Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Oct 27, 2007


Two years ago Melly decided to go back to school for her masters degree. I had been encouraging her to do it for some time, and I told her I was happy to support us while she went back to school. After two years and lots of hard work on her part, she just graduated (I'm so proud). This is the story about graduation weekend, and the love making at the end of it. I hope you enjoy it and as always I would love to hear from you.

A Genny Story... Graduation Weekend

I am Genny.

There were only about 30 students that were graduating after the summer semester at MSU, so the ceremony was held in a large meeting room on campus instead of the stadium or the sports arena like normal graduations. But because there were so few graduates they could make it more personal.

Melly's mom (Mrs. D.) and two of her favorite cousins had come from Chicago to see her graduate. They had gotten into Lansing early on Friday and we were happy to have them here. Mrs. D. was staying at my mom's place and the cousins (Victoria & Anna) were crashing with us. Friday night we all went out to dinner and on Saturday after graduation we were having a little party for Melly at my mom's.

The dinner on Friday was nice, but after we dropped the mom's off we had more fun. First we took the cousins to the only women's bar in the Lansing area. Our own 505. Both the cousins are straight married ladies, but we have gone with them to a lesbian club in Chicago when we visited there and I know they both got a guilty thrill out of it. The 505 is not on the order of the big club in Chicago, it is just a neighborhood looking bar that is visited almost exclusively by women, and most of them MSU students. The place was quiet for a Friday night. It was still summer and most of the students were still off campus. We got to talk and play some pool and just enjoy ourselves. Around the pool table the cousins got to tell their most outrageous Melly stories from when they were kids and Melly took the embarrassments in stride.

About midnight we headed home. One more glass of wine each at home and we went to bed. As we were headed up the stairs Victoria said, "Don't you two go making love in there. These walls are to thin and my husband is 300 miles away and I didn't bring any toys with me."

Melly laughed and said, "I can't help it that your hubby is not here but we have plenty of toys if you want to borrow one."

I was laughing and Anna just said, "Ewwww"

Two minutes after we were in our room Melly was standing in the middle of the room saying very loud, "Oh Baby, yes, yes right there. Give it to me Baby."

I was laughing again and then Victoria yelled from the other bed room, "I always knew you were a slut."

We finally settled down and Melly and I just held each other in bed until we drifted off.

Saturday morning we all got going late and then went out to I Hop for breakfast. We got back home about noon and the graduation was to start at one o'clock.

The ceremony was very nice. Melly had the second highest grade point and she looked wonderful in her gown with the gold braids around her neck. Because it was a small group, the head of the department was conducting the ceremony and she knew each student very well. As each one came up she was able to say something nice about them. When she called Melly's name, the five of us all stood and applauded. She went on to say what great grades Melly had maintained and what a great resorce Melly had been to the younger students. Then she said, "And in the audience Melly has her mother and family from Chicago and her Partner, Genny."

I was stunned. I knew that Melly must of told the speaker to say that. My eyes welled up and Mrs. D. gave my hand a little squeeze. My heart was bursting with love.

When it was all over and Melly walked over to us we all gave her big hugs, and I kissed her cheek and whispered, "Thank you for that, I love you so much."

Melly smiled and said, "I love you too, and thank you for everything."

We got back to Mom's house about 3 and everyone was going to be there by 4. My sister Janet, her husband Steve and the two girls, our friends Jane and Bev, and Karen with her hubby Randy and their daughter. There were a few others from the hospital and my running partner on the fire department, Jerry showed up for a while too. We cooked Chicken and steaks on the grill outside. Janet had done most of the food preperation and it was all very nice.

After dinner Melly stood up on a picnic bench and raised her glass for a toast. Every one turned to her as she said, "I want to thank all of you for coming here tonight. You are all very special to me. When they first talked about graduation I thought I would just skip it, but Genny wouldn't let me and as usual, about things like this, she was right. I want to thank My mom and cousins for comming all the way from Chicago for me and to Mrs. M. for having you all over here, but I especially want to thank my Genny."

She turned to me and I could feel the tears coming into my eyes. "My Genny, without who I would never have been able to get through all this. She has suported me every inch of the way. Kept up my spirits when I was down and paid the bills without complaint. I want you to know that I love you very much. You are my love. You are my strength, and you are my wife. No girl has ever been luckier than I am to have you."

