Germany 2006

By Patrick Carter

Published on Jun 23, 2006


The World Cup was nearing and Stewart couldn't be more excited. He had been picked for the England squad and would be going to Germany to represent his country. Over the last few years Stewart progression as a professional footballer had been as good as most and he had become the nation's backup solution on the left-hand side. The team was together for one final training session before they got on the plane to Germany. The session was quite a light-hearted one with everyone relaxing for the main event. The session ended as usual with the customary 5-a-side match. Stewart was playing a light match not putting in too much effort. The ball came to Steven Gerrard who trapped it then flicked it away. Stewart was going in for a normal standing tackle when he slipped and took Steven clean out. Steve rolled around in pain while the rest of the team surrounded him anxiously. He was taken away from the pitch by the physio.

Sven ended the session immediately and took Stewart aside. Sven was so furious with Stewart's behaviour he threatened to remove him from the squad. Stewart was so disheartened when he returned to the dressing room. Everyone else had finished changing and gone home by the time Sven had finished on his little crusade. Stewart began to change out of his kit when he heard someone was still in the bath. Stewart went to investigate. There he found Steven Gerrard sat head back in a bubble bath.

"Stevie. Stevie mate." Steven jumped looking for who had called him. "Oh. Hi Stewart how's it going?" "Not too good. You know after the tackle earlier. Sven had a real go at me. He said maybe I was too immature to be going to the World Cup." "Mate he doesn't know what he's talking about. He's Swedish for crying out loud. Of course you're mature enough and I would love to be in the same team as you." "Thanks mate. I'm sorry about the tackle earlier. I slipped, you know I would never hurt you intentionally. Does it still hurt." "N... yes my thigh hurts quite a bit actually and the physios have all gone home. I think it just needs a massage but there are no specialists here." "I'm sorry. You'll still be fit for the World Cup right?" "Sure." "I would normally ask the girlfriend to give me a rub down but as you're here mate could you do it for me?" "What?!!!" "Guys are much better at massages trust me. Especially male footballers have you ever had a team-mate soothe an injury for you?" "Yeah. Well... kinda." "So could you give me a hand?" Stewart was very excited at by this but he didn't want to seem over eager. "Well since I did it to you, of course." Stewart stood waiting. "Well are you gonna get in then or what?" "Oh. I thought we were gonna go to the medical room." "What's the point in going there. This is a relaxing bath with plenty of space." "Yeah makes sense." "Get in here then." Stewart stripped down to his boxers chucking his clothes aside. He was about to get in... "What are you doing mate?" Stevie pointing at Stewart's boxers. "You can't get into a bath with your boxers on." "Alright fine. Keep your hair on." Stewart slipped out of his boxers and threw them onto the pile with the rest of his clothes. Steve took in an eyeful of Stewart's tight round ass. Stewart hopped into the bath and moved alongside Steve. "So where does it hurt then?" "My right thigh. Could you use those hands to loosen it up for me a bit." Stewart's hands got to work rubbing Steve's hairy thigh. Steve was quietly moaning as Stewart worked his thigh muscle. Stewart was reliving every moment of his mini adventure with his Middlesbrough team-mate Chris Riggott. Thinking of this and Steven's continuous moaning made him rock hard. Luckily he had the bubbles as cover.

Steven thought to himself that he had to make the most of this opportunity. How many chances would he get to see if Stewart Downing was all Steven wanted. "Stewart can you get me my phone quickly. It's in my locker, its open. Stewart hesitated then got out of the bath doing his best to conceal his boner. Stevie sensed he was hiding it and he had his opportunity. Stewart came back with his phone and a towel wrapped around his waist. "Here you go mate." "Thanks. What's with the towel?" "Well for after innit. Don't really wanna have to run around the changing room naked." "Mate there are two people in this compound, me and you. Worried that my cock's bigger than yours." "Steve you're cock ain't bigger than mine." "Oh really. Well mate your towel is being stretched by something and whatever it is it's not as big as what's under here." Stewart was slightly confused by this but Steven had got his man. "Tell you what to prove it I think we should have a little game. This will prove who has the bigger cock and who is the tougher man." "Go on..." "Little game I learnt back in secondary school. We have to sit face to face and jerk each other off. First one to cum has to finish the other one off... with his mouth." "Do you have to swallow?" "Ermmm... yes you do." "Alright come on then small boy. I'll give you a taste of Stewart Downing once you've finished squirting." "Fighting talk. Come on then." Steven left the bath and they sat next to each other legs dangling into the emptying bathtub. "Ha mine is bigger than yours. See I told you." "Alright Stevie you win round one. Lets see whose more of a man." Stewart wrapped his fingers around Steve's 9' rod and Steve did the same to Stewart's 8' pole. Stewart took in Steve's sexy body as he prepared for their duel. "Okay. 3, 2, 1 GO!" the two started beating away on each other's cocks. Stewart started to pull at Stevie's cock as quickly as he could. Steven took a slightly different approach. He was still going quite quickly but he made sure that everytime he went up and down he rubbed Stewart's purple head. Stewart twitched everytime he did this and he was getting aroused much quicker than Steven was. Stewart was checking out as much of Steven's body as he could from the angle he was at. Steven's sexy hairy thighs which led up to his smooth chest which led to his face. Stewart looked straight into Steven's eyes. Steve smiled "Come to me big boy give me what I've been waiting for." Steven kissed Stewart. At first Stewart didn't know what to do then he started to kiss back. Stevie slipped in his tongue and Stewart was in dreamland. He tensed up and cum he felt his cum surge through his body. He shot his load into the air and all over his chest and Steven's hand. One shot even managed to hit Steve in the face. Stewart fell onto his back and he let go of Steven's cock. "You're good man." "How long was it since you last got off?" "About a week ago. Me and Chris... Yeah it was a bout a week ago." "Really so do I know this Chris and what exactly did you do?" "It was nothing alright, just drop it." "Okay. Fine. Just get yourself ready. Go through your stretching exercises. You're about to suck on a monster." Stewart looked down at Steven's cock it looked even bigger now than it did before.

Steven lay back on the cool marble allowing his cock to fall against his chest. "Come on mate I ain't got all day. I been wanting to cum since you were doing those stretches in those shorts before training." "Really?" "I saw your pubes. Damn those shorts you wear, fucking hell. Come on then, suck, suck." Stewart took Stevie's raging boner into his mouth. Stewart slurped on Steven's swollen, precum soaked knob and it didn't take too long for Stevie to fire the rest of his load into Stewart's mouth. Stewart managed to take in the plentiful supply of warm jizz Steve had to offer. Once the orgasm subsided Stewart made sure there was nothing left to come and allowed Steve's cock to flop onto his chest again.

"Fucking hell you do know your way around a cock don't you. Is it something to do with this Chris then?" "Leave Chris out of this." "I know who it is. Its Chris Riggott isn't it?" "It must be." Came a voice from the other side of the dressing room.

Next: Chapter 2

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