Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Jul 24, 2007


The other day a girl that started writing to me after my last story was posted, asked if I was always the submissive, or if I liked to sometimes be the aggressive one. I told her honestly that as far as sex goes I am a happy submissive. There have been times when I have wanted to do things to Melly. To hold her down and do wonderful nasty things to her body until she came in great big buckets. I picture it in my mind how I would control her and keep her at my mercy until she begged me to let her cum. The reality of it is, that when there is something new I want to do to her. I ask her if she would let me do something new. When she gets a dirty thought in her head, she doesn't ask, she just pushes me down on the bed and has her fun with me. I guess that is the real difference between a domn and a sub, who feels like she needs to ask, and who doesn't.

Thinking about all that made me remember a girl I knew in college. This is the story of her and my brief and some what star-crossed love affair. I hope you enjoy it, and as always, I am at and would love to hear from any one that would like to write.

A Genny Story... Kentra

I am Genny.

By my second year at Michigan State I was out to my family and everyone I knew on campus. I was getting a bit of a reputation and more than a few times I heard people had referred to me as "That red headed dyke". I had dated a few guys since starting in my freshman year but mostly I was just dating girls.

It was just after Christmas break, and winter was taking hold of mid Michigan. I was an education major and one of the classes I was taking was sports education (gym teacher). Twice a week I would go over to the sports complex and take a class. Most of it was interesting, we learned about nutrition and injuries and how to support good physical health.

After one of the classes I was walking through the complex when I seen the women's basketball team practicing. I had some reading to do so I found a good place to sit and spread out my stuff to study and to watch the team. I spent more time watching the girls run back and forth, up and down the court than studying. I have always had a thing for athletic girls. Mostly softball players, but really any girls that played sports.

Melly played softball in high school and I have seen pictures of how hot she looked in her tight little uniform. My first lover, Ann (see earlier story) and my sister Janet were always on a team and I would go to all their games. I think that is where I first got interested in sporty girls. I loved watching the catchers. They always seemed like the most aggressive girls on the field. They were always yelling at someone, then they would squat in that very sexy position and then throw the ball back to the pitcher. They all seemed to have the dirtiest uniform on the field, and I just loved them.

While I was watching the basketball team I noticed one girl in particular. She was well over six feet tall and when she was on the court, she just dominated everything. The ball would come in to her and she would either push the girl guarding her back to the basket or she would just shoot over her. And when she went for a rebound, one shift of her hip and girls would go flying. She was grunting and moaning and sweating so much that her black skin was wonderfully shiny, and I was getting short of breath just watching her play.

I found out her name was Kentra, (Not her real name. She went on to have a very good career at MSU and I still hear her on the radio as a commentator, and she is involved with the team still. I have never heard that she is out so I won't use her real name.) She had hair cut very short and skin the color of milk chocolate. He legs were long, her arms were long and her shoulders were wide.

I had to leave to meet some friends, but I made sure that I started to go to the games. She was just a freshman so she didn't get to start, but I thought she was the best on the team. When she was on the floor the other team would only take so much abuse and then started giving her room. From then on the whole floor was hers. She was so aggressive that just to watch her made me wet.

I asked around and a friend of mine said she had seen her hanging out with some gay girls and she thought Kentra might be gay too. I kept going to games and caught her eye a couple of times sitting close to the court. After about five games I got someone to introduce us. It was before a game, and I told her how much I had been enjoying watching her play. She seemed surprisingly shy when we met. I got up my courage and asked her what she was doing after the game. She didn't have any plans so I asked if she wanted to go out for something to eat. It was all set and then she had to go play.

Our dinner out went surprisingly good. For all our differences, I am white, she is black, she is from Detroit, I am from mid Michigan, we still got along very well. We talked about music and classes and stuff that was going on around campus. She said she had seen me at a few rallies for the gay rights group, so I knew that she knew I was into girls. I was happy that she made a point of bringing that up.

After that, we started to see each other a lot. I became a regular at as many practices as I could and unless the game was to far away to get to. I was at most of them.

