Georgia Passion

By Todd

Published on Aug 12, 1999


This story is based on experiences when I was in high school. The characters are fictionalized people, This story is fantasy. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, er, that is the guilty participants. If you are too young to be reading this, go back to the Disney web site. This story is about a sexual relationship between two teenage boys. The author takes no responsibilty for what happens if you read this. Just remember to wipe the monitor off.

I had moved to Georgia with my parents and was starting 9th grade. The people there were different than back in the midwest. I had to put up with some of the stupid Yankee slurs but those people were in the minority. I went out for football again, and was in the marching band. Fortunately the two didn't clash because I was in JV football and the band performed at the varsity games only. I was in the band and Jv football with Tom, he was about 5'9" tall, dark brown hair and brown eyes. I had noticed when I was in Jr. high that I was attracted to guys. Showering after P.E. and football practice i was always checking out the other guys. Sort of nonchalantly, seeing who had hair, who was bigger, who was uncut, that sort of thing. I noticed the other guys doing the same thing to some degree. Just normal I guess. Some of the guys were afraid to shower, usually they were the ones like Mark who still hadn't gone into puberty. The coach always made sure we got clean. He'd walk in and make sure we all had wet hair to make sure we'd showered.

Well, back to Georgia. I almost forgot, my name is Tom too, at that time I was 5'10" brown hair and hazel eyes. still have the hazel eyes although now I'm 6'1" and blond. (yeah a dumb blond is writing this story) I first noticed Tom in the band room, he was talking to his brother Ken. Ken was on the varsity football team, he was 16 and already 6'1" tall. I'd seen Ken in the locker room, both football teams had practice together on different fields and showered together. Football practice started two weeks before school. I was in Heaven, lots of older guys with all kinds of dicks out on view. Ken was hung well. Tom was one of those who would only change down to his underwear and not shower. I thought his shyness was kinda cute. He didn't have the same big package as his brother. Ken was proud of his dick, he walked aroud the locker room showing it off to everyone. It was skinny and about 6 inches soft. Really hairy balls too. Tom started football practice when school started. He'd been at his uncles house for the summer so he missed the early practices. Ken and I hit it off right away. He played trombone and I played trumpet.

Ken said "Hi Tom" when I walked into the bandroom, Tom on the other hand seemed to be annoyed that I was there. I couldn't figure it out. I was guessing that he was mad that Ken seemed to be hanging around me instead of his little brother. Ken sensed this and said "Hey, what's the problem Shorty?" Tom was very pissed when Ken called him Shorty, he said "I don't see why you hang around with this damn yankee." Ken laughed and said "Hey he's not like most of those Yankees. He's a nice guy." I felt ten feet tall at the time. Tom just scowled and walked off. I asked Ken what the problem was and he just said it must be that time of the month. We both howled and Tom looked back knowing we were laughing about him. I could tell he was angry at me. What I didn't know at the time was he was just as pissed at Ken for calling him Shorty.

A few days passed and i got into my routine at school. I walked to school in the morning, went to my homeroom physical science class then civics, then band, then P.E. The only thing I liked about P.E. was the showers afterward. Our teacher was a BIG woman that we could have sworn was a man. She hated men (or so it seemed). Lunch hour was cool, I often ate with Ken, and Tom sometimes joined us. Then the three of us would go outside and sneak a smoke. Tom still seemed upset having his brother spend time with me. I thought Ken was so cool. He wasn't inhibited at all. He'd tell us stories about getting this girl or that girl to suck his "eight inch wonder" as he called it. He'd also talk about jerking off whenever he was horny. He told us a story about him doing it on the couch and his parents came home early and he was naked on the couch with nothing but a towel he had to clean up with. He said he had to sit there waiting for his dick to go down before he could get back to his bedroon and put some clothes on. I pictured that in my mind, talking to his mom and dad wearing nothing but a towel waiting for his hardon to go down. I was really turned on thinking about it and I popped a boner right there. Ken didn't notice and i didn't think Tom did but I found out later I was wrong.

Two weeks into the school I was coming out of the bandroom when Tom ran right into me. I was almost knocked down and said "watch where you're going Shorty!" His face turned red and he said "don't call me that" and he punched me. I was stunned for a second and then I punched him back. After a few punches we were both on the ground wrestling. Our band teacher came running over and broke us up. He took us both to the principals office for fighting. I was so mad I could barely see straight. The pricipal yelled at us for a few minutes and said "you both know what the punishment is for fighting, two swats and a week of detention" He got up and got this large wooden paddle off the wal that had "Board of Education" burned into it. Tom took his two swats and was a little teary eyed. I took mine and was the same. "Now, both of you shake hands and apologize." We did and I felt a little tingle when I took his hand.

