Get the Fuck Outta Here

By drety yuiop

Published on Jun 26, 2005


"Karee, Boy get your ass in this house and help your brothers unpack!" My mom called from inside the kitchen of our new house.

"Aiight Ma, coming!" I called to her.

It was early Tuesday morning, and the middle of my senior year at school, that my mom decided that she wanted to relocate. I didn't like this move because I knew I was leaving my new girl. Although it probably wouldn't be hard for me to find a girl, mostly girls come to me. I'm a light caramel colored brother, I have natural waves in my head, a pretty smile and I do workout a lot so I guess my body is fit from that. My body isn't what attracts girls the most. It's my eyes they say. Everyone who views my eyes say's either one of two things, girls say, aww his eyes are sooo pretty!! Dudes say, that nigga wearing contacts!!

We use to live close to this area so I know a lot of people who stay here. The house we're moving into is a BIG improvement from where we were at first. My family consists of me, my three brothers and my mom. Our first house was only a three room house with 1½ bathroom. The new house had 5 rooms, and 3 full bathrooms and a basement with an unfinished bathroom. How we came to live in here was weird.

We had a "comfortable" uncle who had passed away. He never liked anyone except for my mom. Our whole family was jealous of his wealth and prosperity. He was always the topic of conversation at family cookouts, even the cookouts that he didn't attend. I called him Uncle Joe. His real name was John, how I came up with Joe even confuses me. Uncle Joe was always nice to me, my brothers despised me for it, when he would see me he would give me no less than 50 dollars on the spot. Of course, my mom took it from me and put it into my bank account. He had done this since I was about 4 years old. I'm 17 now and thanks to him I have a little over 5,000 saved up from his visits.

It was confusing when he decided to give us his house, it was in his will:

In the event of my death...And too my sister in law, Margret, I leave my house and my entire life savings, which I believe to be roughly 775,000 dollars if my accountant is right and not trying to rob me....

The above Belongs to her if she follows my simple instructions, which are that Margret Reside in the Basement, Karee take the Attic, and the other boys stay on the second floor. My lawyer will be doing a follow up to make sure that my request has been carried out. If this is done, Margret and the boys will receive what I have stated above, plus all that is contained within the house.

My mom didn't have any problem with uncle Joe's demands. Once we arrived at the house we were elated to find 5 cars in his humongous garage. Each car had a license plate with our birth dates on them. This goes to show that Uncle Joe loved me, because he left me a Mazda RX-8. My mom had a 05 suburban and my brothers had scions. Yet again they despised me because they saw what I got and what they were left with.

"Come on nigga get in here and help with these mutha fuckin' boxes!" Said my oldest brother Nick(23), who was still mad because he got a scion.

I do admit I still can't see him driving a scion. He would get no play at all in that little ass car/van/beetle. It was just ugly. He wasn't made for that car. Although he was as black as Wesley Snipes his long braids made up drastically for him in beauty. He was HUGE about 260 lbs of pure muscle. I loved having him around me when I was little. Now since my no good father left us, it's like he's the man of the house. Sometimes he lets it get to his head though.

"Aiight nigga, don't be mad cuz u got a lemon." I said laughing. "I'll be happy to give you a ride if you need it."

He looked at me confused. "Nuh uh nigga, for real?"

"Yeah, a ride to your scion biyaatch!!" I said falling to the floor from laughter.

"Bitch shut the fuck up! Shit aint funny!" He said now furious. I kept laughing even thought I was afraid to. I knew his massive body was more than enough to send a nigga to the hospital.

"Aiight nigga you got it." I said trying to apologize. I extended my hand for some dap (Handshake).

"I know one mother fucking thing both of yall asses had better what yall mouth in my house, as long as you're under my roof you will respect me!" Said my mother with furry. "Is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am" Nick and I said in unison.

She diverted her attention to me.

"Karee, if you keep teasing your brother about his car I will give it to him! Is that understood?"

I saw my brother smirk.

"I said, is that understood?" She asked again getting more impatient.

"Well actually if you give anyone else his car, your brother-in-law's will is void." Said my uncle's lawyer, who seemed to have invited himself into our house.

He may have had a point about the will, but my mom was steamed and she wasn't taking anyone's bullshit.

"Mother fucker you had better watch yourself. You may have told my brother-in-law how to spend his money, but you damn sure aint about to tell me how to run my got-damn house!" She turned back to me. "I said is that understood Karee?"

She was pissed, and no matter how much I was mad at her, she still deserved my respect.

"Yes ma'am, I understand." I said giving my brother a mug.

Steven, my uncle's lawyer, took a seat and was quiet for about five minutes. I guess my mom had that affect on people, because I too went to unpacking the last of the boxes in our new house.

Steven must've remembered why he came to the house because out of no where he leapt up from the sofa.

"Oh yeah, how could I have forgotten!" He said with enthusiasm.

My mom looked at him and sighed, still angry about his earlier intrusion.

"What is it now?" she said folding her arms.

"Oh nothing much," Steven said nonchalantly. "Just that his life saving that was passed to you has nearly tripled."

One I heard his last sentenced I flew down the stairs.

"What the fuck!" I said overjoyed. "That's like over 2 million dollars!!"

"Karee watch ya mouth!" My mom scolded.


