Georgia Passion

By Todd

Published on Aug 15, 1999


This story is based on experiences when I was in high school. The characters are fictionalized people, This story is fantasy.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent er, that is the guilty participants. If you are too young to be reading this, go back to the Disney web site. This story is about a sexual relationship between two teenage boys. The author takes no responsibility for what happens if you read this.

Just remember to wipe the monitor off.

Georgia Passion 3

I had a real hard time convincing my parents to let me go on Saturday. They were still pissed off about my fighting at school and my detention. I begged and begged and then tried a new tactic. I tried a logical approach. I explained that Tom and I were sorry for fighting and we were trying to work out our differences and his older brother thought that if we spent some time together getting to know each other, we'd probably become friends. Mom and Dad thought this was a mature way of handling the situation and finally agreed. I guess sometimes you gotta dazzle them with brilliance, (even though I was really baffling them with bullshit). Thursday and Friday dragged on and our detention time was worse. Mr. Wheeler was replaced my Ms. Gunderson. She was one of those uptight feminist types who demanded to be called Ms. It sounded like mizzzzz whenever she said it, like she had a bug caught in her throat. Tom and I had to sit apart and do homework without any talking.

Ken got directions to our house and arranged to pick me up on Saturday at noon. Tom and I had little time together Thursday and Friday. Just enough to steal a quick kiss before Ken picked him up after school. Tom started to shower with us after football practice. I had to set the shower to cold whenever I showered. It was the only way to keep my pecker down. After I kissed Tom Friday just before Ken picked him up, he said to me,"OK, I want this weekend to be special, don't beat off tonight. Save it for me. It'll be more special that way." I didn't know if I could hold out but I promised him I wouldn't beat off that night or Saturday morning. I wasn't able to get to sleep till almost midnight in Friday night. I was too excited. I woke up Saturday morning and started to stroke my morning wood while I laid in bed. Then I remembered my promise to Tom. I pulled my briefs back up and double checked to make sure Kyle was still asleep in the other bed. I got up and took another cold shower. It didn't help much and I was still half hard as I put my jeans on. I finished my chores and waited for Ken. I watched G-Force on channel 17 and zoned out. At about ten after 12, I heard Kens' horn. I grabbed my gym bag and told Mom goodbye. She walked out the door behind me and followed me to the car. She embarrassed me by kissing me goodbye in front of Tom and Ken. I climbed into the backseat and Tom looked back and said, "Does she have one for me too?" and made kissing sounds. I reached up and slugged him in the arm. "Ow", he said. "That hurt!" "Aw poor baby, want me to kiss it and make it well? Or maybe Ken will for you." "Dick." "Yes I have one. Why?" Ken started to laugh and said "Settle down you two or I'll drop you off along the road somewhere." "Yes Dad." we both said at the same time. "Well, what do you want to see tonight?" "Lets try to see Midnight Express. I heard that its pretty good." I said. "We can try to see that one though it's rated R. We might not be able to get in." We turned the radio back up and listened to music on the way to Gainesville. We cranked it up when the song Renegade by Styx came on. All three us us were singing along and flying down the highway.

