George and the Boss

By Pigmstr

Published on Apr 18, 2023



"Mmmmmm" came the reply as George revelled in the pleasure of wanking himself off whilst licking his boss' ass. He knew it was wrong, he knew it was depraved, he was blushing and he was embarrassed, but my God he was enjoying it ! He felt that he was truly a 'Pig' ! He continued to pound away at his cock, enjoying the sensation as he fisted his shaft up and down, faster and faster, his balls churning as he got closer to the edge.

"You fuckin' love that... don't ya Pig?" said James in between grunts of sheer pleasure.

George pulled his head away from James' arse, and without thinking, uttered:


"That's the spirit !" cried James.

George blushed for what seemed the umpteenth time and stuck his face back into James' rear. Was he meant to be enjoying this? What would Barbara think if she saw him now, naked and wanking as he licked another man's bum? What was James doing to him to make him act this way, like some old pervert? What would they say down at the golf club if they knew he was aroused and enjoying this experience? Strangely enough, the thought of this turned him on even more. It made him pump his cock even harder whilst trying to push his face even further into James' ass.

That single thought lingered in his head, replaying over and over as his balls began to tighten. It was all George needed to push him over the edge, and with a roar like a wounded rhino, he came, yellow globs of spunk spewing forth from his spasming cock onto his thighs and over his hand. He tried to silence his cries of orgasm by burying his face into James' ass, his tongue pushed into the younger man's asshole. He pumped away at his dick like he was having a fit, the sensation of cumming flowing throughout his body.

James moaned and groaned as he felt the warm wet tongue invade his ass and George's rapid breathing over his buttocks.

"Fuck yeah, Pig, you fucking love it !" he cried, as George shuddered and moaned softly behind him.

George was otherwise still, wrapped up in the pleasure shooting through his body as his cock emptied the remaining contents of his balls onto the carpet and began to soften. He had never had an orgasm like that ! His heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest.

Finally, James pulled his ass away from George's face. George's eyes were closed but his tongue was stuck out, and his barrel chest and big belly were inflating and deflating as he breathed hard.

"What do you say Pig?" James asked, his own cock dripping pre-cum. He had wanted the rimming to last longer, but poor old George came quickly. Poor bastard probably hadn't shot his load in years... decades even !

"Sir...uh...thank you, thank you Sir... I never..." George was struggling to catch his breath. He was red faced and hot with sweat. He didn't know what he was trying to say, but he felt he had to say something.

"Calm yourself down, Boy. I think you need to catch your breath." James held a hand out to the man on his knees. "Get up and get onto the bed. I'll get us something to drink." James helped George to his feet and then left the room. George caught sight of the alarm clock next to the bed. It was only 6:47pm - he had only been here 45 minutes ! Still, at least Barbara wouldn't be wondering where he was...

George clambered shakily onto the bed, noticing how sticky the cum was on his thighs and his hand. He debated whether to wipe it off, then thought that James might like him that way... sticky. Yuk ! He noticed that the duvet that was covering the bed had been taken off and was draped over a chair on the other side of the room. And the sheets felt weird, kind of...slick. What the hell were they made of... rubber?

He heard footsteps on the stairs, and the door was pushed open. James entered carrying a can of lager, one of which he swigged from. George asked where his was.

"Don't worry, you can have yours in a bit." said James as he walked towards the TV in the corner of the room. He switched it on, bending down as he did so, and George got a good look at the ass he had just been studying so very closely and intimately with his tongue. He felt a strange tingling in his balls.

The TV flickered to life as the screen began to show what appeared to be some sort of movie. James climbed up on the bed next to George and reached over to rub his big belly.

George was glued to the screen, watching the man in the movie. He was dressed up as a security guard or something. A big bear of a man, he was on his knees in full uniform, his wrists bound behind his back. His head was bobbing up and down on a cock...

George knew whose cock it was.

James' hand was now roaming through the hairs on George's chest, rubbing over his nipples, which were hardening. And George's cock was twitching as it started coming to life again. George turned to James.

"Keep watching, Pig." James' other hand was going the other way, towards his cock. George swallowed hard and tried to think of something that would take his mind off the fact his cock was slowly coming back to life...

George turned again to the TV. He noticed that the rear seam of the security guard's uniform trousers had been split open. His big hairy ass was slightly visible through the split in the material, so George guessed he was wearing no underwear, and something big and long and green was sticking out of that ass... a cucumber !

George's cock was swelling up...

James had now grabbed hold of George's semi-hard cock and was teasing it back to life. George moaned as he was stimulated both by the thought of the big man on screen sucking on that dick, and the very same owner of that dick playing with his cock.

"His name was Frank, at least that's what he told me..." said James innocently. "Met him on a website, he said he was married but curious about being dominated by another man. Turns out he rather enjoyed it, or at least the spanking anyway. Surprising how many big men do...Had a massive hard-on as I slapped his ass."

