Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on May 21, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part Three

Disclaimer: Again this is fiction. A complete work of fiction. I do not know the Backstreet Boys or their sexualities. Sorry. If you are a minor please leave now. If you are an adult and don't mind controversial, or homosexual materials than please read on. As stated before I am introducing a controversial element into the story line. Please let me know what you think of it.

As always I can be reached at

Now on with the story!

It took them several hours to get Matt settled. I was watching him sleep when the phone to the room rang. "Kevin here," I said into the receiver.

"Kevin?" Brian asked me over the phone. "How is he?"

"They have him on a insulin drip and are going to keep him over a few nights to make sure his sugar is under control. They also have to put us both through diabetic managing courses," I replied. I glanced over at Matt and saw that he was still sleeping. I could tell that he was not at all happy about the prospect ahead of him. He was polite enough while that nurses and lab technicians poked and prodded him. He finally drew the line after the IV. He announced to the world that contrary to popular belief he was not a human pin cushion and that he wasn't going to allow another needle to poke him and if anyone tried he would bite off their hand. Little did he know that now his life would be about needles and lancets.

"How is he taking it?" Brian pressed on.

"He is handling it well. He is wanting to see Tyler really bad though," I replied. Matt looked up at me and grinned when I said Tyler. "Can you bring him over to see him?"

"Sure," Brian replied. "Leo and I will bring Tyler over." After arranging the time and all that I hung up on him and turned my attention to Matt.

"Hey cutie," I said softly laying my fore head against his. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I heard you talking," Matt replied. "And I heard Tyler's name mentioned."

"Well Brian is going to bring him for you and you need to go back to sleep," I scolded him lightly. "You have a very busy day ahead of you tomorrow." Matt sighed and sat up being careful about the IV line in his arm. "Something tells me that you are not going to go back to sleep."

"I'm not tired," Matt replied. "I'm still trying to comprehend all of this. I can't believe that I have diabetes."

"It is not the end of the world Matt," I said trying to sooth him. "The Doctors say that you can live a completely Norman life."

"I know but it is still scary. I mean now I am really going to have pay attention to what I eat and how I treat my body," Matt complained. "I just want to live and not have to worry about what I have to eat and what I can't eat and all of that stuff."

"I know sweetie," I replied. "I'll be right here with you. I'm going to help you and after a while it will seem second nature to you."

"You really think so?" Matt asked.

"Yes I do," I leaned in for a quick kiss. "I mean you are a strong person Matt. If anyone can handle this diabetic thing it is you."

"But maybe I don't want to handle this!" Matt muttered. "I don't want to be a diabetic. Why do I have to be the one who gets diabetes? I mean who said that I have to be the one that gets shit on all the time?"

"Matt," I started but didn't finish. Matt was right. It wasn't fair. Life wasn't fair. I sighed and gathered him up in my arms and kissed him on his cheek. "You are a very strong person. I believe that you can do this." Matt nodded and snuggled closer to me. Soon he was nodding off to sleep again. I heard a light knocking on the door and saw Leo stick his head in the door. I waved him in. Brian and Tyler followed close behind. My heart went out to Tyler when I saw his little eyes all red again. That little boy spent entirely too much time crying. "Hey there buddy," I smiled at him. "Your Daddy was just asking about you." He climbed up into the bed with Matt and lay down beside him and hugged him and stayed close to him. Brian smiled at him and sat down beside me.

"He was a very worried little boy," Brian said. "He really loves his daddy." I nodded smiling at Tyler. Matt had woken up and they were talking quietly. Every once in while Tyler would giggle. Matt was smiling too and that made me so happy to see him smiling. "Walk with me Cousin," Brian stated as he stood up. "Let's give Tyler and his Daddy some time alone." I really wanted to stay but the tone of Brian's voice told me that there would be no arguments. Once outside he turned to me and looked at me hard.

"What?" I asked frowning up at him.

"Are you prepared for this?" he asked pointing at Matt's door.

"I love him!" I barked back. "And I have no intentions of leaving him."

"Think about this for a moment," Brian said calmly. "This is not something that can be cured. Hell Kevin they might not ever find a cure for it."

"And I should leave him? Leave Tyler?" I hissed at him. "No way in hell!" I shouted the last part. "Fuck you Brian! You have no right! No right at all to ask me to leave him. Did I question your love for Leo?" Brian hung his head. "Well did I?" I demanded. He shook his head. "Than don't you ever question my love for Matt again! I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him!"

