Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Mar 4, 2008


It has been a long cold winter all ready and it is still only February. You would think that if I have been cooped up in the house I would write more, but I have been having too much fun writing e-mails to my on-line friends to get much else done.

This is about Our Valentines loving and the few days leading up to it. As always I would love to hear from anyone that would like to write me after they read my story. I am at I always write back. Enjoy.

A Genny Story... A Wonderful Valentine

I am Genny...

If you have not read any of my other stories, I will catch you up on who I am. I am Genny and I am married to the love of my life, Melly. We live in the mid Michigan area and are both 32. We met and started dating when we were both 25 and moved in together when we were 26. Two years ago (next month) we ran over to Canada and got married. We both have never been happier.

I am a firefighter/Paramedic on a fairly big department. I love my job and am proud of what I do. Melly is an administrator at a local hospital. We first met when she was a nurse in the ER but since then she has gone back to get her masters and is now one of the bosses.

We are both about 5' 7", but that is the last thing we have in common as far as appearance goes. I am a skinny red head. Not a cool deep red head like Julianna Moore or Jessica Rabbit, more of the frazzled, frizzy red head like Carrot Top. Add to that, very pale skin and freckles on my face and chest and you have a pretty good picture of me.

I work out and exercise regularly at work and my weight is about 122. I am 32b-24-34 (Great ass, no tits).

Melly is a beautiful Italian and has the blackest eyes and the blackest and thickest hair you have ever seen. Her complexion is olive and in the summer while I am hiding under layers of clothes she is getting a beautiful tan. She is a perfect 36-24-36 and I love her to pieces.

In our sexual relationship, we are domn and submissive. Melly is just naturally bossy and I am happiest being submissive to her (you would know this if you read the other stories).

Valentines Day was going to fall on a Wednesday. With my job I work a 24 hour day and then get big blocks of time off. I worked Sunday and then was going to be off until Friday. We had not had a chance to make love in a few days so I thought that Monday would be a perfect day to start our Valentines Romance. I had planned a mild seduction for when she got home, but as soon as she walked through the door I could see she was in no mood. Her job can be stressful at times and she has been at it for so short a time that she hasn't learned to leave it behind when she comes home.

After dinner rather than bringing a bottle of wine to the couch like I had planned, Melly took a bunch of papers she was working on and went upstairs to work on them. I was disappointed, but I understood.

Tuesday morning I seen her off to work and I had the day to just goof off. I had to run some errands, but I made sure I got home early enough to send some e-mails back and forth to my friend Stacy in California. We flirted back and forth and she told me about her sexy plans for her lover later on. It was a very stimulating conversation and both of us were getting nice and steamy. I was still chatting with Stacy when I heard the door open downstairs when Melly got home. I signed off with Stacy and met Melly coming up the stairs. We met in the middle with her one step down so I leaned down and kissed her. We broke the kiss and she put her cheek next to mine and said, "You feel warm. You ok?"

I assured her I was fine, just a little flushed. Thankfully she didn't ask why (or maybe she just knows me so well). She went up to clean up and I went back to the computer to send a last note to Stacy.

I made a light dinner and we talked about our day. I guess the hospital has been postponing any surgeries that are not necessary because the weather has been so bad. So it has been kind of slow there. Melly has been working on this inspection they have coming up later this year and she has been getting grief from some of the docs and others that see no reason to change how they have been doing things. She is getting a little frustrated, but she is determined to improve their rating.

After dinner we ended up on the couch snuggled up under a blanket. I told her I have been horny for the past two days. She said she knew that I had wanted to do something yesterday, and she was sorry that she was selfish.

The kissing got better and the snuggling more intense. Melly slipped a hand down my shorts and discovered I had on no panties. She told me I was a dirty girl, and I agreed whole heartedly. Her hand slid down and she started to touch me. I stretched out my legs so she could get at me better and she pushed one finger inside of me. I purred and stretched it felt so nice.

She just kept sliding one finger in and out for quite a while. It was very nice. Finally she slipped her finger out and pushed it down further between my legs. She curled the finger up and touched it to my pucker. I had my face buried in her hair and I cooed in her ear. The tip of her finger circled my ring a few times and then she touched it to the center and pressed it right in.

I tried to relax, and wiggled my bottom so she would know I was liking it.

She pushed in to the knuckle and then pulled it slowly out. With just the tip of her finger still in me she pushed it in again. She asked, "You like that?"

"Mmmmmm, I like that a lot."

She pushed it back in deeper and harder. "I am going to fuck you there tonight."

I shuddered at the words and goose bumps jumped out all over. I held her tighter and pushed my butt back against her finger to push it in even deeper.

