Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Mar 11, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend.

Get Another Boyfriend Painful Month Part Eight

Disclaimor! If you are a minor please do not read this! This is fictional story written for Adults. Please exit now! The characters portrayed in this story are purely fictional. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys and their sexualities. This is a creation my imagination!

Painful Month Part Eight

From Matt's point of view.

"Brian," I said in as calm of a tone of voice I could muster under the circumstances. "I am sure that Leo is going to be fine."

"How can you say that for sure?" Brian said as he paced the emergency room. "Did you see how he looked?"

"He has cancer Brian," I said soothingly. "He is going to have rough spells like this. I'm sure that the doctors have him under control by now."

"I need some time a lone please?" Brian begged me. I nodded and walked over to my sweetheart. I could see that he was worried too.

"I am sure that he is going to fine," I said as convincing as I could.

"You don't have to lie to me," Kevin said as he pulled me close. I laid my head on his chest savoring the strong comfort that he offered me. "I know you are worried Baby."

"Am I that obvious?" I asked looking up at me. Kevin nodded as he planted a kiss on my forehead. "God Kevin, what if he dies?"

"He is not going to do that," Kevin tried to assure me. "He is a very strong young man and besides he has a lot of people pulling for him."

"I know but it is just that I am not used to seeing him like that," I replied shuddering at the memory. I could still see him curled up in a ball shuddering as he tried to fight off the pain and fever. The door open and out stepped a doctor. He was wearing a relaxed look on his face so I took that as a good sign. "Doctor?" I asked as I approached him. "How is Leo?"

"Well he certainly gave us a scare," the doctor said grinning. "But he is a fighter. He has a mild case of pneumonia and a high fever. But we have him stabilized and breathing on his own. You are welcome to see him now." Brian stepped forward looking at me with a pleading look on his face.

"Brian wants to see him first," I said pointing at the very anxious Brain. The Doctor nodded and Brian walked into the room.

From Brian's point of view.

I walked into the hospital room and looked down at Leo in bed. He looked better now than he did back at the house. He was awake looking out the window. "Hey cutie," I said softly. He turned and smiled at me. "You really scared us."

"I'm sorry," Leo replied with tears in his eyes. "I am certainly making a mess of things." I moved quickly to hold him. He laid his head on my chest sobbing loudly. "I'm so sorry Brian."

"Hey hey," I said in a soothing voice. "What do you have to be sorry for?"

"I'm sick and I'm always getting things messed up," Leo sobbed. "I'm a horrible boyfriend!"

"No you are not!" I argued with him. "You are a great boyfriend and it is not your fault that you are sick. Now I don't want to hear anymore talk about you being sorry and about you messing things up." He opened his mouth to argue but I planted a soft kiss on his lips to shut him up. "No more talk like that!" I scolded him. "How are you feeling now?"

"I feel better than I was," Leo replied. "I think the fever has gone down some."

"Well that is good," I said as I wrapped my arms around him. "You really scared me sweetie. I thought I was going to loose you."

"Well you are not," Leo grinned. "I plan on staying around for while longer. Now when can I come home with you?" The door opened and Matt and Kevin walked in.

"Not for a few days," Matt replied for me. "The doctor wants to make sure that you are on the road to recovery before he lets you go."

"I hate hospitals," Leo grumbled as he pouted. My heart went out to him when I saw the pout. If there was one thing to say about the Whitewater's is that they could make pouting look very sexy. "Brian?" he asked with a hint of mischievous tone in his voice.

"Yes dear?" I answered in a scolding tone of voice.

"Can you sneak me out of here?" he looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. I laughed and shook my head no. "Meanie!" he grumbled.

"I know I am but you know you love me anyway," I giggled as I kissed him again.

"But you will stay here with me?" he asked me. I nodded and hugged him close. I could still feel the heat radiating from him. I could also smell the sweat too. The episode had taken a lot out of him. I pulled back in time to see him finishing up a huge yawn. And as if on cue the door opened and very jolly looking colored nurse walked in.

"Ok I'm going to have ask you all to leave," the nurse said. "Leo needs his rest."

"Brian stays!" Leo replied.

"Ok but only one person is allowed to stay over night," the nurse replied. I had to smile when I saw the triumphant look on Leo's face. "And only on one condition."

"Umm what is that?" Leo asked as he started to get worried.

