
Published on May 26, 2023


Thanks to all that wrote me about chapter one. I decided to change from HTML format to this one to make things easier on David at Nifty. Sorry for all the trouble last time David.

I would love to hear what you think of the story. Please write me at:

Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction and is not meant to imply anything of anyone mentioned in this story. So please read and enjoy it with that in mind.



*************** Gene: Chapter Two

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"You better sit down."

"Why, what's wrong Mark?"

"KC, I don't know how to say this."

"Say what?"

"We can't be."

"What do you mean, Mark, tell me."

"It's over."


"I'm sorry KC, I just can't."

"I don't understand."

"I can't love you Kelvin, I just can't. My life is with Laura. I asked her to marry me and she accepted. I have the chance to lead a normal life. I've always loved you. Goodbye Kelvin."


The door closed and the image faded and I opened my eyes "I love you Mark." My raspy voice croaked out. A tear rolled down the side of my face, as it does every time I wake up from that dream, the nightmare, my reality.

A slight movement on the bed and a deep breath broke my trance. The afternoon light streamed into the room as I looked beside me. I looked and saw this beautiful face, so angel like. My finger went up and with the back of it, I caressed the smooth skin of his cheek. I laid my head back onto the pillow and just looked at him. He shifted in his sleep and turned onto his side, facing me. His rhythmic breathing put me at ease, erased my pain, drowned my sorrow. My thoughts shifted back and forth between Mark and Gene. Mark who I loved, but could never have and Gene. Gene, who I didn't know, but knew I could love.

I laid there staring at Gene for almost a half an hour. A million things ran through my mind. Who is he? Where is he from? What does he do? What makes him tick? Who has he loved? How does he feel about me? Do I make him feel the way he makes me feel? Could he love me? Could I love him?

All these things ran over and over in my mind as I stared at this guy who just entered my life a few hours ago, yet had captured my heart. With a deep breath, he slowly opened his eyes. He fought the brightness of the room as his vision cleared and a smile came over his face.

"Good morning KC."

"Good afternoon Gene."

His eyes flew open as he sat up in bed.

"What time is it?"

"Just after one pm."

"Shit" he yelled as he jumped out of bed looking around for his clothes.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched him trying to put his boxers on way too fast. He fell backwards onto the bed, across my legs.

"In a hurry."

"Sorry KC, I'm so late right now. The guys are going to kill me."

He threw on his t-shirt and then turned to me.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"What time?"

"Late, probably about 11 pm. I'll be free. Can we get together?"

"Sure Gene. I was just going to do some gambling, but I will be free by then."

"Cool" he said as he leaned over and kissed me.

"Ummm Gene?"


"Would you like some sweat pants or something to wear, after all, it's daytime and there are probably people walking around."

"Shit, can I." He said looking down at what he was wearing.

"Sure, I said as I got out of bed and walked over to my suitcase.

As I was digging around, his two arms wrapped around my waist. One rubbing my chest and the other exploring the base of my cock. His thumb was running through my pubs as his fingers were caressing my balls. As my cock sprung to life, I leaned back against him. He started to kiss my neck as my hands went behind and grabbed his ass.

"Mmmmmmm." I moaned as he started to pinch my nipple.

"Thanks for this morning KC, I can't wait until tonight."

He kissed my neck once more.


As he said that, he turned me around and grabbed the sides of my face and pulled me into a kiss. Our tongues were working hard against each other until he broke the kiss. He started kissing down my body, taking time to stop at each of my nipples to give them a little bite. He kneeled down on the floor, grabbed my cock and started to lick it up and down. He took my cock into his mouth and started to work up and down on it. His tongue swirled around the head and then he went down on it again. His pace quickened as the pleasure he was giving me made my legs weak. I leaned back against the wall. My hands were running through his hair and he continued to work my cock. His hand went around to my ass and he started to rub on the outside of my hole. I arced my back as his finger entered me. My hands pulled his head forward as I shot my load into his throat. He continued to suck on my cock until every bit of my load was milked out of my cock.

He let my cock slowly out of his mouth and stood up wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His kissed me and then turned around to walk out the door.

"Sorry, but I gotta go. Thanks for lunch." He said smiling at me as he walked out he door. "I'll call ya tonight.

