
By B H

Published on Apr 22, 1996



From Fri Apr 26 01:40:35 1996 ~~~Message-ID: Path:!!!!gatech!!!!!! ~Newsgroups: Organization: The Microsoft Network ( ~Lines: 540

This is a strange story that probably needs a lot of work, but perhaps it will appeal to someone. Needless to say, ADULT ONLY, MF, NC, Violence, Preg, and miscellaneous other offensive stuff. Worst of all, it makes fun of our most sacred institution, the Miss America Pagent.

Genie This story begins with an ordinary situation: the young man finds an old bronze lamp at an antique shop, rubs it with his hand, and Lo, a genie appears, to grant five (yes, not three) wishes. This man is not really ordinary, however, and does not wish for wealth. Recently a friend of his was on a business trip, and came back, walking painfully, with quite a tale to tell. It seems that while out of town, although happily married, he was in a bar having a drink when a very sexy lady came in. She spotted him, and he caught her eye. For some Godawful reason, he approached her, one thing led to another, and he took her to his hotel room. She insisted on playing a little game of “captive”... he stripped, and she tied him up. To make a long story short, once helpless and gagged she cut his nuts off, flushed them down the toilet, and left. He came home to his wife a eunuch. This was on his mind as he contemplates his five wishes.

“First, I want to have an 8 1/2” dick, thick, and balls with twice the capacity I have now.”

POOF! It was done. He could feel his equipment cramped in his jeans.

“Second, a ray gun with unlimited loads that makes a woman slutty but helpless for an hour. They can whisper but not shout. If I use it on a man or boy, he becomes a woman or girl of the same age.” POOF! It appeared in his hand, a somewhat tacky plastic thing that looked like a kid’s space gun.

“Third, when my sperm enters a woman, she’ll always ovulate and conceive unless she’s already pregnant or has had a hysterectomy. She will be unable to consider having an abortion. In other words, if I fuck her without a rubber, she suckles my baby.” He felt a tingle in his balls in reaction to this grant. Super sperm.

“Fourth, I want a ring that makes me and everything I’m wearing or carrying invisible, and can transport me to anyplace I say.” POOF!, and the ring appeared on his finger.

“I’ll reserve the fifth wish for later.”

“Yes, Master”, said the genie and disappeared.

“Stud”, as he thought of himself, now considered the possibilities. He could become invisible and zip off to anyplace he chooses. Time for a test. He can feel the ring on his finger, but can’t see his body or clothes. It’s working big time. “Take me to the bedroom of the woman in this town who most wants to get pregnant!” he commands, to the ring.

In a flash he’s in a bedroom. It’s nice, but not ritzy. It’s four in the afternoon and there’s plenty of light coming through the window to see around the room. He listened. There’s no sound in the house or apartment, whatever he’s in. He walked out of the open bedroom door, observing that his footsteps are visible in the carpet, just barely, and the sound of his clothing can be heard. It’s a house, a pretty big one. Stud went down the stairs, into the den. There’s letters on a coffee table, one from a medical clinic. Scanning the letter, he got the idea that there is no reason why Mrs. Angela Stephenson can’t conceive, but she obviously hasn’t. Several very expensive procedures were recommended.

He heard the garage door outside the house start to open, and the sound of a car. Quickly he got back upstairs into the bedroom. Heart pounding, he waited, and his oversized dick started to stiffen.

What if she’s ugly?

There were noises from downstairs, and the sound of the phone as she checked voicemail. A minute of silence. Then she (or is it he, for Christ’s sake!?) started up the stairs. As she entered the bedroom, Stud saw a woman of about 35, short blonde hair, nice body, in a business suit. She began to strip. When she was down to her panties and bra, he zapped her with the ray gun. She gave a little shriek and slumped next to the bed. He picked her up and threw her on the bed, and began to strip. As his clothes hit the floor they became visible. Soon he was naked, and his new lover squirmed on the bed, nipples showing through the bra and obviously in heat. Her bra fastened in the back, so he turned her over to unsnap it, and push it up to her lovely neck. Putting his hands on the waistband of her pink bikinis, he said to her “You want a baby, don’t you?”

“Yes, yes” she whispered, “but not you, my husband...”

