Gene and Me

By Richard Stuffer

Published on Jun 9, 2017


Gene and Me, Pt 3.odt

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Preface, preamble and cast of characters as described in Pt. 1 apply here as well.

I'd just seen one of the hottest videos ever! Here I was in Gene's den and we were watching video tapes. These were not commercial tapes. These were home-made movies judging by the setting, lighting, scenes and the hot content of the movie just seen. The movie showed an older man having sex with a young guy. The old man sucked off the young guy and swallowed his spurting load after his mouth was full. My cock was rock-hard in my tidy whitey briefs which were soaked through from my precum. Gene and I had been fondling and squeezing each other's hardening cocks through our briefs as I was riveted to the movie.

Gene had 4 videotapes in his hand as he walked back from the cabinet to the VCR to show me more of these 'different' movies.

"I hope you're openminded", Gene said to me. When I looked blankly at him, he continued, "People enjoy sex a lot of different ways. You've seen that with I like you to squeeze and twist and pull on my nipples. How I like you to lick and suck and chew my nipples. How I like you to play with my balls! How I like you to twist and squeeze and pull on my nuts. I am sure, at first, you were shocked and a bit intimidated at how I like to be manhandled. Is that not true?", he asked.

"Yes, it is true, Gene", I said. "I've had sex with men, younger and older than myself and some older than you. In all those encounters, as sexy and hot as they were, I never did the things I did with you. Nor did they do the things you've done with me. Aside from knowing there are differences among men, differences in their long or short, how thick or thin, cut or uncut, and differences in their chests....hairy or not, nipples interesting or not, and differences in their big and wrinkly and hairy the sack might be, and how big their nuts might be in the sack, I have come to learn that men like different things in sex. From the first time we were together, aside from being excited by your body, I was tremendously excited by the way you like sex. The way you liked your nipples roughly played with, and the rough treatment of your big, sexy balls and the moans and groans you made when that occurred was fantastically exciting to me! As sexy as your body is, your need for 'different' treatment and your passion only made me hotter. At first I was a bit stunned, then amazed, and now love the way you and I have sex. I never dreamed having my nipples worked and my balls manhandled the way we've done could be so tremendously exciting. It has opened my eyes to a world I want to learn more about", I said.

"I am glad to hear you say that! When we first met, in that men's room, it was the hottest time I'd ever had there. I'd played with others there, younger and older than you, but you were the hottest and most passionate! Your passion made me more passionate than I'd been in, oh, I don't know how long! Your passion increased my passion to the extent that I did more with you in our first hookup than I'd done with anyone else there before. Afterwards, when I thought about what we did, my cock would start to rise no matter where I was. I had to concentrate not to dwell on the memory because I couldn't allow myself to get too hard and show a bulge in my pants when the circumstances weren't right. When I was alone, and remembered our hookup, I would drop my pants and raise my shirt. I would jerk off and work my cock and balls and nipples to the memory of our hookup. The memory made me crave another encounter with you and would get me so hot and horny I'd shoot off a big, intense, hot load. The movie you just saw was a home-made movie. I'll tell you more about that later, if you want. I can tell you that there are others, I've found, who like the 'different' play that you and I like, although rarely. Also, they like different play that I've never seen or ever thought of! It is what some call 'kinky.' Yes, it may be kinky but I find it very exciting. I asked if you're openminded so that I could show you some of this 'kinky' play that others do and I find exciting. There are some things shown in these videos that I never thought of, myself, but find exciting to watch and might want to try again or for the first time, in the future, with the right someone", Gene said.

"Well, I think I am the right person! If you're willing? I mean, look at what we've done together, Gene. We've had sex that goes beyond the 'normal' type of sex play between men. You've opened my eyes to so much, I would like you to open my eyes to other types of play! So far, everything we've done has been hot and pleasing to each of us. I am sure anything you show me will be a new experience for me. I would like to learn all you can show me!", I exclaimed excitedly.

