He did keep himself in great shape, so you didn't expect pastries. He put the plate next to you, removed his pants and climbed in. Eating off the same plate seemed as sexy to you as the fuckings you had gotten the day before.

As you both finished, he moved the plate aside. "I fucking wish I knew what got into me last night, but I'm glad it did. You're sure I didn't hurt you?"

"Not at all, you just surprised me. I'm pretty sure you giving me a lap dance has been in several of my dreams."

"I gave you a fucking lap dance?!"

"Yeah, you were pretty good, actually, were you ever a Chippendale?"

"Fuck no. Fuck, I can't believe that. Not that I'm complaining, but I don't know what got into me."

"Um... so you enjoyed that lap dance?", Anthony finally asked you.

"Yeah, you were pretty good at that. It really turned me on."

"I'll do it again for you", Anthony said eagerly and began to give you a lap dance, except now you were both naked and all that separated you was a thin sheet. You felt your hot co-worker's muscled butt grind on your cock which was getting harder with every second. Meanwhile, you watched Anthony, who was sensually flexing and touching his ripped body. He finally pulled out the sheet and was rubbing his naked ass on your hard cock. Your hands were feeling up his amazing torso. Anthony started to play with your balls, which made you let out a moan of pleasure.

"Mmmm, I love how you do my balls."

"Oh, yeah? Let me work on them!", Anthony exclaimed with excitement. He knelt on the floor by the bed and pulled you so that your crotch was in front of his face. Anthony began to suck on your sack while slowly jerking your cock. He kissed your balls, gave them long licks, he rubbed his face in them. He switched for a while to deepthroat your cock - and even then, he managed to lick your balls with the tip of his tongue, while your cock was stuffed in his mouth. And while doing that he looked up at you with admiration. He then got back to worshipping your balls. He placed big slow kisses on them and on the underside of your crotch. He rubbed them again all over his face and then bowed down his whole head, rubbing your cock and balls on the back of his neck. He returned slowly, making your balls rub all over his hair. He gave the root of your cock one more kiss. He then took out his tongue and began jerking you off energetically, so that your balls bounced on it.

"Am I doing good?", Anthony asked finally.

"Oh, yeah, you're doing great!"

"I want a big load from you! Will you feed me a big load?", your ripped co-worker asked enthusiastically, slapping himself on the face with your cock.

"Yeah, I'm quite close."

"Oh, yeah, I love jizz, cum all over my face, please!", Anthony said and got back to sucking you. When he licked your cock, he slid down and began to lick and suck on your balls. Anthony grabbed your hand and placed it on your cock. You began to jerk off, while he worshipped your sack.

"Mmmm, go faster", Anthony told you, "just pull me back when you're ready and shoot on my face, please."

"And don't worry about me", he added commenting on how you watched out not to hit him while jerking off next to his face, "I was a marine, go rough on me"

And to give you confidence, he again grabbed you by the hand and guided you to wank fast and in wide motions, hitting him hard in the face as you moved down. You trusted him and started to jerk off furiously as if he weren't there. And Anthony didn't mind, he was wholly focused on sucking and licking your balls.

It didn't last long till you came. You pulled out Anthony by his hair and shot all over him. You blew load after load, you never came as much as that moment.

Anthony's face and muscular body were covered in your cum. He enjoyed the splash that landed on his tongue. He soon swallowed and thanked you.

"That was awesome! You cum like a champ. Mmm, let me lick it all off.", there was a genuine gratitude in Anthony's voice.

You laid back and enjoyed the bliss, while Anthony began to slowly lick the cum off you and off his body, usually rubbing it on your leg and licking it off that, or wiping the cum with your cock and then slowly cleaning your cock with kisses.

Once Anthony had finished licking your cum off you he wrapped you back in his arms. You both enjoyed the contact for a while before you began talking about various things. The conversation ranged easily across topics as you discovered more about your new lover. At one point you used your head to indicate the pull up bar he had mounted on his bedroom door-frame "Can you do a lot of pull-ups?"