“Your husband is probably a good man, but not man enough to get you pregnant. That’s my job” Stud said, tugging down her silky pink panties. They slipped over her ankles and he threw them over into his pile of clothes.

He could smell her. She was wet, she was hot, she needed a man in the worst way. She could not resist him as he pushed her legs apart, got between them, and fingered her wet cunt. His long, thick prick was hard as iron as he entered her. She moaned as he stretched her, but soon she was humping as his big balls bounced against her firm, round butt. All too soon his seed leaped out, flowing into her womb.

She came like a slut, then went limp.

“You’re pregnant now. You’ll know for sure in a couple of weeks when your period doesn’t start. Be sure to breast feed our baby.”

With that he slipped out of her, got dressed, picked up her panties, and said to the ring “Return home.”

“Where in your home?” he heard in his head.

My bedroom he thought. ZAP and he was in his bedroom. What next, he thought. He was tired, and went to bed. The next morning he wrote her name on the panties and put them in a box.

The next evening he was ready for more adventure. He thought about rapists, and how they could be punished. Not that he was against rape, but if women were to be raped, he was to do it, not those bastards. Slipping on the ring, he commanded “Put me beside the youngest virgin in this country who is about to be raped.”

POOF. He was in an hallway of a run-down looking building, and a bunch of black guys were holding down a young black girl and pulling off her clothes. Somehow the scene wasn’t quite the knight in white armor rescuing the maiden in distress that he had envisioned, but what the hell. He aimed the ray gun at the big guy who was just about to enter the weeping little teenager and zapped him. The rapist groaned and collapsed on top of her. His friends started asking him what’s wrong, and pulled him off her. He whispered “Ah feel weak, and I can’t feel my nuts...” He reached down to his crotch and discovered a cunt where his dick and balls used to be. “Oh, fuck, oh fuck! What happened to me!??” Over the next year his ovaries would make him into a woman from head to toe. He would grow breasts, lose his beard and other body hair, get less muscular, and develop hips and a nice round butt. He was a virgin and could get pregnant.

Stud thought about zapping the other four guys, then fucking them all to knock them up. True justice, maybe, but they were too ugly to fuck.

They were fearful of the girl, thinking maybe she was cursed. She picked up her jeans and panties, what was left of them, and ran out of the alley, still sobbing. When stud was sure she had gotten away, he returned to his bedroom.

That had been fun, sort of, so he decided to try it again. “Take me to the youngest virgin in this country who’s about to be raped.” POOF, he was in a poorly lit bedroom. A very young girl’s bedroom. She was under the covers, looking fearful. No more than 11 or 12 years old, blonde hair. A middle aged man opened the door, wearing only boxer shorts. Her father, stepfather, or something. When the bastard pulled down his shorts and was about to pull back the covers, Stud zapped him. He slumped to the carpet, then slowly put his hands between his legs. He was crying when Stud transfered back home. He would become an ugly woman.

Stud had been reading about college girls getting raped. Maybe the ring could find the rapist with the biggest score. “Put me five feet from the man in this country who has raped 100 women, if that is a safe place for me to be.”

“There is no such man, Master” replied the ring. Stud tried it with 90, then 80, then 70, finally getting to 30. POOF! and he found himself in a den/living room of some kind, a batchelor pad from the mess. A guy in his thirties was in a recliner, watching TV. Somewhat over average in height and build, but not a real big man. Over thirty rape victims, huh? Stud zapped him with the gun, then walked over to pull off his jeans and make sure he was a woman now. The helpless rapist was not wearing undershorts, as it turned out, and sure enough, he had a wet little virgin cunt now. Stud walked out to find the bedroom and look around.

Pulling open drawers and opening the closets, he found what he had been looking for: a collection of panties and bras. From his victims, no doubt. Stud counted 37 panties. It’s for sure no more would be added to the collection. Some of these were pretty panties, expensive ones. “Put me beside his last victim” Stud commanded, but in his mind, not aloud, since the genie replied to him in his head. It worked...POOF, and he was in a kitchen five feet away from a very pretty brunnett, about 20, 5’5”, wearing a bathrobe and with a towel around her head. She was pouring herself a glass of milk. Milk because she’s carrying a baby? Stud wondered. “Put me beside the last victim that is now pregnant by him.” POOF, it was another room, a bedroom, and a cute little blonde about 19 was combing her hair. Stud carefully stepped to one side to see her from the side, and saw her swollen belly. She was about five months pregnant. There were no wedding rings on her finger or on the dresser, she was going to have a bastard.