"Okay, I will put on some movies of what others would call kinky play. These are various movies with various players. If you see something that makes you squeamish or uncomfortable, just say so and I will stop the movie. Okay?, " Gene asked.

When I eagerly nodded yes, the movie resumed. I noticed that the look of it made it appear as if it were a home-made movie. The setting looked like someone's home rather than the brightly lighted and various angle shots of professional movies. This look gave the movie a more intimate feel. I watched as the scene unfolded.

The waistbands of the briefs were lowered and more and more of each cock was exposed. One cock seemed a bit shorter and thinner, while the bigger one seemed thicker. The waistbands continued to lower until the top of the balls appeared. I noticed something on both sets of balls. Both men had something, a strap of some kind, at the base of the cock at the top of their balls. As the briefs lowered farther to fully show the crotch, the right set of balls had a thick band of black rubber or leather at the base of the cock which caused the balls to be tightened and pushed lower in their sack. The balls looked firm and shiny from the tightness.

The left set of balls, when fully exposed had a similar strap. However, this strap was more complicated. It had a strip of the rubber or leather in the center. The purpose of this strip was to isolate and separate each nut to its own side. The balls looked tight and the skin was shiny on each isolated nut. I was fascinated by these straps, never having seen anything like them before.

I watched intently and both men lowered their underwear below the bottom frame of the camera. Their leg movements indicated they had taken them completely off and placed to the side. Now, I had a full view of both sets of balls. One set was very furry with big nuts, about the size of small plums, while the other set was less hairy with balls that seemed about the same size as the furry nuts.

The camera zoomed in to see closeups of both sets of balls side by side. The balls looked even hotter with their straps in closeup. Then a hand appeared at both sets of balls and started manipulating them. Both sets of balls were fondled and, it appeared, squeezed some. Then both hands gripped the tight balls sets at the top of the isolated nuts and started pulling down and then twisting the nuts to the sides. Again, I thought I heard some moans but couldn't be sure if I was imagining things. As the balls were massaged and squeezed and pulled and twisted slightly from side to side both sets of legs seemed to tremble slowly. My eyes were riveted to the two hot sets of balls in their straps.

This playing of the ball sets went on for some time. I marveled at how tight the nuts looked in the taut skin and how shiny, in spite of any fur covering, the skin appeared on the tight nuts. I was mesmerized by these ball straps and the hot manipulation of the nuts. What made this scene hotter was the movements of both men as the balls were manipulated. Their body movements were not those of someone trying to avoid or minimize pain, but more likely the eagerness to feel more work on their balls.

I'd thought I was weird when I discovered playing with my balls when I jerked off. I'd never seen much appreciation for balls in the vids, straight or gay, that I'd ever seen. Mainly the balls were noticed for their swinging and bouncing in vids but nothing more was ever done. Everything seemed to center on the cock in all the vids I'd seen. This seemingly home-made video showed me that I was not the only one, nor was Gene and I the only two since we discovered our like for ball play, to indulge in this additional sort of erotic play. To learn and see that other men appreciated sex play that included something other than the cock was tremendously hot and exciting to me.

If anything, seeing this type of hot sex play didn't make me squeamish but, instead, made me hotter. Gene and I discovered we both liked ball play together, but to know that there were others who liked it as well made it seem like a new world of sex pleasure had opened up. I was excited by seeing this and excited by the fact that Gene and I weren't the only ones to appreciate our balls and the pleasure to be derived from them. That others enjoyed ball play like we did opened up so many possibilities.

I hadn't really thought of these possibilities but relished the idea of them. I'd discovered a whole new world of sex with Gene and loved that world immensely. Despite that love I thought, however naively, that Gene and I were the only ones to broaden our sexual horizons to enjoy this type of sex play. Somehow, if I'd never seen it in a pic or vid or hadn't experienced it myself with Gene I thought no one else did this or thought of it. Strange how you think your new idea is original simply because your experience was so limited and you thought that others hadn't thought of this themselves.

