Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Sep 28, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part Five

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situatons is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

e-mail me at

Now on to Part Five

From Matt's point of view.

I woke up and stretched. I was home! I mean really home! It was three weeks later. The integration period was over. I was relieved to find out that my love for Kevin had grown even stronger. I was happy to be a father to three beautiful children. Kevin was so happy too. We were finally getting back to our lives. He was working overtime getting the CD done. I was so happy being a stay at home Dad with the twins. Kevin had insisted on hiring some help for me. I had even started a new business. I was managing music groups. After selling the remaining interests in Jive I had began the long process of looking for good acts. I had a lead on a new group. Five guys with a whole lot of talent and they were good eye candy too. Kevin is still teasing me about trying to put together the Next Generation of Boy Bands. Speaking of wich. I looked at the other side of the bed for Kevin. He as usual was gone. Glancing at the clock I was shocked to see that it was almost 12 noon. I swung out of bed and slid on a pair of sweats and padded down stairs looking for my sweetie. I heard the very welcome sound of Kevie and Mattie baby talking in the kitchen. I also heard my adorable husband talking back to them. I peeked around the corner and caught Mattie looking at me. His little face lit up in a grin and he pointed to me and squealed with glee. "Pappa!" Kevin looked up from the bottle of baby food and smiled at me too. "Pappa hug?" Mattie asked holding up his little hands.

"First let's get you cleaned up," Kevin chuckled as he begin the process of cleaning up Mattie from his lunch. As usual Mattie had most of the food on him and on Kevin. Finally Mattie was all clean and I scooped him up in my arms. He snuggled closer to me as he rubbed his nose against my chest. "How did you sleep?" Kevin asked as he graced my bare shoulder with a kiss. I was wearing a muscle shirt.

"Great," I smiled up at him as I continued to hold the squirming child. "I woke up to an empty bed," I added with a pout.

"Yea I decided to let you sleep in this morning. Now that the integration sessions are over maybe we can get back to normal living now," Kevin replied as he wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on my shoulder. "Just you and me and our little family."

"That would be nice," I smiled up at him. "Fall is right around the corner."

"Tell me about it," Kevin giggled. "Tyler is already dragging out the Halloween decorations."

"Yea he really enjoyed Halloween last year. Remember when he ran around the house scaring the daylights out of everyone?" Kevin chuckled. "That was also the day that Josh came into his life."

"Yea they are such good little friends," Kevin sighed. "I have a feeling that they are going to be friends all their lives."

"Let's hope so sweetie," I smiled up at him. "So what is on the agenda?"

"Well we have to get the CD out. We are thinking either Christmas or early spring," Kevin said. "We are really laying down some good tunes this time."

"What do you mean this time?" I asked shocked. "Black and Blue was a good one!"

"Let's be honest babe," Kevin said with a small frown on his face. "Black and Blue didn't do as well on the charts as we would've liked it too."

"Yea, well we know who to blame for that one," I grumbled.

"Babe," Kevin said in a scolding tone of voice. "Please tell me that you are not thinking of blaming NSYNC for Black and Blue not doing well."

"No I'm not blaming them per say," I said sighing. "I'm blaming a certain member of the group pushing and shoving his way around to ensure that his talent got highlighted and to make sure that his CD got released shortly after yours did. If Celebrity hadn't of been released so soon after yours did than Black and Blue would've done much better."

"Yea well that is the music business," Kevin replied. "But I am so exited about this CD. We have a lot of good material on it."

"Yea that was the same thing that Nick said about his solo album. But when it came to his release of his first single who shows up and starts promoting his single before the dam thing even gets released? I'll tell you who. Justin Timberlake! And the song was crap. It confused the hell out of me. The Damn thing should've come with a warning label." Kevin giggled when I said the last part but I continued on my venting session. "He has gone out of his way to push and bully Nick into the background as far as he can. And MTV is backing him up. I mean come on Kevin! Look at the righting on the wall! It is so obvious that Celebrity was used to highlight Justin's so called talent and shove JC out of the picture completely! He did it with JC and now he is doing it to Nick. I will not let him do it to the group!" I said glaring out the window. I sighed heavily as I saw Justin's car pull up. "Oh great!" I grumbled. "The great and all powerful Timberlake is here!" After the integration my feelings for Justin had changed. I was seeing him in a whole new light. For the first time I saw him for the pushy manipulating little brat he was. I no longer had the same respect for him as I had had before.