"Yeah, want to watch me?" Anthony answered.

"Fuck yeah." Anthony got out of bed with you following and reached up and began his pull-ups. You looked over his fit body, the biceps bulging, the shoulders straining. The perfect six-pack with its covering of manly hair. And his cock and balls swinging back and forth. You loved the size and the weight you knew they had, you just had to touch them. `Ughhh...." he shuddered as you gently fondled his cock and balls "Fuck, that feels great."

"Do them good for me, man." You encouraged him. And it worked, his form got better, not that he had been lagging, and you got to watch the traces of sweat break out on him. "Keep going, you can do it." He had cranked out a good set, but you wanted more.

"Arrghh.." Anthony groaned as he kept going. You could tell he was getting to his limit, and he really had done a lot of them.

"One more..." you said as he took a quick breather at the bottom of a pull-up. He twisted up his face and gave you one more. "Another one, come on." Anthony pulled himself up again, his face and perfect muscles showing the strain. "And another, you can do it man." He did, working hard to impress you. "One more, I know you've got it in you."

"Fuck yeah..." Anthony whispered. You could tell he was trying hard. And he did it. Thinking he still had another one in him "Do it again you stud." Anthony's face showed intense determination as he pulled himself up again. You were thinking he really was done when he started up again, and again after that one, but this was all he had, his hands slipped. His legs weren't far from the floor, so he got them under him but still collapsed in the door jam breathing deep. You could tell he was totally spent, you knelt down and wrapped your arms around him "That was so great man, you are awesome." You kissed Anthony on his check in pride.

It took him a moment to get his breath back "You liked that?"

"I did, a fucking lot. I can't believe you could so many." You replied.

"I lost count, but it's a new fucking record for me. I couldn't have done it without you." Anthony looked at you in admiration.

"We need to get you showered up, you're all sweaty." You said.

"Take it with me? Please?" Anthony looked at you in hopes you would join him.

"Sure." You smiled, like you would turn down a chance to spend more time with his naked body. You both got up and went to his shower. In the shower you go to soap him up, feeling his body all over again. You couldn't get enough of it, it was so perfect. He took control and washed you as well, and it felt great feeling him all over you. Anthony turned you around to wash your back, and you could feel him kneeling down to get the back of your legs. Once he finished that you felt his hand spreading your ass followed a second later by his face pressing and his togue teasing your hole. You pressed your hands against the tile walls to hold yourself up, as he went deeper and deeper in your hole, and it felt so good. "Oh fuck..." escaped your mouth. As Anthony continued to deeply rim you your addled brain realized he was working very hard to do everything he could to maximize your pleasure. From how he fucked you to really working your balls to the puppy-like faces he gave you when you indicated you wanted anything. How far could you push this? How much would he do on his own just to please you?

Anthony kept at it for a while, before finally coming out and rising, running his hands up your chest from behind. "Did you like that?" he said, nibbling on your ear.

"Fuck yeah." You were almost out of breath. He turned the water off and took your hand, leading you out of the shower where he grabbed a towel to dry you off. When he crouched down to do your legs he kissed you cock. You turned the towel on him, finally wrapping both of your up in in as you finished drying his back as you stood face to face. He smiled at you, tugged the towel to the floor and led you back to bed.

You lay entwined with each other, talking more. Just the contact kept your dick semi-hard. Finally Anthony said "I need to make us lunch. Stay here, I'll get us something."

"OK, man." Anthony got up and reached for his boxers, starting to lift a leg to put them on. "You don't need those." You said, watching him.

"You're right." He dropped them, give you a quick kiss on the check and headed to the kitchen. You loved how his naked ass looked. Lunch was healthy, and afterwards you held each other again. "Want to try something?" You asked looking him in the eye with a bit of a mischievous grin.

"Sure. What do you have in mind?" Anthony seemed enthused.

