Gems and Pebbles

Published on Jan 28, 2022


Gems and Pebbles Chapter 1

Gems and Pebbles

By TheNerdySwitch

Sebastian woke up to Martin gently tapping the bars of his cage. Martin was a steward boy and it was his job to get the house slaves up and moving before Master awoke.

“Hey Seb, time to get up.” Martin said softly as he unlocked the cage.

On the opposite end of the cramped space Trevor groaned annoyedly; his duties wouldn’t begin until the sun was up and he wanted to catch another hour of sleep. The other three boys in the dorm shifted in their cages. Seb was the first to get up today but soon they’d be up and about their duties. Seb crawled out and stretched out his cramped muscles; even after so many years sleeping in Masters cages, they left him stiff. He tried his best to scratch under his collar, wrapped his loinclotharound his waist, covering his cage and up between his ass cheeks, and walked with Martin.

“You’re starting off doing breakfast today.” Martin said. Sebastian groaned. The only good thing about breakfast duty was that he got to serve close to Master, but it also meant at least an hour of kneeling and holding food he wasn't allowed to eat and that Master might not even touch.

“Watch the attitude, Seb.” Martin said firmly.

“Sorry, Marty.” Seb said. He understood it was Martin’s job: keep the house boys moving and obedient.

Seb was kind of glad he wasn’t a steward. If their boys fucked up, they fucked up too. Sure Martin got a cot, and an extra bit of meat on Lordsday, and he even got to speak to Master once a week with the other four stewards to report on affairs (they were prostrated the whole time and only got to kiss His feet at the beginning and the end, but STILL).

But Sebastian remembered the steward John getting whipped when one of his dorm knocked over a vase from Azarr that apparently was worth more than all the houseboys combined. The boy had gotten 10 lashes from Amir, John got 20. Master was merciful though, many other Masters would have sold off John’s whole group as warning to the rest and sent John to be a carriage puller or a galley boy. Yeah, a cot wasn’t worth that risk.

Martin was a nice steward though. He called the boys by their names, joked with them, and brought them treats from the kitchen every now and then. He was pretty handsome too, sandy blond hair, a splash of freckles, and Seb found the slight gap between his two front teeth kind of cute.  Martin had a nose ring (for ceremonial purposes) and wore a tight open leather vest along with his loincloth, but beyond that there wasn’t much to distinguish him from the other house boys; tight loincloth, steel collar, the chastity cage mandated by the Temple of Chirenon.

“You know which of His gems is with Him today?” asked Sebastian. The Master’s harem was called “the gems” by the house boys. The gems were some of the most beautiful boys in the city, maybe the Empire,  and their sole reason to be was to bring Master pleasure; not just sexually, but they sang, danced, were versed in poetry and all manner of things Sebastian didn’t know the first thing about. Shit, Sebastian couldn’t even write.

“James, I think” said Martin, but his tone was unsure. Sebastian bit back another groan. Some of the gems were really nice and kind, even playful with the other slaves of the manor. James wasn’t one of those bois; very pretty but loved lording over “the pebbles” as the harem referred to the others.

Martin gave him a sideways glance.

“Yeah I know, just get through breakfast, don’t rise to any of his jabs. Hey,” they stopped outside the doors to the kitchens “you know what helps me?” Sebastian shook his head no; Martin took his hand “Breathe deep in through your nose and focus on Masters scent. He smells good on his own but the oils he uses are actually meant to help calm the mind. I should know, I have to go to market to buy them. Remember, He, not James, owns you.” Martin gave Sebs' hand a squeeze and ass a slap as he walked in through the doors.


Seb was holding strawberries in a bowl as large as his head. He was kneeling beside Master’s large chair on the cold marble of Master’s balcony. Seb’s arms were outstretched over his bowed head as if he were begging his Master to take one of the plump fruits. He had been there before Master and his gem had been, along with two other boys who held more substantial fare than strawberries. Sebs arms ached, but that was part of breakfast duty. All he could do was breathe through it.

All Sebastian had seen of Master and His gem when they arrived were their bare feet. Master was served and took a few berries on to His plate, but was looking over papers ignoring the boys around Him. On the other side of His chair James was lounging on a plump red pillow; chocolate colored hair somehow perfectly in place even after servicing Master all last night. Seb tried to keep his eyes on the ground, trying to find patterns in the marble, trying not to look at the boy who made his cage grow tight and his teeth grind in humiliation, but boredom and lust slowly got the better of him.

Unlike the house boys, the “pebbles”, James had some clothes on. Certainly not modest; but clothes. On his pale skin he wore deep green silk pants that did little to conceal his long smooth legs within, he had golden bracelets on his ankles and wrists along with other ornaments on his arms. The morning sun glinted off the emerald dangling from his navel, on his two bright red nipples were two gold rings and around his neck was a golden version of the collar Sebastian wore. Sebastian knew James was locked though, same as him, in a cage from the Temple.