"First things first sweetie, Nick is a big boy and he can take care of himself. And second, Mattie loves his Uncle JJ so please play nice with him," Kevin scolded me as he kissed me on the lips. I felt the tugging on my shirt. I looked down to see the smiling face of Mattie looking up at me.

"Does Mattie want to play?" I cooed down at him. "Does him want to play?" Mattie squealed with glee as I tossed him up in the air and caught him. "Yes him does!" I baby talked to him. I continued to play with him until a shadow crossed over me. I looked up to see Justin looking down at me. It suddenly dawned on me just how tall he was.

"Hey Matt," Justin grinned at me. Justin put on his innocent sweet little boy face and for some reason I wanted to smack him silly but since I was holding Mattie I decided against it. Mattie cooed up at him and held out his little hands. "Can I hold him?" I really wasn't happy about giving Mattie to him but didn't want to disappoint Mattie, Mattie loved Justin so much. Even though I was having second thoughts about him I wasn't going to let it interfere with Mattie's friendship with his "Uncle JJ". So I handed Mattie to him. "Man he has gotten so big!" Mattie giggled as Justin tickled him. "Matt?" Justin asked with his face showing concern. "Can we talk?"

"About?" I asked.

"Stuff," Justin replied.

"What kind of stuff?" I asked.

"Stuff that has been bothering me," Justin replied. He glanced over at JC and JC looked the other way.

"Ok," I agreed. "Let's go for a walk." Justin placed Mattie in the play pen and I gave Kevin a long kiss and than headed out onto the beach. It was cool day and the wind was pretty strong. It was overcast and it looked like rain. "Ok so talk."

"I'm leaving JC," Justin mumbled. I looked over at him to see if I saw hurt or pain or regret. Anything to prove that Justin was still human. I saw nothing but indifference. I saw the same look on Justin's face that I saw when we were at odds at eachother.

"Why?" I asked. Justin shrugged his shoulders.

"That is not an answer Justin," I scolded him. He jerked his head up at me with a nasty glare. I glared right back at him. "Want to tell me the real story?"

"I've been seeing someone else and JC caught us in bed," Justin said with a smirk.

"I'm so sorry," I said still giving him the benefit of the doubt.

"Don't be," Justin said shrugging his shoulders. "I got what I needed from JC. I got him out of the way while I got my solo CD done." I looked at Justin and finally let all doubt fall aside. Justin Timberlake the great user and manipulator finally made his appearance. I got mad, so mad that I saw red.

"You son of a bitch!" I hurled at him. "How the hell can you do that JC?"

"JC JC!" Justin whined. "Everyone is so fucking concerned about JC. I'm so fucking tired of everyone hovering over him like he is some kind of porcelain doll or something."

"What about your son?" I asked growing more angrier by the moment.

"What son?" Justin asked coldly. "I never signed the adoption papers. Being a Daddy was all JC's idea. He can have the Daddy stuff. I'm on a fucking role with my solo CD and all."

"Who is it?" I asked glaring out over the ocean.

"That is none of your business!" Justin hissed at me.

"Who the fuck is it?" I screamed at him.

"AJ!" Justin shouted back. "I'm fucking AJ! There! Happy now?" I could still hear Kevin's voice in the background telling me to play nice. But I didn't want that monster anywhere near my children.

"Get out!" I shouted at him. Justin jerked back as if he had been hit. "Get the fuck out of my house, my life, my children's life. Just leave and never sit foot in my house or my life again!" Justin went to punch me but I beat him to it. I quickly punched him in the nose. He lay bleeding on the ground. "I should've listen to JC the first time. But no I had to listen to you. I had to give you the benefit of the doubt. Well not anymore. I finally see you for who and what you are! Get the fuck out of my life Timberlake! And don't ever come back." I turned and left him laying on the beach. I walked up to the house and up to Kevin. I saw that he was comforting JC. My heart went out him as I saw the tears running down his face.

"Hey Fuck Face!" Justin shouted at JC. "You coming with me?"

"You don't have to," I said to JC softly. "You can stay here for as long as you want." JC looked up at me and nodded. "Where is your son?"

"At my parents," he sniffled.

"Good, that is probably a good place for him," I said as I turned to Justin. "Get out and never come back! Oh and when you see AJ tell him to stay away too!" Kevin gasped. "Yea Kevin, AJ has been sleeping around on Nick with Justin."

"Get out!" Kevin shouted at Justin. "Don't ever come back!"