It was not only seeing this type of ball play in the video, but the fact that others practiced this type of play made it seem as if a whole new form of sex play had been born. A form that may not be mainstream but was, nevertheless, existent. Problem was that most forms of erotic material, straight or gay, never seemed to show this. I'd already become so inured to the erotic magazines and vids I'd seen because they seemed 'run of the mill.' The only thing that varied was the attraction I might feel towards the players in the material. To see this play in this vid and somehow I knew the players were older made it tremendously hot to watch. My cock was hard in my pants as I watched silently and raptly as the two sets of hot balls were worked aggressively. I was so entranced I seemed to forget that Gene was sitting beside me.

Then the cam shifted to focus only on the big, furry nuts on the left. The focus was still a closeup of the crotch from just at the upper limit where the hair thickened as it went deeper towards the cock and balls and was very dense on the sides of the balls and the inner thighs. The view was now a closeup of those big hairy balls in their strap with the hand massaging them and manipulating them and squeezing and pulling them, to the top of the cock with its head pointing straight up. The head and its underside were glistening. I took this to be the glistening of precum because the man was certainly enjoying being worked this way. His legs never once closed as his balls were worked. It seemed nothing being done to him was unpleasant or painful. He lay there spread-legged and surrendered himself to what was being done to him. His enjoyment of this play made it hotter...since his body language indicated no unwillingness or resistance to all that he was feeling.

I was so enthralled by this scene that I didn't realize the camera was pulling out of the closeup at a very slow rate. I was so intently watching the handiwork on those hot balls I hadn't noticed the increased view in the vid as the cam had slowly pulled back. Finally, I noticed something which caught my attention. It was a silver chain. Not a chain of the type worn around the neck but with bigger, stronger links. My eyes alternated between the ball work and the appearance of more of the chain as the cam slowly withdrew to a wider shot. This served to increase my excitement. I wondered what the chain was for. As the view widened the loop in the chain widened as well. Slowly more and more of the abdomen and more chain came into view. The view was now just at the midriff of the man having his balls worked so hotly and aggressively. His pecs would soon come into view. The furriness of his belly and the view of more fur as the cam brought more of his torso into view was tremendously exciting.

In time, the cam moved back enough to show the whole chest, from the underarms downward, to the crotch with its stiff, upward-pointing and glistening cock head and the strapped balls being roughly worked by that anonymous hand. I was amazed by what I saw now! The chain was attached to two ends which were attached to each nipple. The cam zoomed in on a nipple and showed what could be called a clamp squeezing the nipple. The nipple was squeezed tightly in the clamp with just the tip of the nib squeezing out. The cam moved to the side to show the other nipple clamped as well. I'd never seen anything like this before. At first, I cringed thinking the clamp must be very painful. Gene tapped me on the knee as if to ask if I wanted him to stop. I pushed his hand away and nodded a no so he'd let the vid continue.

The cam then pulled out to show both clamped nipples on that hot, hairy chest with the hairy crotch, stiff cock and manhandled balls in view. This guy was having his nipples worked at the same time as his balls were being squeezed and twisted and pulled. Yet the guy never once exhibited any body language to avoid any manipulations. This man seemed to fully enjoy what was being done to his crotch and chest! He seemed not only resigned to what was being done to him, but was encouraging it.

There was no audio but I subliminally thought I heard moans of pleasure. It might have been my imagination since I found this so hot .

My eyes were glued to the actions on the screen. I kept looking from the clamped nipples to the manhandled balls. I was so wrapped up in focusing on the chest and crotch I hadn't noticed that the view had expanded further as the cam very slowly pulled back. It was only after I noticed that the view seemed smaller did I realize I could see the face of the man who was having his chest and crotch worked on simultaneously to his immense enjoyment. Imagine my surprise!

When I looked up to see the face now visible on screen I almost screamed in surprise. It was Gene! I looked for a few seconds to be certain I could believe my eyes. Then I turned to Gene and said, "It's you! Gene, it's you! It's you being handled this way! My goodness, this is so hot! It looks like you're really enjoying it!", I said.

