Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Jul 28, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part Seven

Sorry it has taken me so long to get this part out. I've been so busy with my family and friends. I hope you all like this part.

Disclaimer: Copyrighted 2002 by the author: Travis Smith. This work of writing is the sole property of the said author. Permission is given to Nifty Archives to post in the Boy Band Section. Permission to post this story anywhere else is granted by a case by case basis and permission must be obtained through the author in writing or E-mail. This is a fictional story. Any characters portrayed in this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. This is an adult story written for adults in mind. If you are minor please leave now.

And now with the story.

"Are they asleep?" I asked Kevin as I peaked over his shoulders down at the twins. He nodded and turned and headed back into the hall. "You going to be ok?" I asked softly following him into the living room and sitting down on the sofa. Kevin laid down and placed his head in my lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Talk to me baby," I whispered as I wiped a few tears from his eyes. "I want to help you."

"They are going to grow up with out their mother," Kevin whispered. "I didn't want that for them. I wanted them to have a real mother." He wiped his eyes with his hand. "I know that they don't understand me when I told them their mother died. But I could tell that they picked up on my sadness. God Matt it tore me to pieces!" Fresh tears flowed from his eyes. I gently and lovingly wiped them free. "What am I going to do?"

"You and I are going to have to work out a way to keep their mother's memory alive for them," I said softly. "In the mean time you are going to have to be strong for them. They are going to need their daddy more now than ever before." We were speaking in low tones so when the loud shrill phone ringing pierced our solitude we both jumped. "I'll get it," I mumbled softly as I planted a kiss on his forehead. I traded a pillow for my lap so that Kevin could rest for a few minutes. I walked over to the phone and picked it up. "Matt here," I said softly as I walked out onto the front porch.

"Matt?" asked Leo. Leo had gone to New York to retrieve Anne's body. "You alone?" When he asked me that the hairs on the back of my neck stood up on end.

"Yes I'm alone," I replied. "What is wrong."

"It is mom and dad," Leo replied. "They want to come out to your place."

"No way!" I replied. "No way in hell!" By now I was shouting. "Why do they want to come out?" I looked over my shoulder to see if Kevin was up. Thankfully he wasn't. I hopped off the porch and on to the cool sand. I could hear Tyler and Josh laughing as they played in the sand. Blackie was barking up a storm too. "Did they say why they wanted to come out here?"

"They want to meet their grandkids," Leo said.

"Hah!" I scoofed. "More like get their mitts on them! Tell them no! They're not welcome!"

"They are already on their way," Leo replied in a small voice.

"Shit shit double shit!" I growled.

"Potty mouth," Kevin said behind me as his lips graced the back of my neck. I looked up and saw him grinning at me. "Why is my lover using such naughty words?"

"Leo, Kevin is here," I said into the phone. "You want to tell them or do you want me to?" Kevin looked at me with confusion on his face.

"Let me talk to him," Leo replied.

"Leo wants to talk to you," I said handing him the phone. "I'm going to check on Tyler and Josh and Blackie." As I was leaving Kevin stopped me and pulled me close and pressed his lips to mine. We shared an intimate kiss getting me all hot and bothered before he broke away and resumed talking to Leo. I wondered down to the beach to where Tyler and Josh were. They were climbing over top of this huge sand pile and they were trying to erect a sand castle. Blackie was trying to get their attention by barking and dropping a frizbee at their feet. I whistled at him and he grabbed the frizbe and took off running towards me and dropped it at my feet. I tossed out into the water and watched him go after it.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked. I looked down and saw him looking up at me. "Help us make a castle?" he pleaded.

"Sure," I said grinning down at him. "What kind of castle are you building?"

"A big one!" Tyler exclaimed. "A really big one! One with a tower and draw bridge and everything!" It was obvious that Tyler and Josh were really into this castle building thing. "Come on Daddy! It will be fun!" I knelt down in the sand and started to work with the sand. I heard a huffing noise behind me and I turned and had to laugh at poor Blackie. He was sitting with the frizbee in his mouth looking all sad. I patted my leg and he trotted up to me and dropped the frizbee in my lap and I tossed it out again. After about a half hour I heard a cough behind me. I looked back to see Kevin standing behind me.

"Ummm hi!" I exclaimed. "We're building a castle!"

"I can see that," he giggled. "But do you realize that it is after nine at night?"