"I don't want you tied down with a sick man!" Brian replied.

"And it was ok for you to be tied down to Leo?" I asked. "You think I can't handle it?"

"No that is not it!" Brian argued. "I think you can handle it and I think you are going to let it rule your life. You will live and eat and breathe and sleep Matt's condition until it eats you alive. Are you prepared for that?"

"If I'm not than we will cross that bridge when we get to it," I muttered. "Now if you will excuse me I'm going back in there to spend some time with Matt and Tyler."

"What about Kevie and Mattie?" Brian shot at me. "Are you going to be able to handle them to along with a diabetic husband?"

"And if I'm not are you going to steal them the same way you stole Tyler?" I hissed at him. Brian stepped back as if I had hit him. Well actually I did. With words and I wanted to. I wanted to hurt him for trying to get me to abandon Matt and Tyler. I walked through the door without even apologizing to him. I heard Tyler giggling loudly as Matt was tickling him. "Hey can anyone join the party?" I asked. Tyler looked up at me with his hair all messed up. Matt's hair was all ruffled too. They both looked really cute.

"Daddy is picking on me!" Tyler belted out.

"Yea well you started it!" Matt giggled as he tried real hard not yawn. "You and Brian get done with your talk?" I could tell he heard most of it. "You all right?" I nodded and sat down and wrapped my arms around him. "I love you," he whispered to me.

"I love you too Matt," I whispered back. "I'm just pissed at Brian. He is trying his shit again. He thinks that I should leave you!"

"He is right on several things though," Matt said looking up at me. "My world has changed and there is not getting over this. There is not a cure."

"But honey what about Embryonic Stem Cell research?" I asked. I regretted the instant I said it. I saw a look of shock and horror cross over Matt's face.

"You would sacrifice a life to save mine?" Matt asked softly.

"But an Embryo isn't a live human," I reasoned with him. He looked at me with a great sadness. I knew that I had cross a line. I stepped into something that I didn't want to face or touch. "It stands a chance to cure you."

"It is a human child, a one in a kind unique human being with an immortal soul, one that we have no right to kill. I can't believe that you would want to sacrifice a child's life to save mine. " Matt said simply. I shook my head not wanting to believe what I was hearing. Matt was saying that he wasn't going to accept a cure that came from Embryonic Stem Cell Research. "Kevin, it is a human being and you know that as well as I do."

"Please Matt," I said trying to calm him down. I could tell he was getting agitated. "This isn't a big deal."

"Not a big deal?" Matt yelped. "You wanting to support a cure that is a direct result of killing an innocent human being is not a big deal? Look at your twins! Can you honestly say that they were not human beings when they were conceived?"

"That is different," I argued.

"How is that different?" Matt demanded. "Kevin and Matthew were embryos at one time. They could've been sacrificed in the name of science too!"

"Listen," I reasoned. "We are not going to agree on this so let's just forget it."

"Sorry Kevin," Matt said softly. "The cat is out of the bag. I can't forget it. I can't forget that you would even think of sacrificing an innocent human life to save mine. I won't ever accept a cure that is a direct result of the killing of an innocent human being."

"I won't watch you die," I hissed at him. "Dammit Matt! I love you too much!"

"Than direct your energies at the adult stem cell research! I can live with that!" I shouted at him. "I won't kill so that I can live! No way in hell I could live with myself!"

"The adult Stem cell research doesn't show half the promises that embryonic stem cell shows!" I shot back. "I want you to live!"

"It is my life Kevin!" Matt shouted at me. "And I am not going to accept any cures that is derived from Embryonic Stem cell research. Please understand that I am not going to budge from this."

"Even if you die?" I choked out.

"Even if I die," Matt repeated.

"I won't let you die," I muttered through my tears of anger and frustration. "Dammit Matt I can't stand around and not do something."

"Than do something," Matt urged me grabbing my hand and holding it tight. "Do some research on Adult Stem Cell research. I think you will be surprised."

"Ok We'll play it your way for now," I agreed. Matt smiled and leaned in for a kiss.

Three days later from Matt's point of view.

I was watching Kevin closely. I knew he was still very upset about the argument that I had with him the other day. I was upset about it too. I had always seen Kevin as a loving person who loved life as I did. When I looked at life I saw a wonderful and beautiful thing. Something that would last forever. Sighing I realized that Kevin and I didn't always agree on every thing. I wondered just what else he and I didn't agree on.

