George and the Boss

By Pigmstr

Published on Apr 24, 2023



He knew what the ropes were for. He was going to be trussed up like a turkey... and then stuffed.

Ten minutes later, George was indeed trussed up - James had placed two pillows in the middle of the bed and ordered George to lie across them facing the bottom of the bed. He did, raising his big plump ass up in the air. James then took two of the ropes and lashed George's wrists to either side of the bed, securing them underneath to the bed's legs. George now couldn't move his arms and his wrists to protect himself. Another two pieces of rope were used to secure George's legs, lashing each one to either side of the headboard. He was now spreadeagled, defenseless, his ass on display. He was sweating again. His cock was as stiff as a board, trapped underneath him.

"Wait here." said James, getting off the side of the bed and walking off to the bathroom. George watched him exit the room. He couldn't move, so he could do nothing but wait...

James returned carrying a transparent plastic bowl, which he placed next to George's face. He then picked up George's underwear, and used a pair of scissors to cut each side seam. He manipulated the material so that the middle part of the underwear, the part that had been under his ass and his crotch, the part that George just knew had absorbed the taste and smell of his own ass and his cock, into a knotted ball.

George asked, "Sir, what are you going to do...?"

"Wait and see... "

James dropped the knotted ball part of his shredded underwear into the glass bowl. Then he climbed onto the bed and got shakily to his feet.

"Watch Pig, don't you fucking dare turn away or I will make the punishment worse."

George still didn't know what was going to happen. He didn't want to find out.

James took hold of his cock with his right hand and aimed it at the plastic bowl.

No, though George, surely he's not going to...

James' bladder opened, and a jet of piss splashed into the bowl, soaking the shredded underwear. It splashed over the bedclothes, George inhaling the stench of urine. He tried to move out of the way as James moved the aim of his cock...

James pissed on George's face. George clamped his eyes shut as he felt the hot piss from James splash against his cheek and drip down his face, into his moustache, over his lips. He held his mouth closed, desperate not to allow the disgusting liquid in. The smell filled his nostrils.

James changed aim again and continued to fill the bowl till all of the knotted part of the underwear was covered. Then he lifted his cock slightly and walked towards the bathroom again. George could hear James emptying the rest of his bladder. He opened his eyes. He wished he could wipe his face clean. He felt filthy. He could feel that the pillows underneath him were slightly moist.

George realised that his cock, trapped underneath him, was drooling. He had found being pissed on arousing. He truly was becoming a Pig, he thought.

"I said I would give you a drink later, didn't I?" said James, climbing onto the side of the bed next to his helpless captive, one hand squeezing the round ass of George, the other taking more swigs from the lager can.

"Gonna let that piss get soaked up a bit, then you can have some. Now, you and me are going to watch the rest of the video, Pig... it really gets me in the mood. You lay there and think about what you are... and what you are gonna get very shortly..."

George struggled with the ropes, but he was unable to get free. But he continued to watch the video, the guard on the screen continuing to suck on James' dick. James would sometimes stroke his fingers into George's asscrack, over his tight virgin asshole. This made George shudder and moan.

James, on screen, pushed forward, pushing the guard backwards onto the cucumber impaled up his ass. The cucumber got pushed further into his asshole. The wet patch on the crotch of the guard's trousers got larger. The guard's hands were clawing at the air, secured tightly behind his back, as he came once more in his trousers.

George cleared his throat and tried to clear his mind, but it was no use. He moaned again as his mind became ever more stimulated. Even the smell of James' piss in the bowl next to his face was turning him on.

Finally, George looked at the screen and saw James grab hold firmly of the guard's head, pushing his cock all the way in as he came. The guard was choking as James shot his load into his mouth, his cheeks expanding to contain the hot sticky liquid, but failing so it dribbled down his chin through his beard. George wanted to be the guard, swallowing James' lovely spunk.

James slapped George hard on his ass, the sound echoing through the room. George gasped. The TV screen turned to static as the video ended.

"Well, I think it's time you took your punishment, don't you, Pig?" James asked, climbing off the bed and walking towards the TV. He switched the TV off and the screen went dark. James then walked to the bedroom door and left the room.

George was now pulling wildly on the ropes holding him in place, careful not to disturb the bowl of piss next to his face. It was no use, he was well and truly tied down and he was going to have to take whatever James had planned for him.

Oh my God ! thought George - he's going to get a cucumber !

Luckily for George, he didn't. James returned seconds later, wheeling something tall and large into the room, which he placed a the foot of the bed in front of George. He undid some clips on it, George watching partly in fear and partly in curiosity, and the device split into three large pieces. These were wheeled to either side of the bed, in George's line of vision.

James turned the devices round, to reveal three mirrors. No matter which way George looked, he would see himself, he would see the look on his face as he was punished and then worse.

"Sir, please, I beg you..." he started, struggling once more with his bonds.

"Yeah, I like that, Pig, keep begging, really gets me going..." James walked towards the suitcase that George had left open on the floor. George had seen what was in that suitcase when he had removed the ropes earlier on. Some of the items were were shaped like cocks... big cocks. But there was another item in there that he was dreading more.