"Time to get Tyler and Josh to bed," I replied. "Come on you two it is time to hit the showers and than it is off to bed with you!" Kevin choked back a laugh as Tyler and Josh went into the "Do we have too?" mode. I sternly pointed to the house and they went rather unwillingly with their heads held low. After making sure that Tyler and Josh were tucked in bed I headed back out onto the porch. I looked for Kevin and heard Blackie barking. I followed his barking and found my sweetie out on the beach throwing the frizbee for Blackie. I walked up to him and stood at his side. "Did you get out of Leo just when they were getting back into town?" I asked as I slid my arms around his narrow waist.

"They'll be in tomorrow about 11 in the morning," Kevin replied. "What are we going to do about his parents?"

"Tell them to take a very long walk off of a short pier," I sassed him.

"Matt," he said softly. "That is not nice."

"Well Uncle Joe and Denise were not very nice to Leo and Anne!" I retorted. "They tossed poor Leo out on his ear and Anne out for supporting Leo. Now they want to make nice with your kids! No way! They are not welcome in my home!" I crossed my arms and glared out over the ocean.

"They are Kevie and Mattie's grand parents," Kevin said softly as he kissed the back of my neck. "Maybe they want to be part of their lives."

"Huuummph!" I snorted. "And what if Kevie and Mattie decide that they are gay? What are they going to do? Disown them too?"

"No," a voice said behind us. "We're not going to make that mistake again." I jerked my head around and saw Uncle Joe and Aunt Denise standing behind us.

"When did you get here?" I asked glaring at them. I felt Kevin's hand on my shoulder. "And why are you here?"

"Matt," Kevin scolded me. "Be polite." Kevin gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. I saw Uncle Joe cringe when Kevin kissed my cheek.

"You have a problem with Kevin kissing me?" I hurled at him. I had started to move towards him but Kevin's strong arm held me back.

"No I don't have a problem with it," Uncle Joe replied. "I do have to admit that I am still uncomfortable with it. That is my fault not yours."

"We have made some mistakes in the past," Aunt Denise spoke up. "And that mistake has cost us precious time with our children. We've lost Anne because of it and almost lost Leo too. We want to correct this disagreement before it gets out of hand."

"It is not a disagreement," I shot back. "Leo is gay and you won't accept him!"

"We do accept him," Uncle Joe replied.

"Like hell you do!" I shouted at him. "You are here for one reason and one reason only. To steal Kevin's children! That is not going to happen!" With that said I turned my back on them and headed back up the house. Once inside I had a urgent need to see the twins. I crept into their room and looked into Mattie's crib. True to form he was wide awake playing with a toy. He caught me looking at him and smiled. "Hey Mattie!" I smiled down at him. He squirmed and cooed up at me and held out his arms. I picked him up and held him close. "Guess who is here?" I asked looking down at him. "Your Grandparents." He just stuck his hand in his mouth and started suck on it and looked around the room. "Yea they're here and they probably want to take you and Kevie from us."

"That is unfair and you know it," Uncle Joe's voice sounded from behind me.

"Prove me wrong," I shot back at him. I looked hard at him cursing him for looking so much like dad. I quickly swallowed that thought and remembered what he did to Leo. "You almost killed him you know? He caught cancer and had to go through it with out the love and support of his parents!"

"All I can say is that we are deeply sorry for the pain we have caused our children," Uncle Joe replied. "I want to make you a promise if you will let me."

"I'm listening," I replied sitting down in the rocker and gently rocked Mattie. He had found my finger interesting and was sucking on it too.

"He is a beautiful child," Uncle Joe said smiling down at Mattie. Mattie looked up and promptly grabbed Uncle Joe's glasses from him. I gently pried his hands off of the glasses and handed them back to Uncle Joe. "He is just like Anne. She would grab my glasses too." He took a ragged breath and sat down heavily in the chair. Tears flowed down his face. "God do I miss that child."

"Was she in pain?" I asked in a small voice.

"No," Uncle Joe replied. "She was out of it from the time of the accident to the time she passed on."

"How did it happen?" I pressed on.

"Hit by a drunk driver," he sobbed out. "Dam idiot!" he shouted. Mattie jumped and started to cry. "Oh I'm so sorry child," he said looking down at Mattie. "I didn't mean to upset you." Mattie didn't understand of course but he smiled and cooed at his Grandpa anyway.

"You said you wanted to promise me something?" I asked.

"Yes I do," Uncle Joe said sitting back down. "I want to promise you that I will never again cast aside any of my children or grandchildren or nephews on account of their sexual identity. After seeing what it did to poor Leo and Anne I now understand what wrong I have done."

"What about Leo?" I pressed on. "Are you going to make that same promise to him? What about the months he suffered through cancer without the love and support of his mother and father?"

