Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Sep 10, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part One

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advise are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

e-mail me at

From Kevin's point of view.

It has now been weeks since Matt left me. Well not physically but mentally he checked out. Mark Whitecastle was in his place. He was straight as an arrow and very very bitter. Everything that Matt was Mark was the opposite. I looked at him and saw Matt sitting there but when I looked into his eyes he was gone. Staring back at me was a complete stranger. And that stranger hated me because I represented part of life that he hated. He hated Matt with a passion. He hated the fact that he had to share his body with him. He hated the fact that Matt was gay and he was straight and Matt had had control over his life for so long. He insisted that he was dominant personality. Matt was the imposter. I can still here the stinging words that he hurled at me almost six weeks ago.

"Get the hell out of here Faggot!" he had shouted at me. I stumbled back out of the room and nearly knocked the poor doctor over.

We placed Matt in a clinic that specialized with helping people with multiple personalities. They were working on integrating his personalities. Mark was part of Matt's personality and Matt couldn't survive without Mark and like wise for Mark. He needed Matt as much Matt needed him. He hated it. He hated the fact that he had live with Matt's personality. He hated me and even worse he hated poor Tyler. They had thought it might help to bring out Matt when they agreed to let Tyler visit his daddy. Big mistake. Matt started screaming that Tyler wasn't his son. I grabbed the poor child and rushed him out of the room. Tyler was sobbing and clinging to me like I was a life raft. Matt insisted that everyone called him Mark. When someone would slip up and call him Matt he would go nuts. Everyone was hurt by his shouts of anger and rage. But the ones who didn't understand the most was Mattie and Kevie. They both cried for their Pappa every day. I did my best to assure them that his Pappa loved them both. I told them that Pappa had to go away for a while. They would look up at me with hurt expressions on their faces and start whimpering for Pappa. It nearly tore my heart in two. The ringing of the phone brought me wide awake and sitting up in bed looking around. I picked it up. "Kevin here," I rasped into the phone. I coughed loudly to clear my throat.

"Mr. Richardson?" asked DR. McCloud. "I need you to come down to the clinic."

"Why?" I asked half heartedly. "There is not really a point is there?"

"Please Mr. Richardson," Dr. McCloud asked. "Mark is asking for you." I sighed and looked at the clock and saw that it read three in the morning."

"I'll be there shortly," I replied placing the phone down. After checking in a Tyler and Twins I let Jake know where I was going and that I would be back shortly. Getting into my car I drove to the clinic. The gates of the clinic opened for me and I drove through and parked in front of the main house. Soon I was standing outside Matt's room. I knocked lightly on it. Wincing and trying my hardest to sound cheerful I choked out his name. "Mark?" I asked softly.

"Come in," Mark replied. I opened the door and stepped in. "I suppose you're wondering why I asked you here." I nodded. "Sit down and I will tell you." I sat down in the chair he offered me. Silenced greeted me as he gazed at me.

"Well?" I asked finally breaking the silence. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Don't get pushy faggot!" Mark hurled at me. Whenever he got violent like that I didn't see Matt, my love and my rock and the father of my children. I saw Mark. Mark that homophobic nut that he was.

"Listen Mark!" I shot back at him. "I didn't drag my ass out of bed to have you hurl more insults at me. So tell me what the hell you wanted to say or let me get some more sleep!" Mark looked up at me shocked. This was first time I yelled back at him. "Come one spill the fucking goods!"

"Ok ok!" Mark wined a little. "Do you ever wondered how a gay man could have children?"

"No," I answered bluntly. "I have two children and I'm gay."

"Ok ok, but did you ever wonder how a gay guy could fuck a girl and like it?" Mark asked sneering.

"No but I'm sure you're going to tell me," I hissed back at him. Mark slumped back in bed and glared at me for a long time. "Well?" I prodded him further.

"You know he was a soccer team slut?" Mark asked sneering. I nodded blushing at the memory. It wasn't a pleasant time for Matt or me when he came clean with that time of his life. "Well it started after the team won the championship."

"Do I really want to hear this?" I asked.

"Yes you do," Mark replied. "Now sit back and get ready to be shocked."

Almost two years ago in the locker room.

Mark's point of view.

