Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Sep 21, 2001


My fellow Nifty readers and authors, September 11, 2001 our world, as we know it, ended. America was attacked. Terrorist chose two very important symbols of the American Way of Life to attack. First they attacked our financial stability and then they attacked our defensive stability as well. No mere words can undo the damage they have done. But we can continue to pray to the Gods we worship and we can move on as one single and united human family, the family that has made this country so great. America will move on. America will continue to be the beacon of hope for all people to see. They can blow up our skyscrapers and they can kill our beloved family members. They can shower death from above all they want. But the one thing they cannot do is break our spirit! We are alive and we are Americans! Nothing will ever change that!

I grieve for the loss of life, I grieve for the grim reality that no where on this earth is completely safe. But I do it with my head held high! I do not hide my tears from my enemies. For they are tears of an American. Tears of an American who once served in his nation's military. They are tears of a family man who goes to work on a daily basis to support his family and contribute to the American Way of Life! They are tears of a human being hurt deeply by this attack. They are tears of a Christian who is finding a hard time understanding why another Human being could take away life so coldly and having a hard time falling back on his faith and forgiving as his Lord has taught him. But these tears are part of what makes me American! These tears are my strength! These tears help me mourn the loss of life, the loss of stability, the loss of the safe feeling I once had. To the terrorists who attacked my nation I have only this to say. I AM A CHILD OF GOD AND I AM AN AMERICAN AND YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!!!!


And with that spirit I present to you the next installment of "Get Another Boyfriend.

The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18. Sorry it has taken me so long to get this next installment out. But here it is.

Chapter 29

He is not mad at me anymore?" Tyler asked looking up at me. The hope in his eyes litterly tore my heart in two.

"No Tyler, Kevin is not mad at you," I said leaning down and picking him up. "He wants us to go the hospital and spend some time with him."

"Goodie," Tyler squealed with happiness. "Can I bring Jake? Pappa would love to see Jake."

"No Tyler, Jake has to stay home," I said smiling at him. "But you can tell Kevin how much Jake misses him ok?"

"Ok daddy," He squealed as he climbed out of my arms and took off running down the hall. "I have to get his card!"

"He is happy to be going to see Kevin," Nick said behind me. I nodded not wanting to say anything. "Something bothering you?"

"He doesn't know that Kevin can't see," I whispered trying not to cry. "How can I tell him that his pappa could be blind for the rest of his life?"

"Tyler is a smart kid," Nick said softly as he wrapped his arm. "I'm sure he will figure it out."

"Daddy?" Tyler hollered down at me.

"Yes son?" I asked looking up at his blonde head as he peered around the corner.

"Can I have an envelope?" he asked looking very serious. I got him a large envelope so he could put his hand made card for Kevin in it. I was still upset about Tyler seeing Kevin but held my misgivings in.

On the way over to the hospital I was quiet. I was still very angry with how Kevin treated Tyler yesterday. And I was wondering why Kevin had such a fast change of heart. Once we were at the hospital Tyler grabbed my hand and pulled me along. Nick followed closely behind with Brian bringing up the rear. They reached the door and I swung it open and walked in. Kevin was sitting up in bed listening to some music. I Cleared my throat to let him know I was there. He turned in my direction. "Hey Sweetie," I said softly as I made my way across the room. I could tell he was upset. "Tyler is here."

"Hi Pappa," Tyler said with a sudden case of shyness.

"You want to sit up in my lap?" Kevin asked. Tyler climbed up in the bed and cuddled up to Kevin. Kevin wrapped his arms around him.

"Pappa?" Tyler asked in a small voice.

"Yes?" Kevin asked back.

"Ummm are you going to blind?" he asked.

"Well for a while yes," Kevin answered bravely. "But when the patches come off I will be able to see."

"Umm are you still mad at me?" Tyler asked.

"Oh no baby," Kevin said choking back tears. "I was never mad at you baby."

"But yesterday you were so angry," Tyler said looking confused.