"I can't bring back the times I've lost with him," Uncle Joe replied. "But I can be there for him when he starts his new life with that Brian fella. He seems like a real nice boy and he seems to really love our boy." It was at this time that Kevie decided that Mattie had had way to much attention and wanted some for him self. His little whimper sounded from his crib. "Sounds like the other one is awake," Uncle Joe said.

"Yea," I smiled down at Mattie who was in baby heaven at all the attention I was giving him. "He gets real jealous if he doesn't get attention too. You want to hold him?" Uncle Joe's eyes got real wide and he smiled. "Go ahead," I smiled. By now I was sure that their intentions were sincere.

From Kevin's point of view.

"He is very loyal to you," Denise said softly. "Than again Matt always was very loyal."

"He loves me," I replied. "He can't help it. I get on him all the time because he can get a little carried away. He wanted to chew out a United States Senator for boycotting my testimony. But I told him he couldn't do that."

"He wasn't happy about that was he?" Denise chuckled.

"Nope," I giggled. "How do you think they are making out?"

"Joe has been through a lot these last few months. He has really turned a corner on this homosexual issue. Right now all he wants is to be part of the family again. He wants to be a part of Leo's life," Denise admitted. I saw her shoulders shake as she started to sob. "If only we had come sooner. We've lost Anne and it is all our fault!" I didn't argue with her because she was right. "Now what are we going to do?"

"You are going to be real grandparents to Kevie and Mattie," I said simply. She looked at me in shock. "They will need you."

"You will do that? You will trust us after all we have done?" Denise asked.

"Yes I will," I replied. "Matt is also a very forgiving person. He may get real mad at times and say things he doesn't mean but I can't believe he would shut you out of your grandchildren's lives. And whether he likes it or not, I have no intentions of denying Kevie or Mattie of their Grandparents. Speaking of which, would you like to meet them?" Once we were in the house we crept up to the nursery. We peaked in and I smiled when I saw Matt holding Mattie. Mattie was sucking really hard on Matt's finger. Uncle Joe was holding Kevie with tears flowing down his face.

"Old softie!" huffed Denise. She walked in and patted Matt on the shoulder. I stepped out to give them some privacy. A few minutes later Matt came back out. He was grinning widely.

"How did it go?" I asked.

"They love them!" he gushed.

"Of course they love them!" I beamed with pride. "Come on let's go down stairs and cuddle." I could tell that Matt loved that idea as he trotted down stairs and hopped on the couch and patted the seat beside him. I slid in beside him and soon his head was laying on my shoulder and his arms wrapped around me. I was content to just stay there forever. Feeling Matt's soft breath on my neck and his skin against mine was heaven for me. "Did Leo say what kind of funeral it was going to be?" I asked him softly.

"She is going to be cremated and her ashes scattered along the beach. She loved it here and that is where she wants her ashes scattered," Matt replied. His hand traveled to my crotch and he lightly stroked it. He was getting horny as he usually did at this time of the night.

"Matt," I said in a scolding tone of voice. "Your uncle and Aunt are here."

"So," he replied giving me his usual naughty look. I bent down and pressed my lips to his. His tongue slid into my mouth snaking around my mouth. His hand slid into my shorts and started to lightly stroke my cock. I moaned and laid down on top of him and begin to grind up against him. I smiled to myself when I heard his whimpers of desire as his cock grew hard and rubbed against mine.

"Umm Matt?" I squeaked out. "Umm we've got to put this on hold."

"Ok," he panted. "But you wait until I get you upstairs in bed. You are mine!" The thought of me being his all night long sent shivers up me. We heard the creak of the floor boards on the stairs and we sat up and fixed what little clothes we had on. Denise came down first carrying little Mattie. He was holding on to a teddy bear for dear life with a foot in his mouth. Kevie was just snoozing in his Grand Father's arms. "They are the best aren't they?" Matt gushed as he got up and walked over to them. Mattie dropped his teddy bear and held up his arms to be picked up by Matt. Matt gave him that loving look that he always gives and gently takes Mattie from Denise and cradles him in his arms. Mattie little hand latches on to his pec muscle. Joe Placed Kevie into my arms and I looked down at him and smiled. He was still sleeping soundly.

"I think Mattie is hungry," Denise said. Mattie heard her and gurgled with glee.

"I'll go into the kitchen and get him his bottle," Matt replied.

"I'll follow you," Denise replied. I could tell by the firm setting in her mouth that she had something to say to Matt. I was tempted to follow them but Joe stopped me.

"So this is the young man who has stolen the heart of my nephew," Uncle Joe said softly from the other side of the room. I swallowed hard and looked up into his eyes. I didn't see anger or hate in them. I saw a man trying to understand this. I took a deep breath and spoke.