Master took a berry and absentmindedly lowered it to James’ lips. The harem boy opened his mouth slightly and let Master push it in slowly until Jame’s lips were tight around Master’s thumb. Master returned to His reports while His little emerald gleefully chewed on the treat, not noticing the look James was shooting to the other boy across from the chair; a look delighting in the other bois position, and the confidence of the spoiled in their position. Seb tried to ignore the little “mmm”s James was giving at the berry; but he couldn’t help it, keeping his head bowed he moved his eyes to look at James.

For a while he saw the gem chewing slowly, his eyes shut in delight, but then James slowly opened his eyes. James’ green eyes met Seb’s blue, and he smiled impishly. He lifted his hand to play with his nipple ring and gave Seb a wink that made Seb’s face turn as red as his hair.

James nudged himself forward, closer to Master, closer to Seb. He laid his head down on Master’s lap, who absent-mindedly petted him. James was enjoying tormenting Sebastian who was transfixed by this beautiful brat, but it seemed James had had his fun.

“Master, Sebastian is staring at me.” James said in a whiney voice.

Master didn’t look up from his paper but said “Eyes down, Sebastian.”

Catching the look of suppressed laughter on James’ face Sebastian felt tears start to burn in his eyes. He lowered them and his head, the strain in his arms was worse but now at least he wouldn’t be tempted to look at James.

“He’s so rude, Master. He always stares at me when he sees me.”

Sebastian shut his eyes tighter, he wasn’t going to cry. Even though Jame’s had tricked him into being reproached by Master, and Martin might be told and he might get punished, and James got to service Master, and sing and dance and relax eat out of Master’s hand everyday…

Sebastian was determined, he was not going to cry.

“He such a little per-”

There was a sharp smack and James’ voice cut off with a small gasp.

“Enough boi.” growled Master “You are meant to be looked at, that is your purpose. Is that understood?”

Sebastian didn’t hear a response, James was probably nodding his head.

“I said ‘Is. That. Understood’?” said Master with a hint of annoyance growing in His usually calm tone.

“Yes, Master.” said James, and Seb could hear that it was James who was holding back tears now. ...From a smack? Sebastian had gotten twenty five swings of the paddle for falling in Master’s coy pond, and only started crying after the tenth. Here was little gem James sniveling at a somewhat firm reminder to keep his mouth shut. The divine justice, meted out by Master, had Sebatian holding back snickers now.

Master leaned back in His chair. The two other house boys (silently watching all this transpire, and safe when they rolled their eyes at Jame’s usual behavior with Sebastian) came and cleared the dishes. Master told them to return to their stewards to learn what they were expected to do for the day, the boys stepped backward three paces then fell to their knees and bowed down and left the balcony. Sebastian started to get up.

“Not you, slave.”

Sebastian paused, then returned to kneeling and offering up strawberries to his Master.

“James, down on my cock” Master said.

Sebastian heard James shift off of his pillow and in front of the chair. There was a light jingling, Sebastian realized he must be wearing bells around his ankles.

“Suck.” Master purred, and Sebastian heard the soft, moist sounds of James servicing their Master. Sebastian felt his cage tighten again

“Kneel up, Sebastian” Seb heard his Master say, and he was pulled from the exquisite music of James’ worship only to have another one of his senses take up the role of tormenter. Seb straightened his back and couldn’t help but see Jame’s with a slightly red right cheek expertly swallowing their Master’s member; James’ green eyes were determinedly looking away from Sebastian, across the fields to where the sun glittered over the city. Sebastian didn’t realize as he had gotten up he had lowered the bowl to his lap. Master snapped His fingers and pulled him back to reality, he bowed his head and held them up in offering.

“You may watch your brother slave, Sebastian.” and to Sebastian’s utter delight Master lifted his chin with His dark brown hand. For a moment Sebastian noticed Master wore no shirt today, caught a glimpse of tattoos that marked Him as a mighty Lord, the golden arm band that marked Him as one of the Emperor’s chief men. But Seb remembered what Master had said and turned his eyes to James. Master’s hand was still on his chin.

“James here is a pretty little slave,” Master emphasized the last word “But sometimes I worry he’s only as smart as the cum I pump into him. Isn’t that right James?” James paused, and nodded his head ‘yes’.

“Ah ah ah. We’ve discussed this James. I can’t hear the marbles in your head rolling around in your empty head.” Master had a tone in His voice that Sebastian couldn’t identify.

“Ysgh, Mshtr” gargled James

“I think Sebastian here knows how to answer Me. Do you like watching your brother slave serve his purpose, Sebastian?” Sebastian almost nodded his head at the surprise of being addressed by Master, but stammered “Y-yes Master!”

“Good! This will be very instructional for James, since he clearly seems to think that pointlessly tattling on his brothers every week is an appropriate use of My time.” At this Master took a handful of James’ perfectly styled dark brown hair and pulled him down to the root of His cock and held him there. There was sputtering as James was caught by surprise but which quickly turned to focused breathing as he serviced Master with his throat.

“Feed Me a strawberry Sebastian” said Master without taking His eyes off James.

“Yes, Master.” murmerd Seb, almost lost in the scene in front of him. He picked out a strawberry and scooted closer to put it to Masters lips. Sebastian saw that Master had large soft lips, and a short beard of thick hair. Unlike James, Master bit immediately into the fruit, a line of juice trickled down into his beard.

