Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on May 2, 2008


I want to thank everyone that has written me after they have read my stories. I love hearing from everyone and if you write me, I always write back.

This is a story about one evening that started out slow but in the middle of the night got very steamy. I hope you enjoy it.

A Genny Story... Loving late at night

I am Genny.

Before I start, in case we haven't met yet let me tell you about Melly and I. We are both in our early thirties. I am a firefighter and Melly is a nurse. We have been together for seven years now and two years ago we ran over to Canada and got married. I am 5'7" and 124 lbs I have red hair and pale skin that is pretty much covered with freckles. I have little bitty 34bs that I used to resent, but have grown to love. I work out regularly at the fire station so I have been able to stay in pretty good shape.

Melly is a beautiful dark haired Italian Princess. She is curvy where she should be curvy and is the sexiest woman I have ever been with. Melly likes to take charge in our sex lives and I am very happy with that situation.

It is one of my most favorite ways to make love. To be woken in the middle of the night by a lover and taken. Mmmmmm I love it. It starts out dreamy and ends up hot! Last night we had dinner and were sitting on the couch watching Dancing with the stars. When someone came out dancing on unicycles we had had enough and turned it off. I went in and made us both a cup of tea and we took that up stairs to bed. I grabbed a magazine and Melly had some work things to read. We got in bed all propped up and read our stuff and drank our teas and talked about our day in between reading. I fell asleep first and don't remember her turning off the lights. It was just before 3am when she slid over and pressed herself against my back. Her arms wrapped around me and pulled me in tight. I'm not sure when I woke, but her hand had slipped up under my tee and she was just gently stroking my breast. It felt warm and nice, I pressed back against her and purred. When she knew I was awake she put her mouth on my neck and sucked and then bit me just above my shoulder. I felt her sharp teeth against my skin and all the goose bumps jumped up. I reached back between us and she had already taken off her panties. I slipped my hand back between her legs and she moved them apart a little to let me in. I stroked her lips and let my finger tips play up and down her crack. After a minute I turned in her arms and we started to kiss. I let her tongue slip deep into my mouth and then sucked on it. We both moaned. Her hand slid down my back and into the back of my panties her nails scraped down my left cheek and then she massaged it. When we broke the kiss she said, "Take these off. I want to fuck."We broke apart and I pulled my tee up over my head and then pushed my panties down and off my feet. Melly pulled off her tee and pushed me down on my back. I held open my arms for her and she lay down on top of me. Her warm tits bressed down against mine and her hair fell over me, and as we started kissing again we were in a dark little place, just her and I. I parted my legs and she settled in against me. I always love the feeling of her body on top of mine. It just feels so right to me.We kept kissing and pressing against each other. It took a few minutes to get a nice rhythm going, but pretty soon I had my legs wrapped up around her hips and she was rocking her pussy against mine. I could feel the juices starting to make everything slippery and I could smell the fragrance of happy pussy in the room. When we broke the kiss I told her, "God that feels good. Don't stop. Don't ever stop, just fuck me forever."We started to press harder and to pick up the pace of our hips. She started to whisper dirty little things in my ear and it only amped up what I was already feeling.Then she took my ear in her mouth and started to bite me. I started moaning louder, "Oh yes. Yes bite me. Oh fuck, bite me harder."She obliged and I knew I was only a little bit from my cum. I dug my heals into her cheeks and pulled her pussy even tighter against mine. That's when the stars started to explode. I was moaning and Melly was grunting against me. The orgasm washed over me and just kept going. It was great. Melly let go of my ear and started kissing my neck as I started to come back to earth. She kept rocking gently against me and little sparks were still shooting through my pussy. When we finally did come to a stop she started to roll off of me but I held her fast. "No, I like the feeling of you on me."We rested like that for a few minutes, catching our breath and enjoying the after glow. Finally I slid a hand down between us and rubbed my fingers against both our pussies. I brought my wet fingers out and pushed them into my mouth. "Mmmmmmm. I want to taste you. Move up on me and let me eat you."One last kiss and she started to shimmy up my body. She straddled my chest and I could smell her wet musky sex. I slid my arms down under her legs and pulled her up over my face. She was very wet from the both of us and I pushed my face as deep into her as I could. I just wanted to wash my face in our juices. I sucked in as much as I could and licked her lips from top to bottom. Melly's hips started to churn against my face and I began to concentrate on her pleasure. I sucked in her lips gently so that they could slip back and forth in my mouth as she fucked my face. I kept giving her clit a nudge every time it got close to my lips and after a few of those she started to give a cute little grunt each time I made contact. She started to wiggle back and forth right there so I grabbed her cheeks in both hands and held her pussy firmly against my mouth. I sucked in her lips and her clit together and started to suck on her harder. She started to groan above me and started talking dirty again. She was getting close to her orgasm and she was pushing against my face so hard I was afraid my teeth might hurt her. Her hands came down and wound into my hair and started to pull my face against her as she humped me and started to cum. With each hip thrust she was chanting, "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck." Then she just stiffened and let out a long loud moan as she came. My face was pressed so hard against her I could of suffocated, but I was not complaining. It was wonderful. As she cooled down I just gently sucked her lips in and out of my mouth enjoying her sweet taste. When Melly cums she gives out a thinner, sweeter juice than her normal taste. I wanted to make sure I got every drop of that special liquid.Eventualy we got back under the covers and cuddled against each other. I told her I love it when she wakes me like that. She said that she was planning on making love before bed, but she started reading and then I was asleep. She said she was horny but tried to sleep, but kept waking up and looking over to me wishing I was awake. I told her any time she wanted to do that it was fine with me.

