Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Mar 30, 2002


Disclaimor! If you are a minor please do not read this! This is fictional story written for Adults. Please exit now! The characters portrayed in this story are purely fictional. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys and their sexualities. This is a creation my imagination!

On with the story!

Painful Month Final,

"Yes he will make it," the doctor replied. "He has lost a lot of blood which we've been able to replace. The damage has been repaired and thankfully none of the bullets have touched his heart. It is going to take time but he will make a full recovery."

"Umm can he have visitors?" Leo asked.

"You must be Leo," the Doctor smiled. "He has been asking for you. If you will come with me I'll take you to him."

"I wanna see my Daddy!" exclaimed a stubborn Josh.

"You can come too," the doctor smiled. Leo bent down and picked up Josh and carried him out of the waiting room.

"So you feeling better?" I asked Kevin. He looked at me and started sobbing with relief. I gathered him in my arms and let him cry it out. "Let it all out baby." After a few minutes he stopped crying but still hung on to me. I guess it was for comfort. "You all better now?" He nodded looking up at me. I bent down and kissed him lightly on the lips snaking my tongue in just for a few seconds. "Well if you are feeling better than how about we go see our son." He smiled and nodded and picked up a hyper Blackie and we went into Tyler's room. He was sitting up watching cartoons. "Hey Tyler," I said in a cheerful voice.

"Hi Daddy, hi Pappa!" he said. "I wanna go home!"

"Well you can go home tomorrow," I smiled. "Look who we brought." Blackie was squirming in Kevin's arms and whimpering trying to get to his young master. Kevin busted up laughing and let Blackie loose. Blacki leapt onto the bed covering Tyler with little puppy kisses. Soon Tyler was giggling his head off. I looked at Kevin and saw him smiling widely. It was good to see my little family happy again. Blackie soon calmed down and curled up beside Tyler and drifted off to sleep. Thank God this was a Pet friendly hospital. "So what do you want to do now?" I asked.

"We should find Anne and let her know the good news and we should probably get in touch with the others and let them know that we are all right," Kevin replied.

"You work on the rest of the gang and I'll work on Anne," I said smiling as I walked out. I knew that he could do it from Tyler's room with the phone thus giving him more time with him. I rounded the corner to see Anne coming back with coffee. "There you are!" I said with a smile. "If you are looking for Leo he is in the room with his boyfriend."

"I take if by the look on your face that things are returning to normal," Anne said as she sank into one of the chairs. "Thank God!"

"You can say that again," I sighed too. "Now all we have to do find out how that monster escaped from Prison."

"What are you going to do about it?" Anne asked.

"I haven't decided yet. I'll probably talk to the Governor about it. Somebody isn't doing their job if they let him escape,' I fumed. "We could've all been killed!"

"But Cousin," Anne said in a soothing tone of voice. "We weren't all killed."

"Brian could still die," I argued with her.

"But he won't," Anne said stubbornly. "He can't die. I mean look at Leo. For the first time in months he is happy." I had to agree. A happy and in love Leo was pretty sight indeed. "Speaking of Leo, are you ok with him being in love with the cousin of your lover?"

"I'm happy for him," I smiled. "Brian is a very attractive man and he seems to love Leo very much."

"I hear a but coming," Anne replied.

"Yes there is a but." I admitted. "Brian is just getting over a painful separation and I don't want Leo getting caught in the middle and hurt over it."

"Leo is a big boy and can take care himself," Anne insisted. "Why don't we agree to be supportive of them and watch them. If it gets to hairy than we step in to run interference."

"Sounds like a plan to me," I smiled.

"What plan?" asked the deep sexy voice that I loved so much. I turned and saw my sweetie leaning up against the doorway.

"Hi," I said blushing.

"Hi yourself," Kevin said as he glided over to me and bent down and pressed his lips to mine. "Now you two going to let me in on the secret?"

"No secret," I replied as I ran my tongue over my lips. "Umm can I have another one?" Kevin chuckled as his lips came crashing down on mine again. Finally he broke away leaving me gasping for breath. He giggled at me and looked entirely too pleased with himself.

"Did it again!" He gloated to himself.

"Did what?" I asked clearing my throat.

"Made you all hot and bothered!" he snickered.

"Meanie!" I grumbled. Anne was snickering to herself. "You too!"

"You know you love it," Kevin replied as he sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "You ready to go home?"

"I'm going to have to pry Leo away from Brian," I replied. "And I'm not looking forward to that."

Later in Brain's room.

"I love you Brian," Leo said as he ran his finger across Brian's face. "Please come back to me baby."

"He is going to be out for a while," I said as I walked up behind him. I looked at him and saw that he was really tired. "You need to go home and get some rest."