“Put me beside the girl who is the most pregnant by him.” POOF. He was in a hospital, and in three of the six beds around him women were in labor. One was having her hair shaved off her pussy, the other two were doing their breathing exercises. “Put me at the foot of the bed of the victim.” POOF, and he moved a few feet. It was the one being shaved. A redhead, about 23 or 24. Stud quietly moved out of the way to watch. The girl was crying, holding her very huge belly.

“That raping bastard did this to me!! Oh, Gawd, I wish I could cut off his balls!!” she moaned. Stud thought about telling her the rapist didn’t have any balls to cut off now. He finally decided she could be in labor for some time to have that big baby, so he returned home.

Something would have to be done about those rapists. “Take me to the next rapist in this country with over 30 victims.”

“There are none, Master” was the reply.

“Take me to the guy who has made the most number of women pregnant by rape in this country.” POOF! He was standing next to an athletic looking guy about 30, in his bedroom, as he was packing a bag with lockpicks, a ski mask, and a 9 mm pistol. Stud zapped him without delay, and he fell over the bed. Stud undid the rapist’s belt, unbuttoned the pants, and saw that this stud was not wearing underpants. He also had a girl’s pussy now. No more bumping up of the bellies. The transformed bastard was fully awake, and Stud spoke to him, although invisible. “Well, Hoss, you’re a bitch now. No more baby making, no more ramming a big dick up tight little cunts. Now you’re the one with a tight little cunt. Lotsa luck.”

Stud zipped himself back to his bedroom to think. This had all been kind of negative, but he had a feeling some good had been done. There had to be guys out there who would kill for the chance to become women, poor sick bastards that they were, and why not? The ray gun could be like winning the lottery for them. What the hell, let’s make one of them real lucky. “Put me next to the man who most wants to become a woman” Stud thought.

POOF! He was standing in a kitchen, next to a man dressed in a nightie, washing dishes. Stud thought for a minute that there was a mistake, for he/she looked like a woman, but not all that much so. Lord, it was a man, the poor dumb bastard. Stud readied the gun, and decided to speak. “What is your name?”

He/she nearly jumped out of his/her skin. Shrieking and spinning around, he/she looked for the source of the voice. Stud said ‘don’t be afraid, this is your fairy godfather speaking.”

“Fairy Godfather?!” the transvestite repeated in a quavering tone.

“Yes, here to make your fondest dreams come true. Is it possible you want to become a woman?” Stud asked with some formality.

“Yes, YES! That would be the best thing that could happen to me!!” He/she answered in a somewhat feminine tone. Stud began to wonder if part of the sex change had already been done.

“Well, tonight’s your lucky night.” Stud zapped him, and watched him slump down, nearly helpless. “When you get your muscular control back, put your hand between your legs. You’ll find quite a difference!” Stud wished himself back to his apartment.

Stud decided to call it a day. The next night after dinner, it was time for more fun with the ring and ray gun. “Take me to the bedroom of the woman who cut off my friend’s balls.” POOF! and he was there.

It was ordinary enough. A painting over the headboard showed two women fondling one another. Stud could hear noises coming from a kitchen. He quietly left the bedroom and went toward the noise. A girl about 18 was making a sandwitch. She was rather plain, dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans. Was this the castrating vamp?! He moved into the living room of the apartment. There were college textbooks on the coffee table, and some mail. He was in Cleveland. He sat down in a corner of the room and decided to wait. About half an hour later the apartment door opened and a woman of about 28 came, carrying a purse and attache case. Tall, well built, dressed in a woman’s business suit. She had short dark hair, dark red fingernails. She spoke to the teenager, calling her Andrea, and then went into the bedroom to change. Stud followed her in. She stripped down to her slip, then put on a robe and went to the kitchen.

