Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Dec 11, 2003


This is my first attempt at fiction. I have a very special friend. She is a second year UNI student in London. We first met on line a week before her 18th birthday. She was a scared little girl that was not sure if she was gay or not. Now she is a proud woman living with her lover and enjoying her life. This is a fantasy we have shared. I hope you enjoy it.

I am Genny.

When I travel to London there is a bar that I like to spend an evening in. It is called Billies, and it is womyn only. I like it because it is comfortable, the women there are friendly, and the music is to my taste and the bartender is an outrageous flirt. Sometimes I just sit and listen to the music. Sometimes I get a booth with a view and take in the eye candy. All day long I have known that tonight I wanted more. Tonight I want to meet someone and bring her back to my hotel room.

I am wearing an off white linen pant suit. It was expensive and I had it tailored in a man's cut. I am wearing a mans white shirt with the top four buttons open. I am wearing a man's tie that is tied loosely around my neck. And...I am packing. I can feel the harness against my skin and the dildo down my right leg excites me.

I have been there an hour when you and Jessy come in. I don't notice you at first, you sit at the bar and order a couple of drinks. When I heard you laugh I focused in on you. You are wearing a light summer cotton dress. You look so fresh and young I am stunned by how pretty you are. Jess is wearing a pair of shorts and a belly top. Her flat tummy and cute belly button are just begging to be kissed. It is obvious that you two are together. It is equally obvious how you feel about each other. Your eyes never leave her. When she talks to you she lets her hands run up and down your arms. She looks into your eyes and strokes your cheek with the back of her hand. You look like the happiest girl in the world.

After watching for a few minutes i walk up and take an empty space next to jessie. I order a drink and the bartender stands and talks to me for a minute. She tells a very dirty joke about horny red heads. I laugh and run my hands thru my red hair and tell her "That ain't the half of it." Jess starts to laugh too and says something about pretty red haired Irish girls. I turn to her and we start to talk. She introduces me to both of you and I put out my hand to shake yours. I like the feel of it, small in my hand, like a little bird. I get my drink and we keep talking. Exchanging the usual info that strangers share. While we are getting to know each other I watch how you react to Jess. You seldom take your eyes off of her and when she touches you, you lean in and press against her hand like a cat when it is petted. I half expect you to purr.

The second drink is going down when I ask Jess to dance. I can see I surprised you, but Jess never misses a beat and says yes. We walk out on the floor and turn to each other. I put my arms around her and pull a little. She has her hands on my shoulders and intends to hold me at a respectable distance. This is ok with me because I really wanted to talk to her alone. We dance and are both enjoying the nice music. I ask her how long you two have been together and she says "about 13 months, but we just moved in together last summer. We talk about her classes at Uni and how you are going there too this year. The end of the song is coming so I know I have to ask before we go back to the bar. I swallow and say, "I would like to take Mary home with me tonight." I am watching her face for a reaction. At first it shows surprise, then it hardens and she starts to pull away from me. I hold on and say "Wait, please." I feel her relax but she is still looking at me with hard eyes. "I don't want to steal your girlfriend. I don't want to have an affair. I just want to bring her back to my room and let her have an adventure. I promise not to do anything that she doesn't want to do." It is hard to tell what Jess is thinking. She looks over to you at the bar and says, "She has never been with anyone else but me." I say again, "This is only an adventure. I promise." Jess gives me a look that speaks volumes about how she really feels about you and then says, "Only if it is ok with Mary, and if she comes home with tears, I will track you down and hurt you." I smile back at her and tell her that I would never do anything to hurt you and that it will probably be me that has the tears when you go back to her.