We made it to the theater and Tom and I gave our money to Ken. He looked older and we figured he would be able to get the tickets for us. He got the tickets without any problems and we went in. We found a seats in the middle and Tom settled in between Ken and I. We watched the previews and I put my hand on the armrest between Tom and I. When the movie started Tom put his hand on top of mine. I looked over and Ken was totally engrossed in the movie. I turned my hand over and we locked our fingers together. I pressed my leg firmly against Toms' and felt great. The movie ended and I remembered my hand was in his so I reluctantly let go. We left the theater and got into the Charger. We drove down the main drag and didn't see many people. After a few times up and down the street. we decided to call it a night. We just enjoyed the music on the radio and cruised home. I got a kick of Ken changing the words to some of the songs. Like when the Knacks' My Sharona came on he changed it to "my big weiner." We pulled up to the farm where Tom and Ken lived and parked next to his dads '65 Chevy truck. Ken showed me his and Toms' room and said "this is where you'll sleep. If you don't mind you can sleep with Tom. I'm pretty sure he doesn't wet the bed any more, but he does fart like crazy." "I do not!" "Oh and I suppose it's the dog that does it huh?" "No, you're the one who farts Ken. You've got the stinkiest butt in the county." "So you've smelled my butt then. And whose else have you smelled to compare it to?" The two brothers kept up this playful arguing till their mom came in and said, "Hey, is this any way to act in front of guests?" "No ma'am" "Alright then, you boys get ready for bed, we have church in the morning." We got ready for bed and I changed in the bathroom into my pajama bottoms. There was no way I could change in front of Ken. I already had a semi-hardon. I usually sleep in my underwear but since I was not at home, I brought my pj's. I was really excited to be sharing the bed with Tom. He was already in his underwear sitting on the bed. Ken slipped out of his jeans and I was surprised he wasn't wearing any underwear. "Isn't that uncomfortable?" "No not really, it feels nice with my jeans rubbing my dick." "Man you are one horny pervert Ken." "Shit, if I was really horny I'd just beat off right now." "You would not." My mouth sometimes moves faster than my brain. "Yeah I probably shouldn't. I don't want you two BOYS getting jealous of my big MAN dick." I couldn't believe what he was saying. "Yeah Ken," I said, "I bet you have to use two hands. One to hold the magnifying glass and one to hold the tweezers. Hahaha!" "Oh shut up needle dick." Tom spoke up, "No, he usually has one hand busy playing with his butthole." "You shut up Shorty!" "So you do huh?" I laughed. Ken turned pale and sat down on his bed. I felt a little sorry that Ken had a very private part of his life exposed to us like that. "Ken.... Ken..." He sat there quietly. "Look bud,I... I sometimes do that too" He looked at me. He was almost in tears. Tom spoke up. "I'm sorry Ken, I didn't mean to hurt you. It just kind of came out." "Why did you tell him that Tom? When did you see me do that?" " I... I... I'm sorry Ken. I really didn't mean to hurt you" Now Tom was crying. I wanted to go over there and hug him he was hurting bad. I also wanted to hug Ken, he was upset too. "Oh great, now you guys think I'm a fag." Tears were in his eyes. "No man I don't. Sometimes I do it too. It makes me shoot like crazy." "Really?" he said with a pleading look on his face. "Yeah I do. How about you Tom?" "Yeah, sometimes I do that too. It get me really hot." he said. "When did you see me?" Ken asked. "A couple of weeks ago I was outside mowing the lawn when mom went to the store. I came inside and heard you groaning in the bed room. You should have closed the door. You were laying there on the bed flogging your meat and had a finger up your butt. You never heard me when I came up to the door. You were so busy getting off you never noticed. It looked like you were really into it so that night I tried it too. I thought I was gonna hit the ceiling." When he said that, Ken busted up laughing. I started to laugh too. Tom blushed and got defensive "Hey what's so funny?" Ken spoke up."I just thought about what you said and imagined Mom asking you, "Hey Tom, could you clean this mess off the ceiling'" I started to laugh even harder.

All three of us laughed some more and we jumped when we heard a knock at the door. "Boys..." it was their mom. "Just a minute Mom, we're changing for bed. "That's OK, just wanted you to quiet down a little." "Ok, we will." Ken said. I was glad she didn't come in. I was getting an erection from thinking about Ken beating off and putting a finger up his ass. Ken noticed and said, "It doesn't look like I'm the only horny pervert here now." Oh God! I covered myself up quickly and turned red. I looked over and Toms' briefs were tented too. I didn't say anything about them but knew why he had a hardon. I looked back at Ken and saw his dick start to grow too. It was huge. Ken saw me looking and said,"Yeah I can't help it, I'm horny too. I guess I'll be in the bathroom for a while." "You don't have to Ken. It's not like I've never seen you do it before." Tom spoke up. "I dunno, I don't want you two to get jealous. Hehehe." "Oh fuck you donkey dick" I said. "Not tonight, I gotta headache." Ken laughed. "Ok,I'll do it if you guys do it too." Ken said. "So you wanna have a circle jerk?" Tom chimed in. "Yeah, and you can be the pivot man Shorty." "I think age before beauty Ken. You should be the pivot man." I joked. Tom walked over and locked the door. Ken walked over and turned the radio on. Then Ken went into the closet. Tom spoke up "The box under the tackle box." Ken said, "You knew where they were?" "Yeah I checked 'em out. I saw you with one the other day and just kept hunting till I found your stash." Ken pulled out a box with a pile of porno mags. They were hardcore, no Playboys here. "Where did you get these?" I asked. "My uncle Josh has about 100 or so. He gets 'em from a bookstore in Chattanooga. I figured he'd never miss a few of them." "Oh man, I've never seen anything like this. Look at her take that dick down her throat. He's as big as you Ken." I was more excited looking at Kens hard cock but feigned interest in the mags. Tom picked up one and dropped his briefs. Oh yeah. It was perfect. Pointing up at a 45 degree angle. Slender shaft with a perfect head. Hairless balls. Kens dick was rock hard too. A long skinny one with a head like a plum. curved a little to the left. Hairy balls and a treasure trail leading to his belly button. Ken had and innie like me. Ken looked at me and said "Ok Tom, you're overdressed for the occasion." I shyly pulled down my pj's and my briefs. My dick sprang up as I did so. Tom looked over and said "Boing." I laughed and grabbed another magazine and started leafing through it. I sat on the bed with Tom next to me. I placed the magazine so I could look at it and him at the same time. He placed his so he could do the same thing. Ken walked into the bathroom and came back out with a bottle. "All we got is some sun tan lotion for lubrication." "That's Ok Ken. I've had to use Crisco in a pinch." "Well Tom, we have some in the kitchen cabinet. Just ask my Mom which one." Ken wisecracked. "Do you want me to get you some too while I'm there? I asked innocently. "No you perv. I don't want her to have a heart attack from laughing too hard at your little dick." "Fuck you." "There you go again with those idle threats." That was the second time he'd come back with an answer like that. I wasn't sure if he was joking or not. I didn't want to make Tom upset so I just filed that thought away for future reference. I mean the idea of doing something with Ken intrigued me but I was more turned on by Tom.

