Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Mar 14, 2003


A Genny Story...The Strap-On

This is nearly a compleatly true story. It is my first attempt at submitting any of my adventures, but I have been sharing them with friends on line for a couple of years. I hope you enjoy this, and I promise to try to send some more.

Just after Melly andI moved in together, I came home one morning and found a strap-on dildo still in the box, sitting on Melly's dresser. I was going to leave it alone but my curosity got the best of me. I took it out to look at it. It was made of silicon, firm, but soft. It was shaped something like a hockey stick. The larger end (7 inches) lookes just like a real cock. the other end hooked around to be inside the wearer. It came with streach panties that had a hole in them right where the dildo snapped thru. I was getting excited just by the possibilities. I carefully packaged it back up and put it back. A few days later it dissapeared into Melly's drawer and i did not see it again for quite some time.

It was a hot summer Saturday. We woke in eachothers arms and after some very nice kissing and touching we got up for breakfast. As we worked around the appartment all morning Melly would run a hand over me every time she was near. Twice she wrapped me in her arms and slid her hand down into the front of my panties. Each time just as things were getting steamy she would stop and laugh her wicked laugh and leave me wanting more.. Early afternoon we decided to go down to the pool. I packed a couple sandwhiches and Melly grabbed a cold bottle of wine. Quite a few of our neighbors had the same idea and pretty soon it was looking like a party. I sat on the edge of the pool with my big hat covering my red hair, and a towel over my pale freckled legs. I was watching Melly swim back and forth. She looked so beautiful slicing thru the water. She would touch the wall then turn and come up on her back. Her tits standing high and her black hair trailing behind. I was getting aroused just watching her. After about 8 passes she swam slowly over to me with that same dangerous look in her eyes. She touched my legs under the water andI got shivers. Her smile told meI was in trouble. Her hands started traveling up to my knees. she pushed my legs apart and pulled my butt right up to the edge of the pool. I looked around nervously to see if anyone was watching us. Under my towelI knew she could see the little strip of my bathing suit pulled tight up against my quim. I smiled down at her pretty face and said,

"You had better behave yourself"

She laughed and started her hands up my legs and under the towel.

"Melly! are you crazy?" I wispered.

Her eyes were on my puss. "Hush and let me have my fun."

Her finger touched the outside of my suit and i jumped a little. I looked around to see if anyone was watching. She gave my legs anouther little tug andI could feel the suit slipping between my lips. Melly's finger was running up and down the edge of my lips and in the fringe of my pubic hair. She had me squirming about on the edge of the pool. She hooked the strap on my suit and pulled it to the side.

"Melly don't!"I tried to say in my most harsh tone. She just slipped a finger inside of me, and we both knewI was lost.

"What a pretty pussy. Do you think i could kiss it?"

"No please"

"Mabey i should just play with it until you cum. Would you like that?" I could feel the juice starting to seep out of me.

"Melly please, I will do anything you want, but not here. I would be so embarassed." She looked up at me.


"Yes anything." Then she gave me a stern look, "You promise, anything?"

"Yes, you know i would do anything for you." Melly pushed off from the edge and swam over to the ladder. she went over to our stuff grabbed the basket and started for the gate. She looked over to me still sitting by the edge and waved for me to follow. i jumped up and we headded back to the appartment.

When we got to the door she stepped aside and let me un lock the door. The airconditioning felt very cool on our wet suits. I headded for our bathroom but Melly stopped me. She told me to use the guest bathroom and then come and get in bed. I hurried up and stripped off my suit. I jumped in the shower to wash off the clorine. I peed as i stood in the warm water and watch the yellow go down my leg to the drain. Wrapped in a big towel i went to our room. The shades were drawn and a couple of candels were lit. I climbed on the bed and let my eyes get used to the dim light. The only thing disturbed was one drawer of Melly's that she usually keeps her winter jammies in. Then i seen the box open on her dresser. It was the box for the strap-on and it was empty. My heart skipped a beat. Just then Melly called out. "You out there?"


"Remember you said anything."

"I remember." I seen the light under the door go out and the door opened slow. She was standing in the shadows so i could not really see her. She hesitated.

"Mabey this is not such a good idea." I could hear some fear in her voice.

"It's Ok Mel,I thinkI know what you have, come on out."

"Ok but if you laughI will die."

"You know i would never laugh" She stepped out and the picture was amazing. The panties fit her like a second skin and the dildo sticking out looked absolutly real. She stoped and i swung my legs over to sit on the edge of the bed. She was watching for my reaction.