"You have some great stamina. Think you could keep you cock up my ass for a full hour? Just fill me up, no need to fuck me, but don't cum. Just see if we can go that long."

"That's a fucking long time, but I'll give it a go. Do I get a prize if I can do it?" Anthony seemed completely willing.

"Sure, decide what you want. If you can't I get to chose something and you have to agree."

"You're on!" Anthony looked so happy, and pulled on his dick to make it harder than it already was. You moved his hand away and replaced it with your own, making him groan in excitement. He quickly got a good boner up and moved to line up with your ass. Just like before he entered carefully, letting you not only get used to his significant cock, but to really enjoy it going in. You were laying flat on the bed and Anthony was perpendicular to the bed. Anthony moved every so often to keep his dick hard as you both enjoyed the sensations. As great as Anthony's fucks were, this was unbelievable - his big hard dick resting in your ass really made you feel full, like that one moment when the top is all the way in just before he fucks out.

You could reach up and feel his body, and his hands felt over yours. The feelings became unimaginable as time went on. Finally his phone beeped. Anthony got a huge grin on his face "I did it!" He bent down and kissed you hard, his hips moving slightly in and out like he was fucking you a bit. But rather than throw another fuck into you, he pulled out, gently. Even that was charged. Anthony wrapped you in his arms. "I know what I want."

"Yeah, and I have to give it to you." You answered. After that performance, you wouldn't deny him.

"I want to give you an hour long blow-job." Anthony smiled at you. "An hour for an hour."

"That's what you want? Not that I mind, your mouth is a fucking dream, but it's more work for you." You reply a bit shocked.

"That's what I want. I love your cock, and the chance to have it in my mouth for a full hour is too good to pass by. You will let me, won't you? I mean you did sort of promise." Anthony had the puppy look again.

"Of course, I'll let you." At your words pure joy spread over Anthony's face. He helped arrange you comfortably on the bed leaning partially on the headboard and got between your legs. He kissed and licked your hard cock then took it in his mouth, starting the timer.

Anthony had some mad cocksucking skills. His lips massaged your shaft and his tongue moved around, making your eyes roll back. After a quick bit to get you into it, he slowed down, really drawing the pleasure out. At no time over the next hour did you cock come out of his mouth, warm and pleasing you lay back watching this stud orally pleasure you. When the timer went off, you couldn't tell if it took forever or no time at all. Anthony came up and smiled at you. "Now I want to make you cum." He dove back in and really worked your cock over. After edging for so long, you couldn't grab his hair to pull his head back to shoot over his face, so he got it right down his throat. Not that he seemed to mind. He took you huge load and swallowed with a look of satisfaction. "That was fucking awesome." Anthony said as he came up to hold you again.

"You better fucking believe it." You replied. Now it was your turn to be out of breath. You spent the rest of a the afternoon holding each other and talking. You realized the last few times had been you cumming and not him. He had worked, worked hard actually, to get you off without so much as touching his dick. That added to your theory that he was all about you enjoying yourself and would do whatever he could to make it happen. As evening fell, he suggested going out to dinner.

"I need fresh clothes. Let's go to my place so I can change." You said and he agreed.

Since you were at his place, he was able to dress in something he hadn't worn the day before. Dressed, he was incredibly hot. Slacks, and a button-down shirt made him so handsome. You noticed again, like you had so many times, that a button-down shirt on him had a small gap between his pecs. His broad chest pulled at the fabric and really filled it out. Subtle, but deeply sexy. You drove to your place. Entering Anthony said "I always wondered what you place would look like." He seemed a bit awestruck. You kissed him quickly and went to change clothes.

You decided on a quick rinse off in the shower before getting dressed you popped in. Almost expecting him to be there to dry you off when you got out, but he wasn't. It didn't take you long to get dressed.

"You did my dishes?" You said as you found him in your kitchen, finishing up a chore you didn't like so left longer than you should have.

"Yeah, hope you don't mind." Anthony had the puppy look again. "I just wanted to help out."

