Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Apr 12, 2002


Disclaimer! If you are a minor please do not read this! This is fictional story written for Adults. Please exit now! The characters portrayed in this story are purely fictional. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys and their sexualities. This is a creation my imagination!

On with the story!

Lions Tigers and Twins oh my part 2 >From Matt's point of view.

Let me Explain! Kevin was in one of his "moods" and was insisting that I ddin't love him. It all started because he asked me if I wanted to go for a walk with him and Tyler. I decided that Tyler needed some "Kevin Time" and said no. Big mistake. Well the walk went on as planned and when they returned I noticed that Kevin was really quiet. I finally asked him what was wrong. He started crying and the door opened and Brian and Leo came in. "What's wrong with Kev?" Brian asked concerned.

"Matt doesn't love me anymore!" Kevin sobbed out.

"Kevin you know I Love you!" I shouted at Kevin.

"No you don't!" Kevin shouted back. Kevin's mood swings had stared up again and he was convinced that I didn't love him. "You wouldn't go for a walk with me so you don't love me!"

"Kevin I love you and you know it now behave yourself!" I hurled at him.

"No you don't! Kevin sobbed as he stormed out of the room. I sighed and sat down looking at poor Brian and Leo. They were seeing a side of Kevin that they had never seen before.

"What was that all about?" Brian asked. "I gotta tell you. I've never seen Kevin emotional like that before."

"Umm well umm Brian, Kevin is not exactly himself lately," I said as I tried to explain to his cousin what was going on. Finally I gave up! "Your cousin thinks I DON"T LOVE HIM! BUT I DO!!!"

"YOU DON'T LOVE ME!" Kevin shouted at me.


"See?" he sobbed looking down at me with those hurt puppy dog eyes. "I told you so." He turned and ran up the stairs sobbing.

"AAAUUUGGGHHHH!" I screamed. "WHY ME?"

"Tell me what the hell is going on with my cousin!" Brian shouted at me. I was really tempted to go up stairs and take care of Kevin but right now Brian needed some answers.

"Kevin is suffering through sympathetic pregnancy symptoms," I said. I heard Brain snort with laughter and he was promptly smacked in the back of the head by Leo."

"OW!" Brian yelped rubbing the back of his head.

"Don't laugh!" Leo scolded him. This only made Brian laugh harder. Leo bopped him again.

"OW!" Brain yelped. "Stop hitting me!"

"Than stop laughing at poor Kevin!" Leo scolded him. "For Kevin this is very real. He is actually going through the pregnancy in his mind. And he really needs our support right now."

"You're right, giggle, I promise I won't laugh anymore, giggle," Brian struggled out. He was quiet for about ten seconds. Than he roared with laughter again.

"Stop laughing at me!" sobbed Kevin as a door slammed. "You all hate me!" he sobbed through the door.

"Leo, get Brian under control and I will go up and try to calm Kevin down," I said as I got up and headed up stairs. I crept in the bedroom and looked for Kevin. He was lying down on the bed. He was hugging my pillow and tears were streaming down his face. My heart went out for him. "Hey sweetie," I said softly. "Can I join you?" he shrugged his shoulders. "I love you baby," I said as I sat down and pulled his head into my lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Kevin?" I asked again.

"I love you too," he sniffled. "What is wrong with me?"

"It is all part of this pregnancy thing," I replied as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," he said. His lower lip started trembling again. I leaned down and kissed him on the nose. "I'm a lousy boyfriend!" he sobbed out.

"No you are not," I laughed softly. "You are great boyfriend and I love you very very much."

"You do?" he asked as he looked up at me.

"Yes I do," replied as I kissed him again on his nose.

"Promise?" he asked again.

"Promise," I replied. "Now you want to move over so that I can hold you?" He slid over and tossed me my pillow and I slid into the bed and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. It felt good to hold him every once in a whiled. Usually it was Kevin who did the holding. Now it was my that holding him and taking care of him. I loved the feeling. "Did you get to spend time with Tyler?" I asked as I slid off his shirt and kissed his bare shoulder.

"Yea," Kevin replied. His voice was returning to his normal tone. "He and I had a great walk on the beach."

"Good," I said as I slid my hands around his waist and slid them down his shorts. I found his cock all hard and ready. "Do you want to play?" I asked as I lightly stroked him.

"Make love to me?" he pleaded.

"Are you sure?" I asked in shock. Usually Kevin was the one who made love to me.

"I want to feel you inside of me," he replied as he turned around and pulled my shirt over his head. "You are so beautiful, I never tell you enough and I'm sorry."

"Kevin you tell me all the time," I said. "Every time we make love you tell me how beautiful I am just as I tell you how beautiful you are." Soon we were naked and he was applying a generous amount of lube on my hard cock. "Are you ready sweetie?"

"Please?" Kevin pleaded. I slid my cock up his tight whole and he whimpered in pain.

"I'm hurting you baby," I said as I tried to pull out.