"Come here faggot!" leered Tyson as he strutted into the shower. "I've got a pole for you to suck on!" I tried to get Matt from moving towards the jock who was standing there so proud and tall. But no! Matt was a pansy ass faggot and wanted to suck cock. That was all he ever thought about. Was how much cock he could suck! And on top of that he promised himself that he was going to get fucked tonight. That made me so sick. Here I was trapped in his body shoved off in the corner forced to watch and experience all of this. "Come on Matt," Tyson cooed. "You know you want it baby," as he waved his erect cock in the air. I could feel my cock harden at the sight of that jock standing in front of me. I screamed at Matt to stop. I couldn't take another one of these suck sessions. Matt knelt down in front of Tyson and wrap his mouth around Tyson's cock. I gagged and tried to look away. Problem was this, when you are trapped in a body that is habited by more than one personalities you can't turn away. You have to watch, feel and experience everything that he is. Matt moaned softly as he started to suck and bob in earnest. "Oh yea faggot," Tyson hissed out as he pulled his dripping cock from Matt's mouth and dick slapped him. "You like sucking cock don't you? I bet you would love to fucked up the ass too." Matt let out a whimper and grabbed Tyson's cock and shoved it back into his mouth. Tyson's laugh filled the locker room. "Hey Jake!" he shouted at another blonde jock. "Stick your dick up his ass! He wants it!" I heard Matt's voice shout for joy. It was in his mind of course. Matt was getting his wish and getting his cherry popped and I was getting my nightmare. I was being used as a fuck toy. Pain surged through me as Jake's cock slammed into me. Matt groaned with pleasure and I wanted to vomit. I couldn't. Matt was in control of every aspect of me. Except of course my mind. I closed it off while Tyson and Jake fucked the shit out of Matt. When Jake blasted his load up our ass and Tyson filled our stomach with his teen load two more got in behind him. I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed as hard as I could. I saw the light and ran towards it. I saw a third person slid in under Matt and slid his cock up along side the other's cock. We were being doubled fucked! I screamed and pushed forward. Matt screamed too as he realized what was happening. I pushed forward again and burst into the light. I was gagging on a mouthful of cum and my ass was burning from a total of three loads of teen cum. I lay on the floor sobbing and gagging. By now the rest of team had left the shower. I was covered in cum from the rest of the team jerking off as they watched me fucked by two guys at the same time. I stood up and walked to the nearest shower and turned it on. The warm water washed the cum off of my body and than I felt my stomach lurch. I rammed my finger down my throat and purged myself. After getting rid of as much cum as I could I showered and dressed and stumbled out of the school. Getting into the car that Matt drove I drove away from that school vowing never to return. The only thought of mine was to prove to myself that I wasn't like Matt, I was Mark Whitecastle, and I was not gay. I was straight. I had to be. Now the only problem was who could I find to fuck?" The light turned on in my head and I thought of the only person that could help me. I reached for Matt's cell phone and dialed a number. A voice answered and I grinned. "Dianne?" I asked softly.

"Yes?" Dianne asked softly.

"This is Mar--, I mean Matt, I was wondering if you wanted to um go out?" I asked grinning up at myself in the mirror. This was too easy!

Back to the present from Kevin's point of view.

"So that explains it all," I said looking at Mark. "You are Tyler's father."

"No," Mark said sneering. "That faggot is Tyler's father. I hate kids! I want nothing to do with them. All I care about is getting my ass laid and having a good time. Matt can have all that family stuff."

"You know I'm going to fight for him," I informed him. Mark shrugged as if he didn't have a care in the world. "We will integrate both of your personalities and I will have Matt back."

"Never!" screamed Mark. "I'm here to stay and I will never allow that faggot to gain control over my life again!"

"Like it or not you are stuck with him! You need him to survive!" I shouted back at him. "Admit it!"

"Get out!" Mark shouted at me. "Get the fuck out!"

"Fine," I said calmly. "I'll leave. But this is not over and I am not stopping until I have my Matthew Whitewater back at my side loving me and my children and his son. You will lose!"

"Get out!" Mark screamed as he struggled to get out of bed. "Get the fuck out here!"

"Good bye Mark, but your days are numbered," I smiled at him as I walked from the room and once out I slumped against the wall breathing heavily. "God I hope this works."