George moaned. "Uhh... yes, yes Sir."

James continued. "Didn't want to be fucked though, made that very clear, nothing like that, just a good spanking and some domination... but as you can tell, I make the rules, so as he was tied up anyway, I got a bit carried away and... well you can see what I did." He pointed at the screen at the vegetable shoved in the guard's backside.

"Did he...oh...did he stop you, Sir?" asked George with a big groan as James's hand rubbed over the tip of his cock. James' other hand was rubbing each of George's nipples in turn, making them stiff. George didn't even know that nipples could go hard. He certainly didn't know that he would enjoy it...

"Turns out he fucking liked it after all. As he blew my dick, he shot his load in his trousers. Since I had it all recorded on video, he wasn't gonna tell anyone. Fucker went back to his wife, then moved out of the area six weeks later. Maybe if he wants to come back and beg me, I'll train him to take my cock up his arse like a good boy... like you will."

"Sir..." George said. His cock was getting stiff again, but he still didn't fancy getting fucked by James. His cock said otherwise.

"I see you like the thought of that, eh?" James asked jokingly.

"Sir, not really..."

"You will, Pig, you will love it, I know you will."

George shook his head.

"Please Sir, I don't mind sucking your cock again, but I beg you..." George moaned loudly as James rubbed that sweet spot on the tip of his cock. He looked towards the TV to see the guard's trousers suddenly become darker at the crotch. George wondered what his spunk tasted like. His cock twitched in James' grip. By now George's cock was stiff again. George didn't know why this was, in fact it was a miracle that he had gotten hard the first time.

"You'll suck my cock again, don't you worry about that..."

"Sir... are you videoing me?" George asked suddenly. He wondered where the camera was.

"Do I need to...?"

"No, no Sir." he pleaded. It was bad enough doing these perverted things, and for him to enjoy it, but he didn't want it to be filmed for God knows who to watch it.

James laughed at him. "I gave you two options right at the beginning. You could have gone home to your fat drunk cow of a wife and I would get you arrested for theft, you would go to prison and then you would end up being some psycho's bitch, or..."

George scratched his head.

"...or you would come here and do exactly as I say." James stared at the older man. "You made the choice. You must have secretly wanted to come here and be my Pig for the evening..."

George stared at his feet. Then he looked up slightly and below his big fat belly he could see his small but hard cock, marked where James had caught it with the whip earlier on. He was so confused. Was he enjoying the fact he was being ordered about and abused by a gay man...?

He looked over at the man lying next to him on the bed.

"Well?" asked James impatiently.

" mean, Sir, I don't know." George rubbed his face and wiped the sweat from his bald head.

"You are a straight man, George. But you really get off from being ordered about by me, and you get off doing things you find a bit... depraved."

George slowly nodded.

James let go of George's cock, which was now standing to attention again. He turned his attention to both of George's nipples, pinching and tweaking them now with both hands. This made George's cock twitch and begin to drool. George fought the craving to moan in pleasure... and lost. His hands, which were stuck down rather awkwardly at his sides, were clenching the bedsheet.

"You seem to have sticky thighs, Pig... and a sticky hand... clean up your mess, Pig, show me just how much you like eating cum, even your own." James ordered, his fingers pinching George's nipples as he spoke.

George lifted his right hand up to stare at it. He looked at James, then the hand. His spunk was visible, drying and clammy on his palm. He put his hand to his mouth and stuck out his tongue.

He licked his hand clean.

George was surprised at the taste. It didn't taste as good as James' spunk did, but it was OK. He couldn't believe what he was doing.

"And your legs."

"Yes Sir" said George, as he reached down with the same hand, scooping up first the spunk on his left thigh, and then the right, each time bringing it up to his outstretched tongue so he could clean his sticky palm and fingers. He felt disgusting doing this, eating his own sperm, but his cock was stiff as a board, not to mention his nipples, which were pink and stiff after being worked on by James' fingers.

"Does it taste as good as mine, Pig?" James asked, choosing that precise moment to increase the pressure on each nipple between his fingers. George could feel James' stiff cock rubbing against his thigh, leaving a sticky trail of pre-cum.

"No Sir, yours tastes better, Sir." said George. His cock twitched again at the thought of eating James' spunk... and his own.

"Good Boy. Mine will always taste the best..." James relinquished his grip slightly. "Now you've got cleaned up, I think we should watch the rest of the video and then you can receive your punishment... don't you?"

George nodded as he sucked on his sticky fingers to removed every last drop of his cum. He wasn't sure about the punishment he was going to receive, but he was enjoying watching the video. God knows why...

"So, reach underneath the bed and pull out the suitcase that's underneath."

George climbed off the bed and bent down on one knee, reaching under the bed. He pulled out a large grey suitcase. He looked up at James.

"Open it and take the ropes out."

"Yes Sir." George gulped. He knew what the ropes were for. He was going to be trussed up like a turkey... and then stuffed.


Next: Chapter 5

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