Since we were both in football, we had to take detention after practice. We were the only two there that late. Mr. Wheeler the science teacher was there too. He had heard why we were there and said "Well since you two can't stand each other, I want both of you to sit at this table across from each other. no reading but you two can talk to each other." There was no way I was gonna talk to him, he hit me for no reason. Mr Wheeler left the room to check on an experiment he was running. After 30 min of sitting there across from him I decided I couldn't take any more silence. I said to him, "I don't know why you hit me, YOU ran into ME dammit. I should have hit you first." "You called me Shorty, fuckhead!" "So that's why you hit me?" I asked with a perplexed look on my face. His face got all red and I could tell he wanted to say something but couldn't. I said "Hey, you're not that much shorter than me, I was just calling you the same thing Ken calls you." When I said that, Tom got all teary eyed and mumbled something and dropped his head down. I asked him what he'd said and he repeated "He doesn't call me that because of my height" I was surprised and he really started to cry. I was upset too about how I must have hurt him. I said, "Hey I didn't mean it in that way, I meant your height, I mean you probably have a big dick like Ken's" As soon as I said that I realized I'd opened myself up to him in a way I really didn't want to. I'd be labelled a queer all over the school if he told anyone. He looked up and said to me "You mean you've been checking me out?" Oh God, what do I say, I figured he could probably tell if I was lying since he was staring intently at my face. So I said, "Oh you know, Ken always tells us about how big he is and I figured you ARE related to him so it must be big too." He looked into my eyes and his voice broke when he spoke "No it's not." He was really hurt and I didn't know what to say.

He hung his head down for a minute and I tried to think of the words. so I said to him, "Hey I don't have the biggest one either, I keep hoping it'll grow someday." Then I laughed and he laughed too. I looked him in the eyes and said "Is this why you don't shower with us after football practice?" He meekly said "Yes, I don't want the guys to make fun of me." "No way, after all size isn't everything. its how you use it that counts. What was that saying? 'It's not the size of the wand but the magic of the user'" "Yeah but I haven't got to use it yet" "A cute guy like you?" Oh God, me and my big mouth. "You think I'm cute?" "Yeah in a plain sorta way" (I've got to get out of this mess I talked myself into) "Fuck you! You said I was cute, I guess you HAVE been checking me out!" I turned bright red and was speechless. Tom noticed and then he laughed, "That's OK, I've been checking you out too" WHAT! He's been checking me out? I just stammered, "UHHH, UMMM,UHHH," "Come on spit it out, or swallow if you like that better" I gulped and then he started to roll off his chair laughing. "I guess you like swallowing better!" Then I fell off my chair laughing. "Fuck you" "Not here" I looked into his eyes and knew he wasn't joking. I turned red again and he smiled. "So you have thought about fucking me." "Well, OK, you got me, now I suppose you're going to tell everyone in school." "No, I won't, but only if I get to fuck you too." he said slyly.

Mr. Wheeler came back into the room then and said "Well I guess you two have finally worked it out. I always make students who fight sit across from each other in detention. Most of the time they end up working their problems out. I'm glad you two seem to have taken care of your problems. You can leave detention 20 minutes early. I want to go home too." I grabbed my gym bag and Tom grabbed his and we headed out the door. Tom smirked, "Ken won't be here for 15 min or so, I need to find something to do." I looked at him and said "The lawn equipment shed next to the football field!" We both ran down the hall and out the doors. I had seen that the custodian never padlocked the door on the equipment shed, it would have been difficult to steal the huge mower anyway. We only had 10 min left till Ken was supposed to pick him up, so we had to hurry. Tom closed the door and walked over to me. He started shaking. I rubbed his back and asked "What's the matter?" He looked at me with those big brown eyes and said, "I've never had sex before." "Well Tom, neither have I unless you count Rosie Palm and her five daughters" He giggled and I laughed too.I said, "I don't think we have enough time." "Well then just kiss me" I leaned over and kissed his cheek. Then I gave him a peck on the nose. He tilted his head up to catch my lips and we bumped noses. I gently sucked on his upper lip and wrapped my arms around his back. He whimpered and launched his mouth on top of mine. I'd kissed girls before but never a french kiss. His toungue gently probed my mouth and I got the idea. I sucked on his tongue like I wanted to suck on his dick. He reached around and grabbed my ass and squeezed. I pressed harder onto his face. It was if time stood still. I could feel his hard member straining in his pants poking me under the balls. I broke off the kiss and looked down and said "Doesn't look like Shorty to me." He gave me a look that melted my heart. Then he launched into another kiss. Then he started sucking on my tongue. I thought I was gonna cream my fruit of the looms right there. After a few minutes I said "We gotta go, Ken will be here any minute and you can't ride home with a boner like that." "OK but I wanna do more soon." We opened the door and walked out after adjusting ourselves. we both carried our gym bags in front of our crotches. I mussed his hair and turned to walk toward home. Tom called out. "I'll see more of you tommorow." then he laughed. I fairly floated home that evening. A million things running through my head. I couldn't wait till tommorow.

More to come soon contructive criticisms accepted, flames ignored

Next: Chapter 2

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