"I haven't lost one yet," Dr. Jameson said as he walked up beside me. "I heard what you said in there. It was good. Mark needs to know that some day he will be integrated with Matt."

"Yea but when they are what is going to happen to Matt?" I asked worried.

"Matt will be stronger than ever. You will notice some slight differences but for the most part he will be same Matt that you know and love," Dr. Jameson replied. "Thank you for stopping by. As strange as it sounds I was worried about Mark. He wouldn't go to sleep without talking to you."

"Do you think that is Matt working to get out?" I asked hopefully. Dr. Jameson shrugged his shoulders.

"Well thanks again for coming by," Dr. Jameson said again as he walked into Mark's room. I cringed as I heard Mark screaming at him. Sighing heavily I walked out of the clinic and climbed into my car and headed home. Once inside our little piece of heaven I walked to Tyler's room and peeked in. He was all snuggled into the bed with the covers all around him. He looked so peaceful. I heard a grunt and looked at the foot of the bed and saw Blackie laying there sleeping too.

"I promise Tyler," I said as my voice choked up. "I promise that someday I will bring your Daddy home." After closing the door quietly I trotted up stairs and peeked into the nursery. I could see that Kevie was asleep. Mattie was another story. He was busy sitting up in his crib playing. He caught the light from the hall way and turned and looked at me and grinned widely. "Hey Mattie," I whispered. He crawled to the bars and stood up and waited for me to pick him up. I reached in and picked him up and carried him back to my room. "I miss him so much Mattie," I sniffled as I laid him down on the soft sheets and comforters. Mattie just looked up at me with those huge and trusting eyes. I laid down beside my son as we both drifted off to sleep.

From Matt's point of view.

"Way to tell him off!" I shouted with glee. "I love you Kevin!" I knew he couldn't hear me. But that didn't matter. For you see I could feel my heart rate rise. Mark was breathing faster and faster. He was scared. He was scared that I would come back. I saw an opening and tried. I pushed and pushed hard, using all of my mind. He screamed and pushed back. I felt myself thrown back. "Dammit!" I shouted out mentally. "Let me loose!"

"Never!" Mark's voice sounded in my brain. "I have control now! And do you know what I am going to now?" He paused as if seeing if I would respond. I decided not to give him the pleasure. I clammed up. "Oh so the faggot doesn't want to talk does he?"

"Fuck you!" I hissed at him.

"Now now," Mark laughed that same conceited laugh he used when he took over the last time. "You can't do that so why do you even bother to waste your breath saying crap like that?" I paused again not giving him the pleasure of controlling me. "Guess what I'm going to do?"

"What?" I shot at him. "What the hell are you going to do?"

"I'm going to place a phone call in the morning and start on putting my own family together. Tell me something Matt, can you guess who I am going to call?" he taunted me.

"Like I give a rat's ass what you do!" I sassed him.

"Oh you will," Mark replied calmly. "You will. Now leave me alone so that I can get some sleep!" I thought about what he had said. I wondered who he could call. I finally gave up and let my mind travel back to the night that Kevin and I first made love. I concentrated on the intense lovemaking. I knew that would drive Mark nuts. It did. He spent the rest of the night in torment as I flooded his dreams with memories of Kevin and I having sex. I even through the threesomes that I had had with Kevin and the other people in my lives. For once I thrilled at making Mark sob and scream with revulsion. For me it was an escape from the nightmare that I was living. For Mark it was a night mare. One that lasted all night long.

The next morning.

"Matt?" Mark's voice sounded in my mind. "Are you awake?" I deliberately didn't answer. "Wake the fuck up now!" his voice screamed in my head.

"I'm up ass wipe!" I shouted back.

"Good," Mark screamed back. "Now watch and see what happens to your precious little family." He went to the door to his room and opened it and walked out. This was a nice clinic. We had free range of place as long as we behaved ourselves. I had thought about making Mark do things to get him confined to his room but the few times that he did leave his dark and cramped room gave me pleasure. "Good morning," he said to the nurse at the nurse's station. He was using my smooth nice voice this morning and pouring out all of his charm. "I was wondering if I could make a phone call?"

"I will have to clear it with Dr. Jameson first," the nurse replied. "Why don't you go back to your room and wait on breakfast. When he makes his rounds he will discuss the possibility of making a phone call."

