Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Oct 27, 2007


A Genny Story... Tuesday Evening

This was just a regular day. But the loving was just so perfect I wanted to share it with the world. I hope you enjoy.

I am Genny.

Yesterday the rain cleared up in the afternoon. I ran out to the store and had all the fixins for a nice dinner by the time Melly got home. I had a salad made and in the fridge and two chicken breasts in a marinade. I had the coals hot in our little hibachi, and the cork out of the wine. After she had changed and washed up Melly poured us both some wine and we sat out on our patio while the chicken cooked. It was just one of those perfect moments. The world around us was peaceful and quiet and we could sit out there and hold hands and talk about our day. When it was time to flip the chicken, Melly came up behind me and wrapped me in her arms. I wiggled my butt back against her as she kissed me on the neck. She slid her cold hands under my sweatshirt onto my belly and made me jump. Once they warmed up she moved them up and cupped both my tits. We stood there by the warm grill listening to the meat sizzle as she stroked and teased me. Eventually I turned in her arms and kissed her before we had to break for dinner. There were two more glasses of wine with dinner and we opened a second bottle after we cleaned up the dishes. When we moved out on the couch I ran through everything that was on TV and there was nothing. I don't watch Dancing With The Stars or other junk like that, so I said I was going to go up and take a shower. Melly said that if I wanted to take a bath, she would join me. Now, What girl would ever pass up an offer like that? So I went up and ran the water until it was just on the verge of being too hot and added some of our best bubbles. We have 6-7 candles in the bathroom and I lit them. Then I went to our toy drawer and got out our double headed dildoe. I tossed it into the water and it disappeared under the bubbles.

Melly came in wearing her robe (untied), her brown tan body showing sharply against the white robe, and carrying the bottle of wine, but no glasses. She took a swallow of the wine and came up and kissed me so I could taste it on her mouth and tongue. When we broke the kiss I pulled my sweatshirt up over my head and pushed my jeans and panties down to the floor. When I was naked she opened her robe and I moved in to the warmth of her body. She set the bottle on the counter and wrapped her robe around both of us as we kissed again. My hands slid down her back to her cheeks and pulled us both closer together. Our tongues wrestled for a little while, and we could both feel the other getting excited.

We broke the kiss, moved the wine bottle to the edge of the tub and then both of us slid into the hot soapy water. We sat facing each other from the ends of our tub. I remember the tub my sister Janet and I used to take baths in at home. When we were very young we used to share a bath and she always made me sit in the deep end with the faucet poking me in the back of the head. Whoever designed the faucet in the middle of the tub deserves a Nobel Prize for romance enhancement.

I picked up Melly's foot and washed it. She giggled as I slipped my fingers between her toes, and scratched my nails on the underside of her foot. As I finished each foot I brought it to my mouth and sucked her big toe trying to look as sexy as I could.

When I let her second foot go back in the water she reached under the bubbles and came up with the dildo. It was all shiny looking. Melly held it out like a limp sword and poked it at my right tit. We giggled and she kept poking me and I kept trying to grab the slippery toy. Eventually I slid up the tub to her and pulled her to me. I wrapped my legs over hers and around her back. He body was slippery against mine and I loved the feel of her bigger tits slipping over and around mine. My arms were around her back and her hands came to lace her fingers in my hair. We kissed and nibbled at each others face for quite awhile. Eventually we broke the kiss and just held each other tight. Melly held up the dil and asked, "Did you have plans for this in here?" I just shrugged, "It was a possibility, if the mood struck us."

She kissed me again and then said, "I think I would rather get into bed, just you and me, unless you really want this."

"No, no. Just you and me in bed sounds perfect. Lets rinse off."

I pulled the plug and she got out and turned on the shower. When the water was nice and warm we both jumped in to get all the bubbles off of us. Of course we had to play around a little to make sure all those little bubbles were out of all those hidden little places.

After the rinse and then a mutual pat down with towels (again checking all those delicious, hard to get at places) we moved to the bed.

We had both been taking little sips from the wine bottle and it was about half gone. With both of us having a little buzz we decided it would be best to leave the bottle in the bathroom.

Our bodies were warm from the water and the sheets felt cool to the touch. We moved together and started kissing again. Melly pushed up against me and I rolled over on my back and loved the feel of her weight on top of me. Her hair draped down around both our faces, and I spread my legs to let her settle in against me better. For the next ten minutes there was much kissing and a gentle humping motion of her hips against mine. I scratched my nails down her back and grabbed on to her butt cheeks. I spread my legs wider and raised my knees up so my pussy could rub against hers. We both moaned and pressed harder.