By that time I was a complete mess. Tears were running down my face and I could hardly breath. Jerry had put one of his big arms around me and gave me a big squeeze. Every one started applauding as Melly stepped down from the bench and I went to her and we both were crying as we clung to each other.

Eventualy we pulled our selves together and the party went on. Throught the night just about every one there mentioned to me how touching they thought Melly's toast was, and that I wans't the only one that had cried.

People drifted in and out until after midnight. Melly took the cousins home and I stayed around to help the moms clean up. When I got home all the lights were out except our bedroom. I slipped in and seen Melly Sleeping in our bed. I got undressed and slid in next to her. Her body felt warm and comforting next to me. She woke up as I took her in my arms and we shared a few kisses and some soft words before she drifted off again.

Everyone left to go back to Chicago around 1. My mom had brought Mrs.. D. over after church and we all had a late breakfast here. Mom stayed around until after 2. After she left, we drug some lawn chairs out to the back and sat out in the sun for a while. Melly put on her suit and lay out for a while more while I went in and started to clean up. We ordered Chinese for dinner and then just curled up on the couch. We started making out and messing around. I told her how touched I was when the Professor mentioned my name at the graduation and again when she said those nice things about me at the party after. She told me that she meant every word and that she could of never gone through all of that without me. Then after a little more kissing she said she wanted to go upstairs and do something special for me. I was absolutely ready for that and in two minutes flat the lights were out downstairs and we were headed for the bedroom.

I was less than squeaky clean so I said I should take a shower. She said she needed one too so I started the water and in a minute we were under the warm water together. There were lots of wet kisses and we each soaped up the other with our big soft sponge. Fingers found hidden places and by the time we turned off the water we were very ready.

We dried each other and then Melly said she wanted me to just let her have her way. I told her I wanted to make love to her too, but she said this was something she wanted to do to tell me how much she loves me and how much she appreciated me (How could I argue with that?).

We pulled the covers down and she had me lay on my back in the middle of the bed. She got both the belts from our robes and used those to tie my hands to the headboard. Then she used her panty hose to tie my ankles to the foot of the bed with my legs spread. The lights were low and she lit some candles on the night stands and on her dresser in front of the mirror. When she had me just the way she wanted she started just kissing my face. All over my face except my mouth. Each time I would pucker up to kiss her she would kiss someplace else. Finally she kissed me on the chin and then sucked in my bottom lip. I slid my tongue out and slid it across her lips as she bit down on my lip. I groaned a little and she said that she hoped I liked that because there was going to be lots more. She pressed her mouth over mine and pushed her tongue in as far as it could possibly go. While we were kissing she moved her body over mine and lay down right on top of me. Her warm tits on mine felt nice and she pushed her pussy against mine and I met her pressure with as much as I could being tied down. Her hair was still damp and it fell down over both our faces and while we were kissing I could smell her shampoo and taste her sweet mouth.

Her body rubbing against mine was getting me excited and I pushed my hips up to rub our pussies harder against each other. Melly raised her hips up just out of reach of mine and bit down on the tip of my tongue. She broke the kiss and then whispered in my ear. "You have to let me do this. We are going to take a very long time and then you are going to cum for me very very hard. Have patience."

I groaned thinking, I was more than ready to start cumming right now.

She started kissing her way down my neck. She scraped her teeth along my jaw, leaving chills, and then bit into my neck like a vampire. I could feel her sucking and knew I was going to have a hickey that would be very hard to hide. When she broke that kiss she pushed herself up off the bed and sat across me with her pussy pressed down on my pubic bone. She gently rocked back and forth and I could start to feel that she was wet and was spreading it against me. Her hands started at my shoulders and she drug her finger nails across my skin getting closer to my breasts. She spread her fingers out and scratched right across my tits and down to my belly. It started to tickle on my belly and I squirmed and giggled a little. Her nails started back up scratching against my skin and giving me world class goose bumbs. This time she stayed at my tits. She scratched down both outsides and then circled around and scratched the inside of them. I could feel my nipples getting stiff and needing attention. They didn't have to wait long before she scratched right across both nipples. I gasp and pushed my chest out for more feeling. Using just her forefinger and middle finger on both hands she scratched around both nipples and then lightly scratched across them both. I gasp again and said, "Oh fuck yes" just as she captured both nipples between her thumb and forefinger. She squeezed them both and then started to gently pull on them both. She pulled them out and then let them spring back. Then she did it again, this time pinching and pulling just a little bit harder. I was biting my lip so not to make any noise that might make her stop. She pinched and pulled and snaped it four or five times before she leaned down and took one sore red nipple into her mouth. Her wet tongue bathed it and sucked it and then did the same thing to the other one. They felt like they were on fire. She left them both very wet with her saliva and when she quit licking them she sat back up and let the pads of her finger tips slip around and around the puffy sensitive nubs.