"That I can have a autograph," she grinned at me. Leo being an adorable boyfriend that he is--, well let's just say that I didn't fall in love with him for his looks.

"Well, I'm not a famous as Brian but I can certainly give you one if you really want one," he said with that famous Whitewater mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Sweetie," I giggled as I signed her an autograph. "I think she was talking about me."

"Well!" Leo huffed. "Fine!" he pouted as he crossed his arms in front of him. "I didn't want to be famous anyway!" By now everyone in the room was laughing their heads off. The nurse being a very good sport about the whole affair gave Leo the same note pad that I had signed. He grinned happily and signed it in a flourish. "See?" he gloated with a wide grin on his face. "She did want my autograph!"

"Oh child!" she giggled as she waved the notepad in the air. "My friends are not going to believe me. I got Brian's autograph!" Kevin being the true southern gentleman he was stepped forward and signed his too. "Ohh my!" she gushed. "Now I really will be the talk of the town!" Everyone in the room started laughing really hard. Leo started coughing really hard and I moved to his side and watched the nurse check him out. She adjusted his O2 setting and fluffed his pillow for him.

"Ok everyone," the nurse said with a sympathetic smile. "Leo has to get some rest." I watched as Matt and Kevin both planted kisses on his forehead and walked out of the room. After a few more minutes of silence I looked down at the man that I had fallen in love with.

"Finally some quiet time just for us," Leo said as he patted the bed beside him. "Come sit with me." I of course slid in beside him. "I love you Brian," he said as he laid his head on my chest.

"I love you too sweetie," I whispered to him. The phone rang and I quickly answered it as not to wake Leo for he had just drifted off to sleep. "Hello?" I asked into the receiver.

"Daddy?" asked Josh. "When are you coming home?"

"I'm going to stay at the hospital tonight with Leo," I replied.

"Do you love him daddy?" Josh asked in a confused tone of voice.

"Yes son," I answered honestly.

"Like Uncle Kevin and Uncle Matt love each other?" he asked.

"Yes son," I replied. "How do you feel about that?"

"Is Leo going to be my other daddy?" he asked in a quiet tone of voice.

"Well we will have to discuss that later," I smiled. "Are you having a good time with Tyler and Blackie?"

"We are having in inside camp out!" Josh replied in a hyper tone of voice. "We have a tent and everything!"

"Good," I laughed softly. "You promise to be good for Uncle Kevin and Uncle Matt?"

"Yes Daddy!" he replied. "I have to go now. Bye bye Daddy!"

"I love you son," I said quickly.

"I love you too daddy!" he exclaimed in his hyper tone of voice. The clicked off and I smiled as I hung the receiver up.

"Well do I get too?" asked a sleepy voice. I looked down to see Leo looking up at me.

"Get to what?" I asked as I kissed him.

"Be his "Other Daddy?" Leo asked looking hopeful. I swallowed hard suddenly realizing that my love affair with Leo was bringing things up that I hadn't thought of yet. "I mean I would understand if you didn't want me in his life." He mumbled as he turned over and looked the other way. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close.

"Leo?" I asked softly. He tried to shrug me off which only made me hold on to him tighter. "Leo?" I asked with more force.

"What!" he grumbled out.

"Look at me?" I pleaded with him. He turned over and looked at me. I could see the pain in his eyes. "You know I love you right?" He nodded. "But that decision is not up to me."

"But if it were could I?" he asked. "Oh who am I to ask anyway?" He mumbled. "I'm probably going to be dead anyway."

"Hey!" I hurled at him. "Don't you ever say that again!"

"Why not Brain?" he shot back. "Why can't I say that? I mean I do have cancer and I could very well die!"

"Don't say that!" I screamed at him as tears flowed down my face. "Not after I have found you! I love you dammit and you are not going anywhere with out me!"

"Brian," he said softly. "We have to face the very real possibility that I might die." I moved to argue but his finger pressed up against my lips. "I just want you to be prepared is all. And maybe it is not a good idea for us to be talking about me being a Daddy."

"No!" I insisted. "I want you to be his Daddy! We are going to move on with yours and my and Josh's life. Cause you are going to beat this thing! You are going to live a nice long and healthy life! We are going to grow old together and we will be able to call our son late at night and play particle phone jokes on him." Leo grinned at my last sentence. "We are destined to be together for a very long time. Please baby, you have to think positive!"