"Fuck you all!" Justin shouted. "I don't need any of you!" He turned and stormed out of the house. I heard his car start up and heard the wheels peel out of the drive. I also heard JC sobbed loudly into Kevin's shoulder. I heard the whimpers of Mattie and Kevie. I moved quickly and scooped them up and carried them into the living room and sat down on the sofa with them. They were upset because their daddy and Pappa was upset. I had to calm them down quickly.

From Kevin's point of view.

Holding JC in my arms and letting him cry his heart out was good for him. Finally his tears stopped and he pulled himself away from me. "Fuck him!" he muttered. "Fuck him and I hope he is happy with his so called life!"

"JC," I said softly. "I know that he hurt you."

"I'll live," JC muttered. "You know what he told me?" I shook my head. "He told me that the only reason that he married me was to keep me in check. He said I was getting to cocky and he didn't want me to pass him by. He said it was a career move. That was all it was!"

"JC," I said softly. "You are going to get through this, you are strong and very talented. You will surpass anything that Justin does. You know why?" JC shook his head no. "Because your talent comes from the heart. Your passion is driven by your heart. And when you finally do come out the whole world will see that Justin is all about the money and sex and whatever he can get out of people. You? You are a true artist. You don't care about the money or the sex or what you can get out of people. People will see that and they will fall in love with you. And I have an idea on how we can exploit your talent."

"How?" JC asked with interest.

"Ever heard of a firm called "White Star Productions?" I asked grinning. He shook his head no. "It's Matt's new business venture. He is looking for new talent. And you would be perfect!"

"As what?" JC asked. "I'm not really new Talent."

"No you're not, but we intend on launching your solo career," I smirked.

"I don't know Kevin," JC started. "I'm more of a writer."

"JC," I said in a scolding voice. "You know as well as I do, that you have a excellent voice. Better than Justin's ever thought of being. You have to do this. Come on Matt is dying to get you started. Please say you will at least try?"

"Do I have a choice?" JC asked grinning.

"Nope," I replied with a smirk.

"He is right you know," Matt said as he deposited Kevie in my lap. Kevie wasted no time in grabbing my finger and sticking it in his mouth and started sucking on it.

"OUCH!" I yelped pulling my finger out and inspecting closely. Kevie grinned at me and giggled. "He bit me!"

"He did?" Matt asked. I gently pried opened his mouth and looked in. And there it was! A small white object coming out of his gums.

"A tooth!" I exclaimed. "Kevie has his first tooth!" Kevie cooed with glee as he grinned at me. "Yes he does!" I grinned down at him. "You have your first tooth!" For the next few minutes we all admired Kevie's new tooth until Mattie started to fuss for attention too. JC picked him up and held him close.

"He is right you know," Matt said again. "You do have more talent than Justin ever will."

"Why is he getting all the attention though?" JC asked frowning.

"Because Justin has the star quality that everyone wants. He has a pretty boy face and the moves and the pushy attitude. We just have to concentrate on getting you ready to take him on," Matt replied. "So what do you say? Will you become part of White Star Productions?"

"Can I think about it?" JC asked. Mattie had fallen asleep in JC's arms. I went to take him but JC shook his head no. "I want to hold him."

"Yes you can think about it," I said. "You miss your son?" JC nodded as a tear fell from his eyes. "Than fly him out here," I said. "You are good father JC and you should be with him."

"I think I will," JC replied as he smiled down at Mattie. Mattie had taken JC finger and was sucking on it while he was sleeping.

"Good," Matt replied. "Now if you will excuse me I have some work to do in my office." Matt walked out of the kitchen and I looked at JC and saw the tears flowing again.

"JC?" I asked softly. He looked up at me. "You will get over this. You will get on with your life. And it will be a good one, filled with happiness and joy."

"I hope so," JC mumbled. "I really hope so." He yawned as he continued to hold Mattie. I led him to the sofa and laid him down and covered him up. Mattie was still snuggled in his Uncle CC arms happily sleeping. I quietly left the room to find Nick. I had a plan. Nick had to be hurting and JC and Nick were lovers at one time, maybe they could be again.


"Do you think he will want to see me?" Nick asked me. He still had tears in his eyes from finding out that AJ had been cheating on him. I had to stop him from going after Justin. When I mentioned getting him back together with JC he perked up some. We came to the living room door and looked in. JC was still sleeping with Mattie snuggled in his arms. "He is so cute," he smiled.

"Who?" I asked. "Mattie or JC?"

"Both of them. JC looks so good with children," Nick sighed. I looked hard at Nick. "I never stopped loving him you know," he whispered.