As my breathing returned to normal, my body slid down the wall. My high was now gone. I was alone again.

"God, what am I doing."

I stood up and heading for the shower.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"Ya know, one of these day's you are going to have your own kids and you can finally get off my back."

"Well if you would grow up, I wouldn't have to treat you like a kid."

"I don't remember ever asking you to watch out for me, I can look out for myself. I'm an adult now, incase you haven't noticed."

"Look Nick, I'm only"

"Give it a rest Kevin, I don't want to hear it."

"Come on you two, stop already. Nick, grab some food and eat. You have about 10 minutes to eat and get ready before we leave."

"Thank Bri."

Nick walked over and grabbed some food off the cart, sat down and started to eat.

"So Nicky, where you been?" AJ said not looking at him.

"Yeah Nick, we been looking all over for you." Howie added.

"I don't need this shit." Nick said getting up and heading to the door. "I'm going to grab a shower and get ready. I'll see you guy in ten.

Nick headed out the door and went to his room.

The room was silent for a minute and then Brian spoke.

"Why must you guys always do that. One of these days, you're going to push him to far and he's going to snap."

"Come on Cuz, you've protected him since we've been a group. It's time for him to grow up and act his age. That means not sneaking out at night without telling anyone where he is going."

"We asked Randy and he said that he didn't see Nick leave his room. He said he left his spot 3 times last night. Once to get some coffee about 3 am and then he went to the bathroom twice. Once at midnight and again at about 6 am." Howie said trying not to look at Brian.

AJ got up from where he was sitting and walked over to Nick's plate. Grabbing a french fry, he turned toward the others.

"I don't know about you, but when Nicky walked by me, well all I got to say is, I smell sex and candy." AJ said singing out the last part. "Minus the candy."

"What the fuck are you talking about AJ?"

"Come on Brian, couldn't you smell it when he walked by you. The boy got some action somewhere."

"Shut up AJ."

"Seriously Brian, I could smell it too."

"Come on Kev, Nick isn't that stupid."

"Well, we are in Las Vegas."

"Come on D', don't you start too. Nick would not sneak out and find some girl on the street and have sex with her."

"Girl...who said anything about a girl."

"What are you talking about now AJ."

"Come on Brian, are you that blind. Little Nicky is into guy."

"Oh give me a break, where did you get that from."

"I got to agree with AJ. Rok, don't you see how he acts when he is around guys. He can't keep his eyes off them. His whole demeanor changes. He gets this look on his face that most guys his age get when they are around pretty women."

"I can't believe you two. Come on Kevin, what do you think. He's not gay, is he."

"I don't know Cuz, but it's just strange that he came in here wearing sweats that were just a little small on him and also, he doesn't own a pair of sweats like that."

"Oh my god, I need to get away from you all. I'll see you in few."

Brain walked out the door and down to his room. His mind was full of thought. The one that was stuck in his mind was an image of Nick with another man. Brain had to leave the others cause with this one thought in his mind, he dick had sprung to life. He went into the bathroom and walked up to the sink. He pulled down his pants and grabbed his cock. With his other hand he pulled off his shirt and he stood there looking at himself in the mirror. He started to stroke his hard cock while pinching his right nipple.

"Oh yeah. Fuck me Nick. Oh Nick. Harder Nick."

He watched himself in the mirror as the mental image of Nick standing behind him and shoving his cock up his ass sent Brian over the edge. He shot his load all over the mirror and sink.

"Fuck yeah Nick. I love you Nick."

His heart fell as he release his spent cock and grabbed a towel. As he cleaned himself and the bathroom up, his thought were only of Nick and how much he love him.

Ten minutes later, the guys were in the limo and headed to the arena for sound checks and rehearsals.

I spent the day doing some gambling, some site seeing and even got a quick nap after dinner. At 11 pm I was in my room waiting for Gene's call. At 11:15 I was getting worried and starting to feel a little rejected. I got up and walked out to the elevator. I headed down one floor and got out on his floor. I was immediately greeted my this monster of a man.

"Sorry sir, this floor is closed to the public. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just looking for a friend."

"What's your friend's name."


"Sorry sir, there's no Gene on this floor."

