Gene facesits scott

By Chance Meeting

Published on Jan 23, 2004



Hi. My name is Scott. I'm a 20-year-old college student in Seattle. I have blonde hair, blue eyes. About 6'2" and 180 lbs. Tight, muscular body, smooth bubble butt and 7 inch cut dick. I was openly gay, and never had a problem finding tail. Usually I went after young, twink types who usually begged me to fuck them. I was good looking and I knew it. Unfortunately, my vanity and arrogance got me in trouble, as you'll soon learn.

I lived on the second floor of an apartment building downtown. My downstairs neighbor, Gene, was an older guy in his late forties, graying hair, goofy little grin, about 5'11" and 220 lbs. I was pretty sure he was gay. He lived alone, and got the distinct feeling that whenever we spoke he was checking me out. He invited me into his house for coffee a few times, but I never accepted. To me, Gene was just another old queen who I wouldn't give a second look to on a good day.

One Friday night, I was coming home after a morning class for lunch. I went up o my apartment, past Gene's door, which was open. I went to my kitchen, got something to eat, and started reading a magazine I had picked up on the way home. That's when there was a knock on the door. I went to open it, and there was Gene. He was wearing work boots and paint stained shorts, as well as a paint stained shirt that read, "IML: 1993."

"Hey Scott," he said, "I figured you were home. Know you usually come home for lunch of Friday." He grinned. "Hi Gene," I said, smiling. Feeling a little creeped out that he knew my schedule and eating habits, I asked, "What can I do for you?" "Well," he said, wiping his brow with his hand, "I'm trying to set up a new piece of furniture in my place, but I didn't realize it would be so difficult by myself. Since you're here, I thought I could use a strong, young guy like to help me finish the job." He grinned, I could see his eyes look me over from head to toe. "Well, I," I started. Gene interrupted, "I wouldn't ask if you were busy, but I know every second and fourth Friday of the month you don't have any afternoon classes." He smiled, almost triumphantly. Damn! He cut off my planned lie at the pass. Oh, well.

"Sure, Gene, I'd be glad to help you," I said. "I guess I'll just change into something old." He smiled. "Great! I'll wait for you," he said quickly, taking a seat on my sofa, and began leafing through my magazines. "Great;" I said, with a smile more like a grimace. Rolling my eyes, I headed into my bedroom and changed into a pair of gym shorts and an old T-shirt. I walked out and told Gene I was ready, and we both headed out. As we left, I locked up my apartment and put my key in my shorts.

We got to his apartment, he unlocked the door and we went inside. "It's the bed," Gene said, as he bolted the door shut. "It's a new one, four poster. Made of oak, real nice. Custom made from Vermont. Go on in, you'll see," he said, pointing me in the direction of the bedroom. I walked in. The bed was big, just like Gene had said, with four bedposts on each corner. Nice and high, it looked very comfortable. I don't get it, I thought, it looks fine to me. What was the work he said he needed me for?

Looking around the room, I noticed a few candles had been lit. On the night table there were pieces of rope and lube. Also, on the dresser there was a digital camera. Oh no, I thought, I've been had! I have to get out of here! Just as I turned around, Gene came to the doorway. I tried to push past him, but he grabbed me and pushed a wet towel to my face and held me. I started to feel woozy, and I looked over at Gene. Before passing out, I remember him holding my neck in an iron grip and giving me that little grin he always seemed to have.

When I woke up, I was laying on my back on Gene's bed. My arms and legs were secured to the bedposts, and I was completely naked. I saw Gene standing in the door, wearing just his shorts. Giving me his silly grin, he said oily, "I'm glad you're awake, Scott." "What the fuck is this Gene," I yelled at him. "Let me go!" "Tsk, tsk," he went on, "Such a rude young man. You think the world belongs to you. You need to be taught a lesson, Scott. You get your head out of your ass." He grinned wider, then continued.

"Ever since you moved in, I've tried to be nice to you," he said as he unzipped his shorts, revealing a black jock strap and an obvious hard-on. "You treat me like some pathetic old pervert. Just because I'm not young and pretty like you." Gene walked over to me and ran his hand through my hair. I tried to recoil, but he moved in close and whispered, "I'm going to show you exactly what I think of your good looking body. Especially your pretty little face."

He hoisted himself up on the bed, and turned away from me. For a second, I thought he was going to suck my cock, but he repositioned himself so he was on his knees with his fat, hairy ass in my face. Oh no, I thought, he wouldn't! That would be so gross, humiliating! I started to struggle again. Smiling slightly, Gene turned around and said, "I'll show you the only thing a cute face is good for!" With that, he shifted his legs and sat on my face!