As we talked her fingers played between my legs. She stroked my lips and let her fingers play lightly over my clit. It felt nice but I didn't think we were going to go for a second round. I leaned in and kissed her and she licked her taste off of my mouth. The kiss started to get steamer so I slid my hand down between her legs and she opened them so I could have access to her charms.

When we broke the kiss she licked her lips and said, Mmmmm "That tastes very good. I want to taste you now."

We had one last kiss and then she turned south in the bed. she kissed down my chest to my tits and spent some quality time kissing, licking, and biting them both, untill she had me squirming around and moaning as her sharp teeth scraped across my happy nipples. When she had then as hard as little bullets, she kissed her way down my belly. Just as she got to my pussy, she swung her leg up and over my face so we were in a beautiful 69.

I took a deep breath and again fell in love with her earthy woman smell. I brushed my mouth over her lips and felt her hair on my chin.

I felt her slip one, than two fingers inside of me and I pushed up to meet them. She swirled them inside of me and touched all the wonderful places I have in there to touch. Her mouth sucked in my clit and hood and she gently started to suck them both in deep.

On the other end I had my hands on her firm cheeks and pulled my face up tight against her sex. I could feel her juice from my chin to my forhead and wanted nothing more than to drown in her sweet cum. As I broke to take a breath, I looked up between her cheeks and could just make out her tight little pucker. I was wishing that the lighting would be just a little better so I could look at her there. I moved my face up as best I could and drug my tongue across her bumm hole and she moaned deep into my pussy. I spent the next few minutes tonguing that taboo little spot and rubbing my chin against her pussy (multi-tasking LOL)

Melly's fingers had found my G-spot and she started rubbing my magic little button. When she does that I can start to feel my orgasm comming almost immediatly. It makes me feel like I need to pee and I have learned that the stronger that feeling is, the stronger my orgasm is going to be. It was building and I knew this was going to be a very strong orgasm.

As a rule we usually don't cum together. One of us usually focuses on the other, then we return the favor. This time the closer she got me to orgasm, the harder I worked at getting her off too. We were both sucking and pushing our pussies against the other. One of us was yelling into the other's pussy, but I can't remember which one of us it was. We were both cumming.

Electricity shot through me and my body stiffened as I started to cum. I held on tight to her butt and kept my face pressed against her pussy as she crashed into her orgasm too. We were both half out of control, but neither of us wanted to let go of the other. I got another wonderful dose of her wonderful cum, and then we both just kind of collapsed. I could feel her heart beating against me and I am sure she could feel mine also. My head colapsed back into the pillow, and again I was wishing I could see a little better.

Melly turned her head and just lay her cheek against my pussy as we rested. It took a few minutes, but eventualy she started to move off of me. I was glad it was her that had to turn around in the bed, because I wasn't sure I would of had the energy.

She did turn around and crawled up into my arms again. Both our faces were slick with the others juice and when we kissed our lips slid almost off of target. Other than to say how mch I loved her, we could barley catch our breath to speak. Sleep caught up to us both and we fell asleep in eachothers arms.

She was more than a little tired in the morning when she got up to go to work. I got up with her to make her coffee, but as soon as she left I collapsed back in bed. When I finaly did get up and looked in the mirror I looked and smelled wonderfully fucked. I also had a very big bite mark on my neck. I stood naked in front of the mirror in the bathroom and let my fingers run across it. Feeling the swollen little ridge it made. I let my other hand slip down between my legs and had one small orgasm to start the day while thinking about the night before.I hope you have enjoyed hearing about our night. I love re-telling it. If anyone would like to write I welcome all commers. I hope to hear from you.


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