Gene and Me

By Richard Stuffer

Published on May 29, 2017


Gene and Me, Pt 2

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Preface, preamble and cast of characters as described in Pt. 1 apply here as well.

The last session with Gene, our second to date, was hotter than our first session. Our first session was in the stall of a mens room I'd been frequenting for months. In that first session, I'd had such a hot time I couldn''t believe an older man could be so passionate. My eyes were opened in that first session with Gene. Aside from lusting after these mature men, I discovered there were things they could teach me about sex. Things I'd never thought of.

Our second session together, in Gene's business office after hours on a Friday evening, was equally eye-opening. It seemed every time I was with Gene I learned something hot and exciting. Something about him and his likes that really turned me on. In our second session, in his office, I came just at the moment Gene came. Of course, my cumming was helped by feeling his cum gush into my sucking mouth as I worked on his thick, hard, uncut and 6.5 to 7 inch long cock. Gene loved everything I did to him. Many of those things I had never thought of doing, but at his insistence, learned new preferences and how passionate and varied sex could be. That he didn't suck me in that second session didn't bother me at all. I was on fire with passion at the things Gene said and the things he pleaded with me to do to him. It seemed 'weird' and perverse to me but he seemed to love it. He urged me not only to do these things to him, but to do them with fervor. Gene was the first man to introduce me to alternative means of sexual pleasure. At the end of that second session, Gene said he wanted me to come to his home for the next session. He told me he had a den and that we could play hot and heavy there as long as his wife was not home. He said he could show me some more ways to have hot sex and his den would be the perfect place to do that.

This was in the days before cell phones. The closest thing to cell phones at the time was a 'mobile phone.' These phones were laughingly called 'bricks' because of their size. These phones were used mainly by business people so they could be contacted while away from the office or on the road. Aside from his direct, private business line at the office, which he'd written on his business card at our first session, Gene gave me his mobile phone number so that I could contact him easily. I called him because we had only a family phone and I never got around to giving him that number. Also, I felt that Gene sounded like a mature man, about my dad's age, and getting calls from him might be awkward on the home phone.

Based on how hot our second session was and Gene's promise of teaching me more about sex and ways to enjoy it I, of course, was very excited at the prospect of getting with him again. However, this was the time for midterms and I had to study. Getting good marks in school was not my priority but my parents. As long as they were pleased with my grades, I was allowed freedom to hang out with my friends, none of which were well known to my family. I used this freedom to go to the mens rooms I frequented to show and stroke my cock and to see the stroking of others' cocks. Often, I'd see a hot man with a hot cock, but the thought of doing much more than looking was not in my mind. I relived in my memory the hot experiences of my times with Gene and that seemed to excite me the most. I still sought cock for sightings and mutual showing and stroking but it was Gene's cock and body I wanted most. Anything else was second best. I couldn't wait to hear from him when we could meet and hoped that it would be at his home in his den that he made sound so exciting when we last parted.

I called Gene early in Thanksgiving week since that was a vacation from school. I hoped he had some time to get together again. When I called him, he sounded glad to hear from me. I blurted out excitedly that I had a long weekend due to the holiday and hoped that we could get together during that time. He was very happy to hear that. He told me his wife was going to visit her parents in a distant city since they were aged and feeble and that he would be alone. When I mentioned the part about his den, he eagerly said that we would get together at his house. He lived in the suburbs and would pick me up to take me to his home. I couldn't wait to be with this hot man again! Also, I couldn't imagine what new things he could show me but the idea of the unknown excited me. He'd already opened my eyes to some very new and hot ways to have sex. I couldn't imagine anything more. Ah, the naivete of youth!

The Friday after Thanksgiving finally arrived and Gene picked me up after lunch time a few streets distant from my home. As soon as he drove away, Gene took my hand and placed it on his crotch. He placed his hand on my crotch. He was not hard, but semi-hard in his pants and I felt the thickness of the cock I had come to love and lust. He drove for about 30 minutes and then pulled into the garage of a nice home in the suburbs. We chatted innocently on our drive to his home and both of us were glad now to have arrived.