The more we hung out the more we started acting like a couple. One day we were walking across campus and the ice was in big chunks on the sidewalks. I reached over and took her arm for support. Just to feel her muscles under her coat was a thrill. She smiled over to me and I kept a hold of her arm even when the sidewalk cleared out. She put her hand on mine and gave me a friendly squeeze. From then on we always held hands as we walked.

We were meeting for lunch almost every day and would hang out together in the evenings. The trouble was neither one of us had a place that we could be together alone. We started finding quiet little places to make out. We would duck into a doorway and kiss for long minutes until we felt we had to leave. She was the first girl I made out with in the library. We would go back into the stacks or find a quiet isle out of the way and just start kissing. We were interrupted so many times that after a while we just kept kissing and let the world go on around us.

The kissing was great. Her kissing style was soft and shy, not what I was really wanting, but rubbing up against that hard athletic form, made my whole body tingle in anticipation for the time we could finally get together alone. We would both get so hot that I started wearing clothes that were easier for her to get into. I would put on just a sweatshirt under my coat, and more than once I would take her hand and push it up under my clothes and on to my tit.

We finally got our chance when she told me her room mate was not going to be on campus for a weekend. There was going to be a game on Saturday afternoon and then we would have the entire weekend together in her little room. I was very excited and more than once masturbated while thinking about her hands on me and her strong body on top of mine.

On Saturday I got to the game early and was sitting there when the girls first came out for warm ups. As soon as I seen Kentra come out of the locker room I started to make my way across the gym. My intent was to say something provocative to her so she would know I was as horny as I was hoping she was. When I got about ten feet from her a woman walked up to her and gave her a big hug. I stopped in my tracks and seen that the older woman was obviously family. I kind of took a step back just as Kentra looked up and seen me. I was going to take my cue from her and was ready to just walk away, but when she seen me she smiled and called, "Hi Genny."

She broke the hug with the woman and then they both turned to me. I could definitely see the family resemblance. She was probably in her mid forties and almost as tall as Kentra. She was smiling when she looked over to me and I could see just what Kentra was going to look like in later life.

Kentra said, "Mom, this is my friend Genny. Genny, this is my Mom."

The smile was warm and genuine. We shook hands and for a few seconds made small talk. Then the coach came out and Kentra said she had to go. I wished her luck in the game and went back to find a seat in the student section. Her mom went over and sat down next to a young guy that was also obviously family. He was a little younger than Kentra and looked taller than 6' 6" he looked like an athlete also.

MSU won the game and Kentra had played very well. She scored a dozen points and had dominated again under the basket. After the game all the players went into the showers and I waited for Kentra out in the stands. I seen her mom and the guy waiting also. I wasn't sure if I should go down and say hi, but she looked up at me and when she caught my eye she smiled a warm smile and waved. I waved back and started to make my way down to them on the floor. I said hello again and her mom introduced me to J J, Kentra's brother. When she said to J J, "This is Kentra's friend Genny", J J took my hand, and shook it, but he looked at me like I was some kind of bug that needed squashing. His mom asked me how I liked the game and we talked about that for the few minutes until Kentra came out.

After just a few minutes of chit chat her mom said that they were going out to get something to eat and that I would be more than welcome to join them. I seen the trapped look in Kentra's eyes saying, "I didn't know they would do this." I said thanks, but I had some studying to do (On a Saturday? Pretty lame), but if Kentra wanted to do something later she should call me.

I was bummed that our Saturday was interrupted, but in college, there is nothing you can do about parents visits. So I went back to my room to wait.

It was only about two hours when the phone rang. It was Kentra, and her mom had just left. She said they went to a nice restaurant and she only ordered a salad and as soon as she was finished with that she started saying how tired she was and how she just wanted to go back to her room and go to bed. Her poor Mom had probably pictured them spending an entire day together and here it was just afternoon and she was heading back to Detroit.

And I was headed across campus to Kentra's dorm. At that time I had been with five other girls, including Carol (see earlier story), so I had a vision of what I expected to happen when I got there. I pictured Kentra as horny as I was and when I walked through the door she would be more than ready to push me up against a wall, press her muscular body against mine, and ravage me. I could almost feel her strong hands on me, pushing me, and molding me to do her will. Yumm, I was ready.