"Matt?" Kevin asked softly. "Did you check your sugar?"

"Yes sweetie," I replied. "It is 175." Kevin frowned a little when he heard me say that. "I know it is a little high. I'll go for a nice walk."

"Maybe we could make love and work off some of the excess sugar?" he asked grinning at me. I looked at him and noticed that he wasn't wearing a shirt. His tight chest and ripped abs really got my hot.

"Umm yea I guess we could do that," I swallowed hard as he approached me. I let him lower himself onto me and cover my lips with his. I loved it when he took complete control of me. In no time at all I found myself completely without clothes. His lips found my cock and I groaned as he started to bob up and down on it. I begin to move my hips in time with his bobbing. His lips and tongue wrapped themselves around my shaft paying attention to the head. He looked up at me with smiling eyes. "Ohhh god Kevin!" I moaned. I loved when he looked at me when he sucked me off. "Please?" I begged.

"Please what?" he asked removing his lips from my cock.

"Make love to me?" I pleaded.

"Cum for me first!" he demanded as he growled and lowered his mouth onto my cock. The look of intense lust through me over edge and I plunged into his mouth and blasted my load into his throat. He quickly swallowed as much as he could his throat muscles working around my cock milking and draining me of my seed. I looked down to see him gently licking the remains of my cum from my softening cock. "How was is it?" he asked grinning as he made his way back up to me covering my abs and chest with feather kisses. "Was it good for you?" He was trying to get me all riled up again. "Did you like it when I sucked your cock?"

"Ohh baby," I grinned wickedly up at him. "You know I liked it."

"Good cause you are really going to like this," he said with his smirk as he lifted up my leg and slid his long hard cock up into me. I moaned and shivered at this feeling of his cock sliding into me. "You like that?" he asked as he jabbed forward prodding my prostate gland.

"Uuuhhh," I moaned as I arched my back to meet his thrust.

"I'll take that as a yes," he snickered. "Do you want me to fuck you baby?"

"Yes," I gasped out. "Fuck me Kevin!"

"How?" he asked as he laid down on top of me driving his cock deeper into me.

"Hard!" I rasped at him getting impatient for him to start. He giggled as he pressed his lips to mine. I let out a whimper as his teeth latched onto my bottom lips and bit down. He pulled out and rammed back in. I moaned out his name as he started to pick up his pace. Feeling his hardness slid in and out of me drove me nuts. I looked up into his eyes and saw the raw lust in them. His face was deadly serious as he worked his body to bring about his orgasm. But also paying attention to mine as well to ensure that I was enjoying the ride too. I glanced over at the mirror and shivered at the sight of this God slamming into me. His muscles rock hard and his body glistening with sweat. His face still rock hard with the same deadly serious look on it. I felt like a virgin on his first night being taken by my lover. Kevin moaned out my name as he bit down on my nipple. I whimpered out his name and reached down and started jerking my cock. Kevin shook his head no as he pulled my hands over my head and continued to ram into me.

"I want you to cum with out being touched!" he ordered me as he slammed into me again. Every time his cockhead would slam into my prostate gland I would shiver from the pleasure. "Don't cum until I tell you too!" Kevin loved to be in control of everything. I tried to hold it in writhing and grinding and moaning. The need to cum was becoming overpowering. I could feel Kevin's cock swell in me. "OK NOW!" screamed Kevin as he blasted his load into me. I begin to shoot as well. The feel of his hot seed slamming into me and the feel his cock jerking made me cum even harder. Watching the quaking and shuddering of his body as he allowed him self to be lost in the orgasm was a beautiful sight indeed. He rolled off of me and looked down at me. "You are so beautiful," he said softly. I didn't feel beautiful. I was hot and sweaty with cum on my chest and abs and I could feel Kevin's cum leaking out of my ass. I blushed at his intense staring. "Come on sweetie," he said softly as he helped me up. "Let's get you all cleaned up."

From Kevn's point of view.

I watched as Matt worked out. He was taking his workouts very seriously now. And he was watching his diet like a hawk. I guess I should be happy. My lover had finally turned into a fitness freak. But I was still upset. Matt and I didn't agree on a major issue. I supported embryonic stem cell research and my lover didn't. He believed that life begins at conception. It didn't matter if that life was created in a lab or in the womb. I believed that life begin at conception too. But in the womb. I mean God was the author of all life. What Science created in the lab wasn't life. Or was it? I was confused. I decided that I needed to do some research.