Sebastian then noticed that Masters' thumb had drifted from his chin to his lips, softly caressing them. Master wasn’t looking at him, still focused on James’ lesson in humility. Sebastian felt soft but firm pressure on his lips from the thumb, and he prayed to the Lord of the Lock that this was what Master wanted. He opened his mouth and Master slipped His thumb inside. Sebastian wasn’t entirely sure what to do, in all his duties sexual service had never been expected, Master was generous enough to let His guests choose from his gems when they visited, Seb knew in other places that house boys learned in rougher ways the Paths of Service. He decided to gently suck on the thumb. Master didn’t remove it. Seb began to caress it with his tongue and closed his eyes. Fuck, not even Martin had done this, he bet. He opened his eyes and saw James. James was red in the face, slobber leaking out of his mouth, in his temple a vein was slightly sticking out, tears, whether from gagging or the humiliation of doing this in front of Seb were streaming down his cheeks. For a moment Sebastian felt a wave of pity for James’ humiliation, but that was quickly overcome by the fact that this little bastard treated him and the other pebbles like shit, that he got to serve Master personally, that even at the end of this, he would have a belly full of Master’s rich seed. Sebastian winked and gave a slightly stronger suck on Master’s thumb

As if that little gesture of karmic justice was a trigger, Master gave a deep groan and James’ eyes were torn away from Sebastian’s and down into Masters man-hair. Sebastian thought he could hear under Master’s deep groans of pleasure soft whimpers and frantic swallowing from James, still buried in the strong smelling fur.

Master let James’ hair go, and Sebastian half expected him to rise quickly, like a man held underwater for a long time. But instead James quietly knelt, Master’s cock still in his mouth, his eyes shut, his face no longer red, he was breathing deeply.

“Have you ever had a strawberry Sebastian?” asked Master, the question surprised Seb and he couldn’t help but hear the satisfied and amused tone in Master’s voice. Master pulled his thumb out of Sebastian’s mouth and wiped it across his face.

“Y-yes Master. You once had some sent to our dormitory for getting the East Wing cleaned in record time.”

Master considered this.

“I don’t think you’ve had strawberries like this before. James,” James pulled himself off of Master’s cock, a line of saliva trailing from his lip to the tip of Master’s member…”Like a leash.” though Seb,  “show Sebastian here how My gems give each other treats.”

James’ face flushed again and he crawled toward Sebastian. Still on all fours he used a hand to lower Sebastian’s arm so he could reach the bowl,Seb noticed how soft James’ hands were. Then James put his face in the bowl and fished out a berry and held it in his mouth. James looked at Sebastian, Sebastian looked back. James was still very pretty, dressed up, while Seb only had on his small tight loincloth, but Jame’s face was a slobbery mess, a stray man-hair clung to his cheek; his brown hair no longer styled.

“Go on James,” purred Master. James took a deep breath, closed his eyes and leaned forward like he was going to kiss Seb. Seb understood now, he leaned forward and took the berry in his mouth. Seb thought that James would pull away then, not wanting to sully his lips with pebble filth. But James kept going until their lips met; he lingered for a moment and opened his eye and once again, looked Seb in the eye. There was no more haughtiness, no more entitled airs. They were both slaves, created to serve their Master, just in different ways. Like actual gems and pebbles it was the Men who decided what they were worth.

The strawberry was good, sweet as a cool summer morning, and mixed with it were the slightest hints of the residue of James’ lesson. “Is this what Master’s Gift tastes like?” thought Seb. Seb chewed it slowly. James was looking at the bowl.

“Sebastian, you are dismissed. Go find your steward and get your chores for the day.” Master had already returned to His papers. Sebastian got up, stepped back a few paces, and then bowed down to his Master, his Owner, his God. Then he stood up and walked out of the balcony. James was still looking down at the bowl as he turned to leave.

“What am I going to do with you?” Seb heard the voice of Master say as he closed the door behind him.


Martin was helping Trevor groom Master’s horse, Xerxes, a stallion almost as gorgeous as one of Master’s gems. Martin was brushing out his hair while Trevor was briskly brushing him down.

“How was breakfast?” asked Martin, not looking away from his task.

The horse nuzzled Seb he approached, snuffling at his hands for a treat.

“Yeah, did you get us all a session with Amir tonight?’ quipped Trevor, equally focused on his work.

“Um…” Seb wasn’t sure how to answer that question.

“Oh lose my key, you didn’t fucking get us in trouble did you?” said Trevor at this hesitation. Martin was looking at Seb, an eyebrow raised.

“No, no.” said Seb “We’re all fine. Breakfast was fine.”

Martin smiled “James didn’t give you any trouble?”

Sebastian pet the nose of Xerxes, trying to look innocent

“Enh, no more than usual I guess.” He tried to sound nonchalant

“That trick I told you about worked didn’t it?’ Martin was smiling now, proud that his advice had helped one of his charges serve Master better

“Yeah,” Seb smiled back at Martin. “Something like that.”

Next: Chapter 2

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