Then I felt one hand slip around behind her and touch my pussy. She sarted one finger from the bottom of my slit and slowly brought it up through my lips. I could feel how slick it was and she pushed it down and drug it back up again. This time she pushed it a little bit inside of me and curled it up as she pulled it out. She brought it out and back in front of her. I heard her go "Mmmmmm". When I opened my eyes she was licking her shiney finger clean. Her eyes met mine and she smiled at me, "Delicious".

I smiled back. "I'm glad you like it".

"I like it very much."

As she said that she started to scoot back down the bed until she was kneeling between my spread open legs.

"My beautiful Red Head. This really is the most beautiful pussy in the world. It's so pink and pretty and tiney. I am in love with this pussy."

All the while she was saying that, her finger tips were playing with my lips spreading my juices on her fingers and around the outside of my pussy. Slowly one finger slid in all the way. Then she slid it out and pushed back with two fingers. I groaned and tried to push my hips up to meet her invasion. I felt them go all the way in until her hand bumped against my lips. She gave her wrist a slow turn to the left, and then back to the right. I could feel her fingers like live little animals moving about inside my woumb. When she slowly pulled them out, she curled them up and drug the pads of her fingers across my g-spot. I hissed, "Oh fuck, Baby that feels good."

She pushed them back in and drug them again against that wonder button inside my pussy. I always know when I am going to have a g-spot orgasm. It feels like I have to pee real bad and I am just going to explode. Usualy the more I feel like I have to pee the stronger the orgasm is going to be. Melly must of seen it in my eyes, and she was not ready to let me have my release, because she slipped her fingers out all the way and I seen them again go up to her mouth for a good cleaning. I wanted to ask her to share, but I knew that I had very little control over what we were doing. After she had licked her fingers clean, she brought both her hands to the sides of my pussy. Her thumbs were on either side and she parted my lips. I could feel them being streached apart. Just knowing how open I must be, was exciting to me. I felt her blow cool air across my lips and I jumped.

She blew across them a second time and then said, "God, you should see how pink this is, and how wet. I haven't seen you this wet in a long time." With that she leaned in and I felt her mouth on my pussy. It was soft and gentle, but I still jumped. Her mouth encompused my whole pussy and she started a rythmic sucking of my lips. It felt so soft and warm I think I swooned (Do women still swoon?). It was just a wonderful feeling of warmth and happiness. After a minute or two of that, I felt her tongue slip between my lips. It licked from the bottom of my slit to the top and just short of my clit. I could actualy hear her slurping down there. I felt her thumbs again part my lips and her magical tongue slid in me even deeper. I felt it move around inside of me finding every wonderful nerve ending to tickle and excite. As she pushed in deeper her upper lip rested on my clit and she has learned from past loving sessions that if she humms when she is in me that deep, it just drives me nuts. I first felt the vibration and then heard the soft humming. Her tongue in my pussy and her lip against my clit is the worlds best vibrator.

I started to moan out loud and said a prayer that she would never take her wonderful mouth off of me. "Oh yes. Right there. Please don't stop that. Oh fuck yes that feels so good. Oh God let me cum. Oh fuck I love you, oh fuck oh fuck."

I am happy to say that she pressed her mouth to me even harder and her tongue went into overdrive. My hips pushed up as much as the panty hose would let them and I started to have a world class orgasm. It just radiated from my pussy to every part of my body and mind. It was wonderful. Her hands were holding me as still as she could and her mouth was glued right to my pussy sucking up every bit of my cum. I peaked, crashed, and then peaked again. Finally with a woosh, all the air came out of me and I just collapsed back down on the bed. Her mouth stayed on my pussy but she softened her lips and was covering mine with light kisses and little licks.

My pussy was pulsing with after shocks and her soft mouth stayed right there kissing it and whispering soft words to it. After another minute she started to kiss her way up my body. Her tongue licked across my belly button and then left kisses up over my breasts to my mouth. She lay next to me kissing me and letting me kiss her. I finally said, "Untie me."