"Of course I don't mind. You're going to spoil me." You took him in your arms and kissed him again. A thought went through you mind: Anthony naked, cleaning your house, cooking your meals, and ever ready for sex.

We had a great dinner, and Anthony paid. He asked for the check before you could and looked at you with a smile. You went back to his place and he fucked you again. This time you didn't make it back to his bedroom, but his coach was there and we didn't have to wait the few seconds to get to his bed.

Sunday morning, you both woke up and held each other, talking a bit decided to go on a hike. You put on shorts and you drove to an out of the way trail you knew. You took a moment as you both got out of the car and you pulled his shirt off "You don't need this." You smiled wickedly at him.

"I guess you're right, it does feel good out here." Anthony stretched his arms out. Damn, he looked good. You gave him a deep kiss and he wrapped his arms around you. Still in the kiss, you began to push his shorts down. After I got them past his bubble butt, he pulled back "What are you doing?"

"It's a great day, you won't need those shorts. It will be sexy."

Anthony looked at you for a second, like he was trying to decide. "Sure, for you." A thrill coursed through you. Having this stud do whatever you wanted, and so easily as well. He looked so hot, kicking his shorts off and tossing them in the car. He gave you a mischievous smile. "The things I do for you. But this will be fucking hot."

"It sure will, you look so great like that." Anthony did. His muscles were perfectly formed. His dark chest hair covered a broad chest and perfect pecs narrowed down to a slim waist. A good bush over a massive cock and buoyant balls. Seeing him in the sun, surrounded by trees and all of nature turned you on and your cock got even harder.

He hugged you and you felt the warmth of his body. A quick kiss and we started. Anthony was wearing only his hiking shoes and every move was perfection. The wind rustled his chest hair, and took your hand in his. We walked that way for a while, looking at the birds and other wildlife.

The best wildlife was his swinging cock and balls, the massive equipment was free to the air and the world. You reflected again that he seemed to obey anything you asked, even finding things to do for you. If he had suggested you go nude, you would have balked, but it never seemed to cross his mind to ask you for anything. Were there limits on what you could get him to do? We set out.

We walked a good way, and you really enjoyed being able to see his hot body, with his cock and balls swinging, his ass moving. You would reach over and touch him every so often, feeling his ass, fondling his balls, stroking his cock, or running your hands over his chest and abs. You love to hike, and having him naked and beside you made the best hike you had ever had.

After almost two hours we stopped on a bit of grass and you pulled him down between your legs, his back against your chest. You felt him up. You were both a bit sweaty, but his body was so amazing. He started to get hard and you jerked him off a bit. "Want a challange, marine?" You ask.

"Sure, what you got?" Anthony asked.

"Stay hard for a while, we'll get back to hiking, keep you dick up. Lets see you get excited." You said.

"Fuck man, that's going to hard to do."

You nibble his ear. "You can do it marine."

Anthony took a deep breath. "Yeah, I can do it. You want to help me out?"

"Sure." You agree. You pull off your shirt. "I'll grab your cock some too. Give you some encouragement."

"Fuck that will be great." Anthony jumped up and helped you to your feet. You set off.

You both hiked on, you made sure to touch him more than you had before, and Anthony did keep his dick hard. It wasn't the rock-hard boner he had when he was fucking you, but it was an erect dick. As great as he looked hiking naked, he looked even better doing it hard, and you were excited that he was again doing exactly what you wanted by you just telling him too.

After a good while, you came to a meadow with a great view. You both stopped and looked around. Standing there, you reached and jerked his cock. "You need to fuck me." You said.

"Damn straight." Anthony smiled and helped you out of your shorts before starting to do one of his expert rim jobs on your ass. He lined his dick up to your ass and gently slid it in. You looked up at him and smiled. Anthony smiled back, and you could see his face concentrating on your pleasure as he moved his massive cock in and out of you.

Anthony was fucking you slowly for a while before you began to urge him to speed up, and he did exactly as you encouraged. His big dick going deep in you. Again, your climax triggered his, like seeing you shoot was the thing that really got him off. Anthony licked your cum off your chest, than held you in his arms.