"Thank you," Mark said again as he smiled at her. I groaned loudly and rolled my eyes at his attempt to seduce the nurse. She was professional and had desire to fall into his trap. Once back inside the room he walked in front of the mirror. "So you wondering who I am going to call?" he asked.

"No," I snapped back. "Why should I?" He just shrugged his shoulders and turned from the mirror. "Mark?" I asked in my mind.

"What pansy boy?" he snickered.

"Why did you hurt Tyler?" I asked. I had seen what that monster had done to my child.

"Why the hell do you care about him?" Mark asked back.

"He is my son, I love him," I replied honestly.

"He is not your son!" he screamed at me. "He is my son! I'm the one who had sex with Dianne. I'm the one that help create that little bastard!"

"Don't you dare call him a bastard!" I shouted at him. "And he will never be your son!"

"Oh really?" Mark asked in a silky sweet voice. One that sent shivers up and down my spine. "That is what you think."

"What the fuck are you planning on doing to my son?" I demanded trying to keep the fear from my voice.

"You'll see," Mark snickered. "You'll see." There was a knock at the door and Doctor Jameson walked in. He was carrying a phone. It was cordless. "Good morning Dr." Mark said politely.

"I see you are in a good mood this morning," Dr. Jameson said as he placed the phone on the side table. "The nurse said you asked about using the phone. Who do you plan on calling?"

"I'm going to call a friend of mine. Someone I met when I was out the last time," Mark answered. I could tell he was hiding something. He was always hiding something.

"Ok you may use the phone for five minutes," Doctor Jameson replied as he handed Mark the phone. "I'll be back in five minutes." Doctor Jameson left the room and Mark snatched the phone up and quickly dialed a number. I could hear the phone ring for several times before a females voice answered. I knew the voice.

"No!" I screamed in my mind. "Nooooo!"

"Shut up faggot!" Mark laughed in his head. "I told you that I would taking control of my life. And I'm starting now."

"Hello?" said the females voice again. "Is anyone there?"

"Dianne?" Mark asked politely. "It's Matt."

"Matt?" Dianne asked in surprise. "How are you doing?"

"Dianne," Mark said using his desperate voice. "You've got help me. Kevin's gone nuts and had me committed." He has our son and he wants to keep him as his own."

"You fucking bastard!" I screamed. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Please Dianne," Mark pleaded using his whimpering voice. "I'm really afraid for Tyler's sake."

"I'll be there in a about a day," Dianne said. "Where are you?"

"At the Serenity Springs clinic on Oak drive. Please Dianne, you have to get here fast. I don't trust Kevin anymore," Mark pleaded. The phone call ended. "See faggot?" he taunted me. "I have the power now."

"You will never convince her that Kevin is bad for my son!" I hissed at him.

"My son! My son!" Mark screamed. "And don't you fucking forget it!"

"Nooo!" I wailed. "Don't do this! You will hurt him so bad."

"Who will I hurt Matt?" he asked. He glanced up at he mirror and I found my self staring back at him. I had tears rolling down my face. "You are so fucking pathetic!" he sneered. "Now answer the fucking question! Who am I going to hurt?"

"Tyler," I sobbed out. "You can't do this to him. He just an innocent child!"

"Watch me faggot!" he laughed. I crawled back into the corner of his mind and pulled my knees up to my chin.

"Kevin!" I wailed. "Help me! Please someone help me!"

"No one can hear you," Mark said quietly. "I'm in control now. And I plan on staying in control."

From Kevin's point of view.

"Matt!" I screamed as I sat up in bed drenched in sweat. I looked around and saw that Mattie was looking up at me with fear in his eyes. I took several breaths to calm myself. I turned and looked down at Mattie. "Hey little guy," I said using my soothing voice. He squirmed and giggled up at me. "Man what a night mare!" I swung my feet out of bed and stood up and lifted Mattie up too. "Let's get you your bath!"

"Bath?" Mattie asked giggling.

"Yes Mattie," I giggled back. "You get to get daddy all wet again." I had to chuckle at Mattie's little squeals of laughter.


So what do you all think?"

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Next: Chapter 60: Get Another Boyfriend 3 2

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