
By larry rice

Published on Apr 3, 2005


It was Saturday morning just after he had been cleaning Stans and Stevens apartment and both men had made him suck their cocks and swallow every drop of cum. Gene left their apartment, heading to his when he heard a strange voice, "Stop right there you little bitch", shocked and knowing it wasn't a mans voice he turned. Gene all of a sudden was at a loss for words as the most beautiful woman he had ever seen walked up to him. "Just what the hell are you doing, thats not your apartment, what were you there" she asked. Gene tried to speak but again she interrupted him, "Tell me right now, what were you doing". Gene stuttered for the right words trying his best to explain without revealing his secret. "I,I,I was asked to do some cleaning for my friends Stan and Steven, thats all miss, really thats all". She smiled, laughed and asked Gene if he was a sissy maid or something, and took the young man by the ear and dragged him along with her towards Ralphs and Petes apartment as if he was a small child. As Ralph answered the door he looked at Gene and their new tennant Mindi. Although Ralph already knew her, he wasn't going to let Gene know. You see Ralph and Pete and Mindi were old friends, Mindi used to be a male now she was a pre-op she-male. Ralph just laughed as Mindi told the whole story of catching Gene coming out of their friends apartment. Both Gene and Mindi entered the apartment and Gene automaticly knelt down. Pete came over and all three went to the kitchen to talk for a bit. At 6' 3", 215 lbs, Mindi was a very imposing site, not to mention her cock, which everyone that knew her said had the largest one they had ever seen ( 13" long and 4" thick and the head also huge). When they finished their talk, all three came into the living room where Gene was still kneeling. Mindi walked over to Gene and lifted him by the same ear pinching him harder. "Follow me you little bitch, your mine for the day, and I have many uses of you today", she said. Gene knew he was in trouble but had no idea why. He followed the woman very closely, for one thing he didn't want to lose an ear. She unlocked her door and pushed him inside to his knees without even thinking about it. "Stay right there bitch until I say you can move" she told him as she went to her bedroom and changed into something much more suited for what she had in mind. By now Mindi's cock was already starting to harden as she walked back into the room where Gene was kneeling. She told him to close his eyes and keep them shut no matter what he felt or heard. She walked over to face Gene and slowly rubbed her cock along Gene's lips asking him if he enoyed the feeling. Immediately, Gene answered "Yes Ma'am", as she continued to rub it all along his lips and face. Just then there was a knock at the door and Mindi stepped to open it wide open, "Well hello Max, come right on in, look who I have here, its the little apartment slut" she said. Gene heard a deep laughter and knew right away that it was indeed Max. "So what ya gonna do with this fuck bitch huh Mindi" Max asked, "Fuck her brains out all day Max, wanna help me" she said. Max laughed again out loud and began to strip nude, as Mindi walked over to Gene and again rubbed her cock on his lips. Mindi now was pushing her cock just inside Gene's mouth, spreading his mouth apart extremely wide. Max mean while was busy undoing Gene's clothing. Max asked Mindi to take him into her bedroom where they would be more comfortable and so they did. They tied Gene to her big soft king size four poster bed after they had stripped him of his clothing. Max sat at the head and told Gene that he had better make his mouth useful as he pushed it past his lips. As Gene began to suck and lick Max'es thick black cock, Max leaned over and spread a huge glob of lube on and into Gene's asshole. Max started to fuck Gene's mouth and throat watching Mindi lube up and stroke her growing horse cock. By the time she was ready Gene had Max'es cock to full errection and was completely stuffed full of black cock. Mindi knelt close behind Gene and slowly pushed her cockhead into Gene. Gene had been used and opend up by large thick cocks before but nothing like this one, bringing loud yelps and screams and many tears as she tore into him. "OH MY GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" he screamed as she pushed into his used asshole. Mindi was one person who took what she wanted no matter what anyone said. Mindi was now into a long slow fucking motion as she made sure Gene felt every inch. Every time she pushed in Gene was shoved further onto Max'es cock and that also went the other way as Max fucked Gene's mouth and throat. Both horny people took their time using Gene for their pleasure, wanting it to last as long as possible. "God this little bitch it tight", Mindi said to Max and he just laughed and nodded yes. On and on and on they fucked the poor young man, not stopping or slowing down as they both neared thier orgasms. Just then Max yelled and began to cum sending huge amounts of thick cum deep down Gene's mouth, throat and into his belly. This also caused Mindi to lose her composure as she let loose with a months worth of built up cum, filling Gene's asshole and spilling out. Both Max and Mindi pulled out but niether were through with Gene as they traded places. There was no way Gene could stop them from using his body as a cum bucket as they again started fucking both his holes. It had been almost half an hour since they started in on the young man, and now it seemed as though they could go all day as they had said. Instead of just slowly taking thier time both Max and Mindi began speeding up, fucking him faster and faster. Each stroke into his body seemed to grow in intensity as they shoved harder. Gene was being stretched at both ends and he was loving it. This was his dream come true and now he was living it. Almost fifty minutes later both Mindi and Max had let loose with their second orgasms filling Gene's body again. But this time both were going soft and on their way pout they both winked and started to fill Gene's body with thier hot yellow piss washing his insides and filling his belly and asshole full.

After Max had dressed and left, Mindi untied Gene and led him to the shower where he could freshen up before she made him completely clean her apartment in the nude before she sent him home. On the way out she pinched his butt and said "Until next weekend my little fuck bitch". Gene could barely walk as he crossed the court yard to his own apartment, once inside he fell upon his bed and slept till the next morning.

Well everyone hope you enjoyed Gene's newest experience, more to "cum". If you have any ideas for a new experience for young Gene please let me know. A suggestion is always welcomed.

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