When she opened the door I seen an entirely different girl from that aggressive, dominating basketball player. She had changed into a soft sweater and slacks. She smiled at me with a shy smile and I leaned in to her to kiss her. I moved up close to her and let our lips linger against each other. When we broke the kiss I moaned and said, "Oh God, I have been waiting for this for so long."

We kissed again with my head tilted way back and hers bending down to reach me. I slipped my tongue out to trail across her lips, when she felt that she opened her mouth and let me slide in. I reached up and wrapped my arms around her neck so I could pull my self against her harder.

Her arms were around me but she was just holding me gently like she was afraid to grab on to anything. When we broke that kiss I looked up into her dark eyes and we smiled at each other. I asked her, "What do you want to do?"

She smiled and gave me a shrug and said, "I don't know. I like doing this."

I answered, "So do I but lets go over and do it on the bed."

With one more peck on the lips we broke our hug and turned to the bed. I shrugged off my coat and undid my shoes. I tossed them over in the corner and then undid the belt, the button and the zipper to my jeans. As I was pulling them down I looked over to her and she was just standing there looking at me. I had a sudden panic that I might of played this all wrong. Our eyes met and I said, "What's wrong?"

In a very small voice she answered, Nothing, I was just watching you." Then with a little laugh, "My God, you are so white. Should I get undressed too?"

I smiled back and answered, "Absolutely, I don't want to be the only naked girl in this bed."

Her hands went to the buttons on her jeans and I watched as she undid them and then pulled the zipper down. I could see white panties behind the zipper and was dying to see more.

I kicked my jeans off and pulled my sweatshirt up over my head. I shook my hair out and was standing there with only a pair of my best panties on. Her jeans followed mine into the corner and I could see the muscles in her leg flex when she gave them a kick. Her sweater came up and over her head and there she was, standing there in just a sports bra and underpants.

We both just stood there for a few seconds and looked at each other. I drank in her size and her color, both very exciting for me. I traced her muscles with my eyes and shivered thinking about how she was going to feel against me. I had my back to the bed and said, "Come over here."

I stood with my feet slightly apart, my hands down at my side, palms facing her, in a most open and submissive posture. She came up so close that I could feel her warmth against me. I tilted my head up and she leaned down to kiss me again. I closed my eyes and yearned to feel her just push me back on the bed and take me. Our lips met and her hands came to my shoulders to hold me. I could feel my heart beating and with my head right there at her chest I could hear hers doing the same. When she didn't push me back on the bed I wrapped my arms around her and held the cheeks of her ass with both my hands. I pulled her into me and she let me. I could feel her mound pressing against my belly button, that was the difference in our height.

We stood kissing, with her hands just resting on my shoulders. I finally broke the kiss and sat back on the bed. She stood there until I scooted back and patted the bed next to me, then she crawled on the bed and up to me. I lay back and she lay down too, half on me and half on her side. We kissed again for a few minutes. I kept pushing up against her and she seemed to be waiting for me to tell her what to do. When we broke the kiss I told her to take off her bra. She quickly pulled the sports bra up over her head and I got to see her breasts for the first time. They were certainly larger than mine, but on her frame they still seemed small. They were flawless, half grapefruits and a wonderful dark brown color with areolas and nipples the color of coal. I cupped them both in my hands and for a few seconds just stared at the contrasts of my white hands on her dark tits. Then I leaned in to take one in my mouth. I licked the nipple with my tongue and circled it, feeling it grow between my lips. I think we both moaned at the touch. I nursed at her right nipple and rolled the left one between my finger and thumb, gently pulling at it and feeling it spring back to it's place. As I sucked on her nipple I noticed that she really wasn't doing anything other than laying there letting me do what I wanted. So I took her hand and pressed it against my panties. She began to lightly touch me between the legs. Letting her fingers slide up and down the wet gusset of my underwear. I took my mouth off her nipple and turned my face up to hers. We kissed again and then I told her, "You can do what ever you want. I won't break."