"You want to fuck my ass?"

"Yes. I am going to fuck you right there (a push in of her finger to make the point) until you scream."

"Oh God! Take me up-stairs now."

I turned my face to hers and we kissed as she pushed in and out a few more times. Then slowly she pulled the invader out of me. I shivered all over as it slid out.

We broke the kiss and she said, "Go upstairs and clean up. I will be waiting for you."

I ran upstairs as she started turning off the lights and locking up. In the bathroom I started running the water to get it warm and then, I pulled down my pants and turned around to look at my ass. I wanted to look at it, so I put one foot on the side of the tub and tried to pull my cheeks apart to see. I have tried that before and I am always too far from it to really see anything other than a slightly darker pink ring.

When the water was warm I took a wash cloth and got it wet. I wrung it out and pushed the hot cloth between my cheeks to make sure I was squeaky clean. I rinsed and washed a few times making sure everything down there was acceptable.

When I was ready, I left my shorts on the floor and was only wearing my tee and sox. I turned out the light and opened the bedroom door. Melly was in bed with the covers turned down and she was only covered to her waist by a sheet. She was on her side looking at me. I stopped at the door and we just smiled at eachother. I pointed at her waist and asked, "Do you have it on?"


"Roll over on your back, and let me see it."

She shook her head and laughed. Then she rolled over on her back and the strap-on made a tent in the sheet, right over her crotch. At that I laughed, "You look happy to see me."

"I am happy to see you. Now take that tee shirt off and get in here before I have to spank you."

I pulled the tee up and off and as I crawled in the bed, "I might like a good spanking."

We moved together and she whispered, "I think your bottom is going to be sore enough without it."

I slid into her arms and as we kissed I felt her strap-on poke at my belly. I adjusted it down between my legs and moved in even closer to her. Melly rolled towards me so she was half on top of me. She took my face between her hands and pushed her tongue deep into my mouth. I sucked on her tongue and tasted her mouth. Her fingers wound into my hair and she tightened her grip. I moaned in her mouth and wrapped my arms around her to hold her even closer. We pushed against each other like we were trying to crawl right inside the other's skin. We pressed every inch together, from our lips right down to our knees.

When we broke the kiss she hissed, "I am going to fuck you."

"Oh God yes, fuck me."

"I am going to roll you over and fuck you in your ass."

I think I could of cum just listening to her talk dirty to me.

"Do you want me in your ass?"

"Yes Baby, yes."

"Roll over."

We had one last kiss and she moved off of me. I was suprised how shakey my knees were as I rolled over and got in the doggy position. As I knelt on the bed I could feel my wetness runndown my right thigh.

Melly knelt behind me and ran her finger nails down my back and over my cheeks. My goose bumps doubled in size and a shiver ran straight down my spine. I wiggled my ass at her and her hand came down and slapped it. I gave a happy yelp and pushed my ass back for more.

Melly moved into position and then leaned down and pressed her lips against my back. I felt her wet mouth suck at the skin of my back. When she broke the kiss I pushed up on my knees and turned my face to hers. We kissed and her hands came around to hold my tits. Her fingers and thumbs captured both my nipples and she pulled them out and let them snap. It felt like needles going into my nipples, and I felt a fresh gush of my cum run down my leg.

I gasp and fell back down on hands and knees. From the corner of my eye I seen Melly reach under the pillow and pull out our K-Y warming jelly (we love that stuff). I grabbed the pillow and slid it over under my head. I heard the top snap off the lube and then felt her cool wet fingers touching me between my cheeks. I parted my legs a little further and then leaned down so my face was in the pillow. I goaned into it as her index finger touched the center of my pucker. I am sure I was shaking I was so excited. The finger pressed and I felt it snake into my ass. I felt myself tighten and Melly stopped for a second. Then I concentrated on relaxing and she pushed it in the rest of the way. It slid slowly out and I could feel each knuckle as my ring expanded and shrunk again. After two or three strokes I felt a second finger press into me. I was suprised how good it felt to be stretched like that. The stretching really began when she started to spread her fingers slightly as she kept pushing in and out.

I moaned into the pillow as she finally pulled them both out. I tried to keep myself as relaxed as possible as I felt the tip of her cock touch it's target. I gripped the sheets with my fists and felt her weight shift towards me. "Ooooooooo. Fuck."

I'm not sure how much went inside of me but it felt like a lot. Melly's hands were on my hips and she held her self still for a second. "You ok?"

I nodded into the pillow and grunted in the afirmitive.