Stud followed, and listened to their chatter. Cynthia was the woman’s name, and she bitched about the men at work and how they were all against her. Stud started to aim the ray gun, zap them both, and fuck them both on the kitchen table, but decided that would be too simple. “Put me outside a store with a lot of magazines.” POOF! he was on the sidewalk outside a book store. Stud walked around the corner where no one could see, then pulled off the ring. He was now visible. He walked into the store and bought a maternity magazine. A very pregnant young woman was on the cover, proudly holding her belly. He transported back to the woman’s bedroom and put the magazine on the bed. He then went back to his apartment.

The next day he bought a nice maternity dress, and that night transported back to Cynthia’s apartment. The magazine was gone, he could hear Cynthia and Andrea talking in the living room, and he put the dress across the bed. On it was a note that said

“After I fuck you, you’ll be needing this!”

Stud could just imagine the surprise, the anger, and the fear that note would cause. He then went back home. The next day about lunchtime, he transported back to Cynthia’s bedroom, found the drawer that had her panties, and left another note on top of them:

“I’ll be pulling these off you soon enough!” He then went back to his office.

He waited until the next day, and that night waited until 11:00 before transporting to Cynthia’s. The two women were just going to bed. There was a .38 pistol on the nightstand. Stud let them brush their teeth and go to the bathroom, then they stripped down to their panties and Andrea pulled back the covers on the bed. When they were both in the bed and Cynthia was reaching to cut off the light, Stud zapped both of them. Instantly they were helpless, their faces were flushed, their nipples hard, and their cunts wet. Stud pulled back the covers on the bed, revealing their almost naked bodies. Both girls tried to cover their tits with their hands. Stud stripped, and his clothes became visible as he dropped them on the floor. He pulled Cynthia’s legs apart, and put his hand to the crotch of her black bikini panties. Slut-like, she lifted her hips to offer her most private parts to his hand. Fingering her through her panties, Stud said “Well, Cindi, getting your panties sticky for me I see. We better get these off you before they get too yukky.”

He stripped off the bikinis and dropped them on the floor. Running his hand over her tits (brushing her hands out of the way easily), then her belly, he started telling her what he was going to do her. “This isn’t going to be just a quick fuck, Cindi, there’s more to me than just being invisible. Women always have my baby when I’m through with them. This soft little belly of yours will get really big and tight, and then these tits are going to make milk for the baby to suck out of you. And of course this tight little cunt of your is going to be stretched waaay out of shape!” By now Stud’s dick was hard as iron, and he got in the bed, between her legs.

She was crying, and tried to shout, but it came out a whisper “Get off me, you raping son of a bitch! I’ll cut your nuts off, I swear I will!”

Stud fingered open her wet cunt and pushed in the head of his huge dick. She felt it stretching her already. Stud drove it in while she moaned in pain and anger. The mushroom shaped head hit her cervix as his balls bounced up against her firm butt. “You feel those balls hitting your ass, Cindi Dear? They’re packed with lots of white cum, millions of sperms eager to knock you up. Packed full of cum for your sweet little belly. Goodness, you are a tight one, aren’t you!?” he said as he started fucking her. Even as she was crying and cursing him, trying weakly to push him away, she started humping like a dick-hungry tramp.

He rammed in and out of her, starting to breathe hard, and told her “You cut off my friend’s balls, but I’ve still got mine and they’re hurting too much with the need to knock you up for this to last, so get ready for motherhood!” and he squirted his salty cum deep inside her. She moaned in hatred and lust as she felt his oversized prick throbbing and ejaculating inside her. As he pulled it out, she lay there limp and defeated.

Stud walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water, then came back to play with Andrea. Sitting on her side of the bed, he started by squeezing her tits. They were high and firm, her little brown nipples hard and eager for attention. “And what a smooth little baby-belly you have, Andrea” he said, lightly.

“You can’t, you just can’t, I’m a virgin!” she whispered. “That’s right, she’s never been with a man” said Cynthia.

“Oh, really?” said Stud, and carefully tugged off her white bikinis. He pushed her legs apart and carefully fingered her tiny slit, slipping his middle finger up her until he touched her hymen. “Lord, yes, she really is cherry. And to think what my big dick is going to do to her!” he said with a chuckle. The women both started crying and begging. Andrea had trembled as his finger probed her, but she was wet with lust. “You probably haven’t been playing the wicked little games that your friend has, but guilt by association, you know. And besides, if she cares anything about you, she’ll really hate seeing your belly bulging with my son. I’ll have your panties, and you two will waddle around with my bastards.