"I'm not leaving his side!" Leo grumbled out.

"Yes you are mister!" I barked at him. "You have your health to think about. And you have a chemo session first thing in the morning."

"But I will worry about him all night," Leo replied. "Please Matt, I need to be there for him."

"I'll stay here with him," A voice sounded from behind us. I looked up to see Nick standing there. I could see his eyes were red from crying. "That way you can get your rest you need." I walked up to him and pulled him in a hug. "God Matt, I almost lost you all!"

"The important thing is that we are all alive and safe," I consoled him. "When did you get in?"

"About an hour ago. I left my luggage at the beach house. AJ is still in the city," Nick replied. I could tell he was still upset.

"Nick it is going to be all right. Tyler is resting comfortably and we are all safe," I tried to console him.

"Yea but what about B-Rock?" Nick asked his voice quivering. "Is he going to make it?"

"He made it through surgery with flying colors, so that has to say something about him," I replied. "With you being here than I'm sure that he will pull through." Nick nodded sniffling. "Have you seen him yet?" Nick shook his head no. "Than why don't you go in and see him. And while you are in there see if you can pry Josh away from him so that I can take him home so he can get some sleep." Nick nodded as he retreated from the room.

"You ready to go?" I asked Leo.

"Let me say good night to him," Leo replied. I nodded and decided that I should say goodnight to Tyler too. I walked into his room and smiled at the sight. Kevin was sitting in bed with Tyler leaning up against him. They were talking quietly and watching tv. Every once in a while Kevin and Tyler would bust up laughing. Blackie was laying in Kevin's lap too sleeping soundly.

"Ahem!" I coughed. "Can anyone join this party?" Kevin looked up and smiled at me. I drank in his smile like a fine wine. I loved the way his face would light up when he looked at me. "We should head home sweetie."

"I'm staying here with Tyler," Kevin replied.

"Yea Daddy!" Tyler said with a grin. "Pappa says we can have a slumber party!" I can't say I was too happy about Kevin staying here all night. But I realized that Kevin needed to be there for Tyler. Tyler seemed to be happy about it too. Kevin stood up and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"I love you Matthew Whitewater," he cooed in my ear.

"Mmmmm," I moaned as his lips found my earlobe.

"You like that?" Kevin asked with a naughty look in his eyes.

"You know what effect you have on me," I scolded him.

"Well just think what you have to look forward too when I get home," Kevin smirked as he kissed me on the lips. "Now take Blackie and Leo and Anne and go home and get some sleep!"

"Ok dad," I teased him. I kissed him again and kissed and hugged Tyler and picked up Blackie and headed out to get the other guys so we could get home.

Two weeks later.

"Brian?" Leo asked as he sat up in bed.

"Yes dear?" Brian asked as he slipped on a t-shirt.

"Hopefully this will be the last one," Leo replied as he looked around the room. "I mean I hope this is the last chemo session."

"I faith in you baby," Brian replied as he sat on the side of the bed and kissed Leo on his bald head.

"How are you doing?" Leo asked. "You've lost so much weight."

"I'm fine baby," Brian replied. "The doctor says I should be back to my old self in a few weeks."

Brian's recovery had been long and painful. The strain on his heart caused some problems that had to be dealt with medication. Brian had lost his appetite and dropped weight like crazy. But recently his appetite had returned and he was starting to regain the weight that he had lost. Leo worried and fretted over Brian all the time. Tyler was his old self again tearing around the house driving everyone nuts. Josh was right there too causing trouble right along with his best bud. Blackie had established himself as a family member now and was growing into a beautiful black lab. Oh yea! Anne is Pregnant! Kevin is a very proud daddy as they head out for their first ultrasound. We join them now.

From Kevin's point of view.

"Well let's see what we have," the doctor said as he moved the monitor around. "Ok I see the fetus and ummm oh my!"

"What is it Doctor?" I asked frantic with worry. I felt the very comforting hand of my lover rest on my shoulder. I looked up and smiled up at Matt. He smiled back.

"Well umm it seems that we have situation here," the doctor replied. "It would appear that you are going to have twins!"

"Ummm twins!" Anne asked shocked. "Kevin?"

"Ummm Wow!" I exclaimed. "Is that normal?" Matt laughed softly and I looked up at him.

"Yes Mr. Richardson," the doctor said with laughter in his eyes. "I assure you that it is perfectly normal."

"Ummm Matt?" I asked.

"Yes dear?" Matt asked with his eyes filled with love.

We're going to have twins!" I said with my eyes filling with tears.


Ok ok so the Painful Month is over!!!! And Kevin is going to be a father!!!! Hmmmmm Lions tigers and Twins! Oh my!

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Next: Chapter 35: Lions Tigers and Twins Oh My 1

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