Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Apr 7, 2002


Disclaimer! If you are a minor please do not read this! This is fictional story written for Adults. Please exit now! The characters portrayed in this story are purely fictional. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys and their sexualities. This is a creation my imagination!

On with the story!

Lions Tigers and Twins Oh My! Part One

From Matt's point of view.

Two months later.

I watched Kevin puke his guts out again for the fourth time this morning. I was getting really worried about him. This had been going on the last month and a half. I tried to get him to go to the doctors but he was being stubborn and wouldn't hear of it. As for the rest of the family? Well let's see. Brian and Leo were on vacation in Islands. Anne was staying here at our place. Tyler and Josh were busy driving us all nuts about the new twins that were on the way. Tyler insisted on decorating the nursery himself. And he insisted on building his new twin "Brothers" a new lego creation every day. Kevin had built shelves to hold them all. Blackie was growing leaps and bounds and for some reason was being very protective of Kevin. He would growl at me whenever I wanted to spend time with Kevin. I was starting to get pissed. I didn't appreciate being growled at every time I wanted to spend time with my sweetie.

"Kevin?" I asked him as he leaned over the toilet and emptied his stomach of his breakfast. "Don't you think you should go to the doctors?" Kevin coughed again as he tried to control the dry heaves. "Please baby, you're worrying me."

"I'm fine," Kevin choked out. "It is just a flu bug is all."

"For the last month and a half?" I blurted out. "Bullshit! I'm taking you to see the doctor whether you like it or not!" I gently but firmly pushed him out into the bedroom and started throwing clothes at him. In a few minutes I had him dressed and out the door. Once in the truck I started it up and backed out of the drive way. "I'm worried about you Kevin."

"Well don't be," Kevin muttered. "I'm perfectly fine!"

"No you are not!" I hurled at him. "Do you think you would allow me to go almost six weeks throwing up every morning and get away with it?" I looked at him and realized that Kevin was very stubborn. "EWWWWW!" I hissed. "You are so stubborn!" The rest of the ride was done in silence. Once at the Doctor's office we were shown in and he started to ask Kevin questions.

"So Kevin how long have you been having these symptoms?" Doctor Jones asked.

"About two weeks after Anne became pregnant," Kevin replied. "Well actually it was when we found out we were having twins."

"How do you feel about having twins?" Dr. Jones asked.

"Great!" Kevin said smiling. "I can't wait!"

"Any thing else been going on?" Dr. Jones asked.

"Not really," Kevin stammered.

"He is having cravings too!" I blurted out. Kevin glared at me. "Well you are!"

"I think I have enough information to make a diagnosis," Dr. Jones replied with a grin.

"Well what do I have?" Kevin asked getting worried.

"Well you are pregnant!" Dr. Jones replied. "Now hear me out before you go off." Kevin nodded but was still looking at Dr. Jones like he was nuts. And quite frankly I was looking at him like he was nuts too. "In your mind you are pregnant. You are going through what we in the medical department like to call, "Sympathetic pregnancy."

"What the hell does that mean?" Kevin demanded.

"It means that you are suffering through all the things that the mother usually suffers through. You are experiencing morning sickness and cravings. Later you will suffer more symptoms such as swelling of the lower extremities and lower back pain. Basically you are going to feel like you are pregnant," Dr. Jones replied calmly.

"Will he go into labor?" I asked.

"Most likely not, although some men do but most do not," Dr. Jones answered. "The one thing to remember is this. This is very real for Kevin. Most people would laugh this off but you have to realize that these symptoms are very real to Kevin. In his mind he is really pregnant. He is feeling everything that she feels to a certain degree. If he says he has a craving believe it. If he has morning sickness believe it. You as his lover needs to be supportive of him and make sure the people around him understand that what he is feeling is very real for him." I looked over at Kevin to see him with a complete lost look on his face.

"Why me?" he whimpered. I took him into my arms and comforted him for a few minutes.

Later that morning we were headed back to the beach house and I looked at Kevin. I could tell that he was really upset. I sighed and pulled the truck over. "Kevin?" I asked as I looked over at him. "Please baby talk to me?"

"What is there to talk about?" he asked back. "I'm going to be miserable for the next 7 months."

"I love you," I smiled at him. "When we get home I will put you into bed and take care of you."

"A nice long nap does sound good," Kevin replied grinning.

"Good," I smiled back. "Cause I could use some cuddle time with Daddy."