"Yesterday I was scared and I didn't want you to see me like this," Kevin admitted.

"But I love you Pappa," Tyler said sniffling. "I don't care if you can't see me. I can see for you." By now I was sobbing. "I have a card for you." He handed Kevin the oversize envelope. Kevin reached into it and pulled it out. When I saw it I had to smile. "I made it with macaroni noodles so you can read it." It was very obvious that Tyler had spent a lot of time on it. I had wondered what Cook was doing with him in the kitchen. Kevin ran his fingers over the card and read it out loud.

"Pappa, I love you very much. Please get better so we can watch the sunrise again. Love Tyler," Kevin was choking back tears as he bent down and hugged Tyler tightly. "I love you too Tyler," he whispered. "Matt?" he asked looking around.

"I'm right beside you to your left," I said reaching out and touching his shoulder.

"I need to talk to you alone," he said. Is Nick or Brian here?"

"We're right here Kevin," Nick spoke up.

"Can you take Tyler for some ice cream or something?" Kevin asked.

"Sure," Nick said holding his hand out for Tyler. Tyler didn't look convinced and not at all happy about leaving Kevin.

"Kevin will spend time with you after he is done talking with me," I promised him.

"I love you Pappa," Tyler said as he gave him a hug around his neck. "Come on Nick," he said as he drug Nick out of the room. "Let's get some ice cream!"

When Tyler was safely out of the room Kevin reached out and touched my arm. I looked down at him. I could tell he was close to tears. I gently wrapped my arms around his head and pulled him close. "Go ahead love," I whispered. "You don't have to be the strong Kevin, certainly not in front of me. If you need to cry than go ahead and cry." His shoulders started to shake and than the sobs came. As he sobbed he kept repeating that he was sorry. I held him close crying too. I suddenly realized that the roles had now changed. I was taking care of Kevin not the other way around. He finally stopped crying and gently broke away. "Better?" I asked softly as I wiped some tears from his cheeks. I pressed the call button because I knew his dressings would have to be changed for his tears had soaked his old dressings that covered his eyes.

"Thank you," he whispered as he sniffled loudly. I got him a tissue and put it in his hand. After blowing his nose rather loudly he handed it back to me and I tossed it in the wastebasket. "I had no right to treat you like that Matt," he said grabbing my hand and squeezing hard. "Please don't leave me," he pleaded. I sat down next to him and brought his hand to my lips and kissed it lightly.

"I'm not going anywhere Kevin," I said to him taking his chin in my hand and brining my lips to his and kissed him lightly. "I love you baby and there is no way in hell I'm going anywhere." By now the nurse had come in and started to change his dressings. It was the first time I saw his eyes since the accident. They were swollen shut and the skin and eye lashes and eye brows were singed off. Tears flooded my eyes when I saw the windows of his soul in so much pain. "Is there much pain?" I asked softly. Kevin shook his head no.

"We keep him pretty much doped up," the nurse smiled up at me.

"Oh really?" I asked smiling down at Kevin. He shrugged his shoulders and yawned widely. "You sleepy?" I asked running my hand through his hair. He nodded. "Well when the good Nurse is done with you than you can lie down and take a nap. And if you are real good I will stay here with you." He grinned and nodded happily. I turned to the nurse. "When will he be ready to go home?"

"Well the Doctor was talking about tomorrow morning," the nurse replied. "He will be in later this afternoon to check on him. We'll know for sure by then." A thousand questions raged through my head. I guess the nurse figured it out. She laid her hand on my arm. "Don't worry, we will make sure you and him are prepared. We don't let our patients leave without some training. Everything will be provided for him and you." She gathered her stuff and left the room in silence. I looked over at Kevin and saw that his brow was wrinkled.

"Hey babe," I said softly. "You worried?" He fell against my arm sobbing.

"I'm scared!" he sobbed. "I'm blind and I have to go out in the world like this. God Matt! How am I supposed to live?"

