
By larry rice

Published on Mar 30, 2005


As in my last installment Gene had been standing at the door to Raph and Pete's apartment when he knocked twice and waited. As the door slowly opens he is suddenly greeted by not two men but eight men sitting around the apartment. Of course there is Ralph, Pete, and he noticed that the other six were also from the apartment complex. There was Stan and Steven who were identical twins( 6'5", 270, and a huge thick body not counting what was hanging between their legs). There was Max a overly large black man standing almost 7' tall and very thin but oh my god did he have a huge cock probably the largest of all the men. There sat Tim his next door neighbor, the smallest ( 6' 1",175)in the room but from what Gene had heard was someone who could last all night sexually. Looking around still, Gene noticed an old man named Felix who was in the best shape of his life (6'4", 230), and finally was Adam. He was the adonis type ( 6'5",245), very rugged looking and extremely into body building. Ralph stood up and greeted Gene into their fold explaining that in the next few minutes that he would become the complex (whore, slut, bitch, maid) for all the men here.

He was told to strip in front of everyone which Gene did without batting an eye, and then on his own he knelt. All the men agreed to draw straws, except for one, he was to be last and that was Max. You see if Max was allowed to go in front of anyone, Gene's hole would be stretched to far for any use as his cock measured 11"X 3 1/2" when soft. Pete left the room and brought back a waist high table that when strapped to it the person would be spread eagled and helpless. First up was Tim and Felix, they flipped a coin to see who got which, Tim smiled when he got Genes ass. Ralph stood and brought over a large jar of lube and began to apply it to Gene's hole and help loosen him for what was in store. Tim and Felix were both already hard as they stepped up to the young man. Felix stood there and slowly pushed his hard 8" cock into Genes mouth and pushed till it hit the back of his throat. Then slowly began to fuck his mouth with long slow strokes. As this was happening Tim came up behind Gene and shoved his 7" hard cock deep into gene sending out tears and crying from the young man. There had been music playing so that no other sounds were heard from the apartment. Even if Gene could do something, he was utterly helpless, strapped to the table and his mouth propped open. Both men didn't waste much time as they both sped up fucking the poor boys holes. On and on they pounded into Gene as time passed by, and they both found themselves ready to empty their balls into their new fuck bitch. Gene could feel their cocks surge and thicken as they let loose with huge amounts of hot thick creamy cum filling his mouth and ass.Felix pulled out first and whiped his cock clean on Gene's face while Tim did the same on the outside of Gene's asshole.

As both men stepped away the next pair approached Gene, he looked to see it was Adam and Stan. Both men were slowly stroking their cocks keeping them extremely hard. Stan being a gentleman gave Adam the choice and Adam chose to fuck Gene's mouth. He stood there waiting for Stan to take gene from behind and seeing that 10"X 2" cock disappear into Gene inch by inch. As Stan started to fuck Gene, Adam took his place and pushed his own sizable 8"X 3 1/2" cock into Gene almost choking him.Stan was now pounding the young man hard, shaking the tableand pushing harder and faster each stroke. Adam meanwhile took his time because he enjoyed making it last. Over and over the two men fucked Gene without mercy, using his mouth and asshole. At sometime Gene almost fainted but Ralph was watching to make sure he was cohearent for everything that happened. Ralph wanted his new sex slave toy to fully understand his new life and what would be required of him. Stan grunted and shouted loudly as he sent thick globs of hot thick creamy cum deep into the young mans asshole lubing him for the next ones in line. Now it was Adams turn but he lasted a bit longer, everyone there could see Adams muscled body tighten as he let forth all the saved up cum he had flooding Gene's mouth and throat.

Pete had alredy fucked Gene in the ass so he wanted to use the boys mouth, which allowed Steven to use his asshole. Steven like Stan had the same size cock as his brother, and easily pushed his cock completely into Gene. Since he had already taken two full loads into his ass, he was well lubed for a good fucking. Pete now had his own cock pointed at Genes mouth which he knew would stretch Gene's lips wider than before. Gene could see the emense cockhead coming at him, thinking that he would surely choke to death from the thickness. Pete pushed at his lips, stretching them, forcing his way inside. Pushing harder he sent his cock hard against the back of Gene's throat completely shutting off his air supply. Ralph sat there and noticed gene turning red so he went to the boy and told him to relax and open his throat. It took some doing but Gene finally got it right as Pete and Steven both got into a rythem fucking in and out. One would push in while the other pulled back, on and on they tore into the young boy whore. Both men must have had perfect timing as they let out that they were cumming and filled Gene again and again before pulling out.

Gene had no way to stop the cum from dripping out of his fully stretched asshole and also he was coughing up cum that had caught in his throat. But now came the ultimate test, how could he take this huge black mans cock. It looked like it belonged to a stud prize bull, surely not on a man. Yes Max was ready for this young man, to make him know what it is like to really be fucked by a huge cock. Max stepped up to Gene's face and rubbed his cock all over his lips and then pushing inward. The first few inches went easy, then the shaft began to thicken and thicken. Gene began to gag and cough and choke as more and more cockmeat was pushed deeper into his throat. Max was laughing telling everyone that before he was done this little slutty bitch would take all 15" of his man cock. Grabbing Gene's head he forced two more inches inside, followed by three more. Max had now stopped his laughing as he stood there and shoved violently into Gene's throat sending every inch into him. With long drawn out strokes Max began to fuck the helpless boys mouth and throat stretching him wider and wider. Max, who didn't care if the boy could accept his size or not was going to make sure that he could do so in the future. But Max was not one to easily lose himself in just one hole, pulling out gave Gene the beast feeling he had had in over three hours. He looked around trying to find Max and then he felt him, Gene thought "oh my god he's going to fuck me", NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Gene cried out. Max would have nothing of it shoving almost half of his monster cock deep into Gene stretching his ass even larger. Now crying out loudly like a baby Gene felt the rest of Max's cock as it pounded into him, burying itself all the way. From that moment onward Gene had no record of what had happened as he passed out from the worst pain he had ever endured. Later when he had awoken in the shower Gene was told that he had been fucked by Max for almost an hour. He looked around the bathroom to see all eight men standing there with thier cocks in hand. Gene was kneeling on the shower floor, but oddly enough the water wasn't turned on. He looked up at the smiling Ralph as floods of hot yellow piss started to flow over him washing his body. He could do nothing as he was to weak to move so he accepted his fate and let the piss comletely cover him. Soon afterwards he was allowed to shower and dress, before being given his daily duties as the new apartment complex whore.

Within days after his night of slavery as a slut and whore Gene also found out he didn't have a job any longer. He had told Ralph that he was going to have to find a job somewhere, but Ralph said there was no need as he had a steady job there at the complex. Everyones whore!!!!!!!!!!

Well hope everyone enjoys this, will try my best to continue Gene's new life.

Next: Chapter 3: Surprise for Gene

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