We entered the house and Gene offered me a soft drink while he got a beer for himself. We sat on the sofa and both of us commented on how glad we were to get together again. He stated that he and his in-laws had never gotten along well and he was glad his wife left to visit them. He said he wasn't alone as often as he liked to be, in general, and now wished for more solitary time so he could spend it having the 'fun' he longed for. We learned a little bit about each other as we spoke in the living room. He told me he had a married daughter who lived in a distant city. I told him about my family.

Slowly, the conversation turned to sex. I told him that I became aware of my sexual preference years earlier but knew to keep it to myself. My family would never understand my feelings. He stated that most of his life he'd been a loving husband and father except for some 'kid's stuff' in which he toyed with other males in his teen years. Just by chance he discovered the mens room where we met. He said he used it one day and noticed how crowded it was at the time. He went to urinate and noticed that guys who'd been there when he arrived seemed to still be at the urinal. He unloaded a full bladder of urine but noticed some slight movement on both sides as he urinated He discretely moved his eyes slightly sideways and could see that the men on both sides seemed to have their heads turned towards him. He took a quick look at one of the men and saw that his eyes were focused downward to the urinal. When he looked at the guy on his other side he saw that that guy's eyes, also, were looking down at his (Gene's) urinal. At first he felt a bit unsettled and awkward. Was there something on his penis or something wrong with it, he wondered. His urine was still flowing so he couldn't stop but just stood there emptying his bladder. He then noticed that both men seemed to be moving their hands. He looked first at one then the other. He saw their penises and their hands gently stroking their cocks. He thought, at first, that they were milking out the last drops of their urine, but then he noticed no drops and that the cocks looked semi-erect.

Since both men had their gazes downward towards Gene's urinal as his urine continued to flow, he maneuvered his hand to expose more of his cock, He felt if these guys wanted to see his cock, he'd let them. When he maneuvered his hand, both men seemed to step up their stroking, He finished urinating but decided to linger. He looked at both mens cocks as they stroked. He then started stroking as well. So, now all three of them were stroking their cocks and watching each other jerk.

Gene said he felt awkward at first, but as he stroked, the mens interest in his cock excited him. He also discovered that he liked seeing the cocks of these two men. They stood there for some minutes and ogled each other's cock. Each of them got harder and more excited watching the other cocks. Then, one by one, they would leave the urinal. Gene assumed, as for himself, the others got too excited and left the urinal before they came. Gene left once the second guy left. He thought about what happened and thought it was a fluke. Only after some weeks when he was in that area again, and used the restroom, did he discover that you could often find men stroking at the urinal in hopes of seeing cocks and showing their own.

From that second visit onward, Gene would take time to go the that restroom for some 'cockseeing', as he called it. He said it brought back memories of his teen years and the circle jerks he'd been part of and the excitement of seeing other cocks. He discovered that he liked seeing other guys' cocks and was excited by their excitement at seeing his cock, as well. He stated that he'd jerked off with some guys in the stalls, and one or both might cum, but he'd never done with anyone else what he'd done with me the first time we met and had our hot sex in a stall of that mens room.

Gene had a nice home and it was comfortable compared to the briskness of the Fall weather outside. He said we should go down to his basement and get comfortable. I followed him to his basement den. It was a mix of a small home gym, with a treadmill and some various dumbbells and had a small bar. Behind louvered sliding doors was a small upright refrigerator, a small countersink, a coffee pot and a hot plate. He had a small TV stand with a TV on it and a VCR on a shelf below it.

He offered me a soft drink while he popped open a bottle of beer. I looked around and commented that he had a nice den. He stated that he wanted to put in a pool table so that he and his friends could play there instead of meeting at the local pool hall. He then said if I wanted to watch a video. When I said yes, he put in a tape and started the playback as we sat next to each other on the sofa.

The tape started with the opening scene of an older man, say in his 40s or 50, wearing street shorts and a tee shirt. He was talking to somebody off cam. Then the other person walked on cam and sat next to the older guy. He was about 10 to 15 years younger. They started talking and soon began kissing. As they kissed they groped each other. Soon, they started taking off their clothes. The older man had a paunchy belly with some hair on his pecs down to his belly button, There was some grey mixed in with the brown hair on his chest. The younger guy had some chest hair are well, but his was a medium brown. After taking off their shirts, they took off their shoes and socks until they were down to their undershorts. The old guy wore boxers and the younger briefs. They went back to kissing and ran their hands over each other's chests. As they kissed and groped each others pecs you could see the mounds rising in their shorts. I was excited watching this video. Most vids I'd seen were straight and the people in them were young, in their 20s or 30s. The gay vids I'd seen always had young guys in them...usually 20s or, at most, 30s. I'd never seen a video with a senior man in it. I was excited just at the thought of this senior man in this video.