"You have to stop crying baby," I said softly but firmly. "I'm here right beside you and I'm not going anywhere. We will face this together. Ok?" He nodded and laid back against the pillow. "You going to take a nap?" He nodded and turned over pulling the blankets over his shoulders. A half hour later Kevin was still awake and tossing and turning. "Kevin?" I asked. "You need to sleep."

"I can't sleep," Kevin said softly. "Hold me?" His voice was so small that I almost didn't hear him. "Please?"

"Of course Love," I said smiling. I climbed in beside him and held him close. In about a half an hour I could feel him relax and his breathing became slow and even. My baby had finally fallen asleep. I continued to hold him until the door open and Nick, Brian and Tyler walked back in. AJ and Howie came back in too. I noticed that AJ had a dark look in his eyes. I figured it was just nerves. The entire fate of the group rested on whether Kevin would ever regain his sight again. Tyler came up to the bed and placed a Teddy Bear in Kevin's arms. I smiled at him and looked up at Nick who just shrugged his shoulders.

"My Teddy Bear always makes me feel better so Pappa should have one too," Tyler said in a very serious tone.

"And right you are," I said as I picked him up and set up in my lap. I watched in horror as AJ snatched the bear out of Kevin's hand.

"Aint no fucking teddy bear going to give him his sight back!" AJ seethed glaring at me.

"AJ!" Brian shouted snatching the bear out of AJ's hand. "That was totally un called for!"

"Face it Brian!" AJ shouted. "We're done! Finished! The ride is fucking over! We might as well pack up and go the fuck home!" By now Tyler was clinging to me scared to death.

"You're frightening Tyler!" Nick hissed at AJ. "We can talk about this later but not now! Not in front of a child!" AJ stopped ranting and stormed out of the room. I moved to see how Tyler was doing. He was crying softly hugging me tightly. I bent down and kissed him on the top of his head.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered in his ear. "He didn't mean those things baby." Nick placed the teddy bear back in Kevin's arms. I had to smile when I saw my lover tighten his hold on the stuffed animal.

"Is AJ right?" Tyler asked in a small voice. "Is the Shape of my Heart Guys over?" I had to smile when I heard his Name for the group. Nick and Brian smiled too.

"No baby," I said messing up his hair. "The Shape of My Heart Guys are not over."

"Promise?" Tyler asked looking up at me. I wiped the tears from his little cheeks and kissed him the nose.

"I promise honey," I said as I looked over at Kevin. I was surprised that he had slept through all of this.

Chapter 30 >From Kevin's point of view.

I woke up to something in my arms. I soon discovered by touching and feeling that it was a teddy bear. I smiled. It had to have come from Tyler. The poor little guy was so scared that I wasn't going to be able to see. I was scared too. I loved to perform and If I couldn't see that life would come to an end. Well not a total end. I could still play the piano and sing. But the dancing and the total freedom of movement was out of the picture. I heard a noise beside me. "Who is there?" I asked.

"You're finally awake," Matt said. "I was about to wake you up for dinner."

"I'm not hungry," I mumbled as I raised the bed up so that I was sitting up. "Where are the guys?"

"They went back home. Tyler wasn't to happy about leaving you here but Nick and I convinced him that he needed to take care of Jake," Matt replied. "You really need to eat baby."

"I'll eat when I feel like it!" I barked at Matt. I immediately regretted it. An uneasy silence reigned supreme for a few minutes. "I'm sorry Matt, I didn't mean to snap at you."

"You've been doing that a lot lately," Matt mumbled. I felt his hand on my head trying to smooth down my hair. "You need a shower."

"Will you help me?" I asked. "I mean if you don't want that is all right."

"I'll be happy to help you Kevin. I mean we are lovers and we need to be there for each other. In the good times and the bad times," Matt replied with a hint of hurt in his eyes. "You are going to have to get used to leaning on me too. I mean ever since we started this relationship I've been leaning on you and you have been more than happy to let me. You are hurt and it is time for me to take care of you."