With that she began to rub her hand against me a little harder. I started kissing my way down her neck and back to her sweet nipples as I opened my legs to give her access to anything she might want, and gave an appreciative moan when she pressed the material in between my lips.

When I got my mouth back on her chocolate nipple, I started slowly sliding my hand down her belly. I was trying to tease her a little but also just running my fingers across her hard stomach muscles and feeling them under my fingers excited me a lot. When I got to the band of her panties I hooked my thumb in them and started to push them down. I could only get them half over her hips because I just could not reach down that far. I expected her to help me out a little, but she just kept rubbing me. Finally I had to abandon her nipple again and sit up to push her panties the rest of the way down. I also pushed mine down and kicked them to the foot of the bed. Now we were both naked. I leaned back a little just to look at her. She was breathtaking. There was just so much of her. She filled the bed from head board to foot board. I slid my hand up her leg and felt again her muscles and strength. I rested my palm on her pussy. She had about a quarter inch of black curly pubic hair, trimmed to a good size triangle. It looked bristly, but it felt like a soft cushion against my hand. I slid down slightly and pressed my hands against the inside of her thighs. She seemed shy to open up at first, but with just a slight delay her legs spread and I got my first look at her beautiful sex. Her lips were darker than the rest of her body, almost the color of her nipples. I reached out my right hand and drug my middle finger up between her lips. As they parted I got to see the bright pink inside. It was such a shocking contrast between the pink of her inner pussy and the dark of her outer lips, that I just had to slide in two fingers and then spread them apart to really appreciate the beauty of it.

Kentra gave a low moan as I did that. Her hips gave a little jerk in my direction, so I pushed the fingers in deeper and then gave them a little twist. She moaned again and as I pulled the fingers out I could see that they were covered in her arousal. I really wanted to push them both into my mouth and taste her, but I knew she was watching me and I didn't want to do anything that she might not like. So I slowly pushed them back in as deep as I could. As I did that I leaned my face down to within two inches of her pussy. I took a deep breath and brought her scent into my lungs. I could feel the heat radiating from her and with each stroke of my fingers she was getting wetter and wetter. I moved in those last two inches and touched my lips to hers. I licked a long cat like lick the length of her lips and felt her shiver and push against my face, my nose pressed down into her curls and it felt different from the other girls I had been with. I thought it felt very sexy. I opened my mouth just slightly and sucked in her lips until I could taste her juices seeping into my mouth. I started to gently suck and release her lips and I could hear her breathing getting more and more ragged. It had only been about two minutes from the time my lips touched hers, but she was about to cum. I wanted to drive her so crazy that she would grab my hair and shove my face up hard against her slippery sex, but she just lay there, moaning and panting so softly that if there had been a radio playing I might of not even known that she was cumming.

My first thought was to start all over again and this time tease her until she had to force me to finish. But as I started to lick her again she clamped those legs on my head and twisted away from me. I looked up and her face was all flush and her eyes were wide.

I smiled up and said, "I take it you liked that."

Barely able to breath she answered, "Oh Lordy (she used that expression a lot), that was amazing."

I smiled and planted another kiss on her slippery lips. That finally brought her hands down on my head, but she pushed me back a little and said, "No, really no more for right now. I just couldn't stand it."

I took that as a compliment and moved up her body planting kisses on those beautiful muscles all the way up to her face. Before I could kiss her mouth, she took her hand and wiped it across my face getting most of her sauce off of my lips (some girls just don't like that), and then we kissed. I pulled back and looked at her for a few seconds and then asked, "Kentra, this isn't the first time you have ever done this is it?"

She was quick to answer, "No. No I have been with two other girls. But I have never been with a white girl before, and I have never gotten an orgasm that big before."

I laughed a little and said, "I don't think one has anything to do with the other. I think it might be that we have just been building up to this for so long that we are both ready to explode."

I leaned back down and we kissed again. It was a long loving kiss that started with just lips, but then I lid my tongue into her mouth and she pushed hers right back at me. It kept getting hotter and hotter until I was humping my pussy against her hip. When we broke the kiss she asked, "What should I do for you?"

