Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Dec 30, 2001


This is a fictional story. I do not know the Backstreet Boys and I do not know there true sexuality. This story has a very strong story line about homosexual relationships. If this offends you than please leave now. If reading this is illegal for you than do yourself a favor and leave. If you are legal and this type of story doesn't offend you than you are welcome to stay.

Not here it is.

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Special note: I am deviating from the story line just a little. I'm brining you all the Christmas Addition.

Get Another Boyfriend Home for the Holidays

And now Were is Part Three!

"Please Matt," Dianne pleaded. "I need to be a part of his life." Dianne was sobbing and I was trying real hard to be there for Matt. But right now I wasn't really seeing his side. But his next words would send relief my way.

"There is no way in hell I'm going to lie to my son!" Matt exploded. "I can't believe you would have me lie to him!"

"Would you have me tell him the truth?" Dianne hurled back. "That his mother was drug addict and left him alone in the hospital with withdraws?"

"First things first," Matt said as he calmed down somewhat. "You did not leave Tyler alone. You left him with me and his grandparents. And second thing, you were sick. Addiction is an illness. You left to get treatment."

"He will be ashamed of me," Dianne sobbed. "There is no way he will ever accept me." Matt got up and did something that floored me. He got up and went to Dianne's side and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"He will love his mommy," Matt said in a soft voice. "Tyler is one of the most forgiving persons in the whole world. Trust me on this. You've got to tell him the truth."

"And that is?" Dianne sniffled. I handed her a tissue and she smiled here thanks to me. I heard the door bell ring.

"Matt honey," I said softly. He looked up at me with a smile. "That would be Brian and Josh. Let me get them settled and you continue to talk. I promise I won't be long." I lent down and planted a small kiss on his lips and left the room to take care of Brian and Josh.

From Matt's point of view.

I watched my lover walk out of the room. I guess I had that same goofy smile on my face cause I heard Dianne giggling. I smiled and blushed. "Love is good on you," she replied. "I can tell you really love him and he really loves you."

"You're ok that I am involved with a man?" I asked surprised. "I mean Tyler is living with me and all."

"I will tell you what I see. I see a little boy who is crazy in love with his daddy and Kevin. I would be a fool not to be ok with that. Tyler is very well adjusted. He is happy and healthy. You have done a wonderful job with him," Dianne said.

"So what are we going to do about you and Tyler?" I asked. "He should get to know his mother."

"I'm just afraid he won't accept me. I don't think I could deal with that kind of rejection," Dianne said looking down at her hands. I took hold of her hands and squeezed them.

"Tyler is a great kid," I said. "Trust me when I say he will be crazy about you."

"Daddy?" Tyler asked as he walked into the room with Jake beside him. "Who is the lady?" I looked at Dianne and found her staring at Tyler. Tyler walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my side and leaned against me. I made the decision right then and there. I took a deep breath and looked at my son's eyes. They were so full of hope and trust that I had no choice but to be honest.

"Tyler honey," I said softly. "This is Dianne, she is your mother."

From Kevn's point of view.

"Come on in Brian!" I said with forced cheerfulness. "Hi Josh you ready for Santa?" Josh gave me a big hug and nodded. He was still shy around me but I didn't mind.

"Where is Tyler?" he asked looking around. I had to smile at him. He was in such a hurry to be with his best bud.

"He is having a talk with his daddy," I smiled down at him. Brian raised his eyebrows and I shook my head. "I'll tell you later. First let us get you and Josh settled."

"What is going on Kev?" Brian asked suddenly worried. "You are upset about something."

"Dianne is here," I said bluntly.

"Dianne?" Brian asked confused. "Who is Dianne?"

"Later!" I barked at him. "I want to get Josh settled and playing first. We will talk alone after we get him settled." Brian nodded but I could tell he was not happy about it. After we got Josh settled and playing in Tyler's room Brian grabbed my arm and pulled me into the hall.

"Ok Cousin spill," he ordered me. I sighed and leaned against the wall. "Well who is this Dianne person?"

"Dianne is Tyler's mother," I answered.

"Oh my God in heaven!" Brian breathed.

From Matt's point of view.

I waited for Tyler to say something. But he just stood there looking at Dianne with big eyes. "Tyler honey?" I asked softly. He looked at me and clung to me tighter. "Baby?" I asked again. "Do you want to say something?"

"Umm I have a mommy?" he squeaked out.