"I'm not used to being helpless like this. I don't know what it is like to rely on someone," I replied truthfully. "I hate not being in control."

"Well guess what baby?" Matt said with a little bit of anger in his voice. "The world is not a perfect one. Everyone gets knocked down once in while and everyone needs to be helped up once in a while. You are that person who has been knocked down. I'm here to help you back up. Tyler is here to help you back up. Kevin you are so lucky to have so many people here to help you back up. Now my question is this. Are you going to dump your fucking pride in the trash can and let your family and your friends help you?"

I sat there and let the words sink in. I knew that Matt was right. But I wasn't ready to admit it. I hated being waited on hand and foot. And if I knew Matt, he would want to do just that. I sighed and nodded quietly. "Good," Matt said softly as his lips brushed up against mine. It was a soft and gentle kiss. "Now mister," he said in a scolding tone of voice. "You need to eat." I shook my head no. "I'm not taking no for an answer mister!" I sighed and grinned and waited for him to set me up. "Do you want me to feed you or do you want to try to feed yourself?"

"I want to try to feed myself," I said bravely. "Just let me feel the place setting." After a few minutes of feeling I figured out where every thing was. And after an hour and a half I finished my first official dinner as a blind man. I had a feeling that most of it ended up in my lap but I didn't care. I felt that I had some control in my life and I sure the hell wasn't about to give that up. I felt the pressure in my bladder and suddenly realized that I would have new territory to conquer. "Umm sweetie?" I asked softly.

"Yes dear?" Matt asked. I could almost see the smile on his face.

"Umm I have to um go to the bathroom," I said.

"Well than let me help you," Matt said cheerfully. "While you are in the bathroom we might as well get your shower over with."

Two hours later the shower was done. Matt let me do most of it. It felt good to do things on my own. He did have to shave for me and put the toothpaste on my toothbrush and help me into my pajamas. By the time I was done I was dead tired. We heard the door open and I heard the patter of little feet. "Hey Tyler!" I said with a huge grin turning in the direction of the feet. "Thank you so much for the teddy bear!"

"I missed you pappa!" Tyler said in his hyper voice. "I talked Nick into bringing me here to say good night to you!"

"Well sweetie, that is so nice of you to come here and tell me good night. How is Jake doing?" I asked as he snuggled up to me. I wrapped my arms around him enjoying the warm fussy feeling that comes from hugging a child.

"He peed in AJ's shoes!" Tyler exclaimed loudly. I heard snorts of laughter throughout the room. "AJ was so mad at him. He chased him all the way around the house." By now I was laughing too. "I had to scold him."

"AJ?" I asked grinning. Tyler giggled loudly.

"No pappa!" He giggled. "I had to scold Jake. I told him not to pee in AJ's shoes any more!" By now the whole room was laughing. "Pappa?" he asked in a small voice.

"Yes?" I asked back. I sighed with happiness as I felt him snuggle closer to me. It felt so good to hold him.

"When you coming home?" he asked in a small voice.

"Well if everything goes well I should be home by tomorrow afternoon," I told him. "Why do you ask?"

"I miss you!" he said in a very serious voice. "The house isn't the same with out you."

"I miss you too Tyler," I whispered trying hard not to cry. "You should go home and get some sleep."

"I wanna stay with you," Tyler replied. I could almost see the pout on his cute innocent face. "Please Pappa? Can I stay with you?" The little guy had manipulation down to a fine art. He knew how to pull at the heart strings.

"What about Jake?" I asked. "Won't he be lonely?" Tyler was silent for a long time before answering.

"I guess you're right Pappa, Jake would be lost with out me," he replied in a small voice.

"I'll be thinking of you all night long," I said as I bent down and kissed the top of his head.

"Promise?" Tyler asked.

"I promise," I smiled down at him. My heart ached to see his face. I prayed that my sight would be restored to me. I don't think I could go through life with out seeing the people that I love.