I felt her hands tighten on my hips and then she slowly pulled out a few inches and then back in. This time it was much easier and I am sure she went in much deeper. Two or three strokes more and I felt her thighs touch the back of my legs. I pushed back some and she held me there with her cock burried all the way in me.

"Oh fuck! You should see this. I am all the way in your ass."

I couldn't even speak to answer. I was concentrating on every little sensation of it. Slowly she pulled out again and then pushed back in to the hilt. I think she must of felt me relax some more as she started a regular in and out motion. We were realy fucking, and it felt very good. Her hands gripped my hips and she started moving both of us, in and out. In and out.

I loosened my death grip on the sheets and slid my right hand between my legs. I was like a swamp down there and my fingers were soaked in my juice. I started to rub the pads of my fingers in a circular motion over my lips and clit. I knew I was so excited that it was not going to take much to make me exlplode. I left my pussy for a second and pushed my hand deeper until I could touch her. Melly's strap-on is part of a panty set that is made of stretchy lycra panties with an adjusting hole in them for the dildo. I couldn't touch her skin, but I could press my fingers against the panties and feel the heat coming from her pussy. I heard her groan and she started to fuck even faster. With each stroke we were both grunting and making sexy noises. I felt her nails dig deeper into my skin and her breathing was getting more and more ragged.

Just as i thought I was getting right to the edge of a great orgasm, Melly started talking dirty to me. Something that she knows gets me off, and a sure sign she is about to cum herself.

"Oh fuck. You dirty bitch. You dirty ass fucking bitch. Fuck me you slut. Fuck me you dirty ass fucking slut." It went on and with each word she slammed into me harder and harder. My head started to spin and I felt the orgasm start in my ass and envelope my entire body. I was shaking and moaning so much I didn't even notice it when Melly started cumming. I heard her scream out and her hips went into high speed. We were both shaking so hard we were in danger of just falling over. Finally with a groan she pushed in deep and bent down so her body was pressed up against my back. I could feel our sweat mingle as her arms went around me and we both held still. I had to move my face out of the pillow so I could get enough air to stay concious. Her breathing was just as labored and we just stayed in that position until the world quit spinning. Slowly we came back to earth. I could feel the sweat between our bodys, and the cum dripping down my leg.

Melly slowly pushed her body up from mine. The slightest movement had us both gasping as that damn hard dildo didn't know when to quit. When Melly was prone again she took a few seconds for us both to get ready and then she started to pull out of me. Again, every nerve ending screamed in protest and I gasped. Then, when she was fully out, I colapsed onto my belly.

There was quiet and then Melly said, "Oh shit baby, there is some blood on this."

I turned my face to her but my hair was in my eyes. "Much?"

"No. But some. I think you are going to be very sore tomorrow."

"Right now I don't care if you cut off my leg. I feel wonderful. Come over here and kiss me."

I felt the bed shift and realized Melly was taking off the strap-on (usually my job). Then she eased up next to me and pushed my hair out of my eyes. We looked at each other and then she leaned in and kissed me. "Im sorry if I hurt you."

"You didn't hurt me. I loved it. I feel wonderful. I love you. Did you like it?"

"God yes. You have no idea how sexy you look with your ass up like that. I wanted to just fuck you forever."

I laughed, "Sounds like a good plan to me."

We kissed and cuddled for a while and then we both wanted to take a shower. As soon as I moved I could feel that I was absolutly going to be sore in the morning. Hell I was sore right then. But it is a good sore. A very sexy sore. A sore that makes you smile to think about how it came to be.

The next morning was Valentines. As Melly got ready for work I made us some breakfast and put the card I got her next to her coffee cup. When she came down she had a card for me too. We exchanged them with kisses and a loving embrace.

As we huged she slid her hand down to my butt and gave me a little tap. "Sore?"

"Maybe a little, but not a bad sore, I like still feeling you back there."

Melly only laughed, shook her head and said, "Strange girl, very strange girl."

Through the day I went into the bathroom a couple of times and pulled my pants down and tried to look at my sore bumm. I can't tell you some of the contortions I put myself in to see, but other than a little redness there was nothing. It kind of turned me on to slip my finger down between my cheeks and feel my sore little ring. It felt deliciously naughty.

Before Melly got home I went to the local florist and bought her some flowers and a box of rose petals. I put the petals in the fridge and when she got home I had a nice dinner ready and her flowers sitting at her place at the table.

We kissed and wished each other Happy Valentines. Melly had bought me some chocolates so we had to try a couple of those before dinner. After dinner we were back on the couch making out like high school kids. We both love kissing and it was very nice to just take our time and taste every little bit of each other. When we went upstairs to bed we continued the kissing and loving. It was not as roudy as the night before, but in it's own soft way even better. Melly was on top of me and we rocked against eachother until we both had wonderful orgasms.