By now his dick had sprung up again, and Stud mounted Andrea. Shoving his cherry-popper up her innocent cunt, she cried out when he deflowered her, then started rutting with him. “Look, Cindi, your little friend is a slut just like you. Her virgin’s blood is on my balls and I’m about to get her with child just like I did you!”

“You bastard, you bastard..” whispered Cynthia. Stud finished up with Andrea, shooting off into her womb, and pulled out. Both women lay there with their legs spread, their cunts red-lipped and dripping cum. The sheets were stained with proof that Andrea had been a virgin.

Stud picked up Andrea’s panties, walked around to the other side of the bed, and got beside Cynthia. Taking her hand and putting it on his balls, he said “When you’re really pregnant, think about these balls bumping up against another girl’s ass, and how much you’d like to cut ‘em off me.” She squeezed as hard as she could, hoarsly whispering “I’ll cut these off if it’s the last thing I do!” and Stud winced a little bit, since she was just beginning to get her strength back, but he pulled them out of her hand and got dressed. He put both pairs of the silky souveniers into his pocket, and gave them one final thing to think about: “I’ll come back in six months or so and see how tight your tummies have gotten.” He then returned home.

As he lay in the bed that night, looking at the panties, he could imagine the women when their bodies returned to normal. Both with sore, sticky cunts, especially Andrea. They would scream, they would cry, then they would take showers and sit up and drink tea or something. Maybe Andrea would call her mother or Cynthia would call a friend and wake her up. They couldn’t tell the police that they had been raped by an invisible man.

After ten days or so, both of them would wake up in the morning and tug off her panties expecting her period to start. It didn’t, of course. For a while neither of them could believe it, and talked about how women under stress would often skip periods.

After missing the second one, they both started showing signs of something being different. After a while the morning sickness, the dark nipples, the slightly swollen belly suggested that maybe, yes maybe, they were in trouble. They bought a HPT and tried it. Both came back positive, the ring showing up brightly. Oh Shit!

Both of them planned to have an abortion, but couldn’t get it done. They couldn’t find the clinic. They couldn’t sign the forms. Their bellies got tighter.

Stud decided that knocking up castrating bitches was a lot of fun, and commanded the Genie “Take me to the woman who has castrated the most men against their will, anywhere in the world, under 40, not pregnant, and not having her period.” That would cover those doctors who operated on men with testicular cancer, or having sex changes. POOF! He was in a restaurant, beside a table with two women, both in their thirties, well dressed, and speaking a foreign language. It sounded like Spanish. There was no way to fuck them here, and if they got in a car later, no way to follow them. Best to return home.

Stud did so, waited 90 minutes, and made the same command. POOF, he was in a very elegant living room, and one of the two women was walking through the room. He followed her to the bedroom. She began to undress, down to black high-rise briefs. Damn, those ball-cutters did love black undies! His prick was getting hard, and he zapped her. She fell beside the bed, and Stud threw her across the bedspread. He had stripped at home prior to transporting here, so in a few seconds he yanked off her panties and mounted her. She groaned as his big dick stretched her, and cursed him in Spanish. He spoke to her in English without knowing if she’d understand. “Well, my ball-cutting bitch, this time the men get even with you!”

She whispered, as loud as she could, in English “Even though you are invisible, someone should put a knife between your legs and take your manhood. Yes, they should remove the testicles that you use to get a stiff penis, and where you keep your seed! They should use the knife on the dresser behind you, Rapist!” Stud was a little puzzled by why she said that just that way, but was really enjoying banging her tight cunt, and his cum was just about to shoot out. Just then he felt a woman’s hand touch him between his legs, then a sharp sting in his crotch! He yanked out of her, jumped off the bed, and felt between his legs. It was wet with blood, and his balls were gone!! The other woman he had seen in the restaurant was holding them in her left hand, and a knife in her right, smiling wickedly.