I was hoping that she would take the lead, but I was not above giving a little direction.

"I want you to do everything to me. I want you to do everything you have been wanting to do."

With that I rolled over on my back and was praying that I was about to get the ravishing I had been dreaming about since I first met this lovely amazon.

She rolled with me so she was partially on top of me now. "I want to look at you."

With that she moved down to the foot of the bed. I spread my legs further apart so she was in between them. I propped my head up on a pillow and watched her. Her eyes were on my pussy and she was smiling like a kid seeing her presents under the tree. It must of been a whole minute and she had not moved a muscle. Just sat there looking at my pussy.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"It's beautiful. Your hair is so red and soft, and your pussy is so pink. It is very beautiful."

Still she had not moved.

"You can touch it. I want you to touch it, and to do everything to me."

Her hand came out and she started to pet me. Her hand kept up a rhythm stroking down from my mons to the top of my lips. It felt loving and nice, but far from enough to get me off.

I slid my hands down and as I raised up my hips I parted my lips for her. She quit touching me and again she just looked at me.

"I want you to eat me. I want you to do all the things I did to you and more. Make me scream. I want you to be rough with me and make me cum for you."

I thought that was as plain as I could say it. Finally she started to move her face towards my pussy. I raised my hips up and held them there for what seemed like a very long time before I Finally felt her tongue lick slowly up one of my lips.

"Oh yes Baby, that's it, eat me. Suck my pussy, make me cum for you."

With that she finally to get a little aggressive and began to lick me with long licks across my lips. I still had my hands down there so I spread myself wider and pushed against her face. Her tongue slipped inside of me and it felt like a wonderful slick animal moving about inside my pussy.

"Oh fuck yes. Keep doing that. Make me cum"

I felt her strong hands grab on to my thighs and she pushed her face even deeper into my now happy pussy. As her tongue danced around inside me, her upper lip and nose rubbed against my clit. I added even more pressure and knew I was only moments from my cum.

"Oh yes Baby, right there. I'm gunna cum. I'm gunna cum. Oh fuck, I'm cumming. Yes, I'm fucking cumming."

Stars started exploding all around me as my orgasm shot from my pussy to my brain. Her strong hands were holding on to me so hard that my feet were up off the bed and my body was just shaking like a fish. Kentra kept her mouth pressed against my lips as she eased me back down and was still sucking at my lips as I started to come out of my orgasm created coma. I felt wonderful.

I looked down at her between my legs and her big dark eyes were looking back up to me. I smiled and reached down for her. She smiled back and started to move up my body. As she got up close to my face she started to wipe her mouth with her hand. I grabbed the sides of her face real fast and pulled her mouth to mine.

I could taste myself on her lips and I have always thought that was a sexy taste. I sucked at her lips and pulled her body down on mine. Our tounges wrestled and I could taste myself strong in her mouth. When I broke the kiss to catch my breath, I held her tight to me. I felt my heart trying to get back to a normal beat and both our breathing was starting to slow. After a minute she started to move her body off of me. I held her fast and said, "No, don't move. I like you right there."

She whispered, "I don't want to crush you."

"No. I love the feel of you on top of me. I love your big body on top of mine."

So she lay there, and I could bask in the feel of her. The weight of her. The smell of her. I had been fantasizing on how she would smell all sweaty ever since I had first seen her play. I pressed my nose against her neck and breathed in deep, and then again in her hair. I loved that smell.

Finally she did push up a little and propped herself over me with her elbows. She looked down and we kissed a gentle soft kiss. She asked, "Did I do alright? I didn't want to hurt you."

"Oh Kentra, you were wonderful, and I may want you to hurt me."

I could tell by the look on her face that she didn't understand that part.

"I love it that you are strong. I think it is very sexy that you have wonderful muscles. I want to feel your hands on me, and your strength. I like a little pain during sex. It turns me on."


"Yes, really. I love strong aggressive women. I gotta tell you, when I watch you out on the court, pushing all the rest of those girls around, I get so excited I want to shove my hand down in my jeans and cum."