"No!" Kevin insisted. "Please don't pull out. Give me a few seconds and I'll be fine." After a few minutes of stroking and kissing him he started to move. I slid out slowly and than slid back in. This time his moan was one of pleasure.

"You like that?" I asked as I tugged on his ear lobe. He moaned in response. I started to work up a good rhythm. "Ohh baby," I moaned. "You feel so good."

"You feel good too," Kevin sighed. So we continued to make love slowly and passionately. After about a half an hour of lovemaking I finally came in him and he came too. After pulling out I cleaned him up and than held him close as he drifted off to sleep. After making sure that he was asleep I crept out of the bed and back down stairs. Brian and Leo were necking on the couch and Josh and Tyler were making "Yucki" faces at them.

"Hey you two," I said as I messed up both of their heads of hair. "What are you two doing?"

"Watching Uncle Brian be yucki!" Tyler giggled. Brian looked over at them and blushed.

"Hey!" Brian said with a pout. "Leo and I are not Yucki!"

"Yes you are!" Josh and Tyler both argued together. Leo busted up laughing as Tyler and Josh took off running out of the room.

"Did you get Kevin all settled?" Brian asked as he stole a kiss from Leo again.

"Yes he all better," I replied. "I don't know how much I can go through with this."

"It will pass Matt," Leo said softly. "My dad had it with Anne."

"Really?" I asked shocked.

"Yea and he drove mom and me nuts for nine months!" Leo said as he shook his head remembering. "That is why we have to really be supportive of him!" he asserted as he elbowed Brian. Brian smiled sheepishly and blushed. "No more picking on poor Kevin."

"Ok sweetie," Brian replied. "I promise that I will not pick on poor Kevin anymore."

"That is a good boy," Leo said as he leaned in for another kiss.

"So Matt?" Brian asked in a cheerful tone of voice. "What are you two planning for your wedding?"

"Well we are waiting for the twins to be born before getting married," I replied. "Why?" Brian took Leo's left hand and showed it to me. "WoW!" I exclaimed grabbing poor Leo's hand and gawking at his ring.

"Hey!" Leo yelped. "My arm is attatched to me you know!"

"Hush!" I barked at him as I continued to ogle the ring. "I'm busy being jealous of your ring." Brian snickered. "I'm so happy for you! When is the wedding and I know I'm the best man!"

"Well that is why we wanted to know what you and Kevin were doing for your wedding," Brian replied.

"We haven't really planned anything yet," I answered. "Like I said before we are going to wait until after the twins are born. What do you two have planned?"

"Well we were hoping we could have a double wedding," Brian said looking hopeful.

"That would be great!" I exclaimed. "Let's talk to Kevin about it when he gets up. In the mean time I want details!! How did it happen?" Leo blushed and looked down. "Oh boy hot sex was involved wasn't it?" I gleefully asked. Brian blushed too. "Details details!" I demanded.

"Ok if you really want to know," Brian sighed.

Flash back two weeks ago from Brian's point of view.

"I love you Leo," I said as I looked down at his sleeping form. I was amazed that I had come this far. For the longest time I thought I was straight. I had a wife and a family but I wasn't happy. Than I started noticing guys. I never really let myself love another man until I saw Leo. I can still remember the day I first saw him. He was napping in Kevin's and Matt's beach house. He was so sick and my heart ached to see him in such pain. I knew from the moment I saw him that I loved him.

"Hi," spoke up a sleepy Leo as he looked up at me with the cutest smile. "What are you doing?" he asked as he slipped my nipple into his mouth and started to suck on it. I immediately started to get hard. Leo always had that affect on me.

"I'm watching the sexiest man alive sleep," I smiled down at him as I reached down and took hold of his cock. It was still soft but he moaned and I could feel it feeling with blood already. "Right now I'm getting ready to make love to him." I threw the blankets off of him leaving him completely exposed to me. I took a sudden breath in when I looked down at him. He was beautiful. I reached for the lube and squirted some in his hand. "Please baby?" I pleaded. He grinned as he reached down and took my hard cock in his hand and started to stroke it and apply the lube. "I want to make love to you so bad."

"Than what is stopping you?" Leo asked with that same sexy smirk as he turned around so that his ass was exposed to me. "Do it baby." I needed no more encouragement. I slowly slid my hard cock into him enjoying the warm velvety feeling as he chute surrounded me and pulled me in. He let out a long and low moan as I buried myself into him. "Ohhh yea baby," Leo cooed as he ground his ass into my crotch. "Fuck me hard!" I pulled out and rammed back in hard. He reared back to meet my thrusts. I used this opportunity to reach around in front of him and pull on his cock too.

"You like that sweetie?" I asked in between breaths. "You like me in like this fucking you?"

"You know it!" Leo replied. I continued to thrust and jerk him off in time with my movements. In no time I had him shooting his hot load all over my hand. I held it up to his lips and he eagerly lapped it up. Just seeing my sweetie licking his cum off of my hand sent me over the edge. I shoved in one last time and blasted my load into him.