You enjoyed the afterglow for a while, and when you were both rested, suggested you head back. You didn't make him keep a hard-on on the return trip, but you were sure he would have if you suggested it.

You got food and headed back to his apartment. Inside you sat on a chair in the living room. Anthony suggested you find something on TV while he got a couple of beers. You did and he brought you a good craft beer.

After serving you the beer, Anthony sat down on the floor between your legs and began to massage your feet. "What are you doing?" You asked.

"Long hike, I thought you'd like a foot rub." Anthony looked up at you with the puppy expression that told you he was trying so hard to make you happy.

"Fuck yeah." You leaned back and closed your eyes. His hands felt good, rubbing the stress away. You just enjoyed his work.

With you eyes closed, you didn't see him bend down, but you sure felt his tongue beging to lick your foot. You let out a sigh.

"I thought you'd like that." Anthony said. Anthony moved around, keeping his hands and mouth working on your feet, covering every inch with his strong massage and his silky tongue. Getting deep between your toes, sucking each one, one after another. You were in heaven, this hot and muscular man who you had dreamed about for so long, who had such a big cock, who fucked you so well, who did everything you wanted, was worshipping your feet just to make you happy. Heaven didn't begin to explain the feelings.

After Anthony had massaged and licked your feet for a while he moved up to your cock. He dropped the whole thing into his mouth in one go, deepthroating you and then getting his tongue to reach your balls a bit. You were already so turned on it didn't take you long to blow. He was learning and pulled out so you shot over his face. You looked at Anthony as he used his fingers to take your jizz to his mouth. He smiled at you.

After cleaning his face, Anthony took you into his arms. You loved it when he held you. You talked and decided you needed to get his car, and that he would take clothes to your place, so he could stay over. Your place was bigger anyway. Anthony got a suitcase out and you helped him get things together. In his closet you discovered his marine dress uniform and fatigues. You got him to pack them, as you had an idea for when you got back to your place.

Once you made it to your place you ask Anthony "Ready for your next challenge, marine?"

"Sure." Anthony his face lighting up.

You show him his dress uniform. "Put this on. Then we'll see how long you can stand at attention. It will be so hot."

"Do I get something if I win?" Anthony asked, and you knew it would be fun for you as well.

"Fuck yeah." You agree. "Meet me in the living room when you're dressed."

Anthony didn't take long, and when he appeared, he was drop-dead hot. He looked great in the deep blue, his shoes perfectly shined, and he was wearing the hat. You deeply inhaled. "Damn, you look good." Anthony smiled, happy to please you. "Stand here, marine. Let's see how long you can go."

Anthony stood at attention while you watched TV. He was perfectly still, and you were impressed with him. Plus he looked so good. You let him stand there for a while, then decided to take the next step. You went up to him, and got his shirt off of him. You could see he was turned on by it, and you felt up his pecs. "Very sexy." You tell him. You leave him to stand at attention again for a while. After this period, you get up and remove his pants. "It turns me on so much to see you in costume." You saw a glint in Anthony's eyes. Now he was in shorts, tee, hat, socks and shoes. Standing at attention, he was super sexy.

Again you left him for a while, then removed his tee. You loved his chest, and felt him up, biting his nipples a bit. All the time, he stood at rigid attention. You backed up, watching him almost naked at attention. After a bit, you got his boxers off. That left him in hat and shoes. Anthony keep standing at attention. More time, just getting to watch him stand there. Finally you got up and fondled his big cock. "Something's not standing at attention, maine." You tease him. It was at attention soon. "Good marine, keep that cock at attention." You leave him for a while, and you are overwhelmed at how perfect he looked, how turned on you were with him and his dick at attention. Finally, you couldn't take it anymore, and you went to him, got on your knees and started sucking his massive cock.