"I like the sound of that," Kevin grinned. "Me a daddy." I smiled at Kevin as he beamed with obvious pride. "But Twins?" he asked me with a worried look. "I mean do you think I'm ready? I mean what is I mess it all up? I mean I mean what I'm a horrible father!" By now Kevin was in a full swing panic fit sobbing his eyes out. I moved quickly to gather him into my arms holding him.

"You are not going to mess this all up," I soothed him. "You are a great daddy. Look at you and Tyler. Tyler adores you. You should hear him talk to his new twin "Brothers". He is always talking about all the cool and fun stuff you and him do all the time." I had to smile because Tyler would talk to Anne's stomach everyday. He did it so that they would know his voice. It was so cute. He would hug and kiss Anne's stomach too. Oh my! Back to Kevin! "Kevin?" I asked softly. "Please baby stop crying. You are going to be a great daddy!"

"You think so?" Kevin sniffled. I nodded as I wiped his tears away with my thumb.

"Of course you are going to be great!" I smiled at him. "Now let's get you home and get you to bed." He nodded and kissed me on the lips. The rest of the ride was quiet. Kevin had calmed down and was actually enjoying the last part of the ride. Once home we walked into the house. Anne was up playing with Tyler and Josh. Nick and AJ were snuggling on the couch. When I walked into the living room everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up.

"How is Kevin?" Nick asked.

"Kevin is fine," I replied.

"What is wrong with him?" AJ demanded. I looked at Kevin for permission. He nodded and I looked at AJ.

"He has Sympathetic Pregnancy," I said. Nick snorted back a laugh and AJ elbowed him.

"That is not funny!" AJ barked at him. "I've heard of people having it and it is very serious!"

"Sorry," Nick mumbled looking down at his feet.

"Don't worry about it," Kevin replied. "Matt honey?" he asked. "I'm going to lie down. You want to join me?"

"Yea sure Kevin," I replied. "I'll be in after I spend some time with Tyler." I watched as Kevin walked up stairs to our room. I was so tempted to follow him and see if we could do some lovemaking. But he was stressed out enough without having a horny teenager hanging around. Besides I needed to see what kind of mischief that Tyler was up too. "So Tyler?" I asked as I walked up to him. He was busy playing with Josh and Blackie. "What are you doing?"

"Playin," he replied as he went back to his cars and trucks. "We are having a race!"

"Who is winning?" I asked grinning.

"I am!" Josh said loudly.

"Uh uh!" Tyler argued. "I'm winning!" I could see this was starting to be an argument so I decided to step aside and let them battle it out. I didn't last to long. Tyler ended up letting Josh win and than they ran off leaving the discarded cars. Blackie took off after them barking in a his usual hyper bark. He was not going to be left out. I sighed and headed up stairs to see how Kevin was doing. I sneaked into the room and saw him laying in bed. He was looking up at the ceiling.

"Hey good looking," I said as I sat down on the side of the bed. "You want some company?" he looked up at me and grinned and patted the side of the bed. I quickly disrobed and slid under the sheets and snuggled up to him. I was glad that he was naked because it gave me unrestricted access to him. I could feel his erection brushing up against my leg. He was horny and well I was too. I reached down and took hold of his cock. He let out a soft moan as he rolled on top of me grinding his cock up against mine. I moaned too as I arched my back to meet his thrusts. "Please Kevin," I pleaded. "Make love to me?" He smiled down at me and slid his cock into me. "OOOHHHH Baby," I sighed as he filled my ass and brushed against my prostate gland with his cock. "You make me feel so good." Kevin started sliding in and out of me slowly at first and than picking up speed. I could tell that he wasn't going to last very long. I looked up at his face as it grimaced with the emotions that came with making love. I reached up and pulled his head down to mine pressing my lips to his driving my tongue deep into his mouth. His eyes open boring into mine. I wrapped my ankles around his waist to pull him even deeper into me. He started ramming in and out harder. I loved the way his rock hard abs raked across my already tender cock which by now was oozing Precome.