We walk back to the bar. Jess takes a seat on the other side of you and I take the one she was in before. We order another round and the conversation is friendly. At the bottom of the drink I ask you to dance. You quickly look over to Jess for a reaction. She just smiled and gave her head a little nod. We got up and I put my hand on the small of your back to lead you out. I looked back at Jess and I think she had a look that was between pride and fear. I lead you to the far end of the dance floor and put my hands around your waist. Your hand went up around my neck and we started to sway to the music. It felt good to dance and as we did we moved a little closer. I pulled your hips in to me and I knew you could feel my dildo press against your leg. You felt warm and good in my arms. You were relaxed and I could feel you press back against me just slightly. We made small talk and when the song ended I asked you to stay and dance and dance again. You smiled up at me and said "Yes." I pulled you closer this time so my toy was pressed against your sex. I was waiting to see what you were going to do. You gave a little sigh and kept dancing. I could smell your hair and the fresh skin of your neck. I whispered in your ear that "This feels really nice." You nod your head against my shoulder and pull even closer to me. I know I have to make my move before the song ends so I whisper "Mary, I want you to come home with me." I am waiting for you to respond but you just keep dancing like you didn't hear me. I repeat what I just said and tell you I have a room not far from here. I press the strap-on firmer against you to make my point. You look up at me and say, "Jess would never let me." I tilt my head to the bar and say, "She says it is up to you." I can see the surprise in your eyes at that and you turn your head towards the bar. Jess is standing there holding her purse. She smiles at you and throws you a kiss. Then she turns and walks to the door. You start to pull away from me to run after her. I hold you tight and say "It's ok. I promise. She wants you to have this adventure. this is one night only." You have the look of a scared little girl and I want to pet you and tell you that you are safe. If you ran right then I would just let you go. The last thing I would ever do is to hurt you. you look back up to me and I hold you close and we continue to dance. I know you are a little confused. We dance and after a minute I can feel you relax again in my arms. When the song is done we walk back to the bar, grab your purse and move over to a booth. Another drink is ordered and we sit and talk. I tell you how pretty I think you are and that this evening is just for you. I won't do anything that you don't want, and at any time you want to leave it is ok. You put your hand on mine and smile at me. My heart melts.

We have been sitting in the booth for a while. We have gone from talking to lightly touching to some very nice kissing. A soft sexy song starts to play and I bring yu back out on the dance floor. This time you are the one that pulls me in close and adjusts herself so the strap-on firmly against her little pussy.

When the song ends I turn to the booth but you say you have to go pee, and you will meet me back there. you start to turn but I hold your hand tight. You look at me I give you a smile and lead you towards the back of the bar and the rest rooms. When we enter there are two women in there looking in the mirror. I walk right past them and step into a stall. I still have your hand and pull you in with me. Your cheeks are blushing, but you come in past me. I close the door and we are alone in the little booth. The two women outside are talking but I am not listening to them. I turn to you and nod,"Go ahead, pee." You blush again ad reach up under your dress and with both hands you pull your panties to your knees. You hold up the back of your dress and sit down. I kneel down in front of you and run my hands up your legs until they are touching your panties stretched between you knees. I look you in the eye and with a smile I lower the panties to your shoes. My hands come back up your legs and I can feel you give a little shiver as goose bumps break out on your legs. I move the bottom of your dress up. I slide it slowly, never breaking eye contact with you. I push it up to your waist and have you hold it there so you are exposed to me. You are smiling and blushing at the same time. I have never seen anything so cute in my life, I put my hands on your knees and gently spread your legs. There you are...Your pussy is right before me, covered in light brown hair. Our eyes lock and i whisper, "Pee." You give a cute little grunt and after a few seconds you start. My head is swirling. There is so much I would like to do. Mmmmm. To reach down and let my fingers play with you as your warm pee splashes over them. Then when you are done to have you stand and let me clean you with my tongue. Mmmmmm but I am afraid I might scare you off, so I just sit and watch. When the last drip has fallen you start to reach for the paper. I stop you and pull out of my pocket a white handkerchief. I reach between your legs and gently dab you dry. I spend more time than is needed to get every drop. The last thing I do is wipe from the bottom of your slit to the top. I make sure I give your clit a light rub and can hear you breath in as I do. We are staring deep in each others eyes. Your face is flushed with excitement. I bring the damp handkerchief out and bring it to my lips. I give a light kiss on the wet spot, and then slip it into my pocket. I reach down to pull up your panties but decide to slid them down and off. I bring them up to my nose and breath in deep. We share a smile and I put them in with the handkerchief. I help you stand. We are both excited that we can smell the scent of pussy mingled in with the smell of pee. I open the stall door and there is one women at the sink fixing her lipstick. She sees us both coming out of a stall and smile at us in the mirror. You look down at the floor and blush like a schoolgirl caught doing something naughty. I meet the woman's eye in the mirror and as we leave I give her a wink.

When we get back to the booth I ask you if you would like another drink. You lean in to me and whisper, "No." Then you kiss me on the ear and bite the lobe. My nipples stiffen even more against my shirt and I say, "Let's go." We are out the door and I call for a cab. When it pulls up I open the door for you and couldn't help but admire your cute butt as you were climbing into the cab. Knowing that I was holding your panties im my pocket made it that much more tempting. I reached out and pressed my palm against your firm cheek. You stopped climbing in and pressed back against my fingers. I heard you give a little laugh and felt you wiggle you ass against me. A big smile spread across my face... This was going to be fun.