"Ok," Leo replied. "I promise to think positive for now on." He yawned widely in the middle of his last sentence.

"You need to sleep," I moved in to hold him. "Can I hold you until you fall to sleep?"

"How did you know that I was going to ask you that?" he asked grinning as he slid over to make room for me. I slid into the bed and wrapped my arms around his narrow waist and held him tight. "Are you comfortable?" he asked concerned.

"You don't worry about me baby," I said as I kissed his forehead. "All you need to worry about is getting to sleep."

"But," he started. I planted my lips over his and slid my tongue into his mouth thus silencing him from saying anything else.

"Now you be good and go to sleep," I lightly scolded him. He shrugged his shoulders and snuggled into my arms and closed his eyes. In a few short minutes his breathing had become steady and regular. I knew that he had fallen asleep. I closed my eyes in an attempt to get some sleep too.

At the beach house from Kevin's point of view.

"I love the beach," I said as I wrapped my arms around Matt as we sat on the porch swing. It was a warm evening out and the stars were shining and I had my sweetie sitting beside me. "And I love you."

"I love you too Kev," Matt replied in a half hearted tone of voice. I knew that he was still worried about his cousin.

"He is going to be all right Matt," I tried to sooth him by sliding my hand under his shirt and rubbing his defined chest. This always relaxed him. "Leo is a very strong person and he is going to beat this thing."

"I hope so Kevin," he sighed as he snuggled closer to me. His hand found its way up my shirt too. Soon both of our shirts were off and our hands were caressing our chests. "You are so beautiful," he whispered as he bent down and kissed my chest. His tongue lightly tracing one of my nipples. The touch sent shivers up my spine. "You taste good too," he giggled as his lips attatched themselves to my nipple.

"Umm Matt?" I asked trying to pry his lips from my nipple. "We have company."

"Tell them to go away," he mumbled through his teeth.

"Well that wouldn't be very nice," JC laughed as he sat down next to Justin on the other swing. "Man it is really nice out here." Justin sat next to him laying his head on JC's shoulder. "You guys are so lucky to have this place."

"Thanks," I said as I finally managed to pry Matt's lips from my nipple. He looked up at me with his adorable pout. "Later Mr. Hornytoad," I snickered. He shrugged and settled back into my arms. "How is the camping trip going?"

"They are zonked out," Justin replied smiling. "Tyler and Josh are such good best buds."

"Yea," JC agreed. I noticed that Justin and JC were still hurting from Leighanne's latest stunt.

"You guys are going to find a child of your own some day," I said trying to cheer them up.

"Actually we've already decided what we are going to do," Justin said with a grin.

"Oh really?" I asked perking up. Matt perked up too.

"JC is going to use his sperm to get his best friend pregnant and we are going to raise his baby," Justin replied as he looked up at JC with love in his eyes. "I want to raise JC's son or daughter." The silence rocked both me and Matt but I could see that JC and Justin were happy about this.

"When is this going to take place?" I asked carefully.

"Well we are going to have the first session tomorrow," JC replied grinning. "If it goes well than nine months from now we will have a child."

"I'm so happy for you guys," Matt spoke up. "If anyone deserves to have a child it is you two."

"Why don't you two do it too?" JC asked. "I mean you are already raisin Matt's child why doesn't Kevin father a child of his own and you two can raise it together?"

"You mean give Tyler a brother or sister?" I asked. I looked down at Matt. "What do you say sweetie?"

"I would love to help raise your child sweetie," Matt said as he kissed me lightly on the lips. "What do you think Tyler will say to that?"

"I think that Tyler would jump at the chance to be a big brother," I smiled down at Matt. "So is it settled?"

"Well all we have to do is find a surrogate mother," Matt said.

"How about me?" Anne's voice spoke up as she walked out on the front porch. "I'm sorry for eavesdropping but I couldn't help it. So how about it?"

"What?" I asked shocked.

"I want to volunteer to carry Kevin's baby," Anne said with a smile.


End Note: As you have probably figured out. I am winding this story down. There is still a ways to go. We have the wedding, who knows maybe it will be a double wedding, and the birth of both of JC's and Kevin's children. So I figure that by middle of the summer I should be done. Please let me know what you think of the story. If you like let me know. If you hate it let me know. If you have any ideas let me know. E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 32: Painful Month 9

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