"Matt?" I asked softly as I watched him swimming laps. He looked up at me with his hair all wet and wild. "I'm going to your study and do some research."

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked grinning his crazy lopsided grin.

"Ummm no I don't think I would get much research done if you come," I smiled at him. He pouted a little before returning to his work out. I padded back up to the study and turned on the computer. I opened up the web and got onto Google and Typed in Life issues. A whole list of "Pro-life" groups popped up. On the top of the list was a group named "Human Life National". I clicked on it and begin to search the web site. They had a position paper on Embryonic Stem Cell research but it really didn't tell me much. I scrolled down and found a number. Picking up the phone I quickly dialed a number. It rang and a male voice answered.

"Good afternoon, Human life National, how may I direct your call?" asked the voice. I was sweating buckets as I formulated my question. I guess I took to long because I heard his voice again. "Can I help you?"

"My lover has Diabetes!" I blurted out. 'Oh man what a stupid thing to say! He must think I'm nuts!'

"Okaaaaay," he drawled out. "How can we help you? You do know that we are a Pro-Life group?"

"Yes that is why I called you guys. I need help on Stem cell research," I finished.

"Oh now I understand," the male voice replied. I could tell that he was a nice guy. I could hear the laughter in his voice. "You have questions about Embryonic Stem Cell research and Adult Stem cell research."

"Yes, can you help me?" I aksed.

"Yes I can, but why don't you give me your telephone number and I can call you back. I'm covering for the receptionist while she is at lunch," the man replied. "Or you can call me at my direct line."

"I'll call you," I replied. I wasn't comfortable giving out our private number. "What is it?"

"(352)622-****, call back in about five minutes," the man replied.

"Ok I'll do that," I replied as I hung up.

After hanging up with the guy from the Pro-life group I clicked back onto their website. What I found was not surprising at all. The group was Catholic and they didn't support homosexual couples. I was frusturated to find that out but not surprised. They were against Abortion in all cases which I didn't agree with at all. I believed in a women's right to choose but I couldn't help but wonder just how Matt stood with it. I made up my mind to talk to him about later. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they were against Cloning and they were against Sex education and the so called over population myth. I never did buy the idea that the world was over populated. I mean I flew over countries all the time and there was just way too much open uninhabited space to convince me that we were over populated. I looked at the clock and saw that my five minutes were up. I picked up the phone and dialed the number. It rang and the same male voice picked up only this time I got a name to go with hit.

"Human Life National, Tim Rattcliffe speaking how may I help you?" Tim asked.

"Yea umm this is Kevin," I said choosing not to use my last name," I replied. "I called earlier."

"Yes," Tim replied. "I remember you. Now what can I help you with Kevin?"

"Well as I said before, my lover just found out that he has diabetes and I was wondering if you could answer me a few questions about Stem Cell Research?" I asked.

"I'll help you with any thing I can," Tim replied. "Now what did you want to know?"

From Matt's point of view.

After swimming for over an hour I climbed out of the pool and dried off and headed up stairs to our bedroom for a quick shower. On the way I over heard Kevin talking on the phone. I peaked my head in to wave at him. He caught me looking at him and smiled and blew me a kiss. I blew him one and continued on my way. Just before I closed the door to our bedroom I heard him say something about Stem cell research. I wonder who he was talking to on the phone but decided to give him his privacy. After showering quickly I dressed in a comfortable pair of shorts and wife beater and trotted down stairs and had my afternoon snack. I looked longingly at the soda in the fridge and reached for the unsweetened tea instead. The days of soda was over. I could drink diet but I didn't like the after taste. So I would be drinking a lot of ice tea and water from now on. I chose an apple and cut it in half and padded out onto the front porch and sat down in our glider and munched on my snack. I heard the door open and saw Kevin step out onto the porch. He was being mean again by not wearing a shirt. His muscles showed and his abs were really starting to get developed again. Now that the album was almost done and he would be going back on tour he was working out more so he could look good for the ladies and me of course. He caught me staring and I guess I had my mouth open because he gently closed it. "Better close your mouth sweetie, or a bug will fly in," his gorgeous green eyes full of humor and mischief. He knew what he was doing.

"I'd like to put something else in it," I said waggling my eyebrows. Bingo! Instant blush! "He he he he he,"I giggled. "Made you blush."