Anthony's cock was big, and it had been standing at attention with him for a while, but it was turning you on so much, you couldn't take it anymore. Plus you loved having his dick in your mouth. It filled you up, and as you looked up at Anthony's face, you saw he was still staying at perfect attention. You moved to his giant balls, rolling them around with your tongue. You went back to his cock, moving faster and deeper, getting his cock even harder.

Pushing his cock as deep as you could into your throat, you pulled off and looked at him "You have to fuck me."

"Hell yeah." Anthony pulled you up and pushed you so you were on the sofa. He kissed you as he gently moved his cock into your ass. After a few minutes, Anthony reached under you knees, grabbed your back and pulled you up, supporting you as he moved you and down on his dick. You held onto him as his cock slid in and out of you. You felt his muscles as he supported you giving you another of the fucks of your life. You came, letting out a groan. Your cumming sent Anthony over the edge, and he shot deep into you. You both collapsed into each other's arms.

The next day at work (you could almost not believe how great the weekend was, and how often you had gotten fucked, and how wonderful it was), you were glad Antony seemed like he had before. In the afternoon, when you met in the hall, he leaned over to you and whispered in your ear "Let's skip working out today, I need to fuck you so bad."

"You're on, stud." You whispered back.

Making it to your place, you just got in the door when Anthony opened his pants and fucked you with both of your clothes mostly on. You had really needed that fuck. You helped him strip down "You don't need clothes in here."

Anthony looked at you, "Gets you off, does it?"

"It sure does, I love looking at you naked." You say.

Anthony stayed naked all evening, and you knew he'd stay that way. It was great seeing his big cock and balls swing around. He did some cleaning, made and served dinner. You watched some TV together as you played with his equipment, and in the bedroom he fucked you long and hard. The next morning he woke you up with a blowjob, deepthroating you and getting you to cum all over his face.

Morning blowjobs, afternoon fucks, naked Anthony handling all the chores. It was a dream. You did decide you each needed to get back on your workout schedules, so you split as you belonged to different gyms. You were a bit selfishly motivated with that. You wanted Anthony to keep that fantastic body of his.

Friday came, and you arrived home before Anthony. When he came in, he came up to you and kissed you. "I got a surprise for you." His face was lit up, he was so excited.


"Yeah. Go in the living room, sit on the couch and close your eyes." Anthony said.

"OK." You did. You could hear Anthony moving about some. You heard him enter the room, and get up on the coffee table? That was weird.

"Open them man." Anthony said.

"Holy fuck!" You said. Anthony was standing on the coffee table, wearing only a loincloth. When you opened your eyes, he beat his chest and gave out a Tarzan yell. Your eyes widened. He was so sexy dressed up like that. Anthony started to poise, showing off his magnificent muscles. Your dick got hard, and you could tell his was as well, it lifted the loincloth, revealing it was just a cloth, no pouch.

"Do you like my Tarzan impression?" Anthony looked at you eagerly.

"Fuck yeah." You could almost not talk.

Anthony began to sway back and forth, each movement accentuating his strong body, the curves of his muscles, all accented by the dark hair that so turned you on. After a few minutes, he got down, sat on your lap facing you and kissing you, opening your shirt. He kept grinding his bubble butt and licked over your chest. You groaned in pleasure.

Anthony removed your shirt and started on your pants, taking your cock into his velvet mouth. Feeling up your legs, your chest, your arms. You writhed in ecstasy. Anthony flicked his tongue on the head of your dick, sucked the whole thing down, licked your balls, kissed your thighs. Moving down, he started to rim you and you knew he would be fucking you soon. And you almost couldn't wait. Anthony lined his cock up to your hole. He always started so good, letting his massive cock fill you up and obeying your instructions to go fast or slow, hard or soft. His face concentrating on your pleasure. Deep in you, filling you up like no one ever had before. Pulling back, almost out, but plunging back in, driving you to heights you never thought were even possible. You came, and he did at the same time, and Anthony licked you cum off you, finally coming up for a kiss.

Next: Chapter 2

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