"Yes sir," I stammered. "I do love your nephew, probably more than life it self."

"He is very protective of you and your children," Joe observed.

"That is Matt," I smiled. "Very loyal and very protective. He loves his family and his friends very much.

"You two are planning on getting married?" Joe asked me bluntly.

"I've asked him to marry me and he has said yes," I replied. "I just wish things would calm down so that we could have the time to get married." Uncle Joe got up and walked to the door. We both walked out onto the front porch. Blackie was there with his tail wagging. He walked up to Uncle Joe and nudged his hand so that Uncle Joe's hand was resting on his head. Uncle Joe scratched behind Blackie's ears and at once Blackie was making little grunting noises. "I think you made a friend for life."

"Promise me something?" Uncle Joe asked me bluntly. I nodded for him to continue. "Don't hurt him, love him as hard as you can and for as long as you can. Matt has been through way to much crap in his life to have any more pain in it."

"Sir?" I asked. He looked at me with trusting eyes. "You have my word. I will never do anything willingly to hurt him. I love him very much."

"What of Tyler?" Joe asked me. "What does he think of all of this?"

"Well sir, it was Tyler who asked me if I was going to be 'his other daddy," I explained to him. "He also made me pinky swear not to hurt his daddy either. And I can tell you that he holds firm to that too. If I do something to make Matt mad Tyler is mad too."

"Where does Tyler fit into you and your children's world?" Uncle Joe asked.

"I love Tyler as a son, and Tyler adores his little brothers. He is so proud to be a big brother," I replied giggling.

"Let me in on the joke?" he pleaded.

"When Mattie and Kevie was still in the hospital Tyler informs us that he was to big for his stuffed animals and he piled them in the cribs. It was an adorable sight." I got up and walked out onto the sand and looked out over the ocean. The moon was full so that it was casting a glow on everything. The wind was coming off the ocean too. I happened to glance up at the kitchen window and caught my sweetie staring at me. He had that starry eyed stare whenever he was watching me. I smiled and decided that I needed to spend some time with him.

From Matt's point of view

"Did you and your uncle work everything out?" Denise asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. "That is not an answer."

"I think--, I don't know, I would like to think that we worked everything threw. I mean what he did to Leo and Anne was really mean," I mumbled as I got Mattie's bottle ready. He could see me getting it ready and he started to get really exited about it. "Patience my young Jedi," I said in my yoda voice. "The Force is not ready for you yet." Mattie let out a squeal of happiness when he heard me use that voice. Denise laughed softly. I tested the bottle to make sure it wasn't to hot and than I popped into his mouth. He started to suck on it rather noisily. Denise held out her arms and I reluctantly surrendered Mattie to her. After all I wanted a Mattie fix too. "I just don't want him hurting Kevin."

"Uncle Joe has no intention of hurting you or your family," Denise replied. "What can we do to make you see that? Hasn't already apologiesed for what he has done?"

"I don't think it is anything that you have to do," I replied. "I think it is something that I have to figure out." I looked out the window in time to see Kevin walk out onto the beach. The moon was full and he had his shirt off enjoying the cool sea air. I sighed and smiled at him. He was a very beautiful man. I loved the way his hair blew in the breeze and I loved the way he looked up out over the ocean with that incredibly sexy thoughtful look.

"You are truly in love aren't you?" Aunt Denise asked as she looked over my shoulder.

"More than anything in this world," I whispered. "Well not more than Tyler, he is my rock and my life. Kevin is right after him though."

"And he is ok with it?" she asked as she handed me a very happy and full Matt. I laid him on my chest and lightly patted his back until he let out a very healthy burp.

"Very good young Mattie," I said using my yoda voice again. "The force is strong with you." I remembered that Aunt Denise was waiting for my response. "And yes, Kevin is very ok with the fact that Tyler will always come first in my life." I heard the door open and watched as my lover strolled into the room. He always had the ability to move with the grace of an angel. He smiled that sexy smile that always drove me nuts. "Umm hi," I stammered. Mattie looked up at his daddy and cooed up at him and squirmed in my arms.

"Is pappa being a good pappa?" Kevin asked taking Mattie from me. Mattie let out another burp in reply. "Ohh my goodness!" Kevin said with a grin. "What a rude little boy!" Mattie squealed with glee as Kevin started to lightly tickle him. I watched as my lover played with his son. It was such a beautiful sight as Kevin and Mattie spent quality time together. I sighed and leaned back on the counter. Aunt Denise had chosen this time to retreat to the living room.