"Walk with me?" he asked me holding out his hand. I could tell that he was serious. I reached for his hand and allowed him to pull me into his arms and kiss me as he pulled off my wife beater. I shivered at the feel of his flesh against mine. I was wondering what kind of walk this was going to be. He led me down the steps and onto the sand. "I talked to Tim Rattcliffe from a pro-life group called Human Life National."

"And?" I asked softly.

"Well he directed me to some other sources and you were right," Kevin said bluntly. "Adult Stem cell research has showed more promise. I think we should start supporting the research. In fact I would love to set up a foundation in both of our names."

"Are you sure?" I asked shocked. I wasn't expecting this fast of a turnaround.

"Yes sweetie," Kevin said looking down at me. "I am sure. I see you suffering through this diabetic thing and I want to help. This is one way I can do it." Kevin started to kick at the sand and looked down. I could tell he had something else on his mind.

"Talk to me sweetie," I urged him.

"I don't want to upset you," he mumbled.

"You won't," I said softly.

"Promise?" he asked looking at me with those eyes of his.

"I promise," I smiled at him as I stole a quick kiss.

"Are you pro-life?" he blurted out.

"Ummm why?" I asked.

"I mean do you believe it is wrong to have an abortion?" he asked.

"I believe that life begins a conception," I replied. "Life should be protected from conception to natural death."

"What about a women's right to choose?" he asked frowning. I took his hand and walked down to the waters edge and allowed the waves to lap at our toes.

"Kevin?" I asked in a soft voice. He looked at me. "Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you," he replied scrunching up his nose. "Why do you ask?"

"Because we need to set some boundaries before we embark on this path," I replied. "I don't want to loose you over a disagreement."

"You won't," Kevin assured me. "I promise."

"No matter what I say?" I pressed on.

"You're starting to scare me," Kevin replied. "What are you planning on telling me?"

"You and I are not going to agree on everything," I explained. "Like the Stem cell thing."

"But I see the light now," Kevin quickly replied. "I know now that adult stem cell is the way to go."

"Why?" I pressed on. "Why are you now convinced?"

"Because embryonic stem cell doesn't even come close to finding a cure," Kevin replied. "What other reason is there?"

"Because it is a life," I answered him. "I'm against embryonic stem cell research because it involves taking a life."

"I get that sweetie," Kevin said back. "I'm not going to intrude on your beliefs and try to get you to change them. All I wanted to know is if you are pro-life."

"I am pro-life," I replied. Kevin looked at me hard for a few minutes. "Is that ok?" I asked looking into his eyes. Kevin took my chin in his hand and lowered his lips to mine. In a few seconds I was wrapped up in another one of his mind blowing kiss. Finally he broke away looking into my eyes.

"Of course it is ok sweetie," Kevin smiled at me. "I'm so proud of you."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you stand up for what you believe in," Kevin replied kissing me on the nose. "But you know the majority of gays don't believe in what you believe in."

"I don't care about most gays," I replied bluntly. "I only care about one gay in particular."

"And who might that be?" Kevin asked grinding his crotch into mine.

"You," I replied as I knelt infront of him and pulled down his shorts and engulfed his cock right there on the beach. I shivered as his long length slid down my throat. I swallowed allowing my throat muscles to massage his cock. Kevin let out a groan as he bucked his hips forward. I could tell by the flow of his Precome that he wasn't going to last long.

"OOOOH FUCK!" he rasped out as he slid in and out of my throat. "God you make me feel so good." I sucked harder and bobbed faster enjoying the feel of his hands on my hair and feel of his balls slapping me under my chin. I looked up at his rigid hard abs as the sweat rolled off of them. I buried my nose deep into his pubes inhaling deeply breathing his heavy scent. The scent of his musk made me dizzy with lust. I looked into his eyes and winked at him causing him to whimper with emotion. His cock jerked in my mouth as the first jet of cum blasted into my mouth. I swallowed quickly as not to loose a drop of his seed. He moaned and fucked my face with force. Finally the flow stopped and I gently licked his cock clean. "uuum wow!" he gasped out.

"Wow is right," I giggled up at him. "Now are you ready to finish the walk?" He swallowed hard and nodded. I stood up and took his hand and led him down the rest of the beach. I led him behind out bushes knowing full well what I was going to be getting in a few minutes. I allowed his hands to undress what little clothes I had on. Soon I was in heaven as I submitted to him.


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I know that there are some tough topics in this chapter. And we will deal with them at a later date. But now we have a wedding to plan!


Next: Chapter 42: Get Another Boyfriend 2 4

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