"Yes son you have a mommy," I smiled down at him.

"Can I talk to her?" he asked with his eyes big.

"Of course you can talk to her Tyler," I smiled down at him. He turned to Dianne and walked over to her.

"Ummm hi," he said looking down at his feet. "Umm my daddy says you are my mommy. Are you my mommy?" Dianne chocked back a sob. "Daddy why is she crying?"

"Oh baby," Dianne sniffled as she quickly dried her tears. "I'm so happy to see you. That is why I am crying. They are happy tears."

"My daddy cries happy tears all the time. It is usually when he is being mushy with Pappa," Tyler said in an understanding voice. I smiled at Dianne and shrugged my shoulders.

"Tyler?" Dianne asked. "Can I give you a hug?" Tyler looked down and shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess," he said as he held out his arms. With a sigh Dianne wrapped her arms around Tyler and hugged him. Her shoulders racking with sobs. Tyler looked up at me with scared eyes. "Daddy?" he asked. "Why is she sad?"

"She is not sad Tyler," I replied bending down and putting my hand on his shoulder. "It has just been a very long time since your mother has held you." After a few minutes she let go and held Tyler at arms length.

"She hugs like Grandma did," Tyler said smiling. "Umm can I um call you mommy?" Tyler asked getting shy all at once.

"Oh Baby," Dianne said as tears flowed down her face. "I would love for you to call me your mommy."

"Ok I will call you mommy," Tyler said grinning and jumping up and down. "I have a mommy! Daddy!" Tyler said all exited. "I have a mommy!" I laughed with Dianne as Tyler continued to jump up and down. "Where is pappa? I wanna tell him!"

"Tell me what Tyler?" a deep voice spoke from the doorway. Tyler was at Kevin's side at once pulling on his arm.

"Pappa Pappa!" he exclaimed. "I have a mommy! See her?" Kevin smiled down at Tyler and up at me. I could see the concern in his eyes. I smiled and nodded to let him know that I was all right.

"Wow!" Kevin said grinning. "That is a great Christmas Present!"

"Goodie!" Tyler exclaimed. "Mommy will you stay for Christmas?" Silence filled the air as the three of us looked at each other and than at Tyler. He was standing there looking up at us with hope in his eyes. I said the only thing I could say.

"Of course she can stay," I said ruffling his hair. "We have plenty of room."

"I don't want to be a bother," Dianne said looking up at me.

"No!" Kevin said quickly. "You will be no bother. Tyler just found you and you have to stay for Christmas!" Turning to Tyler. "Tyler? Why don't you take Dianne to the room next to yours? You can show her your room too."

"Ok Pappa!" Tyler said as he grabbed his mother's hand and started to pull her up the stairs. "Come on Mommy! I want to show my room!" Dianne laughed as she followed her extremely happy son up the stairs. As soon as they were out of sight I fall into Kevin's arms. His arms wrapped around me holding me and keeping me safe. It was than that I realized that I was trembling.

"Your trembling baby," Kevin said softly. "What is it?"

"I'm so glad that everything turned out ok," I said as I held onto Kevin as tight as I could. "It could've been a mess."

"I know baby, I know," Kevin said as he kissed my lips lightly. "What do we do now?" I shook my head. "We have to do something. I mean she is back in his life and that is definitely going to effect all of our lives."

"Do you think she is going to try and take her from us?" I asked looking up at Kevin.

"I don't know," Kevin sighed. "But I think it would be prudent to prepare ourselves for all possibilities."

"But can we wait until after the Holidays?" I pleaded with him.

"Of course we can sweetie," Kevin smiled. "Speaking of the Holidays, Brian and Josh are here."

"Where are they?" I asked looking around.

"They are hiding out until it is safe for them to come out," Kevin giggled. I heard a door shut and the thunder of little feet down the stairs. Josh came bounding down the stairs. "Speaking of whether it is safe to come out."

"Is Tyler here?" asked an impatient Josh. "I wanna go outside and play in the snow."

"Tyler is up in his room, why don't you go up and see him," Kevin said with a smile. "He has a surprise for you." Josh took off running up the stairs and Kevin took my hand and headed into the kitchen. "What do you say we get dinner started?"

"That sounds like a good idea to me," I sighed as I looked into his loving eyes. "You know that I love you?"

"Yes I do," Kevin grinned. "And I love you too."


Next: Chapter 21: Home for the Holidays 4

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