I started getting excited, my cock starting rising in my shorts. Gene noticed my mound growing and started fondling my crotch. He put my hand on his crotch and I felt his thick cock inside his pants. We both started fondling and squeezing each other's crotches making our cocks harder and continue to rise in our shorts. We then, wordlessly, stood up and stripped down to our undershorts. Both of us were again wearing tidy whitey briefs.

Gene said, "Does this video excite you?" When I nodded yes, he asked what about it was the most exciting for me. I answered, "The older man is the most exciting. I haven't seen videos with older men in them before. I find it very exciting to see a mature man naked having sex with another man", I said.

He said, "I have plenty of videos with older men in them. I will be happy to show them all to you. Some, though, may be a little too 'different' for your taste. Let's watch this one and see what happens."

He had sparked my curiosity and I wanted to see more of what Gene had in his vid collection.

We sat on the sofa and groped each other's crotch as my attention was riveted to watching the old man and young guy play in the video. As I watched the video, I became more excited. I'd never seen a gay video like this one before. The old man in the vid got all my attention. As the two men kissed in the videos, their cocks tented their shorts. The younger man's cock seemed longer judging by the size of the tent in his briefs, but I couldn't wait for them to take off their shorts

First the younger guy dropped his briefs. He had a nice long, cut cock with a lot of hair in his crotch. His balls were medium sized and hung loosely in his sack. The old man started fondling the cock and balls of the young man. His cock seemed to get harder and rose up further in greater excitement. They were moaning, as they continued to kiss and the old man massaged the cock and balls of the younger one. The younger one placed his hands on the crotch of the older man and stroked it through the shorts.

The older man then got on the floor and knelt to the side of the young man. He took the young man's cock in his mouth and started swallowing it. He would sink down and swallow all of the cock and then slowly rise off it. He did this repeatedly as the young man moaned. The old man leaned against the left thigh of the young man as he worked on the young man's crotch. We had an unobstructed view of the young man's cock and balls as the older man worked on him.

The old man would hold the cock and remove his hand only when he swallowed the cock to the root. He seemed to have no trouble swallowing that long, hard cock and the look on his face was one of pure ecstasy. The old man's left hand was massaging and manipulating the young man's balls as he swooped down on that hot cock. Watching this old man fully swallow that hot, hard cock and seeing those nuts move around in the young man's sack was tremendously exciting. Not to mention the moan and groans of the young man as he was worked on, and the guttural grunts of the old man as he swallowed the cock.

The old man rose to his knees and pulled down his boxer shorts. The cam pulled out and we could see the hairy crack of the old man's ass. Then the old man spread his knees and we saw his hairy ball sack hanging down below his ass. As he sucked the young man, whose balls were bouncing as the old man stroked and sucked his cock, we saw the old man's balls swinging back and forth between his legs. Obviously, the old man was stroking his cock with his right hand as he sucked and stroked the younger man. My eyes were riveted to the scene on the tv. It was hot watching the young man's balls bounce as he was sucked and the old man's balls swing. Then the young man started grunting and groaning louder and more rapidly, We knew he was gonna cum. The cameraman moved in close and to the side, and we saw the old man stroking his own cock as he sucked and stroked the younger. Then, the old man pulled his mouth off the young cock just it time to see it shoot. The cock shot about 6 or 7 spurts of creamy cum into the old man's open mouth. As the cum entered his mouth, his own cock shot off. The old man took all the spurts into his mouth and swallowed as his cock spurted out cum. Then old man swallowed the head of the cock after the last spurt and twirled his head as he cleaned the cock of the younger man. My cock was like a rock in my pants.

Gene said, "It looks like the vid got you very excited. Do you want to see more like this?", he asked. I eagerly said yes, that I wanted to see more vids with older men in them. He got up and went to a cabinet and brought back about 4 vid tapes. I couldn't wait to see them.

Next: Chapter 3

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