James stood up holding the big black leather belt in his hands.

"You're in trouble now Pig..." he said with a smirk.

"Please Sir, please, I'll do anything, please..." came the plea for the wriggling helpless bound older man.

"You don't have to do anything but take it." said James, as he draped the belt over George's raised backside. George could smell the leather from where he lay, the scent mixing in with the scent of his sweat and James' piss. He was becoming intoxicated again.

James moved round and picked up the bowl, placing it on the floor, then picked up the unsodden material that was hanging out of both sides.

George watched intently - he knew what was coming next. He would get his drink.

James tied the piss-soaked underwear around George's mouth as a makeshift gag, forcing the knotted ball part into his mouth and then pulling it tightly back till it was forced back over his tongue towards the back of his mouth, then securing the rest of it behind his neck. George had struggled like a bucking bronco, desperate not to have it anywhere near him, but James was too strong and had two free arms. George had coughed and spluttered as he tasted his boss' urine, and the various flavours from his own ass and cock soaked deeply into the material. It filled his head with further sensations.

James laughed at the sight of his helpless, chubby captive, tied spreadeagled and gagged on the bed, his arse raised in the air. He picked up the belt.

"Now, about that money you stole..."

He raised the belt. George looked away and caught sight of himself in the mirror to his right. He could see the belt going higher and higher...

He heard a swish as the belt was brought down, and then...


George screamed into the gag and tried to break free as a strip of fire exploded across his backside.

"MMMMMMFFFFF !" he cried.

James raised the belt again.


"MMMMPPPHHHH, MMMMPPPHH !" mumbled George, incoherent behind the gag as another strip of heat burned across his buttocks. He fought with all his strength to get free but couldn't. His eyes started to water.


"MMMMMPPPHHH!" George hoped that someone could hear him and would save him... oh please God let someone save him !


By now George was in agony - he thought that the spanking earlier on had been bad enough, but this...




"Enjoying it, Pig?" asked James, stopping the assault.

George turned to look at James, shaking his head, his face was red with shame, anger and discomfort, and he was breathing heavily.

"Mmmppph ! Nommmm ! Nmmmmppph !" George couldn't get the words out. And all he could taste was cold piss.

"That doesn't cover what you took, and the risk I'm taking covering up for you..." said James, raising the belt once more. "Another six?"

George shook his head harder, then clenched his face and closed his eyes.

The belt came down with a swish and a


"MMMM... MMMMPHH ! MMMPPPHH ! MPPPPH !" came the sound from the old man strapped to the bed, his buttocks becoming redder and hotter.


George wondered what sort of sadist James was, a man without... mercy. That word made George's balls tingle. He didn't know that he was doing it, but he was wiggling his buttocks from side to side in a very sleazy way. James could see it, in fact James was loving watching it.


"MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Another strip of fire. George thought that his buttocks must be smoking, they felt so hot !




"MMMMMMMPPPHHH!" George looked away from James to the mirror opposite. He could see the belt marks on his backside. They were angry and red.

"Did you ever get spanked at school for being a naughty Boy, Pig?" James asked.

George turned to him and shook his head.

"Mmmm... mmmpph...SMMmmr..." he replied. He didn't know if James could make out what he was trying to say, or if he even cared.

His ass was stinging as James reached down with his free hand to touch George's red ass. He very gently caressed each sore buttcheek with his fingers, feeling the intense heat coming off each one.

This was another new sensation for George, electrical tingling throughout his ass. He moaned and wriggled as he drank in the feeling. He realised that, somethere down deep inside, he was enjoying this, painful as it may be.

"Twelve more, Pig..." said James, lifting the belt once more.

George held his breath and tried not to think of what was to come...







The room was filled with the cries of the old man as his ass was blistered and the sound of leather making contact with his soft chubby meaty ass.







George managed to glance at the clock - 7:58pm. His punishment had been going on now for some time, his buttocks felt red hot and sore, his cries for mercy unanswered, his eyes stinging with pain. But his cock was as stiff as a board under him. He wanted to shoot his load again, his balls had tightened up and his spunk was churning in them. Although he wasn't counting out the strokes as he hadn't been asked to, and he couldn't because of that foul-tasting gag stuffed in his mouth, he was counting them in his head.

James had given him 50 strokes of the belt, then threw the belt down to the floor and returned to his can of lager that was on the bedside table.

"Thirsty work this," he said with a smirk. George looked back at him. He wished he wasn't gagged so he could tell James just what he thought of him. His ass was stinging like he had been stung by a hive of bees.

"Well, Pig, that's your punishment taken care of," said James as he took another swig. "Your ass is covered in some great welts, Pig, they will last you a while... you'll remember this each time you sit down for the next week." He took another drink of lager, spitting it over George's tortured ass. The cool liquid felt good as it soothed his welts.

"And now, for your reward..."

He took another swig and placed the can back down on the bedside table.

And with that, James climbed onto the bed, climbed between the older man's stretched out legs, held open his buttocks, and spat the contents of his mouth over George's asscrack.

"Time to get fucked."


Next: Chapter 6

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