Melly usually sets her alarm for just before 6 so when I opened my eyes and seen light coming in the window I thought she might of forgot to set it. I rolled over to her and she was laying there looking at me. I smiled at her and asked, "You running late?"

"No. I told them I would be coming in around 9 today."

She had a mischievious smile on her face so I asked, "And what are we going to do with that extra time?"

To answer, she sliped over to me and touched her lips to mine. We both probably had morning mouth, but I certainly didn't care. I felt her warm naked body up against mine and it turned me on all over again. Melly pushed against me and I rolled onto my back. We kept kissing and her hand went down my belly to my pussy.. I parted my legs for her and pushed my hips up to meet her friendly fingers. She scraped her finger nails up over my lips and it sent shivers up my body, then she chuckled as she did it again. I moaned and slid my hand down between us to get at her sex also. My fingers curled up over her soft lips and held her in the palm of my hand. I pressed against her and felt her moan into my mouth. We were in no hurry. We eached teased and carressed the other. After a few minutes she slid two fingers between my lips and into my pussy. I returned the favor with one finger and pushed it in as my palm pressed against her clit.

We were both grinding against each other and we were both groaning as the feeling built up. I know I was only a minute from exploding when she broke our kiss and pulled her hand out from between my legs. She pushed up so we could look at each other. My fingers were still in her and I wiggled them in her warm juice. She brought her hand up to her mouth and licked the shiny cum from her two middle fingers.

"Mmmmm, I love your taste."

"Well, you are more than welcome to get it from the sourse."

She leaned down and kissed me one more time. Then pushed up and turned around. My fingers slipped out of her pussy as she moved us both into a wonderful 69 position. Her leg swung over my face and I was looking up at heaven. Her lips were wet and purple, and when she lowered herself to my mouth I got a nice look at her dark and tempting rose bud.

I breathed in deep and took her scent into my body. She smelled musky and damp, and wonderfuly sexual. I pressed my mouth against her pussy and felt her juices bath my face. I opened my mouth and sucked in her lips and felt her shiver for my effort. At the other end she was doing equally wonderful things to me. She had two fingers pushing in and out of me as she sucked on my lips just below my clit. I could feel her mouth sucking in and out while her fingers pushed deep into my wide open pussy. I moved my mouth to capture her clit and let my lips tease it as I sucked it in and out. The little pearl slipping over my lips. I brought my hands up to her cheeks to pull her down harder against my face. I wanted to just climb right up inside of her and live there forever. My fingers on her cheeks parted them and I could look up and see her pucker just inches from my face. I slid a finger to the center of it and pushed. With almost no effort at all it sucked in my finger to the knuckle. I felt Melly stiffen above me and moan into my pussy.

It felt like every sense was being stimulated at the same time and I started a wonderful freefall into a magnificent orgasm. The world started to spin and my legs stifened as it washed over me. Melly doubled her efforts with her fingers as I began my cum. Then she pulled her mouth from my pussy to scream out her own pleasure. I pushed my finger deeper into her bottom and sucked at her clit with all I was worth.

There are times, especialy when we are in that position that I can taste the difference in her juice when she cums. She gives out a slight gush of thinner, sweeter liquid, and when I get that reward, my pleasure doubles. As soon as I tasted her wonderful cum I started cumming again.

For a minute or two we just fed off each others excitement. Each jolt of her body started a mirrored reaction from me. It went on until I think we were both too worn out to move again.

We were both breathing like we ran a marathon, but all we could do was lay there entwined. Her face turned so her cheek was laying on my pubic bone and my face still between her legs just gentely kissing her swollen lips. I breathed in through my nose and my God what a wonderful fragrance.

Eventually she rolled off of me. It took another few minutes before she had the strength to turn around and bring her face to mine. Both our faces were wet with the others essence, and we slowly licked each other clean.

Once we caught our breath, Melly said if I would go make the coffee, she would start the shower. I took the deal and slipped on a tee shirt and my slippers and went bare bottom down the stairs.

I could hear the shower running as I got the coffee. When it was ready I brought us up each a cup. She was already in the shower so I got naked again and joined her. She oppened her arms and I moved into her embrace. We just stood there with the water running over or heads kissing and comming back to life.

We were both too worn out to go for another round so it was just gentle kisses and washing each other until our coffee was almost cold.

That was our Valentimes Day celebration. I hope you liked the story. It was two days more before I remembered the rose petals in the fridge... But that is another story.

Valentines Kisses Genny

Next: Chapter 28

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