When we finally got into the cab I told the driver where my hotel was. I knew we only had about ten minutes until we would be there. I put my arms out and you slid over to me and I held you tight. Your face turned up to me and we kissed. I loved the feel of your sweet lips against mine. You opened your mouth a little and I let my tongue slip inside you. You sucked it hard and then bit down gently on it. Goose bumps raised on the back of my neck. Your hand slid across my lap and grabbed the dildo going down my leg. Yu gave it a couple of good pulls, then you broke our kiss and whispered, "Is this for me?"

I smiled down at your face and said, "Yes. Tonight that is all for you."

You gave me a little smile and a moan. You started to jerk it off like you would a real cock. Every time you pulled it away from me and then let it snap back, it hit against my pussy, and increased my arousal. My nipples were hard against the white shirt and you leaned in and took one in your mouth. You rolled it between your lips for a minute and then brought your teeth to it to give me a gentle bite. This time I was the one to moan. I looked up and the driver was watching us in the mirror. His eyes were fixed on us like his life depended on it. You saw me looking up and probably guessed by the look on my face what was happening. You let go of my nipple and asked, "Is he watching?"

I nodded my head "Uh huh."

You kept stroking my cock. "Good."

We pulled up to the hotel and the driver weakly said "We're here."

I opened the door and held out my hand to help you out. You gave me a bad girl smile and slid across the seat, making sure your dressed rode up to your hips. You came out of the cab legs first, wide apart, I could see to heaven. I held your hand tight as we entered the hotel. Crossing the lobby towards the elevators, the girl behind the counter called out, "Miss McCain."

I looked over and there was little blonde Shiela. She smiled her best pussy licking smile and said, "I had seen from the register that you are staying with us again tonight. Is there ANYTHING I may do for you this evening?"

I smiled back at her and raised your hand in mine. "Not tonight dear, I have everything I need."

The elevator was just opening up. We slipped inside and I punched the number 4. As the door was closing I noticed you were looking out across at Shiela. When we were alone you asked, "Friend of yours?"

I laughed and pressed you back against the rear wall. "Just a diversion."

We kissed in the elevator until we heard the fourth floor ding and we slowed down. "Is that what I am tonight? Just a diversion?"

I took your face in my hands and said, No my lamb. Tonight we are going to have an adventure, but I promised Jess that I would have you home tomorrow and that I would not be seeing you ever again."

We walked hand in hand down the hall. There was an older man coming down the hall towards us and you started to pull hour hand from mine. I held tight. The man was staring at us as he passed. I was beaming having you with me but you had your head down and I think you were a little embarrassed. We finally got to the room and I opened it. We were finally there.

The room was nothing special, clean, with a king size bed and a couple of chairs. I let you enter first and then came up behind you and wrapped you in my arms. I made sure the dildo pressed against your butt, and I buried my face in your hair. I breathed you in deep and kissed your neck. You tilted your head to give me access to the side of your face and your throat. I covered the whole area with kisses. Then concentrated on your little ear. I kissed it and nibbled on the lobe. You gave a sexy sigh and I slid the tip of my tongue into your ear. You giggled and I could feel your ass start to press back against my toy. We stood there in the near dark for a few minutes enjoying the feel of each other. Then I took a half step back and reached for the buttons on the back of your dress. From the locations of the buttons and the location of the holes I guessed that Jess must of had to help you get into this. I wondered how she could bring herself to ever cover up something so pretty. You stood very still while I undid your dress. When the last button was undone, it was just hanging from your shoulders. I moved back up close to you and kissed, then bit your shoulder, and let the dress fall to the floor around your feet. My hands slid around your belly and then up to cup your pretty tits. You sighed and leaned back against me. My fingers traced every inch of your breasts, then lightly brushed over your nipples. I could feel them hard against the palms of my hands. My left arm stayed around you holding you close as my right hand started to slip down. I drug my finger nail across the bottom of your breasts, then slid my hand across your belly. I let my fingers play a in your cute little button, tickling you until you giggled. Then I flattened my hand and pressed down over your mound. Little ahhs and ooos slipped from your mouth as I cupped your pussy and pressed you hard up against me. Your knees parted a little and I could feel your juice on my hand. I kissed your neck again. I wanted to leave a mark there, to suck the blood up to give you something to look at when you were in front of a mirror for the next week, but I thought of Jess and decided that would be selfish. Just then you turned in my arms. "I want to fuck. I want to fuck right now! Please?"