"So!" Kevin said shocking me out of my little daydream. "Does Mattie like his Aunt Denise?"

"Oh yes," I replied using my Yoda voice. "Mattie does love his Aunt Denise." I smiled down at Mattie as he grabbed onto Kevin's peck muscle and squeezed really hard. "Easy there my young Jedi Apprintice. Much Strength do you have." Kevin rolled his eyes but Mattie just giggled up at me. "Your Daddy doesn't believe in the force."

"That's right," Kevin said with a grin. "Jedi masters are all old and wrinkly."

"But what about me?" I asked grinning. "I'm not all old and wrinkly."

"No my sexy Jedi wanna be," Kevin chuckled as he swiped a quick kiss from me. "And you are not a Jedi."

"I'm not?" I asked raising my eyebrows in shock. "What am I than?"

"You are," Kevin said with his husky sexy voice. "An incredibly sexy man, who I love very much!" Mattie chose this time to make his presence known. He started to whimper just a little. Kevin's eyes darted down to Mattie. "What's the matter Mattie?" Kevin asked with concern written all over his face. Mattie just looked up at him with trusting eyes.

"Da da da da da!" he blurted out. Silence rocked the kitchen as it hit us what had happened. "Da da da da da!" he said again grinning widely.

"Oh my God in heaven!" Kevin said with a shaky voice. "He just said Da da!"

"Da da da da da!" Mattie said again.

"Umm now we have a new problem,' I giggled. Kevin looked up at me with a grin too. "Ummm how do we get him to be quiet?"

"Da da da da da!" Mattie belted out.

"Oh Daddy is so proud of you!" Kevin said grinning down at Mattie. "Yes he is!" Mattie squealed with glee and wiggled his feet and hands. "We have got to tell Aunt Denise and Uncle Joe!" Kevin walked into the living room just to hear Uncle Joe speaking to Aunt Denise in hushed tones.

"I think we've convinced them that we are on their side," Uncle Joe replied. "I'm going to my attorneys tomorrow and get a court date for the custody battle."

"Joe, no!" Aunt Denise replied. "We have lost Anne forever because of your homophobic nonsense! I'm not going to loose Leo or our grand children either."

"I won't have faggots raising my grand kids!" Uncle Joe boomed out.

Kevin looked back to see if I had heard. He could tell by the rage and hurt pouring from my eyes that I had indeed heard everything. He moved quickly to envelope me in a hug and kiss me deeply. I fought him at first knowing what he was up too. Kevin was trying to distract me from going in there and ripping Uncle Joe to shreds. Uncle Joe was hurting my family and was trying to take Kevin's kids from him. I was not going to let him. The more I fought the kiss the more gentle and passionate he got. Finally I sighed giving up and relaxed into the kiss. Somehow in the kiss I realized that I was still holding Mattie. I couldn't put Mattie through a huge shouting match. I sighed and looked up at Kevin and right into his very loving eyes. "Go throw that Homophobic bastard out of my house. I'm going to put Mattie to bed," I said simply. Kevin nodded.

"Da da da da!" Mattie belted out with pride. Kevin looked down at his angel and smiled.

"I love you Mattie," Kevin said softly as he touched his forehead to Mattie's. Mattie squirmed with pleasure and tried to get to Kevin's hair. Kevin moved quickly to kiss him on his cheek. "Good night little angel."

"Da da da da!" Mattie belted out again. I carried him up stairs and into the nursery.

"Fucking bastard!" I grumbled as I walked into the nursery and plopped down in the rocker.

"Da da?" Mattie said in a small voice. I looked down at his scared little face. He was catching on to my mood and he didn't like it.

"I'm sorry Mattie," I whimpered out as tears flowed down my face. "Papa shouldn't have used such a bad word in front of you sweetie."

"Da da!" he insisted.

"Can you say Pa pa?" I asked looking down at him. His little mouth set in that same stubborn look that Kevin used to wear all the time.

"Da da!" he argued with me. I snorted back a laugh and kissed him on the forehead. "Da da!" he insisted.

"Pa pa!" I giggled back.

"Da da da!" he insisted. It was very plain that I was not going to win this war of the words.

"Ok Mattie," I relented. "But it is going to get very confusing around here if you are going to call us both Daddy."

"Da da da!" he threw in the last word. I sighed and gently laid him down and kissed him again on his fore head and watched him squirm with joy. I slowly crept out of his room and turned down the light. I trotted down stairs and headed for the living room. I could hear Kevin and Uncle Joe's voice out in the hall.

"If you can't live with the fact that your grandkids are being raised by two very loving men than you are going to have to leave!" he shouted at Uncle Joe.