We kissed again and then rested for a little while, just holding each other. Eventually little kisses started to fan the flames again and before long I had my happy face right back between her thighs. This time I did tease her and keep her at the very edge of orgasm for as long as I could. Her fingers did eventually find their way into my hair to pull my face against her sex as she humped herself to a wonderful orgasm. Again she wiped my face for me before she would kiss me, so after that I made sure she could see me wipe it off myself. I didn't want her to feel bad about it.

Turn around was fair and she did go down on me and she did get me off, but it was still in a very gentle, almost timid way. When her hands were on my breasts and she would give them a little squeeze, I would moan, "Harder." She either didn't get it or just couldn't bring herself to do it, so the most I got was a soft loving breast massage.

I went back to my room late that night but was back at her place by noon on Sunday. We went out for lunch and held hands and snuck little caresses while we walked and while we ate. We were both horny by the time we got back to her room. We started undressing each other just as we got the door closed. I pulled her coat off and then pulled her sweatshirt up and over her head. She only had a tee shirt under that and I whipped that up and over her head very quickly. I undid her jeans and pushed them down over her hips. Then I started to rip off my own clothes. Kentra was bending down pulling her foot out of the last leg of her jeans when I pushed her from behind and she flopped over on the bed. I laughed and jumped on top of her. I started tickling her and tried to hold her hands. She was laughing and wiggling around under me and without much effort at all flipped me over so that I was on the bottom. I was thinking, "Oh good, now I'm going to get it.", but she just rolled off me and lay next to me on the bed. I attacked again, tickling her sides and then up to pinch her tits and nipples. Her hands grabbed mine and forced them up and over my head. I relaxed and when she let go of them I left them up there making me vulnerable to anything she might want to do. She didn't do anything.

I sighed and brought my hands back down to my sides. I rolled over to her and asked her if she was ok. She said, "I'm fine." But it was in that way that lets you know that it is anything but fine. I cuddled up to her and asked again, "Really, I want to know, something is bothering you. Tell me what it is."

After a little silence she turned to me and said, "I don't like it like that."

"Like what?"

"Rough like that. I don't like it like that. That's the way boys do it. I don't want to wrestle. I get plenty of that when I am playing ball."

Now I was the one that was quiet.

"Do you understand what I am saying? I like it soft and the way girls do it."

"Some girls do like it rough."

"I know, and I know you thought I was a big tough black girl from Detroit, but I'm not."

She was laying on her back, when I looked over at her a tear ran down the side of her face. My heart absolutely broke. I felt like such an ass. Like I was the bully, making her do things she didn't want to do. I moved over to her and kissed the trail of the tear. I whispered in her ear that I was sorry, and that I didn't mean to make her do things she wasn't comfortable doing, that I thought that was what she wanted. She just shook her head as more tears slid down her cheeks and I felt even more like a louse. I kissed each tear as softly as I could and said, "I'm sorry", about a hundred times.

Eventually we did make love again. It was soft and loving and satisfying, but every time I felt myself really getting excited, I felt like I had to hold back. It was very strange to me. It was the first time I could not change to fit what a lover wanted me to be. In every other relationship I was more than happy to do what ever they had wanted me to do or to let them do to me anything that they wished. This was the first time that I was responsible to set the limits, and I found it more than I could do.

Kentra and I only made love twice more after that day and both times we were sadder after making love than before. Finally we decided that we should just remain friends, not lovers. But after a while we discovered that we didn't have much to base our friendship on either. I don't think we ever shared a cross word, but we just drifted on like you sometimes do in college when there is so much else going on. We would wave when we seen each other on campus, and she once introduced me to a girl that she called her friend, but was obvious there was something much more going on. I was happy for her, and we both just moved on.

So that is my story about Kentra and my love affair. I didn't realize it then, but later I came to the conclusion that we were both submissives and it was probably doomed from the start. I hope you liked it. As always if you want to write I would love to hear from you. And I ALWAYS write back.


Next: Chapter 24

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