So that was my first day in my new house. We unpacked, got brand new cars, Got settled into our new place, and became rich! I swear this is the life. The next day was spent "Hooking up" our new house. My mom spent 15 thousand dollars to have contactors build us a basketball court and swimming pool that went up to 14 feet. She gave them 1 day to have it done or they would just have to charge her the regular price. They of course had it all completed in less than 4 hours. Let's just say we now had the best house in the neighborhood. Now it was time to meet the neighbors...

Me and my second oldest brother, Ricky, decided to go walk around and meet some girls around here. A nigga was feeling kinda horny! We had walked around for about two hours and saw nothing but niggas on every corner we turned. After 1 more hour of pointless walking we headed home. Once we got there I heard a ball bouncing and figured that it must've been Nick playing ball. I started to walk around the back, the closer I was getting the more voices I heard. Once I had reached our new court, I saw nick playing some dudes that Ricky and I had passed on our "girl scout". Nick waived me over to play but I wasn't in the mood for basketball. It was hot in the summer, and it felt like 90 degrees outside.

I just shook my head and took a seat on the picnic table my mom had bought. For 5 minutes I watched Nick and some other niggas play basketball. Nick had just scored and now the other team was bringing the ball down the court.

"Aye wassup nigga!" someone said interrupting my view of the game.

Although I was mad I still needed to make some friends. "Shit wassup with you?" I asked.

"Aint shit, bout to ball these niggas up when they finish with their game." He said.

"O aiight that's cool." I responded.

"My name's Devin." He said giving me dap. Devin was about 5'9" and really slender. He was a big smiler though because all he did was smile the whole time he greeted me.

"I'm Karee." I responded. "Just moved around here."

"Yeah I know some old man use to live here right?" He asked still smiling.

"Yup that's my uncle." I said watching my brother score the game basket.

Once the game was done everyone came to the table I was sitting at.

"Aye wassup!" I heard a few of them say. Some stuck their hands.

"Shit wassup." I said returning the dap.

We sat outside getting to know each other. Well them and my brother mostly, I just sat and watched as they picked their basketball teams for the summer. It was official now, our court was now the new hangout spot for the summer. I didn't mind because that means that there will probably be girls all over the place. For about 30 minutes I sat there bored, listening to these niggas compare themselves to NBA ballers. My brother Nick, of course claimed to be the new Lebron James with plaits. I heard some other person call himself a black Steve Nash. Everyone laughed at his comment. I looked around the table to remember some of the faces. Everyone was sweating except Devin and I. They were playing hard so it was obvious that they were going to sweat. "So these are my new niggas" I thought to myself as I looked around. As my eyes moved around the table they became locked on this on guy. He looked to be about 19 or 20, and was just mindlessly gazing at me. I mean damn that nigga was staring at me like it was no tomorrow. I began to get worried from the way he was staring: he had a nigga checking himself out. There wasn't anything on me so I looked back up at him, confused as a mother fucker. He let out a small grin and began to pull out a blunt. My heart jumped because I knew how my mother was about smoking. I was just about to tell him to stop but I was cut off by my brother.

"Aye J-rock, come on man my moms don't like that shit around her house." Nick said.

"O fa-real? Aiight I respect that." He said looking around. "Well I need to hit this joint, so ill catch yall niggas later." He said as he got up to leave.

Once he stood up I was surprised, because as soon as he rose, almost everyone at the table left and followed him out like he was some type of big shot. In fact the only person who was still at the table was Devin. My brother Nick got up and went into the house.

"What was that about?" I asked Devin.

"Oh damn, that was J-Rock." He said smiling and shaking his head. "He's a big time seller. Don't nobody buy or sell without him getting a cut. That nigga basically runs this Hood. He is not to be fucked wit unless u got some serious heat."

"So why did everyone leave with him? If I were them I would stay away from that nigga?" I said getting up from the table.

It was getting dark, and a nigga was real tired. I felt like I was about to collapse and I aint even ball today!

Devin shook his head in response to my question. "Those nigga was part of his crew, damn you got a lot of shit to learn don't you?"

I thought about all ii had learned today about this "J-rock" dude. It was kinda scary because the way he was staring at me. Maybe I made him mad. I just don't want him to think we on bad terms because that would start a lot of shit I really don't need. I went in my house and went to started to go to doze off when my brother stormed in my room and ran up the stairs.

"What the fuck do you want nigga?!" I said to Ricky.

"Nigga shut your dumb ass up, anyway, mom is leaving tomorrow on vacation and Nick said they having a tournament tomorrow."

I was still a little moody from Ricky waking me up. That nigga scared the hell out of me.

"And that means...?" I asked annoyed.

"Oh, he said some of them gonna crash because their game will probably be over late."

I was getting more frustrated. "What the fuck does that have to do with me?!"

"He said can someone crash up here with you nigga! Damn!" he was becoming equally annoyed.

"Yeah man, damn now let me go to sleep."

"O ii cuz he said that Jay rock will be crashin' up here!" He left as soon as he finished his sentence and shut the door.

Now I was fully awake.

I whispered to myself. "Get the Fuck Outta Here"....

To be relived.....

Authors note: You can email your comments to . Next chapter will be out soon! I'm just updating a few other stories I have.

If you wanna read more join my yahoo group: ( It also features some other stories that you can find on Nifty. Including OAKBRDGE and War of Hearts!

Next: Chapter 2

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