Stud wished himself back home. Sobbing and cursing, he stopped the bleeding, and was about to drive to the emergency room to get sew up when he remembered that he had one more wish. He rubbed the lamp.

POOF! The genie appeared. “I want the ability to heal up immediately after a wound, and to regrow anything that is cut off, the same as before.”

“As you wish, Master, and this is the last of your five wishes.”

He felt a warmth taking over the pain in his crotch. The next day, there was only a scar where the scrotum had been attached. He was a eunuch. He played with his dick, he rubbed it with panties from girls he’d fucked, he looked at magazines and R rated movies, but nothing. He even put on the ring and zapped into bedrooms, into college dorms, and watched girls and women undress or fuck with other men. Nothing helped, he was impotent. Sterile too, of course. No more fucking, no more making sweet little babies, that bitch had really castrated him.

After a few months he could feel a difference, as if new testicles were growing in his body and hadn’t dropped yet. His dick could even get just a little stiff, too. He remembered it had been long enough to go visit some of the women that he assumed were pregnant now, and he started with the 35-year-old blonde. She was showing, and had a happy little smile on her face as she rubbed her pregnant tummy. Next he went to Cynthia and Andrea’s, and both of them had round little bellies, too. He zapped them both with the gun and pulled up their gowns to feel their bellies. “Well, Cindi, getting tight with my bastard, aren’t you? He’ll be kicking and squirming in no time.” He put his hands on Andrea, too. “Andi, you’ve gone from virgin to mother-to-be with just one fucking. Let’s check out that tight little pussy of yours, too. He slipped down her panties and fingered her cunt, now wet and ready for another dick. “Yep, loose and hot. A real slut-cunt.” He left them like that and went home.

In two more months, his balls started bulging out of his crotch, making a new scrotum. Big, bastard making balls again. Soon the sack hung between his legs, a heavy piece of manhood, ready for baby making. He was a man again, and jacking off proved he was ready to get between a woman’s legs. “Put me beside the woman who castrated me” he thought. She was in bed with the woman he had been fucking when he had been surprised by her. This time, he zapped them both, then carefully checked the closets, the bathroom, and locked the bedroom door. Taking no chances this time. He undressed, then ripped the gown off the bitch who had cut off his balls. She was not wearing panties; her black bikinis were on the floor. Stud was stiff as iron as he pushed her legs apart and mounted her.

Ramming it in, he told her as she groaned “I’ve grown a new pair of balls, and I’m going to use them on you tonight!” He fucked her as long as he could hold it, then shot off deep inside her. She cummed and weakly jerked her legs in the air. He pulled out of her while she tried to catch her breath.

In just five minutes his dick was up again, and he fucked the other one, the one who was the world champion “fixer” of men. She came too, much to her shame, as he impregnated her. Her red briefs were on a chair nearby. He took both panties and went home.

For the next month he fucked all the girls that were going to the Miss America contest in six weeks. Miss Iowa, Miss Texas, Miss New Jersey... blondes, brunettes, and redheads. Two black girls with firm, round butts. One girl that was partly oriental with long straight black hair. He took their panties, he fucked them, deflowering five of them, and left them with his cum in their wombs. Sometimes they had chaperones in the rooms with them, and he zapped them too, but didn’t fuck them. He did two in one night sometimes. In 32 days, every one was fucked and knocked up.

A couple of them dropped out of the contest when they turned up late, and Stud fucked their substitutes as well. When the contest took place, there were fifty unwed mothers-to -be on the stage. The winner was already late when she won, and cried most convincingly as they put the crown on her head. When she started to show, she had to tell the contest sponsors. They went to the runner up, and found her with child as well. So was the next runner up, and in fact all ten of the semi-finalists. For the last eight months of the contest year, there was no Miss America to make appearances. All fifty of them had babies, and Miss Colorado and Miss Kansas had twin boys each. A lot of big tits getting milk sucked out of them.

The papers got a hold of the story, of course, and the chaperones swore that they had been made helpless by an invisible man who appeared in the bedroom and fucked their precious beauty queens. Soon it was widely accepted that this might be true, and Stud would have to be careful from now on.

He had his pile of silky panties, though, and his oversized balls had fathered over fifty babies, so he was happy.

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