"We need to get Tyler home," Brian spoke up softly. "Matt should get some sleep too."

"I'm not leaving Kevin's side," Matt said in a stubborn tone of voice.

"At least go home with Tyler and take a hot shower have a nice meal and than come back," I suggested. "That way one of us can tuck him in tonight."

"Ok I guess I can do that," Matt relented. "But I'm staying gone more than two hours." I felt his lips brush up against mine and his tongue gently lick my lips. He broke away and I felt his hand brush up against my face. I savored the simple touch and leaned into the touch. "I promise I will return."

"I look forward to it baby," I whispered in his ear.

"While they are gone I'll stay here and keep you company cous," Brian said in a cheerful voice.

"You don't have to baby sit me Brian," I barked at him. I regretted the instant I said it.

"So that is what you think I've been doing?" Matt asked with anger and hurt lacing his voice.

"No sweetie," I spoke up looking in the direction of his voice. "I'm just saying that I don't have to be watched every second of the day." I could tell that Matt wasn't convinced. I smiled at his direction.

"Ok I'll forgive you sexy," he replied. "I promise not to be too long." With that Matt and Tyler walked out of the room with Nick.

"So what do you want to do?" Brian asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Well we can listen to music. I got a new Michael W. Smith CD."

"Isn't he a Christian singer?" I asked.

"Yea, he is pretty good. I've been wanting to get his cd "The First Decade," Brian said with excitement in his voice. "Come on let's listen to it."

"Ok Brian," I laughed. "Go ahead and put the CD in and we will listen to it for a while."

Chapter 31

From Matt's point of view.

"Come on Tyler," I said with aggravation. "It is time to go to bed." You see Tyler was being naughty and decided that he wanted to stay up late and he was chasing Jake around the house pretending to get him ready for bed. I was running out of patience. He knew it too by the guilty look on his face. "You want me to spank you young man?" I asked sternly. He looked down at his feet.

"No daddy," he whispered.

"Than get your but up stairs and into your pajamas and I will be up to kiss you and tuck you in," I instructed him. He nodded and walked slowly up the stairs. I could hear him sniffling on his way up. I looked over at Nick and saw that he was ready to go after him. Nick would let him have his way but I couldn't let him do that. "Don't even think about it mister!" I scolded him. He hung his head and nodded and turned and went to go in the living room. "Nick?" I asked as I felt my self cave in. He turned around with a grin on his face. "You want to come up and tuck him in with me?" Nick nodded and fell in step with me as we headed up the stairs.

"I forget sometimes that he needs disclipline and order," Nick mumbled. "He is such a good boy and I forget that he can be naughty too."

"Yea but he is never naughty for long thank God," I smiled. "He was cute tonight trying his best to get me to let him stay up late."

"Yea I can remember me using the pets at home to get my mom to let me stay up late too," Nick giggled. We reached the doorway to the Tyler's bedroom. I peeked him and saw him in bed already. He had tears running down his face. It broke my heart to see him in pain. "Remember Dad," Nick whispered in my ear. "He is a good boy." I nodded and stepped in.

"Tyler?" I asked. He turned around and looked at me with those adorable eyes that I fell in love with when he was first born. His little bottom lip stuck out in a little pout. "Come here," I said firmly. He slowly climbed out of bed and shuffled up to me. His eye trained on his feet the whole time. His left hand dragging his teddy bear with him. I gave in and knelt down and gathered him up in my arms and held him tightly. "I love you very much Tyler," I said softly. He sniffled and nodded.

"I'm sorry I was naughty daddy," he whimpered. "I promise that I will never be naughty again." I smiled and gave him another hug and kiss.

"That is a good boy," I said softly in his ear. "Now you give Nick and hug and kiss and than climb into bed." He nodded and walked up to Nick and held up his arms and asked to be picked up. Nick grinned and bent down and picked up Tyler and gave him a bear hug burying his head in the crook of Tyler's neck and made monster noises. Tyler busted up giggling loudly and squirmed in Nick's arms.