The rythem started picking up and when we broke the kiss we were both a little short of breath. Her mouth was at my ear and she started talking dirty to me. She kept telling me how good my pussy felt against hers and how she wantd to fuck me to death. I streached my arms down further and parted her cheeks as I pulled her firmer against me. I let my index finger slip down between her cheeks and then trail back up across her little pucker. As I slid across it she caught her breath, so I scratched my finger nail right across the tight little ring and she moaned, "Oh fuck, you are such a nasty girl."

With each word she humped her pussy against mine.

I drug my nail again across her anus and rubbed the center of it. Melly pushed up on her arms and that let her increase the pressure between our pussys. Between the juice we were creating, and the sweat from the friction, our pussy lips slid easy against the others. I could actualy hear the sexy squish, squish noise as our lips parted and then came back together with each stroke.

I looked up to Melly's face and her head was thrown back and her eyes were closed. She started to increase the rythem and with each hump against me she gave out a very sexy little grunt. I could tell she was close so I started talking to her.

"Oh yes. Fuck me Baby. Fuck me with your sweet pussy. Give it to me. Give me your sweet cum. I want you to cum all over me" I touched the tip of my finger to the center of her anus and pressed gently against it. I knew I could easly press it right into her, but I also knew she would get off more on the tease than the real thing.

"Oh you slut, You nasty fucking slut. Oh fuck, oh fuck fuck fuck!"

Her hips were a blur against mine. It felt so good, and watching the blush rise in her pretty face as she got close, was pushing me to my orgasm too.

And then she started to cum. It was beautiful. Her whole body started to spasm, and all she could say was "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck" over and over.

After more than a minute she slumped back down against me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close as I felt her body tremble with the after shocks of a good orgasm. I pushed her hair out of the way and kissed the side of her face and her neck. Slowly I could feel her breath coming back to normal. When she could talk she turned her face to mine and kissed me and said, "God, that felt good. Thank you."

I laughed and said, "Your welcome, but you did most of the work. I was just here for the ride."

We both smiled at each other and then kissed again.

After about ten mintes of rest, Melly rolled over to my side. She left one leg draped over my thigh and I could feel her very wet pussy against my hip.

She wispered in my ear. "Now what can I do for you?"

It was a retoricle question because she had already moved her hand onto my pussy. I moaned and pushed up against her hand like a cat looking to get petted. She pushed her hand deeper between my legs and brought it out high enough so we could both see how wet it was. Her fingers were shiny with both our juices. She brought her finger tips to my right nipple and circled it, leaving a shiny little trail around the raising nipple. She pinched the nipple between her slippery fingers and I could feel my excitment grow.

After a minute she leaned over and sucked the nipple clean. Then she moved up and kissed me. I couldn't tast the juice on her mouth, but just the sexienes of it made me moan.

While we kissed her hand went back down to my pussy. Her finger tips trailed down between my lips, and she teased me with a finger nail drug over my clit. She got the groan she wanted and I could feel her smile against my mouth.

One finger snaked it's way into my pussy and I pushed my hips up again to meet it. Slowly she started to use just that one finger. Slipping it out and then pushing it back in again. It felt nice but I needed more. Thankfully she slid a second and then a third finger into me. Now, I felt nicely full as she pushed her digits deep into me. Her palm pressed down against my clit and she held it there to let me enjoy the pressure of it.

Her mouth was at my ear. I could feel her breath on me. She took my ear lobe between her teeth and slowly bit down. She bit harder and harder until finally I had to moan. She eased up just a little as she pushed her hand back into my pussy. I felt like a swamp down there, and could feel the cool wet spot starting on the sheet under my butt.

She let go of my ear lobe and started to talk to me again. "I want to make you cum. I want you to scream and cum all over my hand. Be my sweet little slut and cum for me."

As she pushed her fingers into me she curled them slightly and as they came out they slid across my g-spot. My hips started to hump up harder against her hand. I was grunting and I could feel the sweat coming from every part of me. Melly picked up her pace and with every push in her palm slapped against my clit. I was starting to see stars.

She kept up the dirty words calling me every nasty name in the book. And then I just exploded. My whole body went ridgid and then I started to shake all over. It was glorious. I could feel my pussy spasm over and over and over again. Melly's dirty words went to a soft cooing in my ear as I started to uncoil. Every muscle had been so tight for so long that when I finaly relaxed, I felt like a wet noodle. I cuddled up against Melly and never felt more content.

I must of dozed off for at least a minute, because the next thing I knew we were both covered up. I felt warm and safe and happy. It was a wonderful night and I know I am a very lucky girl.

I hope you enjoyed our little story. As always I would love to hear from anyone that would like to write. Be warned... I always write back.

Happy girl kisses Genny

Next: Chapter 25

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