I was suprised when she answered, "Not yet. I'm not done with you yet."

I moaned, "Oh Baby. I don't think I could stand any more."

"Yes you can. Let your mind go and just concentrate on what I am doing and where I am touching."

I groaned again as her hand slid down my body and cupped my sensitive pussy. I closed my eyes and just felt where she was touching me. She started out slow and gentle. Just her finger tips masturbating lazy circles over my pussy lips. I could hear the juices down there and feel them running down between my cheeks to the bed sheet.

I felt her breath on the side of my face and then she was kissing me there and sucking in my ear lobe. Her tongue slid in my ear and snaked it's way in there leaving me with goose bumps again.

With this distraction her fingers got busier. She parted my lips and it felt like one lone finger was making it's way back inside of me. Very slowly she pushed it all the way in and then all the way back out. This gentle fuck went on for some time. I began to push up to meet her finger and then sink back down as she pulled it out. Before I knew it a second finger joined the first and the pace was starting to pick back up. Melly was whispering dirty words in my ear and telling me what a very bad girl I was for letting her do this to me. I could feel her pussy against my hip and as she was fingering me she was humping against me too. I thought we were going to go to nirvana together but just as we were getting to a fever, she slowed down on both of us and then slipped her fingers out of me all together. I started to protest, but she hushed me and told me to keep my eyes closed. I felt her pull away from me just a little and then she was back. Her mouth was back at my ear and I heard her whisper, "Just relax."

The next sound I heard was the unmistakeable sound of a vibrator. And not just any vibrator, but our rabbit. I thought, "Oh my God she is going to kill me."

She kept talking and telling me to relax. I felt it first on my leg, about half way up from my knee to my pussy. She had it softly pressed against my skin and the vibrations could hardly be felt. She increased the pressure and I could feel the vibes go deeper in my leg. Then it started to travel slowly up my leg. When she was about 6 inches from my puss she increased the pressure again and I could feel the vibes deep in my crotch. I let out a little squeel and again she was right at my ear telling me to stay calm (easy for her to say).

When she got to the point where my leg joins my body she eased up on the pressure as it traveled those last few inches to my pussy. First she just slid it low between my lips and turned it around a few times getting it all juicy and slippery. Then I felt the tip of it at my lips and I tensed up. Melly pulled it away rom me and again whispered to stay calm. I took a deep breath and prepared for the invasion. The tip of it touched my lips and slid easly between them. I felt the vibrations start to go threw me again. Melly paused for a second and then I raised up my hips like an invitation and she pushed it all the way home. I could feel when the rabbit ears came in contact with my clit and I let out a low moan. She started to fuck it in and out. Each time the ears touched my clit I moaned louder until it was just one long moan getting louder each time she pushed into me. When she knew I was ready she tilted the vibe up to press against the underside of my pubic bone.

Her breath was ragged in my ear. "Oh you slut, You nasty, wonderful slut. Cum for me Baby, cum for me right now."

She kept talking but I was past hearing. I started to cum just like she asked. She is the one that is usually loud during orgasm, but this time I was yelling at the top of my lungs as it washed over me. It was so powerful I thought I was going to pass out from the shear joy of it. I was shaking from head to foot, I think every muscle group was having a sizure.

I lost track of how long it lasted, and then I just crashed. I felt like a great damn had burst and I was just a rag doll caught up in it. I started to cry (something I never do) from the wonderful feeling of giving myself to her so compleatly. I think that must of scared her a little because she had me untied in just seconds and was holding me close and kissing away my tears. She asked if I was alright and I said I was wonderful.

That was about the last thing I remember because she said I was asleep in about two minutes after she untied me.

The next morning when her alarm went off and she got up to shower. I got up to make her some breakfast. I grabed my robe and went into the guest bathroom to pee. As soon as I stood up I could feel how sore my pussy was. I turned on the bathroom light and opened the robe as I looked in the mirror. I could see the hickey on my neck and it was as bad as I thought it might be. there was a light bruise on my lip from where she had bitten me and as I brushed my hands over my breasts lightly, I flinched at how sore my puffy nipples were to touch. I looked down at my pussy and seen it was still a little puffy and much redder than normal. I parted my lips and looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled and felt well fucked all over. It was well past noon before I couldn't feel any reminder of the night before and I was sorry to see them go.

Loving Kisses to you all Genny

Next: Chapter 26

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