I smiled down at you and started to unbutton my shirt. You reached up and pulled off my jacket and tossed it over on the chair. As I got down to the last button on my shirt you took over. You undid the last button and then started on my pants. I felt you tug open the belt and then slide down the zipper. One small button was the only thing keeping my toy from you. You let it buttoned but reached in and grabbed the latex cock. You had to struggle to get it to go up and out the fly but you did it. When it was exposed you started jerking it up and down. You leaned in and started planting little kisses in the middle of my chest. We were both so turned on I was starting to smell us both. As you jacked me I could hear the squishy sounds I made each time it slapped down on my pussy. You took a small step back and sat on the edge of the bed. Your eyes came up to meet mine and using the dildo you pulled me to you. I took two small steps and you opened your mouth to suck in the head of my dildo. I think that was about the sexiest thing I have ever seen. Your big brown eyes looking up at me as you sucked on the end of my pink cock. At moment I would of given anything to be a man for just one minute, to be able to feel your soft lips there. Your eyes sparkled and you gave an impish grin as you brought your teeth to the rubber head. I could see you biting down, leaving dents in the head. I laughed and said "Don't hurt our friend there."

You let it go and it slapped up against my pants. You started to push yourself up to the head of the bed grabbing two big pillows and resting back against them. Your knees were parted and I could see your pussy juice shining in the low light. When you were all comfy you looked over to me and said "Just take off the pants." I undid the last button and let them fall. I left the shirt on but it was completely unbuttoned so it just hung down covering my tits. I looked at you on that big bed and was stunned at how young and pretty you were. I started to crawl up on the bed. Your big smile was like a beacon to me. When I got up to your knees I took them both in my hands and started kissing your legs. I knew I wanted to taste your sex before I put anything else in there. you parted your legs wide and I kept kissing my way and licking up your thighs to my target. I could smell you strong and it was perfume to me. I licked down your right thigh and up your left. You were squirming against the bed covers and your hands were fisted in the sheets. I was going to make another trip up and down your thigh but when I got close to your pussy I heard you whisper "Please."

I had to eat you right then. I moved closer, I could feel the heat coming up from your sex. I bumped my nose gently against your lips and heard you gasp a little. I flattened my tongue out and brought it up in a big cat-like lick from the bottom of your slit to just below your clit. I kissed your lips like I would your mouth, softly and then harder, more demanding. I could feel your juice wetting my lips. I opened my mouth and started to suck at your delicious cunt. I lapped up all the juice You had and wanted more. I pushed my tongue deep into you and you arched your back and pressed back against my face. I brought up my hands and parted your lips so I could push even deeper into you to get every drop of your sweet cum. Your hips were humping against my face as I ate you. I could you start to moan and whisper "Suck me. Oh yes, suck me."

I changed back to licking in broad strokes. When I slid it over your clit you jumped like you were given a shock. I pointed my tongue and poked it at your clit again. I felt your hands in my hair, pulling tighter and tighter. "Oh yes!" Is all you said.

I gave one more lick and then took your little nubbin between my lips and started sucking it. That was all it took, you started humping against my face like there was no tomorrow. Your thighs clamped tight against my ears but I could still hear you scream out your orgasm. It was music to my ears. You tasted wonderful and I could of been very happy to just eat you all night, but I had worn this cock for a reason and I was going to use it. I let you catch your breath for a minute, then I pushed myself up on my arms. Your eyes were half shut and You had that wonderful look of a woman after her orgasm. I moved up. I brought the tip of the cock to the lips of your pussy. I slid just the tip threw your slit. Your eyes opened and you were smiling at me. I continued to tease you with the tip of the cock, sliding it along your lips getting it nice and wet and then putting in just the tip and then pulling out again. In a sultry voice that didn't sound like it could come from you you said, Fuck me. Be my man and fuck me good."

I pressed in and felt the head slide into you. You closed your eyes, moaned out loud and pushed back down into the pillows. Your hips raised a little and I watched the cock slip a little deeper into your little pussy. I pulled back and seen your juices on the cock in the low light. I pushed back in deeper and you started to shake your head back and forth on the pillow. A few more strokes and I was all the way in you. I could feel your wet pubic hair against my belly. "Oh Genny. Oh Genny. Oh Genny!"

Hearing you call my name made me gush cum from my pussy. I started to really fuck you and each slap of the dildo against my mound brought me a little closer to my own orgasm. I was up on my arms over you fucking with a passion I didn't know I had. We were both sweating and my shirt was wet with it. Your hands came up under the shirt and grabbed my tits. Not gentle and loving but rough and demanding. My nipples trapped between your thumb and forefinger felt like it was pressed against hot embers. You started screaming that you were cumming and that brought mine right with you.I felt like I wanted to crawl right up into your cunt with my cock and envelope myself with all of you. I seen stars and there was a ringing in my ears. You were still cumming and your legs went up and around my hips to pull me even deeper into you. I looked down between us and was amazed that not even a fraction of an inch of the cock still showed. It was completely buried between the two of us. You released my nipples and the strength left my arms. I let my weight press me down on top of you. I kissed your neck then your cheek then up to your eyes. You turned your mouth up to me and tongues sucked each other in. We were both so out of breath that we couldn't hold the kiss long. We both gasped for air and then just held each other tight. I could feel your heart beating against my chest. We lay quietly for a few minutes getting ourselves back together.