"WoW" was all i could say.

"If you don't like it or think it is too much i'll take it off."

"No it's great. come over here." she walked over to stand between my legs. I took her in my arms and burried my face between her tits. She kissed the top of my head and asked

"Is this too much?"

"No I think it is exciting" I brought my face up and she brought hers down and we kissed. My hand came from her hip to touch the rubber cock. I gave it a little tug and could feel that it was secure, in the snaps, and in her. I started to run my fingers over it. Feeling the ridges and the head. I started to pump it likeI would if it's owner were male. The small end was moving inside Melly as we kissed. When we broke the kissI leaned down and took it in my mouth. It had been a long time sinceI had done this. I didn't want to look likeI was enjoying in too much.

After a few minutes Melly pushed me back on the bed. I took the hint and slid all the way back up to the head. She moved down to the foot of the bed and againI was struck by the sight. Her hair was down and thevision of her beautiful body with a stiff cock sticking out was incredable. She crawled up from the foot of the bed. Looking down past her tits i could see the cock swaying back and forth. She touched my knees andI opened my legs for her. She kissed my thigh and then up to my pussy. I jumped as if electricity went thru me. she only gave me a few licks and then moved up my body. She knelt above me with her big dick swaying back and forth. Looking at the big stickI started to worry about it going in. I looked at Melly

"You will have to go slow, that might hurt."

She smilled and reached around her. Tucked in the spandex was a small tube of lube. She took some and spread it on the cock. Then she spread the rest on my pussy. The cool lube was shocking. She knelt down and started kissing my belly. then up to my tits, giving kisses nibbles and a few little bites. I could feel the head nudging aginst me as she started to kiss my neck. I humped against her and feltit slip past my lips. She raised up on her arms and we looked into eachothers eyes. she pushed slow andI felt her fill me up. The excitement of watching her face as she started to fuck me was wonderful. I could feel my juice running down my crack and over my ass hole. Everything was getting very slippery. AndI could smell the sex in the air. We started to fuck in ernest. She was pumping into me andI was pushing up to her. The small end inside her was making her very excited. The big end inside of me was reminding me that it had been a long time sinceI hadgotten truly fucked. I was near cumming andI wanted her to go over with me. I brought my hands up to her nipples and captured both of them. She leaned down a little and i brought one of them to my mouth. I was sucking on one and pinching the other and i could hear her getting closser. Her breqthing was getting raged and she was making very sexxy grunts as she slid into me over and over. I was ready andI let myself go. I started yelling "Fuck me, fuck me." and she pounded harder as she started to cum she just let out a scream, then "Bitch, Bitch, Bitch" over and over. It took minutes for the stars to quit spinning. We rested with her lying on me and the cock still burried deep inside. I started to pet her hair. I was getting uncomfortable and she took the hint and slid down a little so the dick would sip out with a small pop. After a few minutes i could feel her shaking just a little. I tried to turn her face to me to kiss her but she pulled away. NowI could tell she was crying.

"Melly, whats the matter sweet heart?"


"Are you Crying?" No answer. "Melly, whats the matter? Talk to me."

"I'm embarrased."

"Embarrased? There is no reason-"

"No? Look at me. I am wearring a dick. I look like some sad bull-dyke that needs a cock to keep her girlfirend." Then she really started to cry. I scooted down and held her close.I carresed her head and wispered softly to her as she calmed down. After a few minutesI moved down and unstraped the dildo. then eased down the spandex panties and dropped them on the floor. AsI moved back upI stopped to kiss her pussy, then back up to hold her in my arms. "Honey, you don't need a cock to keep your girlfriend."

"But you liked it, didn't you?"

"Yes Melly, I liked it. But whatI loved about it was that it was you. I love you, andI love the things that you do to me. WhatI need most is just you.

We cuddled a while longer. She calmed down and we dozed off for a while. Later she put the strap-on back in the box and in the drawer. I was afraid thatI might never see it again butI didn't want to ask for it either. A couple weeks later she brought it up again. we talked it out andI assured her that it was her that i loved and not the dick. Later she brought it out andI put it on her myself. Now we might bring it out once a month or so.

Well... Thats my story. I hope you enjoyed it. I will try to send more stories about Melly and I and maybe a few from before I met her.

Any responses would be appreciated Kisses Genny

Next: Chapter 2

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