Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Oct 14, 2006


Quite a few people that have read my stories have asked how Melly and finaly got together. I guess I have hinted around about it but never realy told the story. Part of it is because it is very personal betwen Melly and I. I had actually wrote a version of this story but had not sent it to anyone. I just kept it for myself. Reciently a good friend (Stacy) asked me about our first time and I looked up the story and sent it to her. After that I showed it to Melly and asked if she minded if I post it. She laughed and said, "After all the things you have told the world? Your shy about this?" So here it is, the story of our first loving.

A Genny Story... Our First Time

I am Genny.

If you read the story about Jessy and I then you know that Melly and I had been seeing each other but we hadn't really made any commitments or even had sex yet. Part of that was because of Karen. She and Melly had been lovers before I met either of them and then Karen and I had had a brief but hot affair for a few months. I wasn't sure that dating Karen's best friend was a good idea. On top of that Melly was being told by a few friends "Don't date the Bi girl. They always go back to cock." So we were both taking it slow and easy.

After my night with Jess I decided that affairs and one night stands were not what I was looking for. I knew I felt something special for Melly and I wanted to move forward with that.

I called her that night after I took Jess home and we talked for a long while. It felt wonderful and right. We made a date for lunch the next day, where we had a long honest talk about how we felt about eachother, and really have not been apart since then.

I am a firefighter and my schedule is a 24 hour shift at the station and then 24 hours off, so it can be hard sometimes to make plans with people with regular jobs and schedules. We made a date to go to the movies on Friday night and held hands in the theatre threw the whole thing. It was a late show and I had to get up in the morning to go to work so we didn't really have time to do anything after. I drove her home and we sat in her parking lot for a long time kissing goodnight. We kept laughing about "Ok, this is really it I have to go now" and then we would start kissing all over again. Finally I did have to leave, but she invited me over on Sunday after I got off work for breakfast. I drove right home and masturbated thinking about all our kissing and how much I really liked her.

I got off work on Sunday morning at 7 am. I ran home to change and clean up, then drove over to Melly's apartment. She had gone all out for the meal. She had coffee and some pastries and then all the fixins for omelets. She met me at the door with a big kiss and a smile. She was wearing a tee shirt with no bra and shorts. Her free breasts swayed as she moved about and her tan legs looked wonderful. We sipped our coffee and talked. She asked me about work and I told her about the runs we had and all my work stuff. Before we started the omelets she picked up the used dishes and took them to the sink. I came up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders. I leaned down and kissed one bare shoulder and said, "Can I ask you something?"

She kept her eyes on the dishes and, "Sure, ask away."

"After we were kissing the other night, ....did you.... have to come in and jump right in bed and masturbate.... too?"

She turned around to face me. I think we were both a little embarased by the question, but she had a big smile on her face, "Twice."

First we both laughed, then we started kissing again and her body pressed up against mine felt so nice I couldn't describe it. The omelets were going to have to wait for later because in about three minutes flat we were up in her room pulling our clothes off. The first orgasm was just a frenzy. Neither one of us could stop kissing long enough to do anything but use our fingers on the other. I was on my back and she was half over me. We were kissing and moaning into each others mouths. I spread my legs and her hand came down to cup my pussy. I could feel how wet I was from the juice she was spreading all over me. I snaked my hand down under her and started to play my fingers across her lips and every time I touched her she would moan louder and push against me. it only took a few short minutes and we were both flailing against each other like two fish on the bottom of a boat. it was so fast and so intense and so exhausting that we both started laughing from the shear release of it.

It took us longer to catch our breath after, than it did to cum. Eventually we did float back to earth and after a minute of silence one of us just said, "WOW!" And we both started laughing all over again.

We snuggled up against each other and then started soft kisses again. I was more on top this time and I kissed her pretty face all over. In a few minutes we started to press against each other again and I wanted more than anything to please her. I kissed my way down to her breasts and spent a nice visit kissing and licking them both until the nipples were a pair of hard little pebbles. I licked my way down her belly and began to smell her excitement. My intent was to spend some time at her belly button but I was so excited to taste her I slid right past it.

Melly's pubic hair is black and thick. She trims it, and back then it was a small V above her slit, pointing straight to heaven. I kissed past it and pulled my head back to get my first real look at the pussy I was about to fall in love with. I put my whole mouth over it and gave it a gentle suck. I got a wonderful moan from the owner so I knew I was doing it right. I sucked the lips into my mouth and then let them slide back out. When I sucked them back in I got my first taste of her juices and loved them. Her hips started gently humping against my face and I let my tongue slip between the lips to feel the warmth inside. I licked and sucked and licked and sucked. Feeling her getting closer to her cum. I wanted it to be very nice for her. I centered over her clit and sucked it in with as much of her lips as I could. I gently hummed, letting the vibrations build up around her clit. Slowly I centered right on her clit and the volume of her moans doubled. Her hands slid threw my hair and started to push my face in harder against her sex. The tip of my tongue found the end of her clit and I started to flick it across the little nub. That was all it took. Her fingers were tight in my hair and her butt was coming 8 inches off the bed. I could hear, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck".

I wanted to suck every bit of cum from her and just as it seemed she was easing down from her first orgasm it started again. Just hearing her go over was music to my ears and I am sure if I just pressed my pussy down against the sheet I could of orgasmed too, from the shear joy of getting her off.

Eventually she had to push my face away from her pussy. I moved up and held her in my arms. I wasn't sure how she was going to react to my face covered in her pussy juice. Some girls like it and some girls don't. I was happy when she moved against me and kissed my mouth and then started to lick around my lips to clean my face of her sweet taste.

Before we went down stairs she returned the favor very nicely. Then we finished the eggs.

After breakfast we came back up stairs for our first 69. Then we lay in each others arms and had a long heart to heart talk about what all this meant to eachof us and where we were going. I am glad to say that we were and still are going in the same direction. We have been together ever since and we are both waaaaay more in love now than ever.

Well Thats the story of our first time. I wrote it before last March when we went to Canada and got married. Every day I thang god that she didn't listen to her friends.

As always I would love to hear from anyone that would like to write. Be warned, I always write back. Kisses Genny

Next: Chapter 21

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