Ken handed me the bottle and I squirted some on my hand. I handed it to Tom and he did the same except when he squeezed it it made a thhhhpt sound. "See I warned you about him farting Tom." Tom threw the bottle at Ken and hit him in the chest. I started laughing and Tom said "Eat me." I winked at him and mouthed to him "Maybe later." I swear his dick grew another half inch right then. I started to slowly stroke my dick and watched Tom do the same. Ken was engrossed in the magazine. every once in a while I saw him take a peek at us and then look back at the magazine. I acted like I was watching the magazine but kept looking at Tom. He was doing the same. After a few minutes of this I looked directly into Toms' eyes. He looked back into mine and I could feel some sort of bond between us kind of like a psychic link. I mouthed the words "I love you." to him. I meant it. He blinked his eyes and I could see the tears forming. He mouthed the words "I love you too." Now I was teary eyed. I felt so good right then. Everything was perfect. I watched him and he watched me. I peeked over at Ken and he was laying back on the bed jerking away with the magazine covering his face. I looked back at Tom and saw the passion and lust on his face. That was all it took. I popped right then. Two spurts hit Tom on the chest, the next one hit his thigh. Tom let go then too. The first one went over my head and some landed in my hair. Then one hit my stomach. Ken was still busy so I took my other hand and scooped up some of his cum from my stomach. I smelled it first. Kind of a bleach smell. Then I looked Tom in the eyes and decided I'd show him how much I loved him. I licked my fingers clean. Tom then put his hand to his chest and repeated the action. It was so hot. I knew I'd have to get some from the source. We were diverted from our shared moment by a grunt of passion from Ken. We both watched as he dumped a load all over his chest. He was thrashing all over the bed. his eyes were closed and he'd dropped the magazine. He stopped shooting and just panted loudly. "Wow guys. That was about the best come I've had. Maybe we can do this again." "Maybe you perv." I said. "Anytime" I thought to myself. Tom went to the bathroom and got a towel for me. He gave me a sheepish grin when I wiped my hair. Then I wiped my stomach and crotch off and handed him the towel. He wiped himself off too and winked at me. Then he threw the towel to Ken. I slipped my briefs back on, no need for pj's now. Tom put his briefs on and pulled down the covers on the bed. I jumped under the covers first then Tom did. Ken strutted over to the light switch and turned off the light. No more words were needed. It was very dark. I heard Ken get under the covers and sigh. I snuggled close to Tom and hugged him. He turned his head and gave me a kiss. I'd never felt so safe and secure as I did lying next to him. I rolled back over (I didn't want to get caught spooning against him) and felt for his hand. I took it and gently caressed it before locking my fingers into his. The sweetness of sleep enveloped me.

More to come soon constructive criticisms accepted, flames ignored

Next: Chapter 4

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