"Good night Tyler," Nick said softly giving him a kiss on his cheek and handed Tyler over to me. I gently laid him down in bed and pulled the blankets up around him and kissed him on the cheek one last time.

"Good night Tyler," I smiled down at him. He yawned loudly.

"Good night Daddy," he said as he closed his eyes. On the way out the door I stopped and looked back over my shoulder. My eyes rested on the small child lying in bed. I closed my eyes as I was overcome by emotion and tears flooded my eyes.

"Please God," I prayed softly to myself. "Always keep my baby safe from harm." I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking up I smiled up at Nick.

"You all right?" Nick asked softly. I nodded as I wiped my eyes. "You sure?" he asked unconvinced.

"Yes Nick," I said softly. "I'm fine. I was just thinking is all. He is so young and so precious. I just don't want the world to hurt him is all."

"He has so many people who love and care for him," Nick said softly. "He is going to protected and safe for a very long time." I nodded and patted Nick on the shoulder and headed down the hall. "You going back to the hospital?" he asked.

"I'm going to take a shower first and get a hot meal and than I will go back," I said as I yawned.

"You are dead on your feet Matt," Nick said frowning. "You should be in bed too." I shook my head but Nick stopped me. "You will be no good to Kevin if you are dead tired." I knew Nick was right.

"I'm going to call Kevin," I said as I headed for the phone. Picking it up I dialed the number and waited to hear him answer. I sighed with happiness when I heard my Sweeties voice on the other end. "Hi sweetie," I cooed at him.

"Hey sexy," he said in his deep and soft voice, the one he reserved only for me. "You sound so tired baby."

"I am tired," I mumbled looking over at Nick.

"Why don't you stay there and go to bed. I'll be fine until morning," he said.

"You sure babe?" I asked softly. "I miss you."

"If you come here I know you won't get any sleep. So yes, I'm sure," he giggled softly. "Besides I think I can convince Brian to stay here tonight."

"I love you Kevin," I whispered in the receiver.

"I love you angel," he whispered back. The phone went dead and I placed it back on the night stand. I gathered my things that I would need for my shower and headed for the bathroom. Once under the hot water I allowed myself to completely relax. I moaned loudly as I leaned against the wall of the shower. I missed Kevin. He and I usually took our showers together. I missed the way he would hold me while we stood under the water. I missed the musky smell of his body. I missed the sexy way he looked as the water ran over his well toned body. I missed the way he loved to kiss and make love under the water. I missed his thrusts and his groans. I missed the way his cock would fill me completely. I loved his moans and his whimpers as he was overcome with his orgasm. It was a great feeling and one that I missed. I started sobbing and closed my eyes and slid down till I was on the floor. I really don't know how long I was there. But suddenly Nick was at the door with a worried look on his face and the water had turned cold. I was shivering beyond control.

"God Matt!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing to yourself?"

"I want Kevin," I sobbed up at him.

"Come on let's get you out of this cold water into some warm clothes," Nick said as he helped me up. "You are going to be so sick," he scolded me as he dried me off. "What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking," I mumbled. "I just wanted Kevin with me. I want him better and I want him home!"

"He will get better Matt," Nick said softly as he stroked my face. "Now come on, we have to get you something to eat." I followed him down stairs and into the dinning room. He sat me at the table and pushed a plate of food in front of me. I frowned at it and pushed it away. "Matt!" he scolded me again. "You are going to eat something!" Sighing I picked up the sandwich and took a bite out of it. I was surprised that it actually tasted good. I hungrily devoured it.

"What if he is blind?" I asked in a small voice. Nick looked up at me from the other end of the table. "I don't he can make it if he is blind."

"Kevin is strong," Nick said in a voice that told me that he was convincing himself more than he was convincing me. "He has to be able to see again."

"Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?" I asked Nick as I broke out in a huge yawn. He snickered at me and I flipped him off.