"Now you listen here young man!" Uncle Joe barked at him. "You will show me some respect!"

"Like hell I will!" Kevin shot back at him. "You are in my house talking about stealing my children. Get out!"

"I'm sorry Joe," Denise said to him as he turned to her for help. "I'm not going to support you on this. You have cost us precious time with Leo and Anne and I will not abandoned my children or grand children."

"This is not finished!" Uncle Joe boomed out. As he headed out the house he glared at me and I did the most mature thing in the world. I flipped him off. I crept into the living room to see Kevin hugging a sobbing Aunt Denise. I slid my arms around Kevin and snuggled up close to him.

"Mattie said his first word," I said softly.

"What was it?" Aunt Denise asked wiping some tears away from her face.

"Da da!" Kevin said with pride.

"I tired to get him to say Pa pa but he wouldn't say it," I pouted.

"Give him time," Kevin said softly as he kissed me lightly on the cheek. I let out a huge yawn. "You need to get some rest."

"I'm fine," I tried to argue.

"No you're not," Kevin gently but firmly argued. "Your breath sells sweet. When was the last time you checked your sugar?"

"Before we ate dinner," I said looking down.

"Check it before you go to bed. If you want a snack I'll fix you one," Kevin said kissing me again. "Turkey Sandwich?" I nodded as I headed for my sugar checking supplies. I saw the frown on my Aunt's face.

"When did you find out you were a diabetic?" she asked me.

"A few months ago," I replied as I efficiently stuck my finger to retrieve a drop of blood to test it. "I'm adjusting real well. You know watching what I eat and all."

"Good," Aunt Denise replied. "So Mattie is talking now."

"Well he is saying Da da really well," I said grinning. "He is so cute."

"Kevie is a sweetie too," a voice said behind me. I turned to see Kevin walking in with a turkey sandwich and glass of milk. "I can't wait until they both start talking."

"Umm you do know what will happen if that happens," I smiled at Kevin.

"Yea, they will be talking and there will be no peace in the house for about 18 years," Kevin giggled. As on cue we heard the whimper of Kevin on the baby monitor. Kevin was up in a flash and up stairs. I listened in on his conversation. "Hey there Kevie," Kevin said softly. "What are you doing awake?" Kevie let out another whimper and started to cry loudly. "Come here guy," Kevin said in a soothing voice. "Let's see what is wrong. You hungry?" You could tell that Kevin was moving out of the room and sure enough he came walking down the stairs with Kevie in his arms. Kevie had his daddy's finger in his mouth and was sucking on it. "I think he is hungry," Kevin smiled.

"Well I'm going to leave you two alone," Aunt Denise said. "I'm going to head back to the hotel and get some rest."

"I'll walk you out," I said getting up.

"No you finish your snack, I'll see you two tomorrow," Aunt Denise said as she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and headed out the door. I finished my sandwich and walked into the kitchen where Kevin was having a similar argument with Kevie. My heart swelled with joy when I heard Kevie blurt out rather loudly. "Pa pa!"

"Da da?" Kevin asked smiling down at his son.

"Papa!" insisted Kevie. I looked at Kevin and smiled. He smiled back as he slipped the nipple of the bottle into Kevie's mouth. Kevie started to suck on it rather loudly.

"My little family," I sighed laying my head on Kevin's shoulder. "I love you."

"After I get done with Kevie I want to take you up stairs and make love to you," Kevin said in a husky voice.

"I can't wait!" I giggled as I reached down and gave his cock a gentle squeeze.

"Behave," he giggled back.

"I'm going up stairs and get ready," I smirked at him. He let out a little whimper as he turned his attention back to Kevie.

From Brian's point of view in New York City

I watched Leo standing by the window overlooking New York City. He had long since lost the ability to cry any more. His tears had dried up hours ago. But I could tell that he was still racked with grief. Having to come to New York to identify Anne's body was to much for him. I could still see him standing in that cold morgue staring down at the body that once held the soul of his sister. I can still see his knees give out as he sunk to the floor sobbing into his hands. Of course I was right at his side holding him to let him know that I was there and that I wasn't going anywhere. After we made the arrangements to fly her body back to Florida we headed back to the hotel. Leo was quiet all the way to the hotel. He just looked out the window watching traffic drive by. When he got up to the room he walked over to the window and stood at it staring out into space. That was over three hours ago.

