Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Jul 13, 2005


In the space of about three days I had two different people write and tell me they really liked my stories and they both asked about the first time I went down on a girl. It got me to thinking and after I wrote them describing it I decided to write it up here for you.

A Genny Story... First Taste

I am Genny...

Of course like most girls my first real taste was of myself. I was about 12 when I started hearing from girls at school about masturbation. I tried to gather as much information as I could but it was still a little confusing. Finally I went to my sister Janet. Jan was 2 years older and I thought worlds more advanced than I was. she gave me the basics, "When you put your hand down between your legs and rub your pussy it feels good."

After that I just started experimenting. She was right. When I rubbed myself there it did feel good. I started going to bed every night and playing with my little pussy until I fell asleep. I'm not sure how long before I had my first orgasm, but when I did, I was hooked for life. An avid masturbator was born. It was just about the most perfect thing I had ever found. It felt wonderful and it didn't cost anything. The only draw back was that it was starting to make a mess. I didn't want to leave wet spots on my mom's sheets so I started laying on towels and washcloths. After four or five straight days the household started to run low on towels and washcloths. One night I licked all the juice off my fingers. I found that not only was that a good way to get rid of all that juice on my hand but it also tasted good, and it made me feel sexy doing something that naughty. Licking my fingers after they had been in the place where I pee. In no time at all I got very good at changing hands and sucking my fingers clean of all my cum.

Fast forward a couple of years. I hope you read my story about Ann. She was my sisters best friend and the first person I ever had sex with. I was 14, she was 16. That first time we were together was just kissing and fingers and rubbing against each other. But it was wonderful, and I wanted more! After that first day I followed that girl around like a puppy dog. I thought everything she did or said was absolutely fascinating. My sister Jan thought I had lost my mind and said I was beginning to get on her nerves. It was another three weeks before Ann and I could get together again. School was out and Ann was at our house allot. One afternoon Janet mentioned that she and my mom were going out the next day. Ann looked over to me and said, Maybe I'll come over and see Genny. I thought my head would pop. I was trying to be cool but I had to get up and leave the room before I started to hyper-ventilate.

That night I couldn't sleep and the next morning I was a nervous wreck until my mom and Jan finally left. I kept pacing back and forth looking down the street for her car. When I seen it turn the corner and head towards our house I about peed myself. I couldn't wait for her to come in the house. When she did I was almost frozen on the spot. She came over and asked if everyone was gone. I nodded and she got a big grin on her face. She came over and took my head in her hands and kissed me. It was like I had been holding my breath for 24 hours and at last I could breath. We both started kissing and her tongue slid in my mouth. Her hands were on my bottom and my arms were around her pulling her closer. When we finally broke the kiss she said, "Lets go use your sisters bed." (she had a double I had a single)

In a blur we were in Jan's room and our clothes were off. Ann pushed me back on the bed and then climbed up on top of me (still my favorite position). We were kissing and rubbing up against each other. After a minute she broke the kiss and started moving down towards my little titties. The first time we were together she had touched them and pinched my nipple, but that was all. This time she slid down far enough to take a nipple in her mouth, and I thought I was in heaven. I had never felt anything like that before (That moment started my life long envy of women who can suck their own nipples). She kept going from one happy nipple to the next and it just kept getting better and better. My whole body was alive. Without even knowing why I started humping my pussy up against her belly. It just felt so nice having it pressing up against her warm skin.

When Ann left my breasts I thought she was going to move up and kiss me again. I was a little surprised when she went the other way and I could feel her kissing down my belly and past my navel. It was about then that I realized where she was going. I had heard of things like that but I was never sure if the stories were true or made up. It didn't seem like a logical thing for someone to do. She moved down between my legs and pushed her hands gently against my knees. I spread my legs wide for her and held my breath. Her lips came up against mine in a gentle kiss. It felt nice but really not much more than a regular kiss. Then her mouth opened and she sucked in most of my little pussy. Wow! Now that felt spectacular. My hips started moving again and I could hear myself moaning out loud. Her face was pressed up tight against me and I could feel her lip pushing against my clit. It only took a few minutes of this and I started cumming. My world was spinning. This was absolutely the best thing I had ever felt. I started to float back down to earth. It took another few minutes to get my head back on straight. By then Ann had moved up and was laying half on me and half on my right side. She kissed me and made sure she had wiped some of my juices on my lips. I was of course very familiar with my taste so it was ok with me.. She asked me if I liked that and I said, "Oh yes."

After a little while she said, "I want you to do that to me now."

I looked at her and asked, "You mean kiss you there?"

"Yes, and lick me too."

After, I was surprised that I didn't have any problem with that. She just rolled over on her back and I moved down between her legs. I mentioned in the other story that Ann was a natural blonde. She had a tuft of wonderful gold hair on her pussy, and every part of her was beautifully pink. I took a few extra seconds just to look at her pussy. I had never seen one from this angle before. I had tried squatting over a mirror to look at mine but I could never get it close enough to see it like this. Hers was beautiful. I moved closer and kissed her lips like she had done mine. Just a simple chaste kiss. Again it didn't feel any different from any other regular kiss. Then I opened my mouth wide and like Ann, sucked in as much of her pussy as I could. I felt her lips stretch out in my mouth. I heard her gasp when I did so I figured that it must of felt as good to her as it had to me. Once I had them sucked in like that I really didn't know what else to do, so I just let them slip out and then suck them back in. This was having a positive effect on Ann because I could hear her moaning and her hips started bucking against my face. I felt her hands come down and held the sides of my face. She was oooooing and aaaaaaing as I sucked. Then she said, "Lick me."

This was a new concept for me. I had fingered myself before so I thought it is probably the same idea. I slid my tongue from the bottom of her slit to the top. I liked the feel of it against her skin. I did it again and I could start to taste something coming from her. It was musky and sweet and I tried to get more of it. I pushed my tongue into her pussy and I found the mother load. She was rich with this wonderful juice. I think I was concentrating more on gathering her cum then on anything else and it surprised me a little when her hips went into over-drive. Her fingers tightened in my hair and I felt that wonderful pain of a lover hurting you as she cums. A deep throaty growl came out of her as she pressed my face tight against her pussy and rode me threw her orgasm. She held me so close that I couldn't get my tongue back inside of her. As she slowed down a little and eased her grip of my hair so I was able to slip my tongue back inside. It tasted wonderful. I think it was even sweeter than before. I just wanted to crawl right up in her and lick it clean, but Ann had had enough. She pushed my face down and away from her pussy and brought her leg up and over my head so she could roll up into a tight ball. I could hear her still moaning threw her after-shocks. I was still at the bottom of the bed and when I looked up my face was only inches from her pink little bumm hole. I stared at it for a few seconds and then found I was embarrassed to be looking at it. I moved up on the bed and laid next to Ann. We were both quiet for a while and then just to break the silence I asked, Did you like it?"

She rolled over and took me into her arms. Mmmmmm yes, I like it."

We didn't know when Jan and my mom would be coming home so we had to get up and get dressed. I remember watching as she put her clothes back on and regretting every body part that was covered back up.

In the next two years Ann and I would get together only about five times. I was completely under her spell, and I was forever hooked on that taste.

Well that's the story of my first taste of pussy. I hope you liked it and as always I would love to hear from anyone that enjoyed it. If you do write expect an answer because I ALWAYS write back.

Bi Bi for now Genny

Next: Chapter 15

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