"Sorry but that is Kevin's department for now on," he giggled at me. "You're ready to fall asleep." I shrugged my shoulders. "Now look who is trying to stay awake all night."

"But--," I stammered.

"Up stairs, undressed and in bed mister!" he scolded me. I sighed and headed up stairs and into our room. I looked at the bed and longed to see Kevin laying in bed too. He would smile up to me and show me his erection and I would lick my lips and dive into bed and attack him with a hunger. It had become a nightly ritual. I loved sucking Kevin off and he enjoyed it too. After I would suck him off he would suck me off and than make love to me. I wanted that so bad tonight. But the bed was empty and Kevin was across town in the hospital. "Matt?" asked a voice behind me. I turned to see Nick standing there. "You going to be all right alone?" I knew he was offering to stay in the room with me. As much as I wanted to say no I knew that I couldn't. I needed the comfort that came from being held in the arms of another man.

"Please?" I asked him softly. He smiled and took my hand and guided me to the bed. In no time at all we were naked and in bed. He held me in his arms and stroked my hair. "Thank you," I whispered as I snuggled closer to him.

"Any time Matt," he whispered back as he kissed the top of my head.

Nick fell asleep faster than I did. When he was safely asleep I slid out of bed and shuffled across the room and sat down in the chair and watched Nick sleep. I never realized just how good looking he was until just now. Nick was a very attractive man. JC was happy to have him. After sitting up for over an hour I could feel sleep finally trying to overcome me and I climbed back in bed and snuggled up to Nick. He moaned JC's name and tried to kiss me on the lips. "Good night Nicky," I smiled at him kissing him lightly on the lips and closed my eyes and fell into a deep and restful sleep.

The next morning I woke up to something pressing up against me. I opened my eyes and thought of Kevin. Than I realized that Kevin wasn't at home. Than it hit me. Nick was sleeping in our bed. His morning hardon was pressing against me. "Umm Nick?" I squeaked out.

"Mmmmmm JC," he moaned as he ground his cock up against me. "Can I fuck you?"

"No you may not!" I barked at him. "And I'm not JC. Wake up!" Nick's eyes shot open and looked at me in shock. "Good morning Nicky!" I teased him by reaching down and grabbing his cock and gave it a couple of strokes. He glared at me and turned over and slid out of bed and slid on a pair of boxers. I sighed and got up to and slid on a pair of boxers and a pair of Kevin's sweats. I needed to be close to his smell. Nick looked at me and grinned and shook his head. "You're just jealous that you don't have any of JC's clothes around," I snickered at him. I heard the patter of little feet running towards my room. I counted the seconds before the door flew open and a very hyper puppy and an equally hyper child came charging in.

"Pappa's coming home!" he squealed with happiness. I couldn't help but smile. I loved to see Tyler happy. "Good morning Daddy, Good morning Nick!" he grinned up at us.

"Good morning to you too Tyler," I grinned down at him. "You ready for breakfast?"

"I want pancakes and sausage and chocolate milk!" he said grinning.

"Pancakes and sausage yes, but no chocolate milk," I bargained with him.

"Pappa lets me have it," he glared up at me with his hands on his hips. I heard Nick snort back laughter and I elbowed him in the gut. "Pllllleeeaaassee daddy?" he asked with his best pout.

"Ok you can have it this one time," I relented. Tyler squealed with happiness and turned and took off down the hall. Jake tried to catch up with him but failed. He resorted to chasing Tyler down the hall and barking loudly after the toddler.

"Softy!" teased Nick.

"Yea but it is so good to see him happy," I smiled as I headed down the hall. I was happy too. For you see Kevin was coming home today. And I needed a serious Kevin fix.

Ok that is it. I'm so sorry it took me so long to get this out. But with last week's attack and everything going on like crazy in my personal life I am very lucky to get it out now.

E-mail me and let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 16: Get Another Boyfriend 32 33

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