"Leo?" I asked softly. I was met with silence and I really wasn't all that surprised. "Please Leo," I pressed on. "I want to help." Leo looked up at me and my heart melted. His once angelic innocent face was racked with grief. I held out my arms and he walked into them. The minute he touched me I let out a whimper of relief. He had kept away from me for over three hours staring out the window. I missed his touch and needed to hold him. I bent down and kissed the top of his head and inhaled deeply of his scent.

"I can't believe she is gone," he said softly. "I miss her so much."

"Tell me what to do to make it better," I said softly. "Please Leo, you haven't eaten in two days and you're tired and need to sleep."

"I don't want to eat and I don't want to sleep," he replied. "I don't want to go on with out her." I took his chin and looked into his sad eyes.

"You have to go on baby," I said softly. "I love you and I want you to go on. Kevie and Mattie needs their uncle so badly. Josh has come to rely on you as a father figure too. Not to mention Matthew and Kevin love you too. Please don't give up on us all."

"It hurts," he whimpered. "It hurts so much."

"I know it does baby," I whispered into his ear. He snuggled closer to me and I continued to hold him. As I held onto my love I realized that Leo was going through a very rough time. His Father had basically disowned him and now Anne was dead. With the exception of his cousin and nephews, Leo was basically alone. I heard the phone ring and I picked it up with a free hand. "Hello?" I asked softly into it.

"Can I please speak with Leo?" asked a females voice.

"May I ask who is speaking?" I asked politely.

"This is his mother," she answered. "Is this Brian?"

"Yes Ma'am it is," I replied.

"Thank you for taking such good care of my son," she said softly. "His father is being a complete ass and he is trying to drag me into his scheme. I want to assure Leo that I still love him and I want to be a part of his life."

"Leo?" I asked softly. "Your mom is on the phone." He took the phone and walked back over to the window and begin talking quietly to her. I could tell that this was going to be a good conversation. After a few minutes he clicked the phone off and looked over at me. He had a smile on his face but the sadness was still there. "Well?" I asked as he walked into my arms again. I sighed happily when I came in contact with him. I took him by the chin and pulled his lips to mine and kissed him softly. He slid his tongue into my mouth and we begin to wrestle with each other's tongues. Finally we broke apart.

"Thank you," he said softly.

"For what?" I asked as I brushed a stray hair from his face.

"For loving me," he replied. "If it were not for your love I don't know if I could survive this." It was at this time that his stomach decided that it was time for him to be heard. I giggled at the loud growling noise it made. He giggled too and blushed.

"You ready to eat something?" I asked kissing him again.

"I think I can eat something," he replied smiling. "Room service?"

"That sounds good. I've heard that they have good food here," I smiled.

Later that evening Leo and I are eating dinner. Well actually I should say Leo was eating. He started on his dinner and he was now finishing mine. I really didn't mind. I had called down to room service and had another plate sent up. I was happy to see him eating again. Now all I had to do is figure out a way for him to get some sleep. That was going to take some work. There was a knocking at the door. I opened it and found the bus boy standing there with another covered plate. I took it and signed for it and retreated into the room. Leo looked at me and the plate and I shook my head no. I was hungry after all. I sat down and begin to eat. I felt the sofa shift as he sat down next to me. "Did you get enough to eat?" I asked. He nodded as he yawned widely. "You're tired and you need to rest," I lightly scolded him. He snuggled up to me as I ate the rest of my dinner. "You want to take a soak in the hot tub?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "It will make you feel better and help you sleep." Plus it gave me a chance to see him naked. Hey! I can't help it. He is s hottie!

"You just want to see me naked," Leo giggled.

"Can you blame me?" I asked. "You are one hot dude!" He blushed and looked down. "Come on," I said as I held out my hand. He took and I pulled him up and we walked into the bedroom and closed the door. Once there I went to work taking off his clothes. "God you are so beautiful!" I breathed as I took his erect cock into my hands. He moaned softly as I stroked it to its full length. His lips found their way to mine as he worked on my clothes too. Soon I was as naked as he was. "I want to make love to you,' I moaned out. He looked up at me with pure lust in his eyes. I led him to the got tub and helped him in. Than I climbed in and slid around him and wrapped his legs around me and slid my cock up his tight whole. He shivered as my length slid up him. He wrapped his arms around and forced himself down on me fully. I heard him whimper softly at the pain caused by my entry. Very slowly I started to thrust in and out of him. He shivered and moaned every time I slid into him. I loved making love to him. After almost a hour of gentle love making I was ready to shoot. Leo was going nuts too with desire. He had already came twice. Finally I slammed into him one last time and my load blasted up into him. He shuddered as one last orgasm overtook him. He fell back into the soft support in the hot tub breathing heavily. I gently kissed him until he opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"I love you," he whispered softly as he tried really hard not to yawn. I giggled at him when he finally did yawn. "Hey!" he pouted. "you wore me out!"

