
By larry rice

Published on Mar 27, 2005


For sometime now Gene had known he was gay but was extremely scared to admit it to anyone. Especially being raised in a small Texas town, where everyone knew everyone. He had decided to move to the big city as they say and live his own life to the fullest and to hell with everyone else. Being that he was just an average size young man of 21, 5' 9", 165 lbs and lite redish blonde hair, and still had that boyish look to himself. He decided to try out a few bars and lounges close to his new apartment. That Friday evening was to say the least a complete failure and Gene was so upset at himself, he went home and cried. The next day laying around the pool at his apartment Gene noticed two men moving things out of a down stairs apartment. Now why couldn't he have someone like one of those guys around all the time as a roommate or lover. Little did he know at that time was that both men were only getting rid of all their old furniture and bringing in new things.

It was two days later when Gene was coming home from his job when he met Ralph, a tall well built, good looking man who also was one of the guys that he had watched. From what Gene could tell was also very well hung and very musclar. Gene introduced himself to Ralph and they chatted for a few moments before saying their goodbyes. As Gene got to his apartment he was as horny as he had ever been in his life, so he went to his closet and got his dildo out and greesed it and his hole up and began to ease it in. All he could think of was, it was Ralph fucking him. Gene couldn't and didn't last very long especially as hot and turned as he was. Within minutes he moaned loudly and his body shook violently and trembled as he shot spurts of thick creamy cum all over his belly. Then without thinking anything of it he scooped up his cum in his fingers and sucked them clean. That evening he decided to go for a swim and there they were, Ralph and his roommate, who introduced himself as Pete. As Gene began to get a better look at Pete he noticed that Pete was shorter but stockier than Ralph and had a bulge that would make a horse jealous in thicknes. Both roommmates were in the pool wrestling and playing around and asked Gene to join them which he did. As their playfullness got more and more physical Gene could feel each time when the men would grab him and hold on. At one time he was being bent over with Ralph behind him and Pete in front dunking him. Gene could feel Ralphs cock grow each time it touched his ass. Both Ralph and Pete knew exactly what they were doing to the young man, and also what they were going to do. Slowly Ralph began to rub his cock against Gene's ass holding him there tightly. Meanwhile Pete had a hold of Gene's head and brought his body up out of the water just enough to rub his bulge against Gene's face. Gene was definitely afraid of getting caught and from his fear the two men told him they were going to their apartment.

Once inside they told Gene to strip so they could see exactly what they were getting. Bowing his head Gene stripped and stood there as both Ralph and Pete stripped off thier suits. Ralph sat down on the sofa and Gene was told to kneel in front of him, then lick his cock and balls slowly. He obeyed the older man and leaned forward and licked the large thick cockhead slowly running his tongue all over the crowned head. Licking under the shaft Gene trailed his tongue downward licking all the way to Ralphs huge heavy cum filled balls. He knew he was in heaven as he licked and sucked and wrapped his mouth around both balls. Pete stood there watching the young man devour Ralphs balls like he starving then only to release them and licking lower. By now Ralph had scooted to the edge of the sofa to give Gene more room, and Gene took full advantage of his movement. Licking lower till his tongue trailed downward across the older mans asshole, licking all around the tight opening trying to push his tongue inward. Gene's ass was high in the air and Pete was just waiting for Ralph to give the go ahead, which he received. Pete didn't waste a moment as he knelt down and licked the young mans tight opening knowing full well what he was going to do. Pete was just the type who didn't care if your hole was loose or not, when he wanted to fuck that exactly what he got. Stroking his already hard 7 1/2" long cock that was the same thickness as a beer can he positioned himself behind young Gene and pushing the head of his enormous cockhead to Gene's hole. With both hands on his hips he pushed violently as he pulled Gene backwards to him sinking his cock deep into Gene. What both men heard was the loudest shriek that should have woken the whole city as Pete's cock tore into Gene's hole. Ralph by now had grabbed Gene's head and brought him to his cock so that he could shove his own longer 9" cock down Gene's mouth and throat. Both men laughed and nodded as they began to fuck the helpless young man at both ends, explaing that from now on he was their fuck bitch and he had nothing to say about it. For what seemed like and hour Pete and Ralph assaulted Gene's body with their huge cocks sending the younger man into a frenzy of wanton lust. He just couldn't get enough of their cocks as he drove himself on every push and shove to get more inside him. Pete was the first to feel his orgasm build to where he couldn't stop as he flooded Gene's ass. The young man couldn't hold his as he shot gobs of hot thick creamy cum all over the floor. Now it was Ralphs turn , but he wasn't near done with this boy yet, he was definitely going to make him his bitch forever. Ralph had been known for his ability to last for long periods of time fucking and fucking some helpless boy's asspussy. As Pete sat on a chair and watched, Ralph fucked the young boy till he was like a limp dishrag. Then without warning he gave a loud grunt and pushed as hard as he could sending his cock completely into Gene and letting loose with huge spasms of his hot cum, filling the boy's asshole till it was dripping out.

When all three were completely drained of energy, Gene got up and dressed and went to his apartment where he cleaned up and fell asleep. By the time he had awoken he found out he had missed a whole days work. He was famished so as he fixed his dinner he heard a knock at his door to which he found Ralph standing there. Ralph had come over to deliver a message to let Gene know that he would be required to arrive at their place in one hour. There was going to be a party to cellebrate Gene's new life as a submissive cum loving bitch, then Ralph turned and went back home. Gene knew he was still extremely sore, he could barely walk straight. Within the hour Gene was standing at their apartment door knocking, his orders were very plain. Knock twice and when someone answered he was to yell out that he was a cum loving whore and that he would do as told if he was allowed to enter. After doing as required the door opened and Gene entered into another life that would fulfill his wildest dreams.

Hope everyone that reads this enjoys it enough to let me know if there should be a second installment on Gene's new lifestyle.

If you enjoyed this short story please let me know at ( )

Next: Chapter 2: Gene Is Owned

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