"Ok, sorry." I said and I got back onto the elevator and went back to my room.

I entered my room and sat down.

"What the fuck was that?" I said to myself.

As I was pondering that thought, the phone started to ring.


"KC, I'm sorry I'm late. I'll be over in five minutes."

"Ok, I'll see you then."


"Bye Gene."

As I hung up the phone, my heart lifted at the thought of Gene still wanting to see me. But "Who is he?" kept entering my mind.

After a few minutes there was a knock at my door. I opened it and there was Gene. He was standing there smiling back at me.

"Can I come in?"

"Oh, sorry. Come on in."

I moved out of his way and he walked in. As he walked by me, the smell of soap hit my nose.

"I'm sorry I'm late KC, but we got hung up at a meeting and I couldn't get away."

"It's not a problem Gene, but can I ask you one question?"


"Who the hell are you?"

"What do you mean."

"Well, about 15 minutes ago, I went down to your floor and was greeted my this Grape Ape looking guy who said the floor was closed to the public and that no one named Gene was on that floor. What gives."

"Shit." He said and he sat down on my bed. "Look KC, I didn't mean to lie to you, but in my business I've got to play it safe."

"What is your business Gene."

"You seriously don't know who I am."

"No, should I?"

"Well, what kind of music do you listen too?"

"Mostly alternative rock, but only cause my ex listened to it. I really don't listen to that much music."

"You're kidding me right."

"No, why?"

"Have you ever heard of a group call the Backstreet Boys?"

"No...yes...I don't know, should I have?"

"Well, I hope so, we've sold about 11 million albums this year."

"Wait, you are a member of this group?"

"Yeah, my real name is Nick Carter, Nickolas Gene Carter."

"And you have to go around pretending to be someone else because."

"Well, because our fan base is mostly young girls, so"

"So you can't have the image of being a homosexual."

He nodded.

"Ok, I get it now. So what should I call you."

"What ever you want to call me."

"Well since 11 million people know you as Nick, I'll keep calling you Gene."

"Thank you KC." He said walking up to me and kissing me. His hands started to explore my back.

I broke the kiss.

"Gene, how about we spend some time to get to know each other. This morning was great and all, but I would really like to get to know you before we continue this any farther."

He walked away from me.

"Gene, is there something wrong?"

"No, it's just weird and all. The only people that want to get close to me are only after one thing and it's not talking. No one ever wanted to talk to me before."

"Well, I would like the chance to get to know you. Those people probably missed out on finding out about a really interesting guy."

"Thanks KC, and I would like the opportunity to get to know you too."

I smiled at him and held out my hand. He walked back to me and took my hand. I led him out onto the balcony and we separated. I leaned against one end of the balcony and he did the same on the other side.

"So, I know your full name now. Who is this Nick Carter?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Well, first off, how old are you?"

"I just turned 20 in January."

"20 and playin' in Vegas. Not a whole lot of fun is it?"

"Well, it was pretty fun this morning."

"Ahhhh you little devil."

He flashed me a smile that matched the comment I made.

"How old are you KC?"

"I turned 22 in November. You said that your group sold 11 million albums, how does that feel being 20 and to know that many people listen to you?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. It is such a feeling, but you really don't know what it is like to not be able to go anywhere or do anything without being recognized."

"Well, now I feel really lame for not knowing who you are. I'll have to go out and be the 11,000,001 buyer."

"It's ok KC, you don't have to. But if you really want to hear it, I will get you a copy, autographed even."

I sat there looking at him. He had such an air of confidence about him. Like he knew who he was and what he wanted. He was two years younger than me, but he just seemed older than me.

"Do the other guys in your group know that you are gay?"

He shook his head and the air of confidence disappeared. He was looking down at his hands and his smile faded.

"I'm sorry, is that something you rather not talk about?"

"No KC, it's alright. It's just that I've been with the group since I was really young. I grew up with these guys. I just wouldn't be able to handle it if I lost them because of the way that I am."

"You think they would abandon you because you're gay. Are they really that shallow?"

"I don't know.

I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and brought his lips to mine. As we kissed, I could feel how tight his muscles were. I broke the kiss and the hug.

"Come with me." I said as I grabbed his arms and led him back into the room.

Next: Chapter 3

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