After the lovemaking session I looked down at him with his hair all wet and wild. "I love you baby," I whispered as I kissed him lightly on the lips. He moaned as he slid his tongue into my mouth. I eagerly accepted the curious guest in and sucked it hard. After some intense kissing I finally let him go and got up and walked to the bathroom. "You coming?" I asked over my shoulder. He grinned eagerly and hopped out of bed and ran past me and into the shower. "You're in a hurry," I giggled at him.

"I was hoping to get a repeat performance from you," he snickered. I rolled my eyes as I climbed into the shower and wrapped my arms around and slid my cock back up his ass.

"IS this want you want?" I asked. He groaned in agreement. "I have a question for you sweetie."

"What is it?" he asked in a shaky voice. I pulled out and slammed into him hard sending him through a series of moans and shivers.

"Will you marry me?" I asked as I pulled out slowly and than slid back in very very slowly. He went nuts trying to get me move quicker. "Uh uh," I teased him. "First you have to answer my question." I pulled out again and this time I pulled all the way out. "Well what will it be?" He whimpered and looked back at me with those cute adorable puppy dog eyes. "Nope, answer the question first." He growled at me and I laughed at how cute he looked and sounded. He was a very frustrated little horny teen.

"Yes I'll marry you, now put it back in!" he ordered me. I pulled him into my arms and slid back in. "Ohhh yes!" he groaned loudly as I started slamming into him as hard as I could. In no time at all I was shooting another load up his ass.

Later that morning I had him a glass of orange juice. "Did you mean it?" I asked kinda worried.

"Mean what?" He asked grinning.

"That married thing?" I asked as I fingered the ring I had bought him.

"Of course I met it," he smiled up at me. "I would love to be your husband."

"Umm good cause I umm got something for you," I smiled.

"Another round?" Leo asked with a huge grin. I laughed and shook my head. "Rats!" he grumbled.

"You are as bad as Matt!" I giggled.

"Well we are related you know!" he giggled back. I laughed at his confused look on his face. "I mean you did know that ummmmph!" Ok so I had to shut him up and the only way I could think of shutting him up was to kiss him. After kissing him I looked down at his face as he tried to get the dazed look out of his eyes. "Umm I wasn't done talking you know and ummmph!" Ok so I kissed him again. "Will you stop doing that? I want to ummmph!" You know what they say about the third time being the charm? "Ok umm I guess I should shut up now," he grumbled as he smiled and licked his lips.

"Now that I have your attention," I grinned triumphantly at him. I reached in my pocket and pulled out the ring. I quickly shoved it in his hand. "Umm this is for you!" Ok ok so it wasn't the greatest way to give him his engagement ring. But I was to impatient. I wanted to see him with it on! He looked at it with his eyes all wide and it just made him look even hotter than possible. I licked my lips in anticipation of more kissing.

"Umm wow!" he gasped as he looked it at. "This is ummm wow beautiful."

"Put it on!" I urged him. He handed it back and my face fell.

From Leo's point of view.

I looked at his adorable face as it broke into a million pieces. I had broken his heart and I had better fix it in a hurry. "No," I blurted out. "I want you to put it on!" His face lit up with the most brilliant smile as he took my hand as if it were a piece of glass and gently slid the very heavy ring on my left ring finger. Once I had it on I held it up to the light and looked at it. I looked at him and smiled. "I love it," I whispered. He took me into his arms very gently. It was as if I was suddenly the most delicate thing in the world. I loved it. His lips came closer to my face. I longed to feel those hot lips press up against mine again. Finally his rough chapped lips brushed up against mine. I moaned and shivered at the same time. His tongue licked my lips as I parted them and sucked his tongue in. His teeth lightly bit down on my lips causing me to let out a soft whimper. "I love you," I whispered as we broke apart. "Umm should we eat breakfast?" I asked. He nodded and blushed and looked down. I knew that the next few years were going to be great.

Back to present.

From Matt's point of view.

"Wow!" I breathed. "That was so great!" Brian's face was beat red as Leo filled me in on all the sex scenes. "So you're not a virgin anymore?" Leo blushed and nodded. I hurled a look at Brian. "You were gentle right?"

"Yes he was fine," Leo replied. "I couldn't have asked for anyone more gentle and loving and caring. I heard the floor boards squeak and I looked up to see Kevin walking down the stairs. I got up and walked to the feet of the stairs and waited for him to come down.

"Hey there sexy," I smiled up at him. "I missed you baby." He smiled and gave me hug and kiss. "Brian and Leo have some good news that they want to share with us."

"Oh really?" Kevin asked as he sat down and pulled me down with him. I loved being held by him. "Well what is it?"

"Umm Brian has asked me to marry him," Leo blurted out as he held out his ring finger. Kevin looked at it and burst into tears. I looked at Brian and Leo very worried.

"ummm Kevin?" I asked.


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Next: Chapter 37: Lions Tigers and Twins Oh My 3

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