"Than tell him," I said gently pushing him towards JC. Nick smiled at me as I slid the door close. As I walked away I suddenly realized that I was turning into Matt. I was matchmaking. Shaking my head I headed to Matt's study. I suddenly felt the need to see Matt. Hopefully I could see him naked. I peeked in and saw him pounding away at his computer keyboard. "Hey sexy," I said as I walked into his office. He looked up and grinned at me. "Want to take a break for some lunch?"

"Yea that would be nice," Matt said as he stretched. "What are we having?"

"Well I don't know about you but I thought I would have some of you," I smirked as I rubbed my crotch.

"Behave mister," He scolded me. "I have to eat some real food. My sugar is a little low." I pouted for a few seconds. "But if you are a good boy I might let you have a protein shake."

"Well let's go eat than," I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my arms and kissed him fully on the lips. He moaned softly as he ground his crotch into me.

Later in the kitchen from Matt's point of view.

"So how was your nap?" I asked JC. He was busy looking into Nick's eyes. "JC?" I asked softly. He looked up at me and blushed. "How was your nap?"

"It was like waking from a long dream," JC sighed. "Seeing Nick and talking to him and getting some things settled really did some good."

"What things did you get settled?" I asked. I noticed that Nick's hand was resting on JC's lap. "You two going together?"

"Well, let's just say that we are going to take it really slow," JC blushed. Nick leaned forward and gave JC a chaste kiss on the cheek. JC blushed some more. Man he looked so hot blushing.

"How is your single going?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"About the same as the last time you asked. I swear there is someone out there keeping out of the lime light," Nick muttered.

"Yea and I think I know who it is," I replied.

"Not the Justin Timberlake theory again," Nick sighed.

"You know it is true," I replied softly. He nodded. "Well what would you say if you were to break away from Jive and signed with me?" Nick jerked his head up and looked hard at me. "I already checked. Jive would be ok with it, we would have to buy out your contract. They are to busy promoting Justin anyway. In fact I've already drawn up a contract. You take a look at it and tell me what you think."

"You know something?" Kevin said softly. "I'm beginning to wonder if maybe we shouldn't all go with White Star."

"Are you serious?" I asked. "I mean what about Jive?"

"Jive said five CD's total. We've done that already. We don't have to stay with them. Hell we haven't renewed our contracts anyway. And as long as we are tied to Jive with NSYNC hanging over us and beating us to the punch every time we release a CD we will never get anywhere. And contrary to Justin Timberlaked guided belief, the Backstreet Boys are not finished!" Kevin replied.

"Justin is not going to like this at all," JC mumbled.

"Why?" Kevin asked.

"It was Justin's idea to switch to Jive in the first place. He wanted to keep up with you guys to prevent you guys from getting ahead start on us," JC replied. "I was never happy about it but I was basically told to shut the fuck up."

"I told you that what was going on!" I looked over at Kevin. He nodded without saying anything. "What are we going to do about it?"

"We are leaving Jive. But we are going to do it in secret," Kevin replied. "And we are going to do it on the eve of the release date of our new CD. And we are going to give Justin a taste of his own medicine. JC what would say to a little song with us?"

"You mean a collaboration?" JC asked grinning. Kevin nodded. "That is Justin's ammo. And it would really piss him off."

"And it would finally take control away from him," I added.

"But what about MTV?" JC asked. "Justin still has a lot of friends in that place. And they listen to him. If he tells them to leave you guys and not cover any of your songs they will probably listen to him."

"We shun MTV too," Kevin replied simply. "We don't give MTV anything. We go to VH1."

"They are not going to like this at all," I grinned. "Why wait so long?"

"What do you have in mind?" Kevin asked.

"Put it to the fans!" I suggested. "Give the fans the whole story and let them decide. Let them decide if we should give MTV any of your new stuff. I know Backstreet Fans. Hell I'm one of them. We are loyal as hell!"

"That could work," Kevin said. "Let's call a meeting tonight."

"What about AJ?" I asked. "He is sleeping with the enemy."

"We give him a choice," Kevin said simply. "He can stay and get rid of Justin or he can leave."

"But but," Nick sputtered.

"JC," Kevin said looking at JC. "What would you say to a little switch? One NSYNCER for a BSB?"

"Oh man," JC smiled and shook his head. "You are planning to really shake up the Pop world!"

"You got it!" Kevin chuckled.


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Next: Chapter 64: Get Another Boyfriend 3 6

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