"You like that?" Kevin asked smiling down at me. "You like me inside you don't you?" I moaned a yes as he continued to ram in and out of me. "You also like me in your mouth too." I nodded and whimpered as he pulled out of me and straddled my chest and slid his cock down my throat. I could taste the juices from my ass and the mixture of his Precome. He started sliding in and out of my mouth. "You like this don't you? I nodded as I opened my throat further to allow him complete access to my mouth and throat. "Ohh yea!" he groaned out. His entire rod lid down my throat so that his pubic hair was up against my nose. His balls resting on my chin. "God Baby," he rasped out. He slid out and slid back in so that his entire cock was buried down my throat. He went to pull back out but I held him in. I wanted to feel his long hard cock down my throat for as long as I could. I breathed from my nose inhaling his musky scent. Finally he couldn't take any more. He pulled back out and thrust back in. "Ohhh yea baby!" he groaned out. I loved the feeling of his cock thrusting in and out of my mouth. I could tell by his movements and his moans that he was getting close. I reached around and jabbed him in the ass. He screamed and blasted his hot tasty load down my throat. I quickly swallowed the entire load without missing a drop. He pulled his softening cock from my mouth and quickly dove down on my cock sucking hard as he bobbed up and down. I was in heaven. Three minutes later I was shooting my load down his throat too.

After wards I snuggled back up to Kevin. He had drifted off to sleep and I soon followed.

From Kevin's point of view.

I woke up to the feel of Matt's body next to mine. I relaxed in the after glo of our nap. I love napping with him and the fact that he was so horny this afternoon made it that much more enjoyable. Lovemaking wit Matt was always an adventure with me. He was so young and full of life and it showed in everything that he did. Especially in his lovemaking. I realized that I was hungry. I swung out of bed and slid on a pair of boxers and wifebeater and sweat pants. After trotting down stairs I headed into the kitchen and got out the roast beef and peanut butter. I was in the mood for a roast beef and peanut butter sandwich. Ok ok so I have cravings! So what! I happily assembled my sandwich and got a glass of Dr. Pepper and walked into the living room and turned on my favorite soaps. Yea yea so I watch soaps now! So tease me! Than it dawned on me. I'm not supposed to watch soaps. I can't help it if I am feeling like an emotional pregnant woman! Oh One Life to Live is on!! Hey! Stop laughing at me! I sat down and clicked the TV on and settled back and took a huge bite out of my sandwich.

"Hey Kevin!" Nick popped up from the other chair. "What are you watching?"

"Hush!" I ordered him as I took a bite out of my sandwich. "They are getting ready to sentence Linsey!" Nick giggled and I threw the remote at him bopping him on the head. He decided that it was wise to leave me alone to my story! "Yesss!" I exclaimed. "28 Years!!!! Serves you right bitch!" Now Nick really did bust up laughing. I hurled a glare at him. "Say one more word and you die!" He quickly shut his mouth. I took another bite of my sandwich.

"What are you eating?" Nick asked with a frown on his face.

"Peanut butter and roast beef," I commented casually.

"Ewww Grosss!" gagged Nick.

"Hey stop teasing my lover about his eating habits," a sleepy voice sounded from the stairs. "Hi sweetie."

"SHHHH!" I hissed at him. "Linsey just passed out!"

"Yea Matt!" Nick sounded off. "Linsey just got sentenced to 28 years to prison!"

"Really?" Matt said grinning as he sat down next to me. "What's happening now?"

"SHHH!" I hissed at him. "Be quiet!" He giggled at me and sat down next to me and snuggled up to me.

"What are you eating?" he asked.

"Peanut butter and Roast beef," I replied as I offered him a bite. "You want some?" He shook his head no. "Good leaves more for me." I watched as Blackie walked into the room. Blackie and Matt had not been getting along with each other at all. For some reason Blackie didn't want Matt around me and he made it very plain.

"GRRRRRR!" growled Backie as he saw Matt snuggled up to me.

"Stop growling at Matt!" I scolded him. He hopped up beside and laid his head in my lap.

"Mutt!" grumbled Matt sticking his tongue out at Blackie. Blackie growled again.

"Children!" I scolded both of them. "Behave yourselves!" Blackie huffed and plopped his head down in my lap. "Matt?" I asked. He looked up at me with those adorable eyes of his. "Thank you for today."

"You're welcome sweetie," Matt replied as he laid his head on my chest. I loved it when he did that. Blackie growled softly at him and he growled back.

"You two need to get along," I Scolded them. I laughed as they both huffed at me. "You two are so cute," I giggled. I watched as Tyler come bounding into the room with Josh hot behind him. They were all flushed with exercise. Tyler was happy, Matt was happy and I was happy. Across the room sat Anne carrying my twins. I was going to be a father. And the one thing that came to mind was this. "Lions Tigers and Twins Oh my!"


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Next: Chapter 36: Lions Tigers and Twins Oh My 2

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