Gene had a devilish smile on his face and answered, "Oh, I am enjoying it! Doesn't it look like I am enjoying it? I purposely picked this video because it progressed more subtly from the shot of two crotches with ball straps to a view of one man having his crotch and chest worked at the same time. I wanted to see your reactions as the video progressed. As I said earlier, I wanted to be certain I could share this with you. I watched you as the video played and your eyes were glued to the screen. I noticed the bulge in your pants. I am glad you find this exciting", he said.

When I asked if the vid had audio, slowly I heard the audio come up. Now, it was even hotter than before. The man pulled and twisted the nipple clamps and I could see Gene's face and hear him as he moaned in encouragement.

"Oh yeah, that's it. Work those clamps! Pull them and twist them! Yeah, work on my tits, man! Ohhhh, it feels so good! Work on my balls too, man! Roughhouse them! Manhandle them! Let me feel you work my tits and my cock and balls, man! Ooooooeeee, it feels so good!", Gene exclaimed.

I could see that Gene was near cumming. His balls seemed to tighten further in their confines. The manhandler must have realized it too. He pulled down Gene's cock to make it horizontal. He placed his open mouth about an inch away from Gene's cock head. Gene moaned and groaned and grunted and gyrated slightly as the spurts of cum flew from his cock into the open mouth which then clamped on the head and continued to suck out the subsequent spurts of cum. The chain and nip clips were jiggled as the man sucked the cock. When Gene's cock was empty and his moans and gyrations slowed down, the sucker moved his head back and faced the camera with an open mouth. The tongue was coated with a thick, creamy white layer of cum. The man swallowed and showed his now empty mouth. He then swooped down on Gene's cock and sucked and licked the head and slid down the shaft a few times. When the head pulled back, Gene's cock was spotlessly clean. Gene paused the video at this point.

When I asked about the filming Gene told me there were 2 guys with him. One who manhandled him and the guy working the camera. The three of them became interested in in this play to varying extents.

He told he'd met first one (Tom) who then told him about the other (Glen.) He said both friends were granddads, one of whom was widowed (Glen.) The three of them would meet occasionally and would talk about various subjects until slowly the subject turned to sex. The men stated that their sex life was not what it used to be and were feeling dissatisfied. Tom, in the absence of Glen, told Gene that he and Glen had started playing together. It was their only outlet for some sex. At first, they'd just get naked and jerk together. As time went on and they became more comfortable, they'd jerk each other off. Both liked the feeling of someone else touching them. It was hotter when someone else jerked you, Tom said.

Tom then said he'd found a magazine in a porn bookstore. It interested him because it showed things he'd never seen before. It was a gay mag and showed guys doing things he'd never imagined. It showed cocks tightly tied and balls tightly tied with rope, separately and together. He bought the mag and used it to jerk off by himself. He went back to the bookstore and asked the clerk about more mags like the one he brought back with him. When directed to the section, he found more mags with more varied play. Some mags had nip play with clips and clamps used. He bought some more of these mags and, in time, showed them to Glen. Glen was reluctant to try the things shown in the mag. Glen would jerk off himself and Tom as Tom played in this kinky way. After several sessions like this, Glen acceded to Tom's urging to film Tom playing this way. In time Glen, himself, became interested in trying it. As they tried this new play, both said it made them as hot as if they were in their 20s. When Gene asked, Tom said he would try to convince Glen to film him (Tom) and Gene playing this way. Gene made it known he had no reluctance with his face being seen in the video. Glen, with very little convincing, agreed. The movie just seen was the product of their 3-way collaboration. Tom manhandled Gene while Glen worked as cameraman. Tom was so hot he sucked off and swallowed every bit of the cum load, Gene said. It was Tom's first time at eating another man's cum. Tom said he loved it and wanted more.

Gene said that the three of them still got together these days and liked to film their 'kinky' play.

Gene said he'd talk to them about doing another video with me present when I asked about the next session. I hoped they'd agree. I was so excited at the prospect.

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