I opened my mouth to yell, but in the next instant found my mouth and nose covered in Gene's sweaty asshole. My entire head was stuffed between his monstrous buttocks, I was trapped. I tried to spit and bite, but it did nothing. Gene was letting out grunts of pleasure. "Oh yeah, baby," he said mockingly, "Eat your daddies asshole! Do a good job and I may let you go. Oh yeah!" Despite of myself, I could feel my dick starting to harden. God, this was awful!

Thinking he would make good on his word if I ate his ass, I began licking feverishly around his hole. Gene started to moan, and began grinding his butt over my face, sliding his crack from my forehead all the way down to my chin. He started to play with my now fully erect cock with his feet. Putting his arches together, he began to masturbate me. "Oh yeah, Scott, get nice and hard for daddy," Gene said loftily. I began to rim Gene even harder, slobbering spit all over his big, hairy crack and tongue fucking his asshole.

Pushing down his full weight on my face, smothering me completely, Gene panted, "I think we're both ready, Scott." Before I could decipher this, he got up, slid forward, and sat on my erect dick. "Oh, yeah baby," he growled, "You're going to fill my ass with cum!" He started to bounce up and down, squeezing my dick with his ass muscles. By now, I had stopped fighting and was just enjoying it. I helped Gene along by thrusting my hips up and down.

"Oh! Oh, Gene I think I...OOOHHHH," the rest of my sentence was overtaken by a groan as I shot my load into Gene's ass. As I was moaning, he pushed his full weight down again and almost completely engulfed my dick. He looked over his shoulder and flashed me a goofy grin. "You like that, huh Scott," he said condescendingly. "I...uh...oh," I mumbled. Before I could answer, Gene added, " Well then you'll love this, sweetie. Here's a little treat for you." I felt my dick being released from his ass and a second later in popped out. As soon as he was free, Gene jumped back and planted his ass on my face again, opening his asshole wide and filling my mouth with my own hot cum!

"Argh....noooommmppthhh!" I gurgled and choked as Gene pumped my cum out of himself, filling my nose and mouth and sealing my eyes shut. "C'mon babe, lick Daddy clean," Gene cooed, as he wriggled his fat butt over me. "You're so full of yourself anyway Scott, I figured you'd love the taste of your own cum!" Pushing back like he was about to take a dump, the last bit of cum came out of his ass lips and into mine. I sucked and licked hiss asshole clean, savoring the salty taste of cum as I did so.

Gene turned around. Now sitting on my chest, facing me, he had pulled down his jock and was beating off like a jackrabbit. "You like your own cum Scotty," he panted as he jerked his cock. "Well, have a taste of this!" He shot his load into my mouth, covering my forehead and eyes. "Oh yeah, babe!" He shot four or five loads. I licked my lips, trying to taste the new cum on my already dripping face. My eyes were sealed, so I couldn't see a damn thing. Then I heard a click, and felt a flash of bright light.

"Good thing you were smiling, Scott," I heard Gene say. "I just took your picture." I then felt a warm, moist washcloth slap against my face. Gene then roughly wiped me clean. "Just making sure everything is good, babe," he said as he blew me a kiss. He then must have cut my bonds, because I felt him grab my arms behind me and he pulled me to his living room. I then opened my eyes. "No DNA, no signs of penetration, no evidence of rape," Gene said matter of factly. He then opened the door to his apartment, stuck his foot out in front of me and gave me a little push. I went sprawling to the floor, naked as a jaybird, into the hallway.

"And should you try to accuse me of anything," he added, holding something in his right hand, "The photograph I took will more then convince anyone our play was consensual. I hope you learned a lesson Scott. Bye-bye!" With that, he hurled the keys to my apartment down the stairs, and locked his door shut.

I scrambled down the stairs, grabbed my keys, and ran up two flights of stairs and ducked into my apartment as fast as I could. When I got inside, I had to get a glass of water. As I was drinking, I looked at the clock. It read 5:45. For almost six hours I had been Gene's prisoner. Trapped under his crushing weight, his thick masculine buttocks smelling the smell of sweat and cum. Just thinking about his ass being on my face made me excited all over again. I put my glass in the sink, went to my room, and proceeded to jerk off for two hours.

Gene and I became the best of friends after that experience. Gene became almost a Daddy to me. Whenever I felt I had been rude to someone or had done something I shouldn't have, I went to Gene's apartment for confession. He'd usually punish me by smothering and facesitting me. Among other things, he made me appreciate the older, heavier man. And for a long time, I was happiest being under Daddy Gene's thumb, or more specifically, his ass.

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