Our breathing had returned to normal and my hear no longer felt like it was going to burst, so I started to roll over to my side. You grabbed me and said, "Be careful. That thing feels like it could turn me inside out."

I eased myself back up on my arms took a deep breath and slowly started to slide out of you. You laughed and groaned and shivered as it came out. I lay over on my side and you put both your hands down on your poor stretched pussy. "I feel like I just had a puppy." You laugh.

I move up to cuddle you on my side but the dildo keeps poking you in the side. I reach down to take it off but you stop me and say, "Let me do it."

I roll over on my back and let you have at it. It takes you a minute to figure out how the straps are connected, but you soon have it off. You disconnect the toy from the straps and you bring it up between us as we are resting. It is still shiney with our cum covering it. You look deep into my eyes and bring it up and give it a big lolly-pop lick. You have a funny little girl look on your face as you offer it to me. I take a big lick and as you start to take it away, I grab it and beguine to lick it clean. You giggle and press your face up close to mine and we both lick our toy nice and clean. We are licking the dildo and sharing little kisses around it. Soon it is dropped between us and you are in my arms kissing me like a lover.

We cuddle for a while. We might of dosed off for a minute or two between kisses, and after a while we are just quietly holding each other. I loved hearing your breathing get easy and deep as we rest. I am not sure how long we laid there just holding each other. I might of been asleep when I felt your hand come down and cup my ass. I opened my eyes and you were smiling at me. I looked back and thought you looked a little funny. So I asked, What?"

You had a strange look on your face, almost an embarrassed look. My heart sank, I was sure you were going to say that you wanted to go home. In a softer voice i repeated, "What?"

It took a few seconds but you finally said in a little girls voice, "I have to pee again."

The look on your face told me that it was more than having to get up and pee. You didn't move to go, you just cuddled up against me closer.

"Do you want me to go with you?"

You nodded your head and in a whisper I could hardly hear you said, "Yes please."

I got up off the bed and you rolled off the other side. We started to the bathroom. Half way there you turned to me and pulled the sweaty shirt off of me. Now naked we both padded into the bathroom. You headed to the toilet. "Wait." I said, "Do it in the shower."

You looked at me and then the shower. I seen you blushing as you raised your foot and stepped into the shower stall. You stood there looking embarrassed and not knowing where to start.

"Do you want me to watch?" I asked.

You nodded and said, "Yes, but I am not sure I will be able to let it out."

I seen the concern on your face and said, "Turn around."

You looked once at me and then slowly turned. "Ok now. hold on to the soap dish and squat down a little."

You did what I asked and soon you were in a crouching position. You cute little ass towards me. This time I wanted to touch you as you peed. I came up to the edge of the shower and reached in. I stroked your back and sides and kept whispering in a soothing voice, "Just relax. It will come, just relax your muscles."

You gave a couple of cute little grunts. I let my hands slide down over your cheeks and on to your legs. I kept whispering encouragement to you. I could feel you tighten and then relax. Then you breathed, "Here it comes."

I let my hands slide down the bottoms of your thighs and then up the cheeks of your ass. I heard the first drops hit the shower floor. I brought my hands up between your legs and I felt your hot pee hit my fingers. I could feel the spray hitting us both on our legs. I pressed my hand against your pussy and felt your pee fill my hand and run down my arm. we could smell it. I parted your lips and a hard stream splashed on the tiled floor. My other hand went back to your pussy and I rinsed my fingers in your yellow pee. Of course it only lasted about half a minute but it was very exciting. I brought my wet fingers up the crack of your ass, wiping your pee right on your little pucker. My other hand came up to your breasts. Your nipples were both pointed out firm as I wet them with your piss. I could feel my knees cramping from crouching like that. I stood and helped you do the same. you turned in my arms and we kissed. I looked down at your face. "Did you like that?" I asked.

"It was soooo dirty." you said.

"Yes, bt did you like it?"

I could see you blush deep. I pulled you close to me so you wouldn't have to look in my eyes. "Yes. I liked it."

I reached over and turned on the shower.

Well there it is. My first try at fiction. I hope you like it. I would love to hear from everyone. I promise to write back.

It is of course inspired and dedicated to my friend Mary (and Jess)

Kisses to all


Next: Chapter 8

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