"Good," I smirked. "Now you can get a good night sleep. Come on, let's get you in the shower and than into bed." An half hour later and a blow job for me I had Leo in bed snuggled in my arms sleeping peacefully. I laid there for over an hour watching him sleep. I couldn't sleep though. I wanted to do something for him. Anne's death was really hitting him hard. He needed to be let know that he was going to be all right. Just before I fell asleep I finally had it. Leo loved Enrique's songs, especially "I will be your hero." Smiling I sighed as I devised a plan. Enrique owed me a huge favor and I was going to call in my chips.

From Matt's point of view.

I waited for Kevin to come back in. I was laying in bed naked as a jaybird and very horny too. I heard the creaking of the floor boards as he walked up the stairs. I could hear him talking softly to Kevie. Kevie was still belting out his new word and I had to smile. I heard Kevin close the door and than I smelled his cologne as he walked into our room.

"Hey sexy," I said in a soft voice. "I've been waiting for you."

"Yea well Kevie had other plans," Kevin said as he begin to strip off his clothes. "Once that little guy begins to talk he wants to keep on talking."

"Well I think he takes after his Daddy," I giggled as I watched Kevin slip off his boxers and his cock swung free. I licked my lips at the anticipation of slipping my mouth on his cock. "Come here sweetie," I ordered him. He straddled my chest so that his heavy balls were right on my neck and his cock was resting on my lips. "Hmmmm looks like junior needs some loving and attention." I slid his cock into my mouth and started to suck on it. Kevin moaned softly as his cock begin to fill with blood. Soon it huge and sliding in and out of my mouth. By Kevin's moans and groans I could tell that he was not going to last long. I pulled off of him and smiled at his whimper. "Make love to me?" I asked looking up at him. Kevin nodded and slid back and lifted my legs up onto his shoulders and slid his cock up me. I shivered as I felt his hard length slid into me. He lowered himself onto me so that his lips were pressing against mine. He begin to thrust in and out of me in a rapid pace. I paid attention to his face. His eyes were staring right into mine. I loved it when he did that. I could see every one of his emotions as he rode me to heaven. His rock hard abs raked across my rock hard cock. I was close and so was he. He grunted out my name and slammed into me one last time. I let loose on my orgasm as I felt his cock shoot his seed into me. I wrapped my arms around him as his body quaked and shuddered from the orgasm. Finally he subsided and pulled out. "I love you Kevin," I whispered.

"I love you too Matt," He smiled down at me.

Later that night I was still up staring down at a sleeping Kevin. Mattie had decided that he wanted to sleep with us. So I had in between Kevin and me. Try as I might I couldn't sleep. But I was peaceful as I watched two important people in my life sleep. Kevin was my lover and I knew that I was going to be with him forever. Mattie was my step son and I loved him like crazy too. I was so blessed with a family and friends. My mind traveled to a time when I didn't have all of these friends and this family. I had James, James was evil and a controller. Once James was gone I finally begin to live. I thought of Leo and Anne. The tears started to flow as I remembered that Anne was gone. Leo was missing her so much. I tried so hard to stop crying not wanting to wake Kevin. But I couldn't stop crying so I slipped out of bed and placed a pillow in the spot where I lay so that Mattie was safe. Once out on the front porch I sat on the porch swing and looked out over the ocean.

"Matt?" asked Kevin as he walked out an hour later.

"Hey," I mumbled. "Why aren't you still in bed?"

"Woke up to an empty bed," Kevin said with a frown on his face. "You've been crying again." It wasn't a question it was a statement. "Want to tell me why?"

"Just thinking a little to hard is all," I replied as I stood up and walked into his waiting arms.

"About?" he asked as he brushed my eyelids with his lips.

"Us, James, Leo and Anne," I replied. "Every thing has changed now."

"Yes it has but we still have love to get us through," Kevin replied as he hugged me tight. "Now come to bed?"

"Ok sweetie," I replied. "Where is Mattie?"

"I put him back in his crib," Kevin said grinning. "Now let's go to sleep. Remember Leo and Brian are coming home."

"And Anne is coming home too," I said sadly.

"Yes babe, Anne is coming home to be buried," Kevin said sadly. "That is why you need your rest. Leo needs you." We walked back into the house and up the stairs and back in bed. "Good night love," Kevin said as he kissed.

"Good night Kevin," I whispered as I snuggled up to him and allowed sleep to over take me